Working on the Sabbath warrants a death sentence

John 20
1 Now the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. 2 Then she ran and came to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and said to them, “They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid Him.”
3 Peter therefore went out, and the other disciple, and were going to the tomb

Ok now refer back to the statement i made and to which you agreed with was correct. That the sabbath day is from friday sunset to saturday sunset. Ok you still right with that?

The first day of the week starts at sunset Saturday night. So with this you can see that Mary visited the tomb of Jesus and found the rock removed. thats why it says it was still Dark of cource it would be dark. And the referance to early in the day, that also sits well because early in the biblical day is just after sunset in the evening.

She could not go to the tomb and tend to his body beforhand because she could not do any work on the sabbath. So the first opportunity she got. Saturday just after sunset she runs of to the tomb.

LOL You take Dawn to mean at sunrise. But dawn of the day means start of the day. And early in the day means the start of the day. We use the term now when we refer to the dawn of the space race or the dawn of an age.

Your "at dark" part of the verse your using for your argument doesn't make since and is an add-in after the original. The original was a "dawn" (mark 8:31) or in other words "daylight," and not dark. Mark is the oldest gospel of the four. Then after Mark along came John, it being the newer. Read this post half a dozen times and maybe it can somehow get past all the trash. Instead you don't have Jesus rising on the third day as a Worthy Credible story, instead, you have a 1 day "offering". Get lost you. Understand the word "offering" in context with the expression "Lamb as an offering". It seems when dealing with God and making an 'offering", one wouldn't try an "Underworthy" swindle. I'm speaking directly about the 3 day promise and the 1 day fact and the 2 day swindle. Not only do you support a swindle, you weasel too.

You have forgetten at the same time you're counting time. There is prediction by Jesus to be fulfilled, wherein, he is 3 days dead (Mark 8:31). We agree the sabbath day is from friday sunset to saturday sunset and within context of the meaning no more daylight. Notice they understand "a day" back then, by correctly numbering "a day", by keeping the Sabbath which is "one eveing to the next evening" in other words 24 hours. They can keep time well enough the know the meaning of "a day = 24 hours".

Here it is since I have to spell it out for you. You said on saturday night at dark Mary went to the tomb. That amount of time is only one day, from friday evening to saturday evening. Just before the start of the sabbath friday evening until saturday evening just after dark doesn't total to 3 days. According to the bible Jesus said he would be dead for three days, (mark 8:31.) You only calculated 1 day thus far. So Jesus missed his prediction of rising again on the third day, thereby disproving the fabricated lie wherein "He has risen". No complete fulfillment of his words to rise on the third day instead a coverup. Are you going to tell me now, that Jesus was raised early? And at the same time falsely claim his prophecy was completely fulfilled and didn't swindle your God?

Mark 8:31
And He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise
According to this verse you are in need of three days to credibly validate Jesus proprophecy of rising on the third day. You are missing 2 days in that failed prediction of rising on the third day. Friday evening to Saturday evening is only 1 day and not 3 days. Must have slipped your mind, since you said saturday evening Mary went to the tomb and when finding it empty went and told Peter. Those people back then understood that “a day” equaled “24 hours,” just as it is to us these days. That’s because it was their custom to keep the Sabbath once a week. They stayed home Friday evening to Saturday evening. This practice enabled those people back then to understand the meaning of a day which is 24 hours or in other words, one evening to the next evening is our understanding of 24 hours. So when you see it written in the bible referencing “a day,” understand that means 24 hours to us.

Matthew 28
1After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

I use a Dictionary.
dawn: 1. the first appearance of daylight in the morning:

In context the meaning of the phrase was in the morning Mary got up and went at daylight.
There would be reasons for this and one is, no street lights.
You twist just like a peddler.

Daylight is dawn.
4. daybreak; dawn.

1. the rise or ascent of the sun above the horizon in the morning.
2. the atmospheric and scenic phenomena accompanying this.
3. the time when half the sun has risen above the horizon.
4. the open or beginning stage of any period.

Edit add: Notice "dawn" or "at dark" isn't listed in the dictionary definition of "sunrise" and not found in the biblical verses cited. You picked the word "sunrise" out of thin air. A twisting tool is "sunrise".
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Your "at dark" part of the verse your using for your argument doesn't make since and is an add-in after the original. The original was a "dawn" (mark 8:31) or in other words "daylight," and not dark. Mark is the oldest gospel of the four. Read this post half a dozen times and maybe it can somehow get past all the trash. Instead you don't have Jesus rising on the third day as a Worthy Credible story, instead, you have a 1 day "offering". Get lost you. Understand the word "offering" in context with the expression "Lamb as an offering". It seems when dealing with God and making an 'offering", one wouldn't try an "Underworthy" swindle. I'm speaking directly about the 3 day promise and the 1 day fact and the 2 day swindle. Not only do you support a swindle, you weasel too.

