Yes, Hitler was indeed a Bible-Believing Christian


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
Contrary to popular beliefs, One of the most Evil men of our times, Adolf Hitler was actually a Bible believing Christian. Simply reading his book Mein Kampf sent chills down my spine. Many Christians will vehemently deny this, but they are in clear denial of the historical truths and clear facts. Some, will even go so far as to declare Hitler was an Atheist! In fact, Ann Coulter, a Christian extremist who has made hate filled, bigoted comments towards Islam, stated:

"this was the approach of all the great mass murderers of the last century -- all of whom were atheists: Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot"

But not only was Hitler a Christian, but he used Christianity to justify the evil he did against Jews and other people. This is very relevant for today’s time, because this is there are lunatics who are Muslim like Osama Bin Laden who use Islam to justify their acts of evil. Here are some excerpts from Adolf Hilter’s book, Mein Kamph (italics are ours):

''Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.''
I didn't know that Hitler's Christianity was disputed.
I thought it was common knowledge that he was a Christian.

In fact, I remember reading an article talking about the Roman Catholic Church's official policy of non-involvement regarding the Holocaust and rampant rumors of the church actually supporting Hitler's efforts.
This brings up an interesting point, how is hitler worse than your heroes PM? His country was screwed by the jews and the west, and he rallied them to rise up and not take crap anymore.
Other than being more competent, I can't see how hitler is any worse or any more evil than islamic fanatics.
Its the exact same thing. But people think muslims are holy saints incapable of doing wrong (check the political threads) while hitler is considered pretty much across the board to be the most evil man in history.
Doesn't make sense.
At least Proud_Muslim concedes that bin Laden is a lunatic and not a hero. That's something. :rolleyes:

-- Long Live the Female Messiah!
Dr Lou Natic said:
This brings up an interesting point, how is hitler worse than your heroes PM?

Who are exactly my heros ??? :rolleyes:

His country was screwed by the jews and the west, and he rallied them to rise up and not take crap anymore.

So you are justifying his actions !! mmm I did not know you are neo-nazi !! :bugeye:
ConsequentAtheist said:
Actually, he used whatever was available. You might be particularly proud of The Arab/Muslim Nazi Connection.

How funny ?? you provided a link in which they accuse Arafat of being Nazi !! very credible indeed !!! :D

Here is the real UNKNOWN stuff:


Nazis, Serbs and other similar creatures are the epitome world scum, and lower than them are Jews who helped them. The purpose of the following chronicle is two fold. First, it is not intended to boast the sad genocidal crimes of Jews against Jews during the Holocaust, instead it is to clarify that certain groups for various reasons commit crimes, Jewish groups too, and an entire religion (i.e. Islam, Christianity, Hinduism.....), should not be demonized for the actions of a few individuals. Because as we have seen from WWII, when all of the Jews were demonized as Christ killers, the result was deadly.

Second, the reason for this document is to show that we must not be brainwashed to think that our foes are our friends, and our friends are our foes, the rare appearance of the facts listed here is proof of how history can be manipulated:

In 1938 July 6-15, President Roosevelt convened the Evian conference to deal with the Jewish refugee problem. The Jewish Agency delegation headed by Golda Meir (Meirson) ignored a German offer to allow Jews to emigrate to other countries for $250 a head, and the other Jewish groups made no effort to influence the United States and the 32 other countries attending the conference to allow immigration of German and Austrian Jews.

On Feb 1, 1940 Henry Montor executive vice-President of the United Jewish Appeal refused to intervene for a shipload of Jewish refugees stranded on the Danube river, stating that "Palestine cannot be flooded with... old people or with undesirables."

It is an historical fact that in 1941 and again in 1942, the German Gestapo offered all European Jews transit to Spain, if they would relinquish all their property in Germany and Occupied France; on condition that:
a) none of the deportees travel from Spain to Palestine; and
b) all the deportees be transported from Spain to the USA or British colonies, and there to remain; with entry visas to be arranged by the Jews living there; and
c) $1000.00 ransom for each family to be furnished by the Agency, payable upon the arrival of the family at the Spanish border at the rate of 1000 families daily.

