Would you stand in jesus's place?

But, 2,000 years later, we still live in a shithole...And I don't see that changing any time soon.

So, why would any one think their sacrifice would work, if Jesus' didnt?

I just don't see the logic in it.

jesus' did, and i do see it changing soon.
this is true lori..but that is irrelevant to the question..
why we would do it would be different than why he did it..

You guys sounds suicidal.

Life is awesome. I think this world is a wonderful place, certainly not a shit hole like lori says.
jesus' did, and i do see it changing soon.

It did??? I see no evidence of this...Doubt many do..

So, you see this change for the better happening during your lifetime?

And why is it taking so long?
Answers....I do have to agree with Lori on this...

The world really is a shithole...Moreso for some than others, I'll grant you that.

However, I'm in no hurry to leave it, and certainly have no "death wish"
It did??? I see no evidence of this...Doubt many do..

So, you see this change for the better happening during your lifetime?

And why is it taking so long?

maybe yeah.

why wouldn't it take this long? i mean, we're pretty much bringing this on ourselves so, i guess god had to give us some time. and 2000 years is a long time relevant to what? eternity? no.
The message was not an exercise of sacrifice for sins. What a barbaric and arcane concept. This is as outdated as the First temple. What god needs sacrifices to be pleased? Come on. I don't need blood to pacify me when my own son does wrong. What I need to see is learning from his mistakes, growth, and doing better. Christ wanted people to better themselves. He came to Jerusalem to teach, not DIE! He only refused to back down to the hypocrites, b/c it would weaken his message. When Rome constructed the bible at the First council of Nicaea, they changed it to. . . he died for all your sins. Why? Because if the truth were known, that you are ALL sons and daughters of god, that you can all be free, and can all make yourselves acceptable in the eyes of god, then no one could be controlled so easily by the Roman (catholic)church or the .. government, could they?

ok..ok..alot of what you say,lines up with what i think god is teaching..
(slight edit at the end though..)
that and lori's comment..maybe i should not have put 'for our sins'..
guess i was kinda on auto-pilot there..
maybe yeah.

why wouldn't it take this long? i mean, we're pretty much bringing this on ourselves so, i guess god had to give us some time. and 2000 years is a long time relevant to what? eternity? no.

No offense Lori...

But sometimes when I read your posts regarding religion, I'm reminded of all those people that have predicted the "second coming" or "end times"..

Only to be wrong each and every time..

You are fully entitled to believe in what you will..I have the right to see it as illogical and superstitious.
No offense Lori...

But sometimes when I read your posts regarding religion, I'm reminded of all those people that have predicted the "second coming" or "end times"..

Only to be wrong each and every time..

You are fully entitled to believe in what you will..I have the right to see it as illogical and superstitious.

can we settle on "we've had it coming for a long time?"
everyone knows the story of jesus whether they believe in him or not..
jesus died on the cross, for the sins of others..

would you take his place?

No. I could not take His place. I am not sinless. Only Jesus could achieve what He did.

if it meant saving ppl you do not even know?

My death would save no ones eternal life.

would you sacrifice yourself to save someone?

I hope i would. But you never know until the time comes and the decisions have to be made.

have you stepped up when the opportunity presented itself for you to keep someone else from harm?

be honest..

I don't think i have had that opportunity.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
ok..ok..alot of what you say,lines up with what i think god is teaching..
(slight edit at the end though..)
that and lori's comment..maybe i should not have put 'for our sins'..
guess i was kinda on auto-pilot there..

what's up with the edit?

Rome's church and bible aren't a whole lot different that King Jame's bible. It's not like the Protestant's decided to add in all the holy texts that were left out that the corrupt ruling elites of the planet the lord of the world's poor just can't stand to have in the bible.

Rome's evil leaders are the same as the protestants evil leaders, why edit in the distinction? you got something against Catholics? or are you particularly favorable to some denomination of protestants thinking they have no blood on their hands? you know King James was a pervert and a fag, right? :bugeye: :roflmao:
OK, lets try a hypothetical here...

You and another person are taken hostage...

The hostage taker says, I'm only going to let one of you go...

You expect me to believe, that without a second thought, you'd volunteer to die?...Again, I just don't believe that.

Oh i would do that. Especally if the other person was not a believer in Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Oh i would do that. Especally if the other person was not a believer in Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Are you being completely honest here Adstar?

And why would it be more meaningful to you, that the other person was a non-believer?
But, 2,000 years later, we still live in a shithole...And I don't see that changing any time soon.

So, why would any one think their sacrifice would work, if Jesus' didnt?

I just don't see the logic in it.

Jesus sacrifice was never for turning the world into a paradise. Jesus sacrifice was not about saving human life in it's current faulty form.

Jesus sacrifice was about securing eternal life in a redeemed perfected form.

Jesus never saved carnal human life, He saves us for an eternal perfected life.

As for things changing. I can see things changing in my life time. But unfortunately things are going to get a whole lot worse before that change. As the old saying goes it is always coldest just before the dawn.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
That's actually "Darkest before the dawn"...

But you didn't answer my question..Why would you prefer that the person who's life you saved thru your sacrifice, be a non-believer?
Are you being completely honest here Adstar?

Yes. completely honest.

And why would it be more meaningful to you, that the other person was a non-believer?

I would be giving an unbeliever some more time in their lives to accept Jesus as their Redeemer. I would be getting an early mark into eternity with Jesus, Win/Win situation i think. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
That's actually "Darkest before the dawn"...

Oh right "Darkest before the dawn" anyway my point is still clear.

But you didn't answer my question..Why would you prefer that the person who's life you saved thru your sacrifice, be a non-believer?

I just did give me some time, i just read your post. This is not a chat room, it's a forum.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
well the op's talking about what jesus did, which was not sacrifice his life so that we could live in this shit hole. he sacrificed for something much better than this.

Again, I fail to see how he sacrificed his life, if he knew he was god. You are eternal and divine. Where's the sacrifice?
I would be giving an unbeliever some more time in their lives to accept Jesus as their Redeemer. I would be getting an early mark into eternity with Jesus, Win/Win situation i think. :)

That is, if there in fact, really is/was a Jesus... We don't know for sure..

Faith does not equate to fact.. And what if that other person never comes to believe in Jesus, or God?

Wouldn't that mean you just wasted your time?