You have forgetten at the same time you're counting time. There is prediction by Jesus to be fulfilled, wherein, he is 3 days dead (Mark 8:31). We agree the sabbath day is from friday sunset to saturday sunset and in context meaning no more daylight. Notice they understand "a day" back then, by correctly numbering "a day", by keeping the Sabbath which is "one eveing to the next evening" in other words 24 hours. They can keep time well enough the know the meaning of "a day".

Here it is since I have to spell it out for you. You said on saturday night at dark Mary went to the tomb. That amount of time is only one day, from friday evening to saturday evening. Just before the start of the sabbath friday evening until saturday evening just after dark doesn't total to 3 days.

You have not even read my whole post have you.

Jesus was not executed on Friday He was executed on Wednesday before sunset. He was in the earth from Wednesday night till the Sabbath So Wednesday, Thursday and Friday he rose on Saturday the Sabbath. Mary went to the tomb Saturday night just after the Sabbath was over and the rock was gone Jesus was already risen.

According to the bible Jesus said he would be dead for three days, (mark 8:31.) You only calculated 1 day thus far. So Jesus missed his prediction of rising again on the third day, thereby disproving the fabricated lie where in "He has risen". No complete fulfillment of his words to rise on the third day instead a coverup. Are you going to tell me now, that Jesus was raised early? And at the same time claim his prophecy was completely fulfilled and didn't swindle your God?

No i am going to tell you to go back and read my post properly and then you may learn something. Instead of being ultra determined to put forward a point that is now defunct. I do not support a Friday crucifixion or a Sunday resurrection.

Mark 8:31
And He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise
According to this verse you are in need of three days to credibly validate Jesus proprophecy of rising on the third day. You are missing 2 days in that failed prediction of rising on the third day. Friday evening to Saturday evening is only 1 day and not 3 days.

LOL yeah i know. How many times do i have to state my position before you read it?????????

Jesus was crucified on Wednesday and was resurrected on Saturday :D

Must have slipped your mind, since you said saturday evening Mary went to the tomb and when finding it empty went and told Peter. Those people back then understood that “a day” equaled “24 hours,” just as it is to us these days. That’s because it was their custom to keep the Sabbath once a week. They stayed home Friday evening to Saturday evening. This practice enabled those people back then to understand the meaning of a day which is 24 hours or in other words, one evening to the next evening is our understanding of 24 hours. So when you see it written in the bible referencing “a day,” understand that means 24 hours to us.

Blabb blabb babb, again and again and again.

YES I KNOW A DAY IS 24 hours in the Bible stop wasting your typing time endlessly repeating a point that we both agree on.

Matthew 28
1After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

I use a Dictionary.
dawn: 1. the first appearance of daylight in the morning:

In context the meaning of the phrase was in the morning Mary got up and went a daylight.

Daylight is dawn. 4. daybreak; dawn.
1. the rise or ascent of the sun above the horizon in the morning.
2. the atmospheric and scenic phenomena accompanying this.
3. the time when half the sun has risen above the horizon.
4. the open or beginning stage of any period.

There would be reasons for this and one is, no street lights.
You twist just like a peddler.

LOL no mate i marvel at your brain lock. To the point of incredulous humour. Your so fixated on the Friday / Sunday thing and on putting forward you view that you cannot even read plain English of other posters.

You’re not contending with one who believes in the traditions of men. I am a bible believing Christian.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Post #141 has made an end to resurrection city beating the resurection lie told by Christendom. Post #141 exposes the God offal truth reavling those christian peddlers have even swindled God through their Lamb offering, by shorting him two days in the grave. You swindlers weren't thinking about what would be pleasureable to God.
That foundation of trumped up faith is nothing more than supersition and desire not to die. That resurection lie has collapsed.

The using a dictionary poorly to define their words or twist the meaning of their words speaks of Skullduggery.

Edit add:
Post #115 and #141 accomplishes the biblical approach to executing a take over. One can find this take over procedure in the gospel of Mark 3:27.

