WTC Collapses

How do you think the World Trade Center Collapsed?

  • Terrorist controlled aeroplanes crashing into them (like on the footage)

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Remote controlled aeroplanes to manipulate a war on false grounds

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Demolitions charges rigged by the government to manipulate war

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • Allah!

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • People keep flogging a dead horse!

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters
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scott3x said:
Headspin hasn't responded in a bit, thought I'd step up to the plate, with a link:

the government didn't need to destroy those buildings for the "excuse" of going to war. flying planes into them would have been sufficient.

The death count would have been much lower. How are you so sure?

leopold99 said:
if i remember correctly the US went to war in iraq because of weapons of mass destruction, not because of 9/11.

The Bush administration tried to tie it to 9/11 and Al Quaeda, but failed dismally. The equally fictitious Weapons of Mass Destruction apparently did the trick, though. Perhaps you'll be more persuaded by someone who only recently became a 9/11 truther:

He cites the site Patriots Question 9/11 as a site that was pivotal in changing his mind.
The Bush administration tried to tie it to 9/11 and Al Quaeda, but failed dismally.
we went to war in iraq because of weapons of mass destruction scott.
if 9/11 was even remotely the reason we would have went immediately instead of waiting a year or so.
scott3x said:
9/11 Research makes a powerful case that the buildings were fully capable of handling the impacts of the 767s in its article called Towers' Design Parameters.

not according to the buildings designer.

I assume you mean Leslie Robertson. Kevin Ryan has stated that, NOVA's claim notwithstanding, Leslie Robertson has never claimed to have originated the design of the twin towers. Here is Kevin Ryan's remarks in his essay, "Propping up the War on Terror":
Perhaps most compelling for me were the words of a genuine expert on the WTC. This was John Skilling, the structural engineer responsible for designing the towers.17 (The NOVA video, incidentally, gave this credit to Leslie Robertson. But Robertson, who never claimed to have originated the design, was only a junior member of the firm [Worthington, Skilling, Helle and Jackson], and Skilling was known at the time to be the engineer in charge.) In 1993, five years before his death, Skilling said that he had performed an analysis on jet plane crashes and the ensuing fires [emphasis mine] and that "the building structure would still be there."18
Actually, the 767s were going slower then the cruising speed of 707; 9/11 Research makes a powerful case that the buildings were fully capable of handling the impacts of the 767s in its article called Towers' Design Parameters.

Aw :)

From the Fema report, the buildings were designed to be hit at 180 mph. The planes OBVIOUSLY were traveling much faster than that. How fast do you think the planes were traveling, Scott?
Originally Posted by psikeyhackr.
Do something besides say, that's published, that's published, that's published, that's published, that's published, that's published, that's published, ....
okay, i will.
why not ask tony to help you with the interpolation, he claims to be a structural engineer doesn't he?

Notice how you left out the part about providing links and you still haven't done it.

I am not interested in interpolation. The NIST took 3 years and $20,000,000 and gave us 10,000 pages of shallow distorted bullshit. It is their JOB to give us accurate relevant information and the American people should understand that they didn't.

Tony doesn't like my suggestion of a computer simulation with 5 levels missing. If that could not completely collapse than the airliner could not possibly have done it. Why he doesn't like it I don't know.

I thought you said you weren't going to respond to my posts. :D :D

Originally Posted by leopold99
i don't have to tolerate this type of BS from you or anyone else.
i will not respond to any more of your posts.
I will try to come up with more BS to give you. LOL

I aim to please.

Speaking of physics...we are having an Ice day in Dallas today, and my company closed for the day....they are showing video on the news of drivers sliding down these tall's so cool to watch the idiots with NO concept of "coefficient of friction". :) It's like bumper cars out there!
scott3x said:
The Bush administration tried to tie it to 9/11 and Al Quaeda, but failed dismally.

we went to war in iraq because of weapons of mass destruction scott.

Which didn't exist.

leopold99 said:
if 9/11 was even remotely the reason we would have went immediately instead of waiting a year or so.

Like I said, they tried to tie Saddam with Al Qaeda, but the fact of the matter is that Saddam didn't want to have anything to do with Al Qaeda so they had to relent on that front. So, on to plan B of their Weapons of Mass media Delusion; claiming that Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction. I remember hearing that if the Bush administration hadn't lucked out in getting some Iraqi looking for a Green Card, that Bush was prepared to take more drastic measures in order to ensure they cashed in, I mean, "liberated" Iraq. Perhaps Alan Greenspan, who was head of the US Federal Reserve for 18 years, stated it best:
I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil...
I assume you mean Leslie Robertson. Kevin Ryan has stated that, NOVA's claim notwithstanding, Leslie Robertson has never claimed to have originated the design of the twin towers. Here is Kevin Ryan's remarks in his essay, "Propping up the War on Terror":
Perhaps most compelling for me were the words of a genuine expert on the WTC. This was John Skilling, the structural engineer responsible for designing the towers.17 (The NOVA video, incidentally, gave this credit to Leslie Robertson. But Robertson, who never claimed to have originated the design, was only a junior member of the firm [Worthington, Skilling, Helle and Jackson], and Skilling was known at the time to be the engineer in charge.) In 1993, five years before his death, Skilling said that he had performed an analysis on jet plane crashes and the ensuing fires [emphasis mine] and that "the building structure would still be there."18
i never originated the design for computers but i've designed my own.
there is a difference between "concept" and "design" you know.
leslie designed WTC 1 and 2, the concept for the buildings could easily been to someone elses credit.
scott3x said:
Actually, the 767s were going slower then the cruising speed of 707; 9/11 Research makes a powerful case that the buildings were fully capable of handling the impacts of the 767s in its article called Towers' Design Parameters.