The Jewsish leaders in Switzerland and Turkey received this offer with the clear understanding that the exclusion of Palestine as a destination for the deportees was based on an agreement between the Gestapo and the Mufti.

The answer of the Jewish leaders was negative, with the following comments:
a) ONLY Palestine would be considered as a destination for the deportees.
b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death greater in measure than the other nations, in order that the victorious allies agree to a "Jewish State" at the end of the war.
c) No ransom will be paid
This response to the Gestapo's offer was made with the full knowledge that the alternative to this offer was the gas chamber.

In 1944, at the time of the Hungarian deportations, a similar offer was made, whereby all Hungarian Jewry could be saved. The same Jewish hierarchy again refused this offer (after the gas chambers had already taken a toll of millions).

The British government granted visas to 300 rabbis and their families to the Colony of Mauritius, with passage for the evacuees through Turkey. The "Jewish Agency" leaders sabotaged this plan with the observation that the plan was disloyal to Palestine, and the 300 rabbis and their families should be gassed.

On December 17, 1942 both houses of the British Parliament declared its readiness to find temporary refuge for endagered persons. The British Parliament proposed to evacuate 500,000 Jews from Europe, and resettle them in British colonies, as a part of diplomatic negotiations with Germany. This motion received within two weeks a total of 277 Parliamentary signatures. On Jan. 27, when the next steps were being pursued by over 100 M.P.'s and Lords, a spokesman for the Zionists announced that the Jews would oppose the motion because Palestine was ommitted.

On Feb. 16, 1943 Roumania offered 70,000 Jewish refugees of the Trans-Dniestria to leave at the cost of $50 each. This was publicized in the New York papers.
Yitzhak Greenbaum, Chairman of the Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency, addressing the Zionist Executive Council in Tel Aviv Feb. 18 1943 said, "when they asked me, "couldn't you give money out of the United Jewish Appeal funds for the rescue of Jews in Europe, I said NO! and I say again, NO! should resist this wave which pushes the Zionist activities to secondary importance."

On Feb. 24, 1943 Stephen Wise, President of the American Jewish Congress and leader of the American Zionists issued a public refusal to this offer and declared no collection of funds would seem justified.

In 1944, the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People called upon the American government to establish a War Refugee Board. Stephen Wise testifying before a special committee of Congress objected to this proposal.

During the course of the negotiations mentioned above, Chaim Weizman, the first "Jewish statesman" stated: "The most valuable part of the Jewish nation is already in Palestine, and those Jews living outside Palestine are not too important". Weizman's cohort, Greenbaum, amplified this statement with the observation "One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe".

And then, after the bitterest episode in Jewish history, these Zionist "statesmen" lured the broken refugees in the DP camps to remain in hunger and deprivation, and to refuse relocation to any place but Palestine; only for the purpose of building their State.

In 1947 Congressman William Stration sponsored a bill to immediately grant entry to the United States of 400,000 displaced persons. The bill was not passed after it was publicly denounced by the Zionist leadership.

These facts are read with consternation and unbearable shame. How can it be explained that at a time during the last phase of the war, when the Nazis were willing to barter Jews for money, partly because of their desires to establish contact with the Western powers which, they believed, were under Jewish influence, how was it possible one asks that the self-proclaimed "Jewish leaders" did not move heaven and earth to save the last remnant of their brothers?

On Feb. 23, 1956 the Hon. J. W. Pickersgill, Minister for Immigration was asked in the Canadian House of Commons "would he open the doors of Canada to Jewish refugees". He replied "the government has made no progress in that direction because the government of Israel....does not wish us to do so".

