Your DUTY to God

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you Q i believe you have me mixd up with someone else

Just have a look out your window, do you see it?
you bet i do as NOTHING else do i have duty too

There is no need to imagine reality, it's right there in front of you.
reminds me of Mark Twain:

Truth is STRANGER than fiction, but it is because fiction is obligated to stick to possibilities; truth isn't!

Gods conflict with reality as they've never been shown to exist. Nature is nature, simple.
God is a word; describing nature!

That's what you do.
i follow NO ONE

i have just learned what is real

you believe God exists and fight any who says anything about it in contrast i know God as nature (existence itself) (no person, place or thing)

Your personal god fantasies have nothing to do with nature. Simple, really.

there is nothing else except nature and we live within it; perhaps grow up and deal with it

like i said, i believe you talking to the wrong guy!

Ah, so you shift the burden of proof over to me. How convenient and typical.
that is your comment when i put reality in your face with

you whine about supperficial word associations; such that you don't do god, but if someone says something that is not norm, like i did by suggesting existence itself (nature) is god; you whine about it!

your comment does not fit the bold comment i made; perhaps try again

i am pointing out that God is nature itself, i did not ask for proof; as common sense will allow you to understand what i am stating, if you had enough material knowledge to understand it

So, why do you need to imagine a god? Because you "choose to follow what everyone tells you is true."

not me; as both physicist and theologist don't like me

both have their paradigm and i can prove both wrong!

2Lot is a joke

and God ain't some dude controlling mankind

both are easy to comprehend with enough material knowledge

reality is; energy runs the show, not mass

and God is nature itself (the total of existence as ONE : all mass, energy and time;) where as the math to define the process is the name

then to comprehend that would share that 'the truth' combines them
To seek Him. To live a Holy life.
what is the difference of a 'holy life' to an inuit and an indigenous indian of north america?

Yes. As well as the nature of yourself most importantly.
it seems since 'mother nature' created mankind, that my 'self' is less important than the nature of life itself.

the key is, to understand the life of nature; not the life of a 'self'

Of course nature is pure as it is natural quis est naturalis est purus.

so 'the garden' is what is pure and all outside of that understanding is 'man created'

and that is perfectly understood when realizing mankind 'created all words'!
-=- -=-


Absurd assine assumptions & unjustified unsupported unprovoked insults.

-=- -=-

typical ad hominen; from the strangersfrom a strange land; the land of BS and ignorance

why not just answer the questions versus trying to pin me down?

that is why you are so frustrated

perhaps be humbled to learn

perhaps try articulating your inquiry

but only a fool would fight truth and expect to win!
Originally Posted by Cris
Right!!! cancer, plague, viruses, earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, diceases of all kinds, aids, meteorites, etc.

Nature is a curse that needs to be tamed, controlled, or bypassed as soon as possible.

this has got to be the stupidest comment i have ever read on a forum

Nature is a curse that needs to be tamed, controlled, or bypassed as soon as possible

how foolish can monkeys get?

this has got to be the stupidest comment i have ever read on a forum

Nature is a curse that needs to be tamed, controlled, or bypassed as soon as possible

how foolish can monkeys get?
The issue is very simple, and apparently has not occurred to you. Nature is a fundamantally undirected phenomenon. It has no awareness of what might be good or bad and deals both with total indifference. As sentient beings that have arisen as a result of nature we are at the beginning of being able to manage and direct nature to our needs. Genetic engineering for example is one area where we can direct nature to do what we want. AI is another area we can consciously and deliberately create entities superior to ourselves or used to enhance our abilities.

If we simply do nothing and allow nature to rule us then we will all perish in the next major meteorite collision.

Many assert that we should be "one" with nature, that nature is good. This is nonsense, nature is neither good or bad, it is indifferent.

The issue is very simple, and apparently has not occurred to you. Nature is a fundamantally undirected phenomenon.

let me guess; 'it's all random'............?

almost like what your keyboard is tapping out; just random garbage!

