Zeitgiest Movie Claims.. Are they true ?

you might want to check out places like AboveTopSecret.com or Unexplained Mysteries, both of which have fairly active forums (I spend a fair amount of time in abovetopsecret these days ;-)).

been going there for years. nothing has happened...no mysteries solved, no secrets revealed...NOTHING.
been going there for years. nothing has happened...no mysteries solved, no secrets revealed...NOTHING.

Have you posted in either of those forums? I certainly don't recall ever seeing a post from John99 in them anyway.

In any case, I know that you and I don't agree on certain subjects. But atleast on forums such as the ones I mentioned, certain views that are brought up in films such as Zeitgeist can be voiced, which is more than can be said for this forum.
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Have you posted in either of those forums? I certainly don't recall ever seeing a post from John99 in them anyway.

yes i have, those and many others. i dont use john99 anywhere. ATS is a woowoo homebase so of course they post woo - not that i am entirely against woo. the other is pretty interesting though.

But atleast on forums such as the ones I mentioned, certain views that are brought up in films such as Zeitgeist can be voiced, which is more than can be said for this forum.

so post over there. who stopped zeitgeist threads here? the movie is a waste of time...it sucks.
I think it's more that most popular music is no longer classical in nature. I personally really enjoy some music from Erik Satie and Debussy, or Holst's "The Planets", but I know that they all died at the beginning of the 20th century. I suppose the most recent classical composer I really like, who also had a strong jazz influence, would be Gershwin, but even he didn't make it to World War II.

What, no love for Stockhausen, Xenakis and Cage?
scott3x said:
Have you posted in either of those forums? I certainly don't recall ever seeing a post from John99 in them anyway.

yes i have, those and many others. i dont use john99 anywhere.

Except here, you mean. Care to share your name(s) on ATS and Unexplained Mysteries? I'm scott3x on ATS, scott75 on UM.

ATS is a woowoo homebase so of course they post woo - not that i am entirely against woo.

Very funny :p. As a matter of fact, though, there are those who believe in official story versions as well; wouldn't be much of a discussion without them I think :p.

the other is pretty interesting though.

I may go back to UM again; I spent a great deal of time there talking about a particular aspect of 9/11, but then the main guy I was talking to decided to opt out. Kind of hard to run out of people to talk to on ATS; to the contrary, it can take quite a bit of energy just to keep up, laugh :p.

scott3x said:
But atleast on forums such as the ones I mentioned, certain views that are brought up in films such as Zeitgeist can be voiced, which is more than can be said for this forum.

so post over there.

I generally do that; sometimes when this thread comes back to life, though, I feel compelled to put in a word or 2 :p.

who stopped zeitgeist threads here?

Not Zeitgeist threads per se, but certain views that it has; to be specific, its views concerning 9/11. And as to who stopped it, that would be Stryder.

the movie is a waste of time...it sucks.

Well, looks like you've got your mind made up; who am I to interfere with your beliefs?
scott3x said:
I think it's more that most popular music is no longer classical in nature. I personally really enjoy some music from Erik Satie and Debussy, or Holst's "The Planets", but I know that they all died at the beginning of the 20th century. I suppose the most recent classical composer I really like, who also had a strong jazz influence, would be Gershwin, but even he didn't make it to World War II

What, no love for Stockhausen, Xenakis and Cage?

Haven't even heard of them until you brought them up (the wonders of wiki :p). Maybe if I did, I'd like their music; not sure. Is Cage a rapper? He's the name that came up on wiki ;-). Admittedly, I heard most of all the classical music that I like from my father.

I note that Xenakis got into electronic music; if we allow -electronic- music to be considered as classical, then I must admit that I love Ray Lynch :).

Upon further thought, I do believe there -is- a modern classical composer that I really do appreciate- Philip Glass. The music he played in the movie Memento, which I consider to be my all time favourite sad movie, moves me deeply. Perhaps since I saw it in the movie, however, I don't have the desire to listen to it alone, but rather with the movie. The same goes for the great music in the Star Wars movies, as well as the starter music in Star Trek, TNG, laugh ;-).

I think some animes have classical music in them; I guess I haven't been paying so much attention to the type, but I really do like a lot of the music in some animes anyway ;-).
i am on so many forums, through the years, must have been close to 100 of them. many time i keep the tabs open and go back and forth.

Care to share your name(s) on ATS and Unexplained Mysteries? I'm scott3x on ATS, scott75 on UM.

sorry, i dont share screen names.

the point about woo is that you need to be able to recognize it. :D

Well, looks like you've got your mind made up; who am I to interfere with your beliefs?

you believe those crappy "documentaries" and i do not. the only reason they came about was because ever joe schmoe has editing software and they need to use it...for some purpose. so now i am supposed to sit there and watch unsubstantiated garbage from someone working out of their basement? i dont think so.

we used to get trash books by people and their fantasies and now they want to be film makers.
i am on so many forums, through the years, must have been close to 100 of them. many time i keep the tabs open and go back and forth.

I see :)

scott3x said:
Care to share your name(s) on ATS and Unexplained Mysteries? I'm scott3x on ATS, scott75 on UM.

sorry, i dont share screen names.

Why is that?

the point about woo is that you need to be able to recognize it. :D

And you, ofcourse, are a world renowned expert I'm sure :p.

you believe those crappy "documentaries" and i do not. the only reason they came about was because ever joe schmoe has editing software and they need to use it...for some purpose.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree here.
On the topic of christianity being copied from other religions, that has been debunked long ago. yes constantine was a sun worshiper, yes RELIGION is corrupt, but the virgin birth story. Christ was the first. the resurection, Christ was the first. a lot is done in the name of christ that is not of him, or i could say Iesos Christos, or Yeshua in hebrew and greek. the gospels have been historically proven by many non christian scholars to be creditable, and in some cases led to them following christ. the gnostic gospels have been discredited however for how late the dating on when they where written. plus there are like 37 documents outside of the bible that document christ, 17 of them being non christian record. christian is not religion, but relational. Christ said love god with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. thats it. no war in his name no bombing abortion clinics. love.
but the virgin birth story.
Hey walkbyfaith are you claiming that virgin birth is new to christianity?
Christ was the first. the resurection, Christ was the first.
Jesus was not event the first resurrected person in the bible.
the gospels have been historically proven by many non christian scholars to be creditable
The gospels were written by people that did not even meet Jesus.
well you are free to think whatever you want

But Christ is the only God who came to die for your sins, That I know... GB

QUOTE=Hapsburg;1616878]In a way, yes.

Judaism is, for all practical purposes, a revised sun-worship. The Hebrew god Yahweh was based off the Egyptian cult of the sun-god Aten and Babylonian sun deities. Eventually, this henotheism developed into monotheism, and the god previously associated with the sun was associated with All.

Christianity was based on Judaism, but with an extra fold of hero-worship or saviour-worship, which is the cult of Jesus. The early Christian church was, really, a schismatic personality cult within Judaism, and it was by far not the only one. It was, however, the most successful, because it adapted foreign ideas and beliefs into its own belief system.[/QUOTE]