In 1972, the Zionist leadership successfully opposed an effort in the United States Congress to allow 20,000-30,000 Russian refugees to enter the United States. Jewish relief organizations, Joint and HIAS, were being pressured to abandon these refugees in Vienna, Rome and other Europiean cities.

The pattern is clear!!! Humanitarian rescue efforts are subverted to narrow Zionist interests.

There were many more shocking crimes committed by these abject degenerates known as "Jewish statesmen", we could list many more example, but for the time being let anyone produce a valid excuse for the above facts.

Jewish responsibility for the Holocaust is threefold.

The Holocaust was a punishment for disrespecting The Three Oaths (see Talmud, Tractate Kesubos p. 111a).
Jewish leaders openly withheld support, both financially and otherwise, to save their fellow brothers and sisters from a cruel death.
The leaders of the Zionist movement cooperated with Hitler and his cohorts on many occasions and in many ways.

Jews Offer a Military Alliance with Hitler

It would be wishful thinking if it could be stated that the leaders of the Zionist movement sat back and ignored the plight of their dying brothers and sisters. Not only did they publicly refuse to assist in their rescue, but they actively participated with Hitler and the Nazi regime.

Early in 1935, a passenger ship bound for Haifa in Palestine left the German port of Bremerhaven. Its stern bore the Hebrew letter for its name, "Tel Aviv", while a swastika banner fluttered from the mast. And although the ship was Zionist owned, its captain was a National Socialist Party (Nazi) member. Many years later a traveler aboard the ship recalled this symbolic combination as a "metaphysical absurdity". Absurd or not, this is but one vignette from a little-known chapter of history: The wide ranging collaboration between Jews and Hitler's Third Reich.

In early January 1941 a small but important Jewish organization submitted a formal proposal to German diplomats in Beirut for a military-political alliance with wartime Germany. The offer was made by the radical underground "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel", better known as the Lehi or Stern Gang. Its leader, Avraham Stern, had recently broken with the radical nationalist "National Military Organization" (Irgun Zvai Leumi - Etzel) over the group's attitude toward Britain, which had effectively banned further Jewish settlement of Palestine. Stern regarded Britain as the main enemy of Zionism.

This remarkable proposal "for the solution of the Jewish question in Europe and the active participation on the NMO [Lehi] in the war on the side of Germany" is worth quoting at some length:

"The NMO which is very familiar with the goodwill of the German Reich government and its officials towards Zionist activities within Germany and the Zionist emigration program takes the view that:

Common interests can exist between a European New Order based on the German concept and the true national aspirations of the Jewish people as embodied by the NMO.
Cooperation is possible between the New Germany and a renewed, folkish-national Jewry.
The establishment of the Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, and bound by treaty, with the German Reich, would be in the interest of maintaining and strengthening the future German position of power in the Near East.
"On the basis of these considerations, and upon the condition that the German Reich government recognize the national aspirations of the Israel Freedom Movement mentioned above, the NMO in Palestine offers to actively take part in the war on the side of Germany.

"This offer by the NMO could include military, political and informational activity within Palestine and, after certain organizational measures, outside as well. Along with this the "Jewish" men of Europe would be militarily trained and organized in military units under the leadership and command of the NMO. They would take part in combat operations for the purpose of conquering Palestine, should such a front be formed.

"The indirect participation of the Israel Freedom Movement in the New Order of Europe, already in the preparatory stage, combined with a positive-radical solution of the European-Jewish problem on the basis of the national aspirations of the Jewish people mentioned above, would greatly strengthen the moral foundation of the New Order in the eyes of all humanity.

"The cooperation of the Israel Freedom Movement would also be consistent with a recent speech by the German Reich Chancellor, in which Hitler stressed that he would utilize any combination and coalition in order to isolate and defeat England".

(Original document in German Auswertiges Amt Archiv, Bestand 47-59, E224152 and E234155-58.
Complete original text published in: David Yisraeli, The Palestinian Problem in German Politics 1889-1945 (Israel: 1947) pp. 315-317).
On the basis of their similar ideologies about ethnicity and nationhood, National Socialists and Jews worked together for what each group believed was in its own national interests.