It has no awareness of what might be good or bad and deals both with total indifference.

are you within nature? are you aware? then some of 'nature' is aware.

God ain't some dude 'aware' sitting on a thrown with a lightning bolt in his hand.

As sentient beings that have arisen as a result of nature we are at the beginning of being able to manage and direct nature to our needs.

we can use and create an environment to create magical radio waves and magical metalic flying birds; we created dem doooood!

we (mankind) are the ONLY thing tinking about God and using words to talk about it.

but we are still a part of nature. We are sentient and can create and are life within nature; describing itself!

Genetic engineering for example is one area where we can direct nature to do what we want.
bits and pieces,

at this point it can be compared to water and oil chemistry and is just being touched

AI is another area we can consciously and deliberately create entities superior to ourselves or used to enhance our abilities.
not even close

and to even speak such when realizing just how much data comes in from our eyes alone, you would be quiet before uttering such stupidity

AI is like a calculator, when a coherance of memories will 'always' snap a binary system to pieces.

first fact you may need to comprehend; the brain is not running like a computer; so NEVER EVER think a binary system will even come close.

If we simply do nothing and allow nature to rule us then we will all perish in the next major meteorite collision.
you need oxygen, food and gravity to survive; nature already rules!

Many assert that we should be "one" with nature, that nature is good. This is nonsense, nature is neither good or bad, it is indifferent.

good: support life to continue

bad: loss to the common

we the only thing in existence that can think it is not a part of the pond and keeps trying to 'jump out'

you are a life; your 'duty' is to live and contribute for life (by choice)

but you just don't know it!

let me guess; 'it's all random'............?
That’s silly, I thought you already knew that nature isn’t random.

are you within nature? are you aware? then some of 'nature' is aware.
Yes and potentially capable of self-direction. What’s your point?

God ain't some dude 'aware' sitting on a thrown with a lightning bolt in his hand.
I don’t see what a god has to do with any of this. Why bring it up?

we can use and create an environment to create magical radio waves and magical metalic flying birds; we created dem doooood!
What are you going on about?

we (mankind) are the ONLY thing tinking about God and using words to talk about it.
Huh? What’s your point?

but we are still a part of nature. We are sentient and can create and are life within nature; describing itself!
And if nature is left to itself we will certainly die. Our awareness and intelligence regardless of whether it is considered outside of nature or part of nature offers the potential and likelihood of being able to re-direct parts of nature to suit our desires rather than have nature dictate our destiny.

“ Genetic engineering for example is one area where we can direct nature to do what we want. ”

bits and pieces, at this point it can be compared to water and oil chemistry and is just being touched
Yes it is in its infancy. That doesn’t alter my point.

“ AI is another area we can consciously and deliberately create entities superior to ourselves or used to enhance our abilities. ”

not even close

and to even speak such when realizing just how much data comes in from our eyes alone, you would be quiet before uttering such stupidity
What makes you think I am not aware of what is required? Computing is my business.

AI is like a calculator, when a coherance of memories will 'always' snap a binary system to pieces.

first fact you may need to comprehend; the brain is not running like a computer; so NEVER EVER think a binary system will even come close.
Sure it is. Some 200 billion neurons operating at about 300Hz each, makes for a massively parallel processing system. Each neuron takes multiple inputs to fire a single signal when a certain voltage potential has been reached. That’s digital processing, just on a scale far in excess of anything we can achieve with conventional computers so far.

“ If we simply do nothing and allow nature to rule us then we will all perish in the next major meteorite collision. ”

you need oxygen, food and gravity to survive; nature already rules!
Then change those requirements so we don’t need them, or go somewhere else to find them if this planet ceases to exist.

you are a life; your 'duty' is to live and contribute for life (by choice)

but you just don't know it!
My only duty is to my continued survival, and life does not always need to mean biological life.

That’s silly, I thought you already knew that nature isn’t random.
i do.... as i know why and at the mathematical and atomic scale

Yes and potentially capable of self-direction. What’s your point?
we (mankind) are defining existence (words, math, comprehension into a transcend form (cover time, crosses time; in books)

no single set has the truth; but it does combine!

