Zero Point Theory - the universal constant Gravity

Now give all the above have another look at the symbol used by the ancients.

The Anch could be understood using a refelctive statement as mentioned abe where the end of the equation is in the centre and not the end.

Essentially the (=) sign is replaced with a zero. I believe that this may provide a clue to the rest of the heiroglyphs utiised if thought of as using a form of reflective mathematics with zero at the centre and not just implied as in trypical Western mathematics. [an idea yet to be matured]
for those that are interested the Unformalised "word salad" as used by someone can be read here:
Zero Point Theory

I agree with the model that resembles the shape of the Ank, and for the time being I don't see the connection, because your model is one for time, and the Ank resembles the part of the background force that gives matter its presence in space. The symbol representing the time factor of the background force is the Djed.
I think the evidence from the experiment could be interpretted differently. Say you created a magnet out of a superconductor. You then could make something float over it with little or no effort of keeping it steady. The superconductor could just be a more perfect magnet, in a normal magnet not all of the poles in the material line up exactly the same and those poles can change to transfer magnetic properties to another material.

I find it interesting how a particle can have multiple magnetic poles, and at other times a single one.
Great video.. a thread on it's own I reckon...thanks

This was a video that I wished everyone was familiar with. When you remove heat, the automatic reaction is for the properties of magnetism to become enhanced. This does not always induce a single pole, but multiple depending on the material used.
The tendency of the time factor that produces magnetism, is to demand that matter has a specific manner of relating to its environment, and that it also has a specific position in space - effectually a type of inertia or mass.
The super conductor is only a mild bias towards the time factor, and so it will behave more rigidly, in the way it is placed etc.
In the extreme, it will not move at all, but if it 'decides' to move, normal surrounding matter will provide no resistence.

While magnetism is related to the time factor, heat is related to the space factor, and the two are balanced to whatever attitude in all matter.

I do not understand your point zero theory, but I will one of these days.

QQ, I'd have to agree with Alphanumerics and others comments, because it seems to me that you cannot justify your impressions with basic physics, that apply to matter.

But I can identify where you are coming from. You seem to have an artistic mind that marries images and tries to find correlations, its a good ability among others you have.

After going over your notes again, are you implying that the universe is in motion because of something that is acting as less than nothing?

If that is the case you are correct, but that involves an understanding of how matter exists, and you can no longer rely on measuring it by what physics defines.

The universe, contrary to popular opinion, exists on a slight negative pressure. That condition provides a playing field of freedom, in a similar way that a river won't flow until it has somewhere to go.

The BB universe will run out of that movement. But, I don't think the universe will run out of that movement, because both positive and negative pressure is used in maintaining it, with the negative slightly greater.
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It is of no surprise that the theory is confusing to those captivated by the current scientific paradigm. In fact it is to be expected and dare I say respected as well.
However it is little wonder that I have decided to put aside the theoretics for the moment as I can see no justification in adhering to them if for example science can not even decide whether Energy has substance or not.
The mere fact that science appears to be confused on this subject alone is enough to render any future understanding of fundamental principles almost impossible.

Zero Point Theory is primarily about one such fundamental principle and that is how a paradox requires as an absolute physical necessity to expand zero dimension into 4 dimensions to resolve that paradox. To do so mass must be created by means yet to be described here.
As without mass there are no dimensions to exist.

Therefore we have a universe that has no paradox to it except in the nature of zero which is both existent as non paradoxed and non-existent as paradoxed.
For me, for example, the issue of the observed Dark Flow phenomenon is easy to understand yet science will state that it is occurring apparently by forces beyond this universe...the issue of how we can gain energistic value from a vacummous void is also easy to understand and how this links to inertia.
However Dark Flow is a special case and proof that an anomaly has occurred universally. A breaching of fundamental physics as science currently knows it and yet conforming to zero point theory and still considered as an anomaly in a different context.
One of the issues I have is trying to decribe a complex dimensional form in a mathematical expression
this image shows the standard use of zero from a universal substance perspective and also from an no-existent absolute zero perspective.
I am not confident the way I have displayed it is correct in the use of typical math symbols etc but it states the case all the same if one looks at it's simplicity

hence this expression
+1 >0< (-)1
using a reflective statement with the reflective plane in the center of the statement. Absolute Zero being less than both sides.

*note: The value (-1) is something of value [ substance ] therefore greater than absoute zero.
I agree with the model that resembles the shape of the Ank, and for the time being I don't see the connection, because your model is one for time, and the Ank resembles the part of the background force that gives matter its presence in space. The symbol representing the time factor of the background force is the Djed.

I am not so sure that the Djed Pillar is a symbol of time nor am I convinced that the Anch is a symbol exclusively for life. The symbol of the ANCH has always been a symbol of "Immortality" - eternal Life and not just life.
The Djed symbol according to wiki, is about stability. "the spine of Osiris" and is a rather intriguing symbol as it seems to be in dissonance with all other symbols in use. This area of concern in heiroglyphs appears also to be a different genre or style to those heiroglyphys commonly used in the pyramids. Possibly older than the 4th Pharonic dynasties. [unresearched]
When you compare the typical Djed Use with other heiroglyphs you can see the disparity in styles.