This is just one example of the Zionist movements' collaboration with Hitler for the purpose of possibly receiving jurisdiction over a minute piece of earth, Palestine.

Source :The Wall Street Journal December 2, 1976
Proud_Muslim said:
Who are exactly my heros ??? :rolleyes:
You're right. There are no notable characters in the history of islam.
My point is you hate jews and the west, and applaud actions taken against them. If some muslim was successful he would be your hero. I don't see how he would be any better than hitler.

So you are justifying his actions !! mmm I did not know you are neo-nazi !! :bugeye:
No, I'm not.
I neither applaud nor condemn his actions. To me they were just actions, interesting and worthy of study.
I'm trying to look at it from an emotional human perspective and when doing that I can't see how hitler is any more evil than a hypothetical muslim with ambition and drive.
You think your people have gotten a raw deal right? You think the jews and west are being pricks to your people and you want them to treat you better? Well hitler was similar to you. He just fought for what he believed in with more talent than any muslim has ever mustered.
Why this makes him more evil than a muslim is beyond me.
I'm not justifying his actions I'm saying they are similar to what a fanatical muslim would do if he knew how. And with that in mind I find it curious how people can put him on the one end of the scale as most evil person in history and put fanatical muslims on the other as flawless human beings who can do no wrong.
I don't judge either and think whatever they do is whatever they do. But i see people judging hitler all the time and those same people would never judge muslims to any degree.
I don't understand how their brains work.
You think the jews and west are being pricks to your people and you want them to treat you better? Well hitler was similar to you. He just fought for what he believed in with more talent than any muslim has ever mustered.
What an interesting thesis. It would be most excellent if you would develop that sometime.

Your post only indicates that any religion can be used to justify the means, whether it be Christianity or Islam. That puts you in squarely in the limelight.
Dr Lou Natic said:
You're right. There are no notable characters in the history of islam.

Really ?? how about this one ?


My point is you hate jews and the west, and applaud actions taken against them. If some muslim was successful he would be your hero. I don't see how he would be any better than hitler.

Who said I hate the jews and the west ??? I hate zionist jews who stole my land, yes, I hate the westerners who are killing my brothers and sisters in Iraq and Afghanistan, but I dont hate every single westerner..this is BULLSHIT.

I neither applaud nor condemn his actions. To me they were just actions, interesting and worthy of study.

WAOOOOOOOOOOO, You dont condemn the actions of Hitler ???? you dont condemn the holocaust ???? surely, you must be anti-semitic !! :D but I will leave that to our jewish posters here to use the anti semitism card, they are the most experienced in doing so !!!

You think your people have gotten a raw deal right? You think the jews and west are being pricks to your people and you want them to treat you better?

We dont beg for our rights, we fight for them.

Well hitler was similar to you. He just fought for what he believed in with more talent than any muslim has ever mustered.

And you are praising him as well !!! :eek:

Why this makes him more evil than a muslim is beyond me.
I'm not justifying his actions I'm saying they are similar to what a fanatical muslim would do if he knew how. And with that in mind I find it curious how people can put him on the one end of the scale as most evil person in history and put fanatical muslims on the other as flawless human beings who can do no wrong.

But who is putting fanatical Muslims or JEWS for that matter as flawless human beings !!!!

I don't judge either and think whatever they do is whatever they do. But i see people judging hitler all the time and those same people would never judge muslims to any degree.

Oh I see, you want people to equate Muslims with nazis, right ?? :rolleyes:

I don't understand how their brains work.

Maybe because you have none !!
Look at the crescent moon in the picture of "Saladin the prince of islam" Above.

"contrary to popular belief"? Way to state the obvious PM, everyone knows he was Christian, what did everyone else think he was Jewish?
No Princess, most christians that I met denied he was christian, they said, he was an athiest !!! :confused:
okinrus said:
Hitler was neither an atheist or a Christian.
You're just going to leave it at that?

