Zero Point Theory - the universal constant Gravity

By greater intelligence I meant knowing how aand when to use the instruments, it had nothing to do with mind power. Anybody can learn how to use them. But it involved a knowledge of astronomy, the position of the sun, moon and planets, and the zodiacs. Because these objects affect the rise and fall, or the balance of the background force on earth. You also have to know where to stand in relation to the stones, and how to hold the instruments, which if handled wrong, you would die soon after.
not surprising to me as I start to gather info on this subject.

In the flood of emails since posting here about the Djed I received this image:


Have you seen these schematics before?

Sorry but the size is the largest I can make it with out distorting the file.
also a strange question for you:
Have you ever seen or known about the use of a single disc of extremely dense, extremely dark [light neutral] carbon fibre composition [like one of the 4 discs shown in the DJED images] being used by a person having it inserted under the skin of the right temple? About 1.5 inches in diameter and about 1/8th inch thick. [unable to be detected under normal or casual inspection]
Does the control line "Obey or Die" mean anything to you?
not surprising to me as I start to gather info on this subject.

In the flood of emails since posting here about the Djed I received this image:

Have you seen these schematics before?

Sorry but the size is the largest I can make it with out distorting the file.

The centre picture is to scale of the original model. The model on the left is a derivative of later theories, and the one on the right, I presume a modern interpretation, most likely incorrect. The attachment at the top of the centre djed is also a spare part, which was disposable, and changeable with different types for different effects. If the one on the right is a modern version, then the object at the base is an oscillator of some sort. But the discs are too close together, and there cannot be anything like a tube through the middle of the rings/discs.
also a strange question for you:
Have you ever seen or known about the use of a single disc of extremely dense, extremely dark [light neutral] carbon fibre composition [like one of the 4 discs shown in the DJED images] being used by a person having it inserted under the skin of the right temple? About 1.5 inches in diameter and about 1/8th inch thick. [unable to be detected under normal or casual inspection]
Does the control line "Obey or Die" mean anything to you?

Sounds like a question out of scientology.
Gerhard do you believe that someone on this planet has possession of the Djed? and knows how to use it [ to a certain degree ]?
Gerhard do you believe that someone on this planet has possession of the Djed? and knows how to use it [ to a certain degree ]?

Various djeds were developed centuries later, by the ancient Greeks, the Celts, Mayans etc. Smaller but less sophisticated versions appeared from time to time. You'll find statues from various cultures holding the two instruments, or versions thereof.
In regards to the present, if history repeats itself, then our generation is most vulnerable to deception, seeing that they have a false view of nature and the past.
The incongruity that the Djed poses for me is that most symbols used by the ancients appear to have some reference to natural phenonema. Even the Anch design could be related to humanoid form. However the Djed appears to have no relationship with organic nature and "reeks" of an "atificial" or "non-natural" scientifically derived device.


4 discs perfectly parallel on a conical column with tappered subsections...hmmm... of specific colours and vertical grooving.... with out any resemblence to natural or cutural phenonema is very suggestive. Given that all other symbols in use at the time of the Djed indicates the culture at the time was rather inferior to the culture that originally "delivered" the Djed. What I mean to say is that the owners of the Djed where of a lesser intellect to the creaters of the Djed. especially how the hieroglyphs indicate quite strong "Sacral" obsessions with erotic control of women by men using the Djed as a tool for the subjugation of females.
I tend to believe the Djed is considerably more than just a "marital aid" :) and that if the user allowed himself to develop the 2 other primary chakra centers the Djeds full potential could be revealed.
In other words as with most "mind control" freaks they get stuck in the sacral "erotic" and the Osiris cults where no different to most modern day cults.

Religion such as Christianity, could be described for example, as mans attempt to restrain his hedonistic passion by forcing himself to focus on higher, more spiritual pursuits. Shifting emphasis from the sacral passions [sexuailty/consumerism - sin etc] to the heart passions love, affection and compassion - non-sin -good/charity - legal] and onto the mind passions [curiosity, intellectual pursuts etc] Very strongly demonstrated when the Christ rejected the offer made to him in the desert [ 40 days and nights] as described in the New Testament of the Bible.

As we have witnessed in the press and media generally the plethora of Catholic Priests being charged and convicted for sexual crimes against children indicates to me, this challenge of taking the energy of the sacral and attempting to shift to the spiritual in an attempt to achieve "God Like" powers over others [ through the connection to "God's energy", the energy of Osiris, Ra, or what ever (Zero Point Energy) ]. Failing terribly at a terrible cost to the innocent children and others affected by the most often obsessive nature of the priest hood.