You will also note that the Djed doesn't appear to be used in the the other image. Which suggests, to me at least, that the Djed is from much older genre of heiroglyphs
What is interesting is how all this may associate with Zero Point Theory.

The use of pyramids of a style used by the 4th Dynasty, the use of heavy blocks of stone, the positioning of all the chambers [king and Queen], especially the positioning of the sub terranian chambers all indicate that the pyramids were not so much a tomb and monument but a set of energy "sinks" built in the hope of eternal life [corporal immortality]


They appear to have had a great understanding of Zero Point Theory as the large blocks of stone, with a solid gold cap at the top would have set up a "culminant Centre of gravity" with in the structure, this being a focal point for star light.[energy]. The unfinished subterranian chamber indicates that they anticipated the collected energy would be channeled downwards.

The pyramids have been aligned to focus on the Orion Nebula which is a "galactc maternity ward" so their intent, to me, was for the collecting of "procreative" energy in the hope that basking inside the pyramids would prolong their incredibly short life spans. So the Pharohs would enter the chambers at night and sleep, basking in the star light [energy] collected in the vain hope of prologing their life usin Gold inlayered artifcats/ornaments to enhance the process [ gold being used to amplify and stabilise]. [their gene pool was dying big time]

Each pyramid purpose build to suit the individual needs of each Pharoh became redundant upon death and was then used as a tomb because the pyramid could not be used by any other Pharoh.
The use of the ANCH was the whole concept rolled into one symbol IMO.
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They appear to have had a great understanding of Zero Point Theory
You do realise how nutty that sounds, right?

as the large blocks of stone, with a solid gold cap at the top would have set up a "culminant Centre of gravity" with in the structure, this being a focal point for star light.[energy]. The unfinished subterranian chamber indicates that they anticipated the collected energy would be channeled downwards.
So not only are you claiming you have some understanding of nature which no one in the scientific community has but you're also claiming the Ancient Egyptians had an understanding too and used the pyramids in a manner completely different to the archaeologically documented evidence?

so their intent, to me, was for the collecting of "procreative" energy in the hope that basking inside the pyramids would prolong their incredibly short life spans.
For which you have no evidence. No evidence the Pharaohs did that, no evidence this 'energy' exists, no evidence the Egyptians knew of it and no evidence the pyramids were for that purpose. And there's plenty of evidence against your claims about the pyramids.

So the Pharohs would enter the chambers at night and sleep, basking in the star light [energy] collected in the vain hope of prologing their life usin Gold inlayered artifcats/ornaments to enhance the process [ gold being used to amplify and stabilise]. [their gene pool was dying big time]
Evidence needed. For each claim.

The use of the ANCH was the whole concept rolled into one symbol IMO.
I seriously cannot believe you believe this stuff. Honestly. If you were someone like Terry Giblin, who really does seem to have an insufficient grasp on reality, then I could believe you believe it. But unlike Terry you've got a posting history of being lucid, even if it displayed a complete lack of understanding or knowledge of science. Now all of a sudden you're madder than a box of squirrels in a tumble drier. Is there some reason for this? Are you doing a social experiment to see how completely random you have to be before even pseudoscience thinks you're talking gibberish? Have you always thought about this stuff but for some reason have decided to bring it all out into the open now? Have you undergone some psychological event? Let me be clear, I think you're lucid enough to know what that what you're saying is nonsense so I'm trying to work out why you're nevertheless saying it.
I would have to say that a lot of this could be solved by the invention of rope. It wouldn't take much of an effort to form rope after cloth was invented. Then all someone would have to do is sling a rope around something and then it would form a type of pulley. It's too bad I don't think anyone really knows when rope was invented, and I don't know how I would even begin to make rope myself. Also, I think ancient people developed all that different types of mathmatics because they may have actaully used it, ew.
You do realise how nutty that sounds, right?
absolutely except to those who know exactly what I am talking about.....
and my Post was primarilly directed at Gerhard Kremmas post about the pillar of Djed.
The djed was a real instrument before it turned into a symbol of other relevance. It produced a less than zero effect on matter.
Greater intelligence is required to use it, not found in the following generations.

The ank was a desposable item that was used in conjunction with it. So it is possible to find dozens of anks but no djed. The original ank looked like a hand bag or cow bell with two prominant features on one end. These features were exaggerated by the simple into the appearance of the cross. The djed was downgraded to a stick with four ribs at the top.

The picture you supplied is fairly accurate in shape, but not in colour.

The pyramid was an artificial mass designed to produce an overflow of the background force related to the ank. This demands a counter effect of the other aspect of the background force - because it is dual in nature - the djed. The interior hall and chamber were used to capitalise on this imbalance and direct it. In effect what it did was produce a standing wave of lower magnitude, or a less than zero effect. Normal matter under those conditions will jump into a harmonic (compensatory) mode of operation, giving the desired technology.