I don’t see what a god has to do with any of this. Why bring it up?
because God can be understood by understanding we live within the environment that 'created' us (the garden): nature!

And if nature is left to itself we will certainly die. Our awareness and intelligence regardless of whether it is considered outside of nature or part of nature offers the potential and likelihood of being able to re-direct parts of nature to suit our desires rather than have nature dictate our destiny.
nature will universally remain a contender, forever!

we can divert rivers and mover mountains; so what! It that best for the bigger picture? Such as, are dams just a good thing for our ease of use (electricity/water).... when it destroys ecosystems (salmon runs).
Sure it is. Some 200 billion neurons operating at about 300Hz each, makes for a massively parallel processing system. Each neuron takes multiple inputs to fire a single signal when a certain voltage potential has been reached. That’s digital processing, just on a scale far in excess of anything we can achieve with conventional computers so far.
can you put your computer in a 2 tesla, 2 ton electromagnet and mark it work?

brains can.

what is wrong with that picture?

Then change those requirements so we don’t need them, or go somewhere else to find them if this planet ceases to exist.
maybe next summer

My only duty is to my continued survival, and life does not always need to mean biological life.

all life is biological; it's the law!

“ I don’t see what a god has to do with any of this. Why bring it up? ”

because God can be understood by understanding we live within the environment that 'created' us (the garden): nature!
God is a fantasy concept, leave it out. Nature exists (fact) but we have no idea how it began or even if it had a beginning. We weren’t created, we evolved.

nature will universally remain a contender, forever!
I never implied it wouldn’t.

we can divert rivers and mover mountains; so what! It that best for the bigger picture? Such as, are dams just a good thing for our ease of use (electricity/water).... when it destroys ecosystems (salmon runs).
I really don’t care much about those things. My thinking is much more about the undirected path that human evolution is taking us and that we are about to start altering that path to suit our own desires rather than hope nature will take us in a fortuitous path. More species have become extinct than the ones that have survived. There is no guarantee that undirected evolution will ensure our ultimate survival. With our intelligent direction we are more likely to gain a far more rapid improvement in our genetic structures and gain a greater chance for ultimate survival.

can you put your computer in a 2 tesla, 2 ton electromagnet and mark it work?

brains can.

what is wrong with that picture?
Can you put your brain in an airless environment and make it work? My computers can. How long can you survive in a weightless environment without suffering fatal bone loss? My computers have no problem there. How many centuries can you survive before dying of old age? Gosh only 1, my computers have an open ended lifespan. What’s the likelihood of you contracting a fatal disease or dying of cancer before old-age? Pretty high. My computers are immune.

So what’s wrong with your story? A lot.

all life is biological; it's the law!
Why? There is no such law. If we create a self-aware AI capable of reasoned thought and emotions, and has an intelligence greater than man, are you saying it isn’t alive?

The problem you have here is that you have no reasonable definition of “life”. Your attempt earlier was utterly useless, and framed in meaningless unintelligible gibberish.

Life based on carbon is all we have known so far but that does not preclude non-carbon based life from existing somewhere or being created by us. But all of this depends on the definition of life, which is why I raised the question earlier.

If I create a self-aware AI fully capable of independent action and can communicate with humans at the same intellectual level then I would deem that to be a living sentient entity.

God is a fantasy concept, leave it out.

the majority on the globe are biased by the beliefs, accounts and literature. Much of it has meaning, perhaps metaphorically and also scientifically. (entanglement)

Nature exists (fact) but we have no idea how it began or even if it had a beginning. We weren’t created, we evolved.
yes.... 'evolved', from atoms and energy not adam and eve

I really don’t care much about those things. My thinking is much more about the undirected path that human evolution is taking us and that we are about to start altering that path to suit our own desires rather than hope nature will take us in a fortuitous path.

try comprehending the idea that we are just rocks defining existence. We are that nature 'doing it'.