Which brings up the subject of "Zero Point Energy" and the back ground forces you refer to.

An area I am not quite prepared to discus in a public forum due to the signifcant ramifications of what Zero Point Theory when fully understood has regarding "free energy", "God energy" , "life force and chakra" [ crystaline energy] and then onto the serious implications on human health due to psycho-somatic inferences. [due to a lack of training,discipine and understanding of the knowledge ]
As an indication of just how serious this risk is:
The leading question:
Why do humans have to sleep [loose consciousness] on a regular basis to stay alive?
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The incongruity that the Djed poses for me is that most symbols used by the ancients appear to have some reference to natural phenonema. Even the Anch design could be related to humanoid form. However the Djed appears to have no relationship with organic nature and "reeks" of an "atificial" or "non-natural" scientifically derived device.

4 discs perfectly parallel on a conical column with tappered subsections...hmmm... of specific colours and vertical grooving.... with out any resemblence to natural or cutural phenonema is very suggestive. Given that all other symbols in use at the time of the Djed indicates the culture at the time was rather inferior to the culture that originally "delivered" the Djed. What I mean to say is that the owners of the Djed where of a lesser intellect to the creaters of the Djed...

This particular style djed, was probably the most sophisticated, as the persons who used it were able to cut stone more precisely. It does not mean that its performance was never matched, as it was by the Jews, Greeks and much later by the Pacific islanders.
The person who built it was human, and not some scifi creature. What it symbolised to those who did not know how to use it, pretty much matches any guess.

Several natural symbols were attributed to it, like the shoot of a papyrus reed. One archaeologist asked the local natives in Egypt how they thought the Pyramids were built, and someone said they used "papyrus" and without going any further he dismissed their "myth" not realising they had given him a vital clue. "What would these poor uneducated... know anyway?"
I am going to be really cryptic as only those who know what I am referring to, will make sense of it.
Gerhard can I ask you what you consider the power that the Djed offerred an accomplished user? [ I believe I already know but woud Like to compare notes.]
You have already stated that if not used correctly the operator will perish. [ and I agree with that assessment or knowledge for surely they and their immediate surroundings could uhm, re-integrate as distinct to disintegrate]. ]
Have you seen or know of the video game Assassin Creed II...Produced by Ubisoft, about the templar organisations desire to control the Alien artifact called the Apple of Eden?
If so do you recall the "staff" the Pope [Vatican] uses to utilise the apple in the fight with Ezio towards the end of the game and note that the Apple is supposed to be genetically coded to be able to be used successfully by only one person with an exact DNA match. That human person yet to evolve...

Are you aware that the company Ubisoft was created on or around 1985 using the logo almost identical to the Mayan long count Calendar design. The same year or there abouts that Chenobyl reactor explodes killing thousands. The hole in the ozone layer was discovered and global climate change was first acknowledged as a real issue. [ amongst many other signifcant global issues, like the end of the cold war for example]
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Also I shall stay cryptic and post the following images.


have you heard of Chemira genetics? [associated with Egyptology?]
In 1953 a human chimera was reported in the British Medical Journal. A woman was found to have blood containing two different blood types. Apparently this resulted from cells from her twin brother living in her body
A major milestone in chimera experimentation occurred in 1984, when a chimeric geep was produced by combining embryos from a goat and a sheep, and survived to adulthood.[14] The creation of the "geep" revealed several complexities to chimera development. In implanting a goat embryo for gestation in a sheep, the sheep's immune system would reject the developing goat embryo, whereas a "geep" embryo, sharing markers of immunity with both sheep and goats, was able to survive implantation in either of its parent species.
Something that certain Nazi scientists were alledged to be experimenting with during WW2.
Compare the "apple" with one of the skin pigment disorders of certain Human Chimera candiates. [Blaschko's lines]


The symbology used deliberately throughout the game reeks of certain associations to well known "secret" organisations. To me they appear to raising a flag to any one who happens to know the meaning of their symbolic use.

BTW Ubisoft is a French Company, with multi national outlets. [who built Paris?]

Now I ask you why do you think I have launched a web site called "Zero Point Theory" in the year 2012?
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In regards to the present, if history repeats itself, then our generation is most vulnerable to deception, seeing that they have a false view of nature and the past.
and decieved they are and have been... for what appears to be a very good reason....unfortunately. you have any questions you wish to ask me?
All subjects are related, whether logically or symbolically, because the mind remembers with abstractions.

