everyone knows the story of jesus whether they believe in him or not..
jesus died on the cross, for the sins of others..
I disagree with your premise. He did not.
Jesus was a brilliant spiritualist and a brilliant philosopher caught in a catch 22 situation who never really wanted to be nailed to that cross, but he had no choice. His personal code of ethics demanded that he not resist being seized.
I don't think he was "dying" for anyone's sins. He never said that. That was the bullshit Roman propaganda that was spread after the Roman empire constructed their version of the bible after it was decided that Christianity would be the "state religion" at the first council of Nicaea. Any text that wasn't politically expedient, and there were some truly holy texts, notably, the one written by Jesus' brother, that were left out of the bible that protestants, Catholics, and orthodoxies know today. "God's" truth. . . the holy revelation, as it were, has not been revealed to mankind, so for us to sit here and debate Rome's version of events is preposterous, and an absurd gesture.
The message was not an exercise of sacrifice for sins. What a barbaric and arcane concept. This is as outdated as the First temple. What god needs sacrifices to be pleased? Come on. I don't need blood to pacify me when my own son does wrong. What I need to see is learning from his mistakes, growth, and doing better. Christ wanted people to better themselves. He came to Jerusalem to teach, not DIE! He only refused to back down to the hypocrites, b/c it would weaken his message. When Rome constructed the bible at the First council of Nicaea, they changed it to. . . he died for all your sins. Why? Because if the truth were known, that you are ALL sons and daughters of god, that you can all be free, and can all make yourselves acceptable in the eyes of god, then no one could be controlled so easily by the Roman church or the Roman government, could they?
But naw. . . You'd all rather worship something. You'd all rather wait to be saved rather than save yourselves. Take some responsibility for your own asses. Jesus was trying to tell you, if you have ears, LISTEN!
Over and over again, he warned you what would happen after he died, but no one listened. And it happened. They took everything he taught, and twisted it into lies. And now you think that you need him. And he never wanted to be worshiped. He wanted you to stand on your own. That's all he ever wanted. Who do you think, when the end comes, will be saved? . . . the ones wailing and gnashing their teeth are going to be saved? Or the ones that are self reliant and are helping others get through the dark times?
Do you actually think he would WANT you to take his place? What absurdness is this? He wouldn't want to be up there if he could find a way out of it. It's human cruelty and barbarism that caused him to be up there, pure politics . . . he had things to do and people to see. lol