So in a sense we are doing a bit of both 'good and bad' within existence.

The 'good' is the progression of knowledge (trial and error; evolving)

the bad, is the 'self' of people is isolating the pursuits to be focused on individual gains without the concept of what them 'needs' really mean or are.

That is why the thread in on 'your duty' to existence (GOD).

More species have become extinct than the ones that have survived. There is no guarantee that undirected evolution will ensure our ultimate survival.
we are a bit of each of many of the 'species' and since we the pinnacle species (of choice, aware) and God to the ant hill and half the species we have already imposed an 'extinction' to. (bad ol'judges)

With our intelligent direction we are more likely to gain a far more rapid improvement in our genetic structures and gain a greater chance for ultimate survival.

could the best choice for an ultimate survival be for "mass comprehending its existence".............? Meaning 'it' can understand what 'it' is.

And by what would an 'it' be able to understand?

Could it be, 'knowledge evolving'.................. by the 'words created by mankind.''............(we them stupid 'its')......?

kind of neat how adam gave up a rib but to an educated person, all cells must divide (give up a portion of itself) to continue life.

to see them metaphors takes knowledge but to comprehend they were written before the knowledge to understand them, would mean there must be a "spooky action at a distance" (entanglement)

but would you know how that works, or are you waiting for a computer screen to tell you (like right now) (or AI)

If we create a self-aware AI capable of reasoned thought and emotions, and has an intelligence greater than man, are you saying it isn’t alive?
Sounds like a child. (the best of the best)

aware, capable of reasoned thought, emotions and has an intelligence greater than yours, man.............

if we are men, then they better be smarter than we are!

Go ai in some other dimension duuuude.......... if you were seriously aware of the science behind it you would know, i already said enough. (Moore's law; got fired)

The problem you have here is that you have no reasonable definition of “life”.
energy (em; electromagnetism) is the specimen, not the mass. The energy is the focus not the structures. (that is the ignorance of chemistry, no concept of the energy as the specimen)

From the sun, through to meat; the energy is what is consumed, not the mass.

Dead person; is all the same mass but the 'lights' are out.

See the flame; performing 'on-ward' until the environment changes. (That's the new method of thinking. )

Life: purposed to continue. (it's the law) (brand new)

You are alive with a built in "duty", by nature! (you can try and jump out of the lake, but it will NEVER happen; all you will do is go 'extinct')

Your attempt earlier was utterly useless, and framed in meaningless unintelligible gibberish.
it may seem unique but it's all true and combines more 'junk' than you could imagine!

here is another stupid one

the cross.......... (you know the symbolic 'thing' people like to carry)

well it is a perfect rendition of em (electromagnetism; light)

"electric and magnetic fields at perpendicular planes"............ it's a cross of energy orientated to its source. (see 'the' light) (perhaps start at Thoth)

basically a stupid photon (don't matter the wave length)

this is real material knowledge from combining; there's nothing funny about it

and if you knew about how entanglement is a property of shared energy between mass, then you could understand more phenomenon (dejavu)

as even Einstein said, it's a 'spooky action at a distance'

and if i am not mistake he also said something to the effect that

he believes, god "is the garden and i have been trying to catch him at his work"
typical ad hominen; from the strangersfrom a strange land; the land of BS and ignorance

why not just answer the questions versus trying to pin me down?

that is why you are so frustrated

perhaps be humbled to learn

perhaps try articulating your inquiry

but only a fool would fight truth and expect to win!

Typical fallacious accusation of ad hominem
& more absurd assine assumptions & unjustified unsupported unprovoked insults.

try comprehending the idea that we are just rocks defining existence. We are that nature 'doing it'.
We are part of nature. But we are also aware of nature. A rock is not aware and cannot influence its own destiny, we can. The difference is essential.

