WTC Building 7 Anomalies

Oh sweet evil Jesus, we're really still on this? I thought that this one was settled. It was really our own government testing a secret space laser, the planes crashing into the buildings was just a coincidence :p

In all seriousness though, this is getting tiresome. The Twoofers haven't come up with anything that hasn't been thoroughly demolished(lol), and they certainly haven't countered any of the criticisms of their pet "theories". This is almost as bad as discussing god with christians.

As for the talk about people hearing explosions, I don't think that it's wise to trust the testimony of people who were in serious states of shock. Having undergone that level of shock and worse(having your heart stop will do that to the body) I know first hand just how unreliable the senses are in those circumstances.

Yeah...pretty much...that's why Geoff and I are doing the argument sketch from Monty Python.
Oh sweet evil Jesus, we're really still on this? I thought that this one was settled.
it is, pretty much.
we still like to drag out the dead horse every once in a while.
hell, you might see 2 or 3 of them on any given day around these parts.
It was really our own government testing a secret space laser, the planes crashing into the buildings was just a coincidence :p
actually it was one of trippys experiments gone horribly wrong.
In all seriousness though, this is getting tiresome.
maybe. see above.
This is almost as bad as discussing god with christians.
and what is it with christians as opposed to, say, hindus?
Blowing up a building outright would still be a "terrorist" attack.

This is absolutely not addressing the issue. If there is no damage to the building, then you have a building full of explosives.

Well, I see what you are trying to say. Thay they could just blow it anyway. Well, then there was no point in messing with airplanes at the first place... And this is actually a good argument against all buildings, why not just blow them outright? Terrorists (or anybody) can still be blamed...

I presented video evidence of explosions on one of the towers, and a witness repprt of explosions in WTC7.

And I presented explanations. Explosion =/= bomb

Hell, a fire extinguisher can explode!

bad guys protecting themselves by destroying documents, see?

I understand that, but the plan is just way to elaborate, when much simpler idea could have worked just as well...

hell, what if they just simply destroy the documents??? Who is to say, who did it???
Yeah, what anomalies? There are no anomalies to see here. Move along.


Either answer the question, or stop trolling. It was a genuine question, and I'd appreciate a genuine answer.

I was simply asking Leopold what he considered anomalies (and why).

How else is anything approaching reasonable discourse supposed to occur? I'm not Psychic, I'm not omiscient, I don't know what he's thinking.
I was simply asking Leopold what he considered anomalies (and why).
the term "pull it" made by silverstein.
i'm sorry but i don't buy the "remove the firefighters" bit.

the way it fell.
i've watched quite a few videos of CDs of various structures.
building 7 follows the MO of a CD.

listen, i know you need a 1000 foot fractionating column but relax.
the term "pull it" made by silverstein.
i'm sorry but i don't buy the "remove the firefighters" bit.

Except it was during a PBS documentary filmed well after the event and he was discussing his conversation with the FD.
Fire Departments don't do CDs so that interpretation makes no sense.

Pulling the fire department contingent out of the building (which is what they did) is a much more reasonable interpretation.

the way it fell.
i've watched quite a few videos of CDs of various structures.
building 7 follows the MO of a CD.

Of course, gravity is the force that causes CD buildings to collapse, Gravity is the force that causes fire induced collapse so of course they would look similar.

What isn't similar is that FIRES burning for 7 hours are never used in CDs
What isn't similar is that CD always preps the columns and other supporting elements, cutting much of them prior to placing the explosive right on the columns, something that could not have been done in WTC 7 without plenty of people being aware of that fact.
What isn't similar to CD is there were no dozens and dozens of SHARP Explosives sounds associated with the High Explosives needed to cut the large beams in a building that size. NIST did the research that said that the key column would have required pre-cuts and 9 lbs of RDX high explosive in order to cut just that one column and that would have created a 130 DB CLAP that would have been heard a mile away. Videos of the collapse, with sound tracts don't have any of these LOUD claps.

So no, the collapse of WTC 7 does not actually resemble ANY CD you can find a video of that includes a sound track.

the term "pull it" made by silverstein.
i'm sorry but i don't buy the "remove the firefighters" bit.

Except he never said "pull it"

"I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull. And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

So in a conversation with the fire department about not being able to contain the fires...and discussing the already tremendous loss of life, you think Silverstein was telling the FDNY to cd the building, rather than "pull back" the firefighters from the area?
the term "pull it" made by silverstein.

So had he used 'them", there would be no conspiracy?

You guys have to work harder, we need a plausible storyline, not just, hey, this is suspicious...

Do you have the fairytale for us or not? You know, the who, what, why, when thingy....
no one watch the video i posted (ae911truth)? a lot of credible evidence in there presented by architects and structural engineers.
What the hell!!

Why did they build two skyscrapers out of cardboard boxes??

That's madness. Proof they wanted the towers to fall.

Case closed for me. :)