Mark 3:27
" But no one can enter the strong man's house and plunder his property unless he first binds the strong man, and then he will plunder his house.

In this case it's a matter of honesty vs swindlers, flimflam men and snake oil peddlers. Jesus didn't rise. They were telling a lie. Now its goodby to that lie.
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Post #141 has made an end to resurrection city beating the resurection lie told by Christendom. Post #141 exposes the God offal truth reaving those christian peddlers have even swindled God through their Lamb offering, by shorting him two days in the grave. You swindlers weren't thinking about what would be pleasureable to God.
That foundation of trumped up faith is nothing more than supersition and desire not to die. That resurection lie has collapsed.

The using a dictionary poorly to define their words or twist the meaning of their words speaks of Skullduggery.

:D ha ha ha ha ha

Some guys you just cannot talk to hey. :shrug:

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You have not even read my whole post have you.

Jesus was not executed on Friday He was executed on Wednesday before sunset.

If you know the day of the week, you must certainly know the exact date. What was the exact date?

I do not support a Friday crucifixion or a Sunday resurrection.

Would you support a Saturday animal sacrifice and BBQ?
The first day of the week starts at sunset Saturday night. So with this you can see that Mary visited the tomb of Jesus and found the rock removed. thats why it says it was still Dark of cource it would be dark. And the referance to early in the day, that also sits well because early in the biblical day is just after sunset in the evening.

She could not go to the tomb and tend to his body beforhand because she could not do any work on the sabbath. So the first opportunity she got. Saturday just after sunset she runs of to the tomb.

Originally Posted by Adstar
You have not even read my whole post have you.

Jesus was not executed on Friday He was executed on Wednesday before sunset.

Here I catch you juggling the days.
Concerning which day of the week Jesus was crucified, it was Friday. Jesus was crucified during preparation day (John 19:31). The preparation day was on Friday the day before the Sabbath. So your attempt at juggling the day Jesus died isn't going to work.

Luke 23:54 (New International Version)
54It was Preparation Day, and the Sabbath was about to begin.
Meaning it was friday evening...............Pay attention here, you.

Mark 15:42
42It was Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath). So as evening approached,
Same as in Luke 23:54 it was friday evening. Saturday during daylight hours was normally referred to as the sabbath.

John 19:31
31Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. Because the Jews did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down.
Clearly this verse states and confirmed using Luke 23:54 it was on friday, preparation day, the bodies were taken down.

Matthew 27:63
63"Sir," they said, "we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said, 'After three days I will rise again.'

Unless one has a motive to twist the writings in the bible, clearly preparation day is friday the day before the sabbath. And for most people this is the way it is understood.

Saying Jesus was executed on Wednesday is asinine. The preparation day was not wednesday. It was friday the day before the sabbath. They were prepping on friday for the sabbath rituals and traditions to be performed the next day on saturday. Saturday during daylight hours worshipping was done together in the temple, the sabbath. You're the one with the straw man argument, twisting things to stay alive. Luke 23:54 and John 19:31 shows that you are wrong when claiming Jesus was executed on wednesday. God was swindled out of two days in the grave, instead of three days he only got one. Jesus prediction of rising from the dead after three day didn't happen. Now peddlers of religion are stuck twisting the account and juggling the days.

The reason for the confusion is because those people back then were ignorant liars. The liars from the past got caught. Peddlers could acknowledge the found out about lies, instead they have to contort the account and fumble with the days. Religion's swindlers, flimflam men and snake oil peddlers aren’t expressing a straight forward account. That’s because there is a lacking of honesty among them.

When including the dispelling of the creation story we have peddlers on the run.
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Posting #115, #141 and #147 finishes the execution concerning taking over in accordance with Mark 3:27. Changes are riding the wind.

Man wasn't made in the image of God, instead the computer ("it") is making an image of man.
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Here I catch you juggling the days.
Concerning which day of the week Jesus was crucified, it was Friday. Jesus was crucified during preparation day (John 19:31). The preparation day was on Friday the day before the Sabbath. So your attempt at juggling the day Jesus died isn't going to work.

Luke 23:54 (New International Version)
54It was Preparation Day, and the Sabbath was about to begin.
Meaning it was friday evening...............Pay attention here, you.

Mark 15:42
42It was Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath). So as evening approached,
Same as in Luke 23:54 it was friday evening. Saturday during daylight hours was normally referred to as the sabbath.

John 19:31
31Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. Because the Jews did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down.
Clearly this verse states and confirmed using Luke 23:54 it was on friday, preparation day, the bodies were taken down.