“ With our intelligent direction we are more likely to gain a far more rapid improvement in our genetic structures and gain a greater chance for ultimate survival. ”

Sure. Undirected evolution takes millions of years to make effective changes. Through genetic engineering we could improve brain ability, for example, in decades.

could the best choice for an ultimate survival be for "mass comprehending its existence".............? Meaning 'it' can understand what 'it' is.
Understanding what we are and how we function would help, but ultimately it is more about not being squished by something bigger and more powerful than us, no matter what we know.

“ If we create a self-aware AI capable of reasoned thought and emotions, and has an intelligence greater than man, are you saying it isn’t alive? ”

Sounds like a child. (the best of the best)

aware, capable of reasoned thought, emotions and has an intelligence greater than yours, man.............

if we are men, then they better be smarter than we are!

Go ai in some other dimension duuuude.......... if you were seriously aware of the science behind it you would know, i already said enough. (Moore's law; got fired)
That didn’t remotely answer the question. Would it be considered alive?

Sigh! I can’t bring myself to waste so much more time attempting to unravel your extensive and largely unintelligible gibberish.

I’m outta here.

We are part of nature. But we are also aware of nature. A rock is not aware and cannot influence its own destiny, we can. The difference is essential.
i know a rock aint thinking

but we are just made of the same elements as many rocks

the difference is not the elements (mass) but the energy upon that mass

from the base lipids (phospholipid bilayers) to the pores of the nucleus; the mechanism of how that works is not understood in chemistry, biology, physics and even basic common sense of 'we the people' (the rocks that can think)

that is why knowledge "evolving" is so important

Sure. Undirected evolution takes millions of years to make effective changes. Through genetic engineering we could improve brain ability, for example, in decades.

sorry charlie; that be pipe dreams.

eg... memories are fixed structures within glial, not the neuron. (look up einsteins brain and glial)

what that all means is the community doesn't even know how it (the brain) works and you want to genetically alter it (billions in oldtimes desease (park,alzheim) and not a single comprehension of 'how it works')

perhaps keep your feet flat on the ground rather than read an article and think it is a reality.

Understanding what we are and how we function would help, but ultimately it is more about not being squished by something bigger and more powerful than us, no matter what we know.

are you scared of something? Too many asteroid theories upon your mind.

If the sun spits a solar flare at the earth, while the earth is going thru a magnetic field reversal (no magnetosphere/solar sheild)......... if the combining does occur (no shield and solar flare as the same time)............ we all gonna need sun tan lotion anyway!

That didn’t remotely answer the question. Would it be considered alive?

that is one question that is up to you. My point is nature does not require a division life and inanimate matter into classes; that is what mankind does.

i say the core 'progression' of natures energy (light) is to continue

eg..... take a flat pond, tap the surface; see the wave moving thru time.

some might say, 'well the pond will equilibriate once the wave has passed" but they fail to realize the energy from that imposition is still moving. We may not see it but it is still entangling more mass over time. So the wave may seem smaller or even gone but reality is the wave has affects on more mass based on the ONE tap.

notice the eye opener by simply increasing the observational parameters!

i noticed you still don't see 'life' itself as having an innert 'duty'.......
(a reversal of current understanding)
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Originally Posted by Bishadi
typical ad hominen; from the strangersfrom a strange land; the land of BS and ignorance

why not just answer the questions versus trying to pin me down?

that is why you are so frustrated

perhaps be humbled to learn

perhaps try articulating your inquiry

but only a fool would fight truth and expect to win!
Typical fallacious accusation of ad hominem
& more absurd assine assumptions & unjustified unsupported unprovoked insults.

i offered suggestions to learn and perhapss articulate your questions

it is not me who has a name 'stranger in a strange la' (land).......... (your handle points out your ignorance in your own self-perpetuating namesake)

you are lost and know it but too prideful to use your head instead of your emotions of defence

Why not just focus on the thread and its title rather than my good looks. :shrug:
God is a word; describing nature!

No, it isn't. YOU have decided it is, you alone.

grow up and deal with it

Said the pot to the kettle.

like i said, i believe you talking to the wrong guy!

