WTC Building 7 Anomalies

The failures of the various towers of 9/11 were not anything like a purposefully designed demolition.

It would have taken a massive amount of explosives failing proper weakening of the structures first which could not have occurred. In the case of these steel framed buildings, many shape charges would have been required, one on almost every column on at least one level so the building would pancake with out much leaning. The shape charges would have been very large since the web of the steel shapes would not have been weakened as normally done.
Yes. Simple office fires would suffice much easier. . .
Shape charges make a lot of noise. The sound is supersonic. No such sounds were heard in the 9/11 collapses.
Hogwash. There are plenty of eyewitness accounts of such.
Second, they wrote, "Additionally, in its study of WTC 7, NIST considered all available data and evaluated a range of possible collapse mechanisms," which is in fact. . . untrue! They failed to investigate the most glaringly bloody obvious, didn't they? Um. . . controlled demolition? Simply, they failed to look at how the building fell, the classic signs of controlled demolition and adhered to Occam's razor. Why didn't they look for signs of controlled demolition? Because, they already assumed, (or were told) that was impossible.
From the excerpt you quoted:

"...hypothetical blast events..."

If not CD, then what? the Jews convinced our government to allow the killing of 3000 of our own citizen for what?

Fuck you NF you anti-Semite piece of shit!!

What are you, a Mossad agent? No need to be nasty now. I think he has hit a nerve? :rolleyes:

You needn't resort to Ad hominem attacks just because he knows the truth and your efforts to ridicule people into silence and obfuscate the truth is preposterously silly. One needn't be an, "anti-Semite" to call a spade a spade.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and looks like a duck, by god, an intelligent person calls it a duck. Shit boy. No reason to fly off the handle with a foul mouth when the cards are laid on the table and it's found out that there isn't anything in your hand but a bluff. You lost, now walk away.
What are you, a Mossad agent? No need to be nasty now. I think he has hit a nerve? :rolleyes:

You needn't resort to Ad hominem attacks just because he knows the truth and your efforts to ridicule people into silence and obfuscate the truth is preposterously silly. One needn't be an, "anti-Semite" to call a spade a spade.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and looks like a duck, by god, an intelligent person calls it a duck. Shit boy. No reason to fly off the handle with a foul mouth when the cards are laid on the table and it's found out that there isn't anything in your hand but a bluff. You lost, now walk away.

Sorry...that's what drinking will do. I apologize to NF for my rash accusations. That doesn't mean I lost...just lost my cool. Please feel free to present evidence that what I'm saying is untrue.
From the excerpt you quoted:

"...hypothetical blast events..."

If not CD, then what?

19. Did fuel oil systems in WTC 7 contribute to its collapse?

No. The building had three separate emergency power systems, all of which ran on diesel fuel. The worst-case scenarios associated with fires being fed by ruptured fuel lines—or from fuel stored in day tanks on the lower floors—could not have been sustained long enough, could not have generated sufficient heat to weaken critical interior columns, and/or would have produced large amounts of visible smoke from the lower floors, which were not observed.

As background information, the three systems contained two 12,000-gallon fuel tanks, and two 6,000-gallon tanks beneath the building's loading docks, and a single 6,000-gallon tank on the 1st floor. In addition, one system used a 275-gallon tank on the 5th floor, a 275-gallon tank on the 8th floor, and a 50-gallon tank on the 9th floor. Another system used a 275-gallon day tank on the 7th floor.

Several months after the WTC 7 collapse, a contractor recovered an estimated 23,000 gallons of fuel from these tanks. NIST estimated that the unaccounted fuel totaled 1,000 ± 1,000 gallons of fuel (in other words, somewhere between 0 and 2,000 gallons, with approximately 1,000 gallons as the most likely figure).

The fate of the fuel in the day tanks and the two 6,000-gallon tanks was unknown, so NIST assumed they were full on Sept. 11, 2001.

I have done a lot of research on this topic. I read an analysis, or saw an interview of someone who did research on this NIST report and submitted questions on the methodology, as well as the political and corporate interests that were behind the drafting of the report. There were no investigations or attempts to gather evidence looking into whether or not explosives may have been used to collapse the building. The question was never even considered as a possibility.
I have done a lot of research on this topic. I read an analysis, or saw an interview of someone who did research on this NIST report and submitted questions on the methodology, as well as the political and corporate interests that were behind the drafting of the report. There were no investigations or attempts to gather evidence looking into whether or not explosives may have been used to collapse the building. The question was never even considered as a possibility.

Then why didn't any of the cadaver dogs that were cross-trained in explosive training hit on any explosives?
Then stop arguing that the WTC7 was demolished by the US government rather than a victim of a 7 hour unfought fire.
it probably was.
for good reason.
most will take that as the entire 911 scenario was a conspiracy, which of course it wasn't.
anybody with any sense at all cannot brush aside that building 7 was demo'd
the comment by silverstein, the way it fell.
911 happened as per the official story, except 7.
- my 2 cents.
I have done a lot of research on this topic. I read an analysis, or saw an interview of someone who did research on this NIST report and submitted questions on the methodology, as well as the political and corporate interests that were behind the drafting of the report. There were no investigations or attempts to gather evidence looking into whether or not explosives may have been used to collapse the building. The question was never even considered as a possibility.