Matthew 27:63
63"Sir," they said, "we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said, 'After three days I will rise again.'

Unless one has a motive to twist the writings in the bible, clearly preparation day is friday the day before the sabbath. And for most people this is the way it is understood.

Saying Jesus was executed on Wednesday is asinine. The preparation day was not wednesday. It was friday the day before the sabbath. They were prepping on friday for the sabbath rituals and traditions to be performed the next day on saturday. Saturday during daylight hours worshipping was done together in the temple, the sabbath. You're the one with the straw man argument, twisting things to stay alive. Luke 23:54 and John 19:31 shows that you are wrong when claiming Jesus was executed on wednesday. God was swindled out of two days in the grave, instead of three days he only got one. Jesus prediction of rising from the dead after three day didn't happen. Now peddlers of religion are stuck twisting the account and juggling the days.

The reason for the confusion is because those people back then were ignorant liars. The liars from the past got caught. Peddlers could acknowledge the found out about lies, instead they have to contort the account and fumble with the days. Religion's swindlers, flimflam men and snake oil peddlers aren’t expressing a straight forward account. That’s because there is a lacking of honesty among them.

When including the dispelling of the creation story we have peddlers on the run.

They had a Preparation Day before each Sabbath because they could not do any customary work on the Sabbaths, same for the Sabbaths that where not weekly Sabbaths. They also required a day of preparation.

For anyone who is not wilfully ignorant and wants to look this up. The day after the Jewish day of Passover is the "Feast of Unleavened Bread" and the first day of that Feast is a Sabbath irrespective of where it falls in the week.

As we know Jesus had the Passover meal just before He was arrested and executed. So it was not the weekly Sabbath that came after the Passover But the first day of the "Feast of Unleavened Bread" And that is a Sabbath a High Day.

And the Passover is in remembrance of the day when the Jews in Egypt covered their door posts and lintel with the blood of an unblemished Lamb so that during the night the Angel of the God would pass over their homes and not take the lives of their first born males as it passed through the land of Egypt taking the lives of the first born amongst the Egyptians.

So the shadow of the past was a sign of the Perfect Lamb of God, Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
For anyone who is not wilfully ignorant and wants to look this up. The day after the Jewish day of Passover is the "Feast of Unleavened Bread" and the first day of that Feast is a Sabbath irrespective of where it falls in the week.

As we know Jesus had the Passover meal just before He was arrested and executed. So it was not the weekly Sabbath that came after the Passover But the first day of the "Feast of Unleavened Bread" And that is a Sabbath a High Day.

1. The seventh day (Saturday) Sabbath - (Shabbat)
Lev 23:3, Num 28:9-10, Exo 20,8-11, Deut 5:12-15
A convocation day. No servile work done.
This is the only feast day mentioned that occurs more than once a year. Because it occurs on a weekly basis, it is separate and distinct from the yearly religious calendar (Lev. 23:37-38), the feasts of which all are a shadow or type of some event that would be their fulfillment, or antitype. The seventh day sabbath is a memorial to creation and the creator, established at creation. It was not a day that originated with the Jews, it preceded them, although it was celebrated as a feast day. When one of the feast days fell on the seventh day Sabbath, it was referred to as a high Sabbath day (John 19:31).

Well, well, now we know confirming again Jesus body was removed from the cross on friday evening, on preparation day, when the high sabbath was about to begin. That particular feast day fell on a seventh day (saturday) sabbath making it a high sabbath. And God is still lacking two days in the grave. You did say Jesus was raised saturday evening, did you not?

edit add as foot note:

2. Passover (Erev Pesah or Ta'anit Bechorim)

The 14th day of the 1st month (Abib / Nisan)
Exo 12, Exo 13:6-8, Lev 23:5, Deut 16:3-8, Num 28:16
Note: this was not a convocation day (no public gatherings)

The Jews consider this day to be the day before Passover (Pesah), which to them is the same as the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The type was the Passover in Egypt, with the blood of the lamb being smeared on the door posts. Jesus and the disciples ate the Passover meal (Matt 26:18-20) of unleavened bread and wine in the early hours of this day (Exo 12:18), which would have been our Thursday evening (the biblical day begins and ends at sunset). Jesus was crucified the afternoon of the 14th (Friday), at the time the Paschal lambs were being slain (Exo 12:6). Passover is a shadow or type of the sacrifice of Jesus (the antitype), the lamb of God, at the cross (1 Cor 5:7).
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