The significance of the constellation of Orion has to do with the purpose of the building, which I do not want to elaborate on here, but to put it briefly, matter as we know it has a certain time and place, that is how it operates, but it is made up of forces that defy those limits, those normal space / time constraints. By inducing matter to operate "lower down" in the harmonics that support it, allows it to defy standard physical laws. Like moving stones weighing thousands of tonnes like they were made of cork, and cutting out rocks like butter.

What the pyramids were used for later, is what you find in all the sandbox books.

The point of saying this is that your quest has given you the ability to realise that "matter as reckoned by common science is not all that there is to it"
which is the sign of a genuine scientific ability - to think outside the square.

Having said that, any genuine discovery about matter should verify known science, or at least give another reasonable perspective, so it is important to take on board scientific criticisms as valid.

So far as I can see science fits into other contexts greater than recognised today, and in time it will discover that.
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Certainly the piller of Djed is an interesting "inconguity" to me. It is seemingly out of synch with teh rest that I know about heiroglyphs. [ which to be honest is not that much but growing daily]
The discovery of thousands of vinegar jars scattered about the base of the pyramids, whilst already discounted as not special by science I believe where utiised as storage facilitation for this energy useage.
Human behaviour also dictates as the rule of Khufu only lasted a mere 23 years or so, and to entertain the possibiity of someone of any generation devoting all of his rule to a single monolyth for the sole purpose of self-entombment is ridiculous and incredibly morbid.
After all I am sure he had more to do than build such big silly tombs.
It is reference to the Goddess Bastet/Khufu whose supposed tomb appears to be in the highlands of Bulgaria yet her corpse appears to be on the island of Cyprus entombed with her pet cat is a signifcant clue also. Given the history of Cyprus when dealing with the lineage of Moses of the Christian Bible just adds to the intrigue...

Apparently according to persistent rumours, quantum entangle devices were secured by the communist regime in Bulgaria at the time and the "soma cave" sealed under tons of concrete since due to a strange "radiation" that the cave was emmitting.
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As a matter of interest this image is supposedly of the Tomb stone or cave enterance found in the highlands of Bulgaria in a "no go" military zone with a hostile neighbour.


same image with some "workings" drawn in red
It produced a less than zero effect on matter.
Greater intelligence is required to use it, not found in the following generations.
yes it makes sense to go "Under unity" and allow the universe to restore unity.
similar to what the "Orbo" device Steorn Industries of Ireland attempted to do in ignorance. [ they ignored or underestimated the "observer effect" ]
Gerhard there is an article I think you should read if you have the time and patience:
as You know the quest for the Higgs Bosun, the quest of the Ancients and the quest of most people in their journey through life is for the power to influence their universe in a "God like manner" and science is as guilty of it as any one.

The article clearly shows why ultimately this quest is doomed to failure due to the nature of the attraction paradox.

ZPT: click note: extract:
As discussed by Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche [1844-1900] and demonstrated by human behaviour throughout history, the "will to power", the god complex and in extreme forms the Narcissistic Personality Disorder have played a dominant role in human affairs, and is a primary driver behind all that we have accomplished or seek to accomplish.

It is contended that as we are all of the same zero point source and that source being akin to God that this preoccupation with power be an inevitable outcome of our deepest inner intuitive and intinctive self understandings. How our collective and individual behaviour is driven by this unrevealed source of everything.

As demonstrated by the reverence for various religious and mythical icons one of which is that of Brahma [see image], one can imagine that at the centre of all those heads and arms and legs is a single zero point that connects all to the one single point and realise that, if that single zero point is shared universally then the interconnectedness of all things can be seriously considered and an explanation for humanities preoccupation with power [power of influence] can be possible.

another extract for context:
The "Grail Quest" for those who are ambitious for control will always end in frustration until it is realised that "less force achieves more results" and in humanistic terms this means becoming better people, more respectful of anothers freedom, more clever, more loving, empathic, compassionate, "democratic" and in doing so greater freedom for every one is acheived.

Djed or no Djed, which is why the ancients and possibly those who currently hold it [the artifact ] fail(ed) to achieve what they wanted to achieve with it's use and fail they did..
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I read some of the article, and find it too difficult to digest. It has made me think twice about what I often post that is too confusing for most, and I have decided to stick with the stuff most people can relate to from here on in. By the way, thanks for pointing out the image on the stone. If the arrow is on an angle of 5 degrees, then it could represent the nine meridians of the world as the Egyptians recorded. A five degree incline around the globe from the south gives you nine divisions.
yes it makes sense to go "Under unity" and allow the universe to restore unity.
similar to what the "Orbo" device Steorn Industries of Ireland attempted to do in ignorance. [ they ignored or underestimated the "observer effect" ]

By greater intelligence I meant knowing how aand when to use the instruments, it had nothing to do with mind power. Anybody can learn how to use them. But it involved a knowledge of astronomy, the position of the sun, moon and planets, and the zodiacs. Because these objects affect the rise and fall, or the balance of the background force on earth. You also have to know where to stand in relation to the stones, and how to hold the instruments, which if handled wrong, you would die soon after.