So I understand why you are able to jump from one subject into another without a hitch.

I don't have a problem with it...

Put the computer away for a while and pat the cat.
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All subjects are related, whether logically or symbolically, because the mind remembers with abstractions.

So I understand why you are able to jump from one subject into another without a hitch.

I don't have a problem with it, but I also know that doing that all the time means the mind is restless and disconnected.

Your mind is running, running away from ... confusion and pain? It is hyperactive.

If everything you said was completely wrong, would you still be worth anything?

If everything I said was wrong, what is my value?

See its ok to be wrong, ok to know nothing, because its ok to be.

Animals are good company because they don't know much!

Put the computer away and pat the cat.

I guess one of the main problems here is that you appear to only know of the Djed and it's impact impersonally or in abstraction where as I know of the impacts at a more personal level.

I do apologise for the seemingly disconnected writing above, however my excuse is about pushing boundaries to determine responses and reaction and depth of insight or knowledge.
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Unfortuately the issue of the Djed has provoked associations for me with the Serbian/American Inventor Nikola Tesla. A scientist, whom I would have preferred not to mention in association with Zero Point Theory. I have not studied his work all that much but some items stand out that are relevant to this discussion.
His opinion stated as follows:
"I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view"
...directly relates to ZPT notions of Zero space, meaning that space betwen bodies of mass only have "volume" due to the presence of mass and apart from "volume" that space has no other value. [no aether what so ever]

Teslas preoccupation since the early 1900 with Direct energy weapons is indicative of the similarities of his work and that of how the Djed functions.

My understanding:

The Djed, if being what I think it is, functions only in zero space, it transmits "energy" or shoud I say more correctly "energistic information" across zero space instanteously regardless of distance [ which is determined by mass as the metric in use] It therefore has the capacity to re-integrate matter, [ disintegrate depending on need ] so used as a stone cutting tool would be an extremely simplistic use.
It sets up a harmonic resonance not unlike an ultra sound device can, establishing a connection directly with the "Accoustic" frequency of the mass involved and that of the operators intent. Upon synchronation the mass in question becomes uttely open to manipulation regardless of composition. Amongst other thing it can also by means similar, setup accoustic connections with humans [ via zero space] and exert incredibly strong influence.

The Djed is either a dream come true for science or the ultimate nightmare.... However as stated in the article I wished you to read, The paradox of zero mitigates the power of the Djed. Therrefore the operators skill is important but so to is his intent.

Where Tesla may have been seriously mistaked in his approach to the subject was that he failed to realise that it is not energy in the form of kilovolts etc that needed to be transmitted but energy only in the form of information. If energy is attempted to be transmitted across zero space in the form of "high energy - acka "high voltage" zero space immediately expands to 4 dimensions causing the failure of the intended action [eg. High voltage power lines]. However transmiting only information only using the the available energy of the target means that "transmission" can be successful. Technically the Djed does not transmitt nor does it generate a ray or a beam of energy. It uses what I call, the "AT principle which means the information is already "at" the destination instanteously with no time nor distance involved. [re: Quantum Entanglement phenonema]

AE: "I would not call [entanglement] one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought."

As with Einstein, Schrödinger was dissatisfied with the concept of entanglement, because it seemed to violate the speed limit on the transmission of information implicit in the theory of relativity.[15] Einstein later famously derided entanglement as "spukhafte Fernwirkung"[16] or "spooky action at a distance".
It also brings the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle to the for which can be directly related to the ZPT attraction paradox I have been discussing in another thread.

I believe, after a little research that Tesla was aware of "zero space" "hyper space" and possibly even considered the notions of "collapsing space into worm holes or "tunnels"
Tesla was in direct confrontation with Albert Einstiens work as displayed in the development of the Tesla coil, meaning that to achieve such an invention he had to be aware of the nature of zero space in a rudementary and fundamental way.
The notion of zero space is incompatable with the then and currently held devotion to Albert Einsteins work.

We all know what happend to Teslas life after his apparent success....

Since quantum entanglement was confirmed in 1930's science has been working on the obvious and significant disparity with A. Einsteins work and no doubt has made significant strides in it's understanding. The most important being how this associates with human consciousness and freewill, hence my question about carbon fibre disks being inserted under the skin of the right temple [ something for which I have unsolicited and qualified eye witness testimony for ] and the apparent need for maintaining intense secrecy on their achievements.
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I don't fully understand Zero point theory, which makes me wonder why you would even bother talking to me.

