Would you stand in jesus's place?

That is, if there in fact, really is/was a Jesus... We don't know for sure..

I know for sure. It is a fact for me.

Faith does not equate to fact.. And what if that other person never comes to believe in Jesus, or God?

Wouldn't that mean you just wasted your time?

One of my last acts in life would be doing something good for another. So irrespective of that persons personal decision. I would not be wasting my time.

And in the end i would be giving that person more time to accept Jesus. And that is good in itself. Irrespective of what decision they would eventually make.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
This is not a chat room, it's a forum.

It's just snippy, sarcastic crap like this, that turns me off from debates..

If people like you, are the one's I would have to exist with, thru all eternity, I would rather not experience an afterlife...Convo over.
It's just snippy, sarcastic crap like this, that turns me off from debates..

If people like you, are the one's I would have to exist with, thru all eternity, I would rather not experience an afterlife...Convo over.

False accuser. Why did you impute sarasim in my reply??????

Why could you not see that comment in the lite hearted smiling way it was delivered?

For people like you the glass is always half empty ( :) ) when it comes to people who believe God. Everything said must be interpreted in a negative light. Well the negativity is in you not in me.

All Praise the Ancient of Days
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False accuser. Why did you impute sarasim in my reply??????

Why could you not see that comment in the lite hearted smiling way it was delivered?

For people like you the glass is always half full when it comes to people who believe God. Everything said must be interpreted in a negative light. Well the negativity is in you not in me.

All Praise the Ancient of Days

lol I think you meant to say that he sees the glass half empty.

All Praise the Ancient of Gays
Again, I fail to see how he sacrificed his life, if he knew he was god. You are eternal and divine. Where's the sacrifice?

we are all eternal and divine, and jesus was a human being. the difference between us and jesus is that he was born without sin...that's it. which imo, could make it even more difficult to give it up for some f'd up, undisciplined, unloving, and unappreciative slobs like us.
for some f'd up, undisciplined, unloving, and unappreciative slobs like us.

speak for yourself. how dare you judge. who art thou, god now? :shrug:

you have been thoroughly brainwashed by the manipulations of the controllers of society, the ruling elites of the ancient days who decided which scriptures would and would not be considered "holy." HAVE you read all of the gnostic gospels? Have you read all the dead sea scrolls and scriptures the Roman empire felt inclined to leave out of the bible?

If so, why do you believe that these are not divinely inspired? Because other humans told you so? Because the early bishops were such great guys? Or because the pervert King James was such a moral role model? :rolleyes: Or is it because these of Jesus' teachings are not as important to you as others? Because the words of god telling you that all of his creation is perfect, you just don't care to believe? You just like to shrug off responsibility for behavior, is that it? It's easier to believe you can do what ever, be forgiven later, and not have to learn and grow? Just like the idea that you are not your brothers keeper, is that it? Let Caesar and his gold and his taxes take care of that, huh?

Got news for you sister, we ascend together, or we start over together, we are one. That's how the plan works. In God's eyes, humanity is a set, not to be divided. Could a parent choose one child over another? Well, perhaps selfish humans could, but the divine consciousness is not that way. All parts are necessary. Creation is whole, indivisible, and perfect. I care not for your insulting of it, it is beautiful. The bad and the evil here was planned, it is necessary, so YOU could grow as a spiritual being and experience all the third dimension was meant to be. This non-sense talk of separating out some caste of the self-righteous while the rest of the "non-believers" whither and suffer in pain is the most preposterous talk I see going on on the Earth right now. Do you "know" Christ? Could you ever imagine that the Jesus that loves the little children EVER wishing for something like this?!?

You should be ashamed.

In our multi-dimensional universe, where more humans' physical, intellectual, and emotion lives, are restricted to one dimension, they have been HIGHLY manipulated by international ruling elites, and who knows what other multi-dimensional entities. The shift has more to do with throwing off the elites and multi-dimensional consciousnesses unseemly behavior than with the minor faults of these billions of consciousnesses that have for 2000 years had their minds and spirits enslaved by these alien consciousnesses and ruling elites. You have the audacity to judge the masses of people harshly rather than the ones that have manipulated the words of the prophets, the saviors, and the saints, so that they could control the spirits and the lives of the worlds population to their own ends? You should be ashamed. You should also wake up. Do you honestly think that judging the universal consciousness' works so harshly and negatively, with so little love, makes you an exemplary spiritual leader helping to enlighten those who don't understand the Christ? Do you think Jesus ever criticized his father's work?
would you take his place?
if it meant saving ppl you do not even know?
would you sacrifice yourself to save someone?

Well of course, anyone would.

If we look at the biblical reality that Jesus is god and knows that he will be resurrected by his father and then work on an equal basis, we'd all happily do it, even doing it not for the sake of forgiving anyone but simply as a rather interesting party trick or when we couldn't be bothered going into work for a few days.