Or, I'm talking with a guy with wrong definitions.

i am pointing out that God is nature itself, i did not ask for proof; as common sense will allow you to understand what i am stating, if you had enough material knowledge to understand it

There is no common sense in your claim, whatsoever. Knowledge and understanding would disagree with you.

not me; as both physicist and theologist don't like me

both have their paradigm and i can prove both wrong!

You've failed so far, when are you going to get started?

God is nature itself

Nope. Failed again.
No, it isn't. YOU have decided it is, you alone.
Only one has the NAME. (the math to describe the process between the trinity; mass, energy, time (key transition)

Or, I'm talking with a guy with wrong definitions.
or perhaps someone making NEW ONES. (creating knowledge from the previous input; evolving)

newton, darwin even jesus and confucious did the same thing; they contributed

i see the 'duty' of life and can define it

you just hot for my good looks and can't stand it

(my wife says, most of what i say is common sense and my attitude puts people off, because the people may be just sitting back and actually realize; 'why didn't I think of that')

There is no common sense in your claim, whatsoever. Knowledge and understanding would disagree with you.
Ptolemy put math to paper sharing how the roaming bodies criss-crossed the nite-sky (planets) and that was the sound judgment of the majority of the time. (all scientific like)

then a few like copernicus, galileo, newton came into reasoning the previous knowledge and found, the old school were idiots

kind of like what i say

(notice it is oooosually single folks who reach the next plateau?)

You've failed so far, when are you going to get started?
because to folk like you, your mind is caste in clay and do not have enough integrity or education to comprehend what is being said.

if you had the integrity you would do the homework

if you have the depth of knowledge, you would capable to articulate questions relevent to even an opening post

we all know the duty to life, but you too stubborn to be honest

Nope. Failed again.

and why you will know who i am; 'when the young begin to teach the old'
or perhaps someone making NEW ONES. (creating knowledge from the previous input; evolving)

Who are you to decide to redefine definitions? On what authority?

newton, darwin even jesus and confucious did the same thing; they contributed

They did not redefine definitions. Jesus was a myth.

then a few like copernicus, galileo, newton came into reasoning the previous knowledge and found, the old school were idiots

kind of like what i say

You are clearly not in the same league, by any stretch of the imagination.

because to folk like you, your mind is caste in clay and do not have enough integrity or education to comprehend what is being said.

if you had the integrity you would do the homework

if you have the depth of knowledge, you would capable to articulate questions relevent to even an opening post

we all know the duty to life, but you too stubborn to be honest

If you knew what you were talking about, you might have a point.
Who are you to decide to redefine definitions? On what authority?

what authority do you have to question me?

i ground what i do/say to the last word (the math)

may seem esoteric but from newton, einstein, feynman and the majority in between, i have read and comprehend their work (most all of it)

and since combining knowledge is how knowledge evolves

now "gravity" can be defined rather than believed

They did not redefine definitions. Jesus was a myth.
you can't prove that but we can observe stories of confucius kirshna buddha and even moses and thoth.........

i never said, they the last word; but the stories shaped the worlds populations and to be better educated, then it is good to be aware. Almost like reading the Hobbit (lord of the rings triology)......... lots of stories to convey honor, courage, wisdom and perseverance............ but none of the theologies can show you how the human brain works

nor what 'life' is except metaphorically (the light)

You are clearly not in the same league, by any stretch of the imagination.

it is hard to use their names too, as i Love what they each contributed to the 'book of life' (the evolution of knowledge; pinnacle is like an owners manual)

me just the idiot to bring them all together

i wonder if that is why i was born 6/66

If you knew what you were talking about, you might have a point.

something told me, to use the word 'integrity' would throw you off....

im sorry.............. it means, if you had any character, you would check the material before opening your trap

same with 'life'............ if you comprehended what life truly is, you would not be arguing with me; that i can assure you!

instead you would be responsible for every action you impose

as well, you would be pursuing the truth at all times because you care for the future over your own self.

you a Q ................ and to u, that is all you do is focus on u

(stinks like PU)
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