There are a few things you said about the djed that are right as far as the natives tell me, that's where I get the info.

If you got in the way of the djed, only momentarily while it was working, you could loose your mind.
And as far as intergrating matter and disintergrating, it does both.

When the molecules in a rock vibrate at a sub normal rate, not a higher rate as imagined by new agers, some of the minor elements and components like phosphorus, gypsum, and boron are thrown off, and are quite toxic because they are eager to cling to the nearest object. That is the disintergrating part.
But at the same time the overall rock gets an amazing coherence, almost elastic. The forces involved in this state are already shared with all surrounding matter, and if they get out of control they will attempt to merge surrounding objects. That's the intergrating part. That property helps the stone merge and take the shape of the ordinary ground or other 'set' stones, so you get a very close fit, so that not even a razor can fit in between.

I like Tesla. Going by the quote you supplied, he did not understand the background force, otherwise he would have accepted that space/time can be curved.

As far as the ZPT is concerned, in my mind you cannot have a less than zero, if zero is nothing, but only if there is something other than matter that relates with it. The backgound force is something, not nothing, but matter can be reduced or increased by it, matter can literally disappear, and also appear by these forces. You can also get an object and change the way it relates to other normal matter.

A zero point then should be able to appear anywhere at any time, provided it had the conditions set for it. The background force can do that. It already does, both with outer space and with molecules. There are specific zones where attraction, coldness, magnetism, recycling, gravity occur, and also places of expending energy, heat, demagnetising, repelling goes on. These play together and give matter a specific time and a specific way to exist. All the physical properties, like mass, inertia, acceleration, heat, spin effect, charge, hardness, are expressions of this interaction of the two characteristics of the background force.

Now the argument of science is that all those actions and consequences are accounted for, and they are absolutely right, because the whole affair of matter is run under a masterminded supereconomy, which suggests that matter is totally and utterly independent of any other greater or lesser force. and that what we measure is all there is.

But then there are the anomilies, the inexplicable, and here scientists don't have the tools to think further, so denial is a common solution.
Thanks for your post, I think I am finally getting an idea of where you are coming from.
If you got in the way of the djed, only momentarily while it was working, you could loose your mind.
to me this is such an obvious outcome of interferring with the process. Even distracting the operator [ becoming his center of attention] will cause severe outcomes that would normally be beyond comprehension.
If and when you understand ZPT you will learn why this is so... [ZPT on the nature of consciousness ]

And as far as intergrating matter and disintergrating, it does both.

When the molecules in a rock vibrate at a sub normal rate, not a higher rate as imagined by new agers, some of the minor elements and components like phosphorus, gypsum, and boron are thrown off, and are quite toxic because they are eager to cling to the nearest object. That is the disintergrating part.
But at the same time the overall rock gets an amazing coherence, almost elastic. The forces involved in this state are already shared with all surrounding matter, and if they get out of control they will attempt to merge surrounding objects. That's the intergrating part. That property helps the stone merge and take the shape of the ordinary ground or other 'set' stones, so you get a very close fit, so that not even a razor can fit in between.
This again brings Tesla, his ideas and that of Einstien to the for...
Do you recall the classic almost cult movie: The Philadelphia experiment.
Do you recall images of sailors' bodies "intergrating" with matter such as with the ship itself?"


Can you see the similarities between this apparent fiction/conspiracy theory and what we are discussing?

Surprisingly the integrating of the sailors to ship is the give away as this aspect of dramatics taken alone is so extraordinary even for horror movie buffs that it defies expectations and more importantly 1940's imagination. [the truth being stranger than fiction so to speak]

btw this topic also has relevance to the myths of Atlantis and how it may have integrated [vanished as an island or city with it's suuroundings due to a Djed operator error.
myths of crystaline energy misuse have been around for ages.... crystaline energy is of a subliminal accoustic variety, I believe. The Djed operates as an accoustic focusser using zero space. IMO
I like Tesla. Going by the quote you supplied, he did not understand the background force, otherwise he would have accepted that space/time can be curved.
if one subscribes to the current view yes, if one doesn't and subscribes to zero space, space/time as currently held, is up for a major review.
ZPT extended will indicate that space does not have time/distance, only objects of mass do. [As an extension to quantum entangement phenonema]
Also the background force you keep referring to is described as what? In your words...