From the Fema report, the buildings were designed to be hit at 180 mph.

Then the FEMA report wasn't doing its homework, which seems to be the norm in all these government studies. Thank goodness some people do, such as 9/11 Research. I hope that you'll take a look at 9/11 Research's excellent work on the subject, Towers' Design Parameters, one day.
From the Fema report, the buildings were designed to be hit at 180 mph. The planes OBVIOUSLY were traveling much faster than that. How fast do you think the planes were traveling, Scott?
fast enough for the landing gear and parts of the engines to plow clear through the building and land blocks away.
Like I said, they tried to tie Saddam with Al Qaeda, but the fact of the matter is that Saddam didn't want to have anything to do with Al Qaeda so they had to relent on that front. So, on to plan B of their Weapons of Mass media Delusion; claiming that Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction. I remember hearing that if the Bush administration hadn't lucked out in getting some Iraqi looking for a Green Card, that Bush was prepared to take more drastic measures in order to ensure they cashed in, I mean, "liberated" Iraq. Perhaps Alan Greenspan, who was head of the US Federal Reserve for 18 years, stated it best:
I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil...
like i said, if 9/11 was the reason then we would have went immediately while the US population wanted someones ass.
Then the FEMA report wasn't doing its homework, which seems to be the norm in all these government studies. Thank goodness some people do, such as 9/11 Research. I hope that you'll take a look at 9/11 Research's excellent work on the subject, Towers' Design Parameters, one day.

I've asked you repeated times not to do this. Stop making me do the work to respond to your post. Don't just post the least quote the relevant part here. In order to respond to you, I have to click the link and try to churn through the whole fucking page...which in many cases contain large amounts of data.... trying to find the point you are referencing. Sometimes its unclear. This is very frustrating for me. Stop making your reader do the do the work to present your argument and make the reader's job easier by presenting the data you are referencing here.

Thank you,

I've asked you repeated times not to do this. Stop making me do the work to respond to your post. Don't just post the least quote the relevant part here. In order to respond to you, I have to click the link and try to churn through the whole fucking page...
frankly i feel it's a blatant attempt to get hits for the site.
i'm proud to say i've given them only one. :D
Then the FEMA report wasn't doing its homework, which seems to be the norm in all these government studies.
i seriously believe that FEMA could put the phrase " it was a bomb" at the end of their report and you'll be waving it around telling everyone how accurate the investigation was.
After reviewing through the page, there was one little part where they said:

A white paper released on February 3, 1964 states that the Towers could have withstood impacts of jetliners travelling 600 mph -- a speed greater than the impact speed of either jetliner used on 9/11/01.
The buildings have been investigated and found to be safe in an assumed collision with a large jet airliner (Boeing 707—DC 8) traveling at 600 miles per hour. Analysis indicates that such collision would result in only local damage which could not cause collapse or substantial damage to the building and would not endanger the lives and safety of occupants not in the immediate area of impact. 4

I'm not sure what a "white paper" is and they don't mention who it was released by. They don't actually quote the document, nor do they link it. I did a search of my own, trying to find any reference to it..but there's not enough data to yield any results. The news story they link makes no mention of speeds. They claim the design for the planes to be traveling at 600. Which was the max speed for a 707. That really doesn't make sense, since they were designing for a plane in the same situation as the B-25, lost in the fog and traveling at approach speeds. Planes only travel that fast at altitude.
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I'm not sure what a "white paper" is and they don't mention who it was released by. They don't actually quote the document, nor do they link it. I did a search of my own, trying to find any reference to it..but there's not enough data to yield any results.
the same can be said about these red/ gray chips that were found in two apartments.
it wasn't stated who it was that found them and to top it off we can't even link them to ground zero.

as a jurist i could never convict a man of murder on such shaky evidence.
Okay, lets try a different angle. Let's say beyond all comprehension, beyond all evidence, there was a conspiracy.

What are you conspiracy monger's attempting to achieve?

Do you think your name will be written in the annal's of history or that you'll automatically assume the thrown of your chosen government for seeing through a deception? Do you think that having "your truth" is going to benefit the world somehow?

All I can see from hashing over the same shit daily is a bunch of people dropping out on things that really count. Like solving the current economic slide, National debt or feeding the poor or starved etc.
Nice work MacGyver, keep it up. It's nice not to have to think. I'm currently just reading your posts to figure out what my opinion is. Very relaxing.
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