Zeitgiest Movie Claims.. Are they true ?

Zeitgeist offers no reference for its claims. Inasmuch as they may sound true, any honest intellect will not accept claims without reference sources.

Only someone who has done very little research regarding 9/11 would not recognize someone like Steven Jones, who is presented in the film, and who has published peer reviewed papers both before and after 9/11. There is also much more material in that movie that has tons of evidence backing it up. Furthermore, I believe that documentary films shouldn't be the end of a person's research; they should only be the beginning.
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I do. I think ancient Egyptians worshiped the sun lol.
You'd be dead wrong, though. The Egyptians worshipped many, many gods. Foremost among which was a god of the sun.

God of the sun =/= the sun itself. Though to the common man, it may have.
The first part of the following movie states that the Judeo Christian Religions were copied directly off egyptian, and early Sun worshipping cults.
Is what this movie saying true or complete bollocks ?


Yeah its true. The same story's been told hundreds of ways over thousands of years, and somehow morons conclude that's evidence that the story doesn't mean anything. Lol.
Yeah its true. The same story's been told hundreds of ways over thousands of years, and somehow morons conclude that's evidence that the story doesn't mean anything. Lol.

I don't think many people claim that the stories don't mean anything, they just claim that it's hard to know what it means and they reject unsubstantiated and often ridiculous assumptions about it (like the abrahamic religions make).
You'd be dead wrong, though. The Egyptians worshipped many, many gods. Foremost among which was a god of the sun.

God of the sun =/= the sun itself. Though to the common man, it may have.

And you don't think that the god of the sun originally was the sun itself ?
I don't think many people claim that the stories don't mean anything, they just claim that it's hard to know what it means and they reject unsubstantiated and often ridiculous assumptions about it (like the abrahamic religions make).

I've heard many people do that.

Assumptions like what?

Are you referring to the religious who feel threatened by it?
I've heard many people do that.

Assumptions like what?

Are you referring to the religious who feel threatened by it?

How does one get from the Egyptian sun religion to Christianity without unfounded assumptions ?
You'd be dead wrong, though. The Egyptians worshipped many, many gods. Foremost among which was a god of the sun.

God of the sun =/= the sun itself. Though to the common man, it may have.

i've been telling people here that for years. one ex moderator of the comparitive religion forum even opened up a thread on it. he called it "John thinks there was no sun worship". or something like that.

of course no one has ever worshipped the Sun as a God\Deity (i should say no one in their right mind or what would be considered the norm). But that is what they read and for some reason they believe it. Just like this 'movie', just entertainment with some snippets of reality. I think the amalgamation of the two is what confuses people. is is trickery? well yes but not necessarily wehn people want to be tricked.
because it isnt normal human behavior to worship an object as a stand alone God. this doesnt happen, but that is the impression people get when they read 'Sun Worship'. it isnt accurate, throughout history all Gods have been close to human form at ther very least they were living, breathing, thinking beings.

i remember one woman here fighting with me saying 'they thought the sun was living because it went to sleep at night'....loooool. NO there was always another deity behind the Sun and NOT the Sun itself. comprende'?
because it isnt normal human behavior to worship an object as a stand alone God.
And it IS normal behavior to worship some invisible entity you have no experience of whatsoever ? LOL

this doesnt happen, but that is the impression people get when they read 'Sun Worship'. it isnt accurate, throughout history all Gods have been close to human form at ther very least they were living, breathing, thinking beings.
Utter nonsense. Ever heard of Idolatry ? Or animal worship ?
I think it makes a whole goddamn lot more sense to worship the actual sun than it does to worship something that might as well not even exist for all you know.

i remember one woman here fighting with me saying 'they thought the sun was living because it went to sleep at night'....loooool.
You are hardly the one to 'lol' over something like that, John.

NO there was always another deity behind the Sun and NOT the Sun itself. comprende'?
Evidence ?

Originally Posted by John99
i remember one woman here fighting with me saying 'they thought the sun was living because it went to sleep at night'....loooool.

Enmos: You are hardly the one to 'lol' over something like that, John.

what is that supposed to mean?
when a newborn baby first open their eyes the first thing they see is their mother, or close to first. they know where they came from.
when a newborn baby first open their eyes the first thing they see is their mother, or close to first. they know where they came from.
How the fuck is this relevant to anything in this thread ?

i dont know what your talking about.
Well, since you insist..

"Trees are not alive" ~John99

"A tree is closer to a snowflake than it is to a mountain lion." ~John99
How does one get from the Egyptian sun religion to Christianity without unfounded assumptions ?

the whole point of the movie is that the same story has been told over and over again over time, and in a lot of different ways, and in the lives of many.

and i see the moronicism (did i just make that word up?) on both sides. the atheists see the movie and say, "ah ha! christianity is a bunch of bunk!" and the religious christians say, "it's not true! it's not true!", because you know, they do own god and christ.

i long for a time when i'm not surrounded by people who are so completely immersed in some egomaniacal agenda, that they would be able to yank their heads out of their asses long enough to have a logical thought.