That portion you quoted doesn't actually answer my question - unless you're trying to assert that the blast events mentioned in the portion you quoted here:
Additionally, in its study of WTC 7, NIST considered all available data and evaluated a range of possible collapse mechanisms: uncontrolled fires on the tenant floors, fuel oil fires, HYPOTHETICAL BLAST EVENTS, and fires within the Con Ed substation. NIST developed a working hypothesis, modeled the fires and the building, and then used the models to test the hypothesis against the observed behavior of the building. This approach is fully consistent with the principles of scientific inquiry.
(Emphasis added by me)
Is in relation to the diesel tanks in the building (as opposed to the fuel oil fires mentioned seperately and before hand).
US Government? Why would I think that...some Jew Property owner made billions from it's demise.

Agreed. The whole thing stinks to high heaven and is pretty shady if you ask me.

Israeli Spyring

Fox News, alone of all the media, actually ran the story as a four part broadcast, and put the story up on its web site. Then, without explanation, Fox News erased the story from their web site and have never mentioned it again.

Fox News has learned that one group of Israelis, spotted in North Carolina recently, is suspected of keeping an apartment in California to spy on a group of Arabs who the United States is also investigating for links to terrorism. Numerous classified documents obtained by Fox News indicate that even prior to September 11, as many as 140 other Israelis had been detained or arrested in a secretive and sprawling investigation into suspected espionage by Israelis in the United States.

Investigators from numerous government agencies are part of a working group that's been compiling evidence since the mid '90s. These documents detail hundreds of incidents in cities and towns across the country that investigators say, "may well be an organized intelligence gathering activity."

The first part of the investigation focuses on Israelis who say they are art students from the University of Jerusalem and Bazala Academy. They repeatedly made contact with U.S. government personnel, the report says, by saying they wanted to sell cheap art or handiwork.

Documents say they, "targeted and penetrated military bases." The DEA, FBI and dozens of government facilities, and even secret offices and unlisted private homes of law enforcement and intelligence personnel. The majority of those questioned, "stated they served in military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units."

The report just goes on and on. . .

This documentary isn't flashy, or entertaining. In fact, it's just a lecture of facts. But yeah, if you wonder why 9/11 truth shit is so. . . well, yeah, you get the picture. . . here's why.

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.
― Vladimir Lenin

Missing Links
Did you know it used to be against the law to be a duel citizen? Well, until a Jewish Judge ruled that it was ok for Israeli citizens to be both US nationals and Israeli nationals. Then it was ok for them to partake in US government. . . Before that, the Mexican nationals in this country had to choose, either Mexico, or the US, not both.

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11

In point of fact, there is nothing wrong with Jewish people, or Israelis. I have made many fine friends of them both. But the Zionist criminal Mafia out of Israel that runs the Mossad is as bad as neo-con elements that run the CIA, NSA and other black elements in the states. All peoples and cultures have the dirty little beliefs and secrets that are toxic to the global peace and culture. you're a Zionist did it kinda of guy. Yeah them fucking Jews..they are the root of all evil.

Rev 3:9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

Yes, evil Jews who are indeed mentioned the end of time.
Rev 3:9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

Yes, evil Jews who are indeed mentioned the end of time.

What, they did it to the Christians, then the Romans, then the Atheists and Scientists, then the Germans, next it'll be the Americans, Russians and Chinese in quick succession in order to rule the world?

Nah, people are people. Some good, some bad. It depends on the choices they make, what they choose their reality to be and what is in their heart. Love, or fear. It isn't the end, just a shift, a different sort of renaissance. What kind and when? It will depend on just how much pain, imprisonment, lies, obfuscation, and lack of freedom the average of collective humanity is willing to take from it's patriarchal control paradigm. Dogmatic ancient scriptures and "religious leaders" which prevent the liberation of the individual spirit from this divisive and violent control paradigm certainly isn't helping the situation.

After all, what did the largely christian west blame the incident on? Islamic fundamentalists. The west funded and encouraged this movement and dogma during the 70's, 80' and 90's and were the ones that even made this explanation believable. They could have done the same thing with any fundamentalist group when they knew they were going to need some world wide terror threat to combat in order to take the place of communism. This group was just the obvious choice due to its opposition of established Arab vassal states of the west and the illegal creation of Israel.
This is really a weird thread. A discussion about some ignorant misguided zelot muslims crashing planes into building somehow morphs into an anti-semetic rant.:shrug:
This is really a weird thread. A discussion about some ignorant misguided zelot muslims crashing planes into building somehow morphs into an anti-semetic rant.:shrug:

What plane?
What misguided zealot Muslims?
I don't think you have very good reading comprehension. :bugeye:
Here is what I don't get about the logic/logistics of the "fill buildings with explosives" crew:

1. What if the planes don't make it to the buildings? Then you blow them up anyway?
2. Why not just blow them up anyway, specially when full of people? Why do you need planes if the damage is done by explosives?? You could blame whoever you want later or fabricate fake evidence in a much simpler and cheaper way than training 20 arabs to fly...
3. What if Building 7 had no damage at all? Blow it up anyway? So was it sheer luck on the behalf of the conspirators that the building got at least some damage, or that damage was planned too?

You see, conspirators can not explain these with at least a decent cover story. And every good conspiracy need an at least half plausible cover story...

P.S.: In the Twin Towers on any given workday there were 50K people. Compared to that, losing only 3K is actually a fail for the "fill buildings with explosives" conspirators...