We can further say that biblical reality espouses god as omnipotent and hence has the power to forgive people, (for their petty mortal issues), in any way he wants to. As a result the answer would change to "no".

No, I would not do it - precisely because the temporary death of myself makes no difference to whether I forgive them anymore than turning myself into a fluorescent purple penguin and dancing the tango would.

And - should I temporarily slaughter myself or dance the tango as a purple penguin, nobody would ever need acknowledge that fact or worship me for it. It would be of no issue to my omnibenevolence, they are just forgiven for their crime of not being exactly what I might have wanted them to be.

would you take his place?
if it meant saving ppl you do not even know?
Don't believe Jesus saved anyone.
would you sacrifice yourself to save someone?
have you stepped up when the opportunity presented itself for you to keep someone else from harm?
In a sense, yes. I saved someone from getting arrested once. I've saved people from poverty and homelessness, at least temporarily.
Would I risk my life to try and save someone else? Maybe - depends on the situation.

Would I be willing to flat out die for someone else. Probably not. First off, anyone who says, "I will kill one of you; it doesn't matter to me which one." is probably not to be trusted in the first place.

I mean seriously, the whole "one person dying for everyone else" makes no logical sense. Do you really believe this is how a god would do things?
speak for yourself. how dare you judge. who art thou, god now? :shrug:

you have been thoroughly brainwashed by the manipulations of the controllers of society, the ruling elites of the ancient days who decided which scriptures would and would not be considered "holy." HAVE you read all of the gnostic gospels? Have you read all the dead sea scrolls and scriptures the Roman empire felt inclined to leave out of the bible?

If so, why do you believe that these are not divinely inspired? Because other humans told you so? Because the early bishops were such great guys? Or because the pervert King James was such a moral role model? :rolleyes: Or is it because these of Jesus' teachings are not as important to you as others? Because the words of god telling you that all of his creation is perfect, you just don't care to believe? You just like to shrug off responsibility for behavior, is that it? It's easier to believe you can do what ever, be forgiven later, and not have to learn and grow? Just like the idea that you are not your brothers keeper, is that it? Let Caesar and his gold and his taxes take care of that, huh?

Got news for you sister, we ascend together, or we start over together, we are one. That's how the plan works. In God's eyes, humanity is a set, not to be divided. Could a parent choose one child over another? Well, perhaps selfish humans could, but the divine consciousness is not that way. All parts are necessary. Creation is whole, indivisible, and perfect. I care not for your insulting of it, it is beautiful. The bad and the evil here was planned, it is necessary, so YOU could grow as a spiritual being and experience all the third dimension was meant to be. This non-sense talk of separating out some caste of the self-righteous while the rest of the "non-believers" whither and suffer in pain is the most preposterous talk I see going on on the Earth right now. Do you "know" Christ? Could you ever imagine that the Jesus that loves the little children EVER wishing for something like this?!?

You should be ashamed.

In our multi-dimensional universe, where more humans' physical, intellectual, and emotion lives, are restricted to one dimension, they have been HIGHLY manipulated by international ruling elites, and who knows what other multi-dimensional entities. The shift has more to do with throwing off the elites and multi-dimensional consciousnesses unseemly behavior than with the minor faults of these billions of consciousnesses that have for 2000 years had their minds and spirits enslaved by these alien consciousnesses and ruling elites. You have the audacity to judge the masses of people harshly rather than the ones that have manipulated the words of the prophets, the saviors, and the saints, so that they could control the spirits and the lives of the worlds population to their own ends? You should be ashamed. You should also wake up. Do you honestly think that judging the universal consciousness' works so harshly and negatively, with so little love, makes you an exemplary spiritual leader helping to enlighten those who don't understand the Christ? Do you think Jesus ever criticized his father's work?

should i be ashamed? really? because i'm not. because i DO in fact know christ, and i do KNOW that every single one of us humans other than christ are sinners.

hence my comment.

yes i have read many other gospels other than the ones that made it through the final cut. i also have a personal relationship with god through the spirit, and i see that you have opted for the sugar-coated version of his word.

well, the version i opt for says very plainly that there are wheat and there are tares, and that they will indeed be separated, and those who wish to be made perfect in christ will be, and those who do not will not be.
everyone knows the story of jesus whether they believe in him or not..
jesus died on the cross, for the sins of others..

would you take his place?
if it meant saving ppl you do not even know?
would you sacrifice yourself to save someone?
have you stepped up when the opportunity presented itself for you to keep someone else from harm?

be honest..

I would.
I don't really have a desire to preserve my on life.