What was he?
And on what authority do you base this?
so what! to this entire thread, i could become a budhist and set of an a bomb or two, would that make budhism evil? NO!

ps: dont worry, your all safe, a bombs cost alot more money then i have
Dr Lou Natic said:
You're right. There are no notable characters in the history of islam.
My point is you hate jews and the west, and applaud actions taken against them. If some muslim was successful he would be your hero. I don't see how he would be any better than hitler.

SOME famous converts to islam;

Khadijah - wife of Muhammad. First convert to Islam.

Shabbetai Tzevi - seventeenth-century Turkish Jew who had claimed to be Messiah and attracted a large following. His conversion to Islam largely dissolved this mass messianic Jewish movement, but also resulted in the development of the ongoing Donmeh religious movement.

Michael Jackson - the "King of Pop," one of the century's most popular entertainers, formally joined the Nation of Islam on 17 Dec. 2003
Malcom X - early leader of American "Black Muslim"/Nation of Islam movement; later a convert to Sunni Islam

Cat Stevens - British rock musician; changed name to Yusuf Islam

Art Blakey - American Jazz musician

Muhammad Ali - boxer
Matthew Saad Muhammad - world champion boxer (formerly Matt Franklin)
Dwight Muhammad Qawi - world champion boxer (formerly Dwight Braxton)
Eddie Mustapha Muhammad - world champion lightweight boxer (formerly Eddie Gregory)
Mustafa Hamsho - boxer
Akbar Muhammad - boxer
Mike Tyson - boxer
Hamdan Chris Eubank - boxer (super middleweight boxing champion)

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar - basketball player

Queen Noor - American-born queen of Jordan during reign of the late King Hussein I

Maryam Jameelah - Jewish American essayist and poet. Formerly Margaret Marcus.

Daniel Moore - Anglo-American poet

Muhammad Marmaduke (William) Pickthall - author and Quran translator

Michael Wolfe - author, journalist (The Hadj: An American's Pilgrimage to Mecca; One Thousand Roads to Mecca: Ten Centuries of Travelers Writing About the Muslim Pilgrimage; ABC Nightline documentary "An American in Mecca")

Aminah Assilmi - Denver area broadcast journalist; now director of the International Union of Muslim Women (former Baptist)

Jemima Goldsmith - daughter of British billionaire Sir James, who married Imran Khan. Changed name to Haiqa Khan.

Famous People who are NOT Converts to Islam
The following famous individuals have been the subject of widely circulated but completely fabricated "conversion to Islam" rumors:
Neil Armstrong
Jacques Cousteau
Will Smith

Note: Prior to Michael Jackson's actual conversion to the Nation of Islam in Dec. 2003, there were false rumors about him converting to Islam.

Suite101: Famous Converts to Islam - Anayat Durrani has an excellent and useful list of famous converts to Islam. It has more information about each person. It was from here that we were able to learn about and add four additional names to our list: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Muhammad Marmaduke (William) Pickthall, Hamdan Chris Eubank, and Michael Wolfe. (We also recommend the entire Suite101 Islam site as an excellent resource.)

Woking's Converts to Islam page
Authors Who are Religious Converts
Embracing Islam
Okinrus is right.
Proud_Muslim said:
Contrary to popular beliefs, One of the most Evil men of our times, Adolf Hitler was actually a Bible believing Christian. Simply reading his book Mein Kampf sent chills down my spine.
Hitler was an occultist. He believed in a number of strange things... none of which were Christian.

Mein Kampf was anti-semitic propaganda that he wrote while brooding in a cell.

Besides, you've never read it. Maybe you've read one or two passages you found on the net, but you've certainly not read it.
Have you ever actually seen a copy? No normal human being could ever read one. The only man whom I know to have done it was Stalin.
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