Your DUTY to God

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What God?
Look god is your fantasy.

What need is there of anything except a self in need?

You should look around a bit and see if you can find out.

Life has a need; are you alive?

Life is an abstraction. It is the living who have needs.

awe.... so you feeel you do have a purpose.

You are confusing me with some one else. There are no inherant purposes, but I, like most people, am fully able to create purpose as I see fit.

But I did not say it is your purpose to help your family or country. I said it was a reciprication of obligation/duty.

life itself has nothing of value to you?

No, not particularly. I'm more interested in the living than in your attempts to remarket your god. I don't feel any 'duty to existence.'
Since he's taking from an old zen story...

When you aren't sure and can't find out, start with your standards and adjust from there as needed.

Or the pithy version... if you are asking you aren't done yet.

to me it is that each know what is in front of them; do it

(talkers are ooooosually a waste of life (oxygen))
Beside the point but
How is it better?

to be awake and aware of what you actions are, then not only can a 'rock' be capable of responsibility but also live longer by choice.

now if life to you is being awake, then perhaps it might take a little longer for you to comprehend life itself.

but if you are aware that you are life upon mass, then you can be aware of what you do, whether awake or sleeping just by learning each item you have to question.

the issue is not that mankind cannot become aware, it is that the current systems of understanding are off the path of reality.

eg..... life: abuses entropy.......... versus, "living thing are based from the laws of physics; a reduction of chemical potentials."

life does continue

chemistry is a joke

well then to compare the religions to the sciences, neither have the correct frame

and why a paradigm shift is what combines them both!

as knowledge is known to be evolving (by the children), then each can begin to observe the true principles of how life works, with or without the communities of either religion or science.

neither are correct as both have precepts of 'law' that blind the truth from revealing itself.

to change the comprehension of how life works, then all disciplines of knowledge can combine.

then "mass can comprehend its existence"
Beside the point yet again

i know, i post an answer; you miss the point

it's a common psychosis

You shouldn't assume I'm not awake & aware.

not me making the assumptions

i was implying mankind as a whole!

existence only operates ONE way and either you are aware or you are not

eg..... what is your duty to god? (since you are of existence itself; what is your duty of life?)

if you don't know that (what life is), then you are unaware!

pretty basic?!?
eg..... what is your duty to god? (since you are of existence itself; what is your duty of life?)

if you don't know that (what life is), then you are unaware!

pretty basic?!?

Having a duty to one's life doesn't necessarily mean having a duty to ancient myths and superstitions, two completely different things. That's even more basic.
Having a duty to one's life doesn't necessarily mean having a duty to ancient myths and superstitions, two completely different things. That's even more basic.

God is just a word to describe a ..............."blank"

the idea that God is a thing, person or zeus guy on a thrown is "ancient myths and superstitions"

but to comprehend what words do and have been used for over the life of conscious articulations; then it can be found that mother nature (existence itself) is that God all of mankind has been talking about.

so rather than God being some dude with a mean temper; i see God as existence itself combined into ONE (all mass, energy, time; the trinity)

so to just run over the mythological renditions; lets perhaps awaken to see God as all of it combined

that means; what is your duty to existence (God)?

i guess this must be the first time you and i have shared because most already know i don't use myths as the foundation to truth.

my last word is not found in a book

nor is the 2LoT, a law that is true.
mother nature (existence itself) is that God all of mankind has been talking about.

I prefer the term 'nature' as that is what it is, no extra labels are required.

so rather than God being some dude with a mean temper; i see God as existence itself combined into ONE (all mass, energy, time; the trinity)

Yet, you're ascribing a label that has no meaning in nature.

that means; what is your duty to existence (God)?

Why not just drop the god label and call it what it is?
I prefer the term 'nature' as that is what it is, no extra labels are required.

and how many laguages are there to describe 'blue'?

Yet, you're ascribing a label that has no meaning in nature.
not a word in existence means a thing to nature but mankind uses them to describe things within nature
Why not just drop the god label and call it what it is?

i did, so why not answer the question of the thread?
and how many laguages are there to describe 'blue'?

Probably, the same amount of languages that describe 'nature.' What's your point?

i did, so why not answer the question of the thread?

The question has to do with duty to gods, hence you didn't drop the label.
i know, i post an answer; you miss the point

it's a common psychosis

not me making the assumptions

i was implying mankind as a whole!

existence only operates ONE way and either you are aware or you are not

eg..... what is your duty to god? (since you are of existence itself; what is your duty of life?)

if you don't know that (what life is), then you are unaware!

pretty basic?!?

You have no point & you won't answer questions.
You don't know what life is yet you attempt to delude others.
You evidently don't know what making a point is.
You are quite unaware yet, like most, persist in believing & proclaiming otherwise. IF you actually believe it.
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