But none of could. Jesus was susposed to be an ACTUAL sacrifice of the person giving said sacrifice. God gave the sacrifice of his only begotten son. Jesus was special to God so to allow him to die a death of indignity at the hands of people who promised to follow him as a disgrace was a statement of Love on his behalf that really would have the same effect if I were to volunteer.

Also I'm not perfect so how can an imperfect life atone for the perfect life that Adam gave up?
You are fully entitled to believe in what you will..I have the right to see it as illogical and superstitious.

jesus second coming i can see reason for disbelief but for end times..it is perfectly logical..look at the world population,food supply,politics,famines,plagues..

i am sure there was a smart guy the foresaw end times not because of some divine insight,,but just from the phrase 'go forth and multiply'
this planet aint gonna be big enough for all of us..
i would say that his eventual death was the easiest part of his sacrifice.
Granted, crucifixion is no walk in the park, but compared to eternity (especially if you already have first hand knowledge of eternity) it's a minor temporary inconvenience.
Granted, crucifixion is no walk in the park, but compared to eternity (especially if you already have first hand knowledge of eternity) it's a minor temporary inconvenience.

i'm sure that's what he kept telling himself.
what's up with the edit?
present tense..

Rome's evil leaders are the same as the protestants evil leaders,why edit in the distinction?
was trying to implicate our government.
you got something against Catholics?
98% of ppl that got 'turned off' god are excatholics..(my opinion,from my own experiences)
or are you particularly favorable to some denomination of protestants thinking they have no blood on their hands?
when i look for a church,i do not attend the nearest one or look for particular denominations..i look for the churches that preach 'it is ok to be messed up'..
those are far and few between.

you know King James was a pervert and a fag, right? :bugeye: :roflmao:
king james didn't write the bible...he must have had money...

Jesus sacrifice was about securing eternal life in a redeemed perfected form.
it may be a place where we are still messed up..but nobody will care or notice (including yourself)
sometimes i think the term 'perfect' is used as a draw for all those who want to be perfect.
perfect should not be the goal..sounds a little selfish to be a part of heaven..
and our salvation is not dispensed by some man behind the pulpit, much less his followers...

what if your sins are not as big as religious ppl make them out to be?

I would be giving an unbeliever some more time in their lives to accept Jesus as their Redeemer. I would be getting an early mark into eternity with Jesus, Win/Win situation i think.

that brings up a excellent question for OP..
What would you do if some stranger 'stepped in front of a bullet' for you?

Again, I fail to see how he sacrificed his life, if he knew he was god. You are eternal and divine. Where's the sacrifice?

if you were god would you sacrifice yourself for a bunch of screwed up ppl?
even if you knew you would come through unscathed? what would you see? would it have made a difference in their lives?

And in the end i would be giving that person more time to accept Jesus. And that is good in itself. Irrespective of what decision they would eventually make.
or at least make them think 'maybe there is something to this God thing'..

This is not a chat room, it's a forum.
If people like you, are the one's I would have to exist with, thru all eternity, I would rather not experience an afterlife....
alright children..

The Esotericist..post 46..
a little emotional eh? but other than that..:bravo:

No, I would not do it - precisely because the temporary death of myself makes no difference to whether I forgive them anymore than turning myself into a fluorescent purple penguin and dancing the tango would.
ppl would want more..

interesting part of definition..
The dictionary defines esoteric as information that is understood by a small group or those specially initiated, or of rare or unusual interest.[2] Esoteric items may be known as esoterica.[3] Esotericism is defined as the holding of secret doctrines, the practice of limiting knowledge to a small group, or an interest in items of a special, rare, novel, or unusual quality.[4]

simple question...why?

it may be a place where we are still messed up..but nobody will care or notice (including yourself)
sometimes i think the term 'perfect' is used as a draw for all those who want to be perfect.
perfect should not be the goal..sounds a little selfish to be a part of heaven..

I thank God i will be made good again. Not some mindless soulless zombie who does not care about anything.

And i do not believe i will be spending any time in Heaven. I will have eternal life here on earth.

and our salvation is not dispensed by some man behind the pulpit, much less his followers...

I never said it was.

what if your sins are not as big as religious ppl make them out to be?

I am not one of them religious people. Although sin is a outcome of our imperfection. God will consider my sin as nothing because the Blood of Jesus covers me.

What is important is not sin but ones attitude to sin. Sin does not kill but unrepentant sin kills most assuredly.



I would be giving an unbeliever some more time in their lives to accept Jesus as their Redeemer. I would be getting an early mark into eternity with Jesus, Win/Win situation i think.

that brings up a excellent question for OP..
What would you do if some stranger 'stepped in front of a bullet' for you?

I doubt i would have the time to pull him out of the way. But i guess if i had lightnig awareness and lightning reflexes i would push the stranger out of the way.

I know i have eternal life. But i could never be sure about anyone else.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
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