Working on the Sabbath warrants a death sentence

Moderation in religion has nothing underwriting it but the "unacknowledged neglect of the letter of devine law". The only reason anyone is 'moderate' in matters of faith these days is that he has assimilated some of the fruits of the last two thousand years of human thought (democratic politics, scientific advancement on every front, concern for human rights, and end to cultural and geographic isolations, etc.).

Sam Harris, The End of Faith
So when was the practice rescinded
When it became untenable to continue it, i.e. probably after the Romans sacked Jerusalem and the Jews had to abandon their traditional jurisprudence.

and why? Why are people no longer put to death for breaking the Sabbath?
The easy reason would be, because it was a retarded punishment.
The long reason involves the Jewish diaspora and the rise of anti-Semitic feeling in late Roman Christianity, which restricted the rights of Jews. First off, the Roman occupation of Judea and sack of Jerusalem in the late first century CE saw the end of an agreement between the Roman governors and the Jewish law courts to respect each others' rules and punishments, e.g. Rome would turn a blind eye to stoning adulterers, and the Jewish courts would turn in rebellious Jews to the Roman authorities. However, the Romans annexed the region and ended the agreement, and imposed Roman law entirely.

Many Jews fled and scattered across the Roman world, and some into Sarmatia and Arabia. When Christianity rose to prominence after the time of Constantine, laws were put in place that restricted to rights of Jews in the Empire, which became particularly harsh under Theodosius, who imposed Christianity as the Roman state religion. These laws further restricted their ability to have and utilise traditional Jewish courts. Come the Middle Ages, they became second-class citizens and were bereft of rights entirely.
By the time of Jewish Emancipation in Europe, attitudes towards human rights had changed in a huge way. Jews were allowed to have private courts separate from the main judicial system, and certain punishments were abandoned in practice. Either because of legal prohibitions against murder or because it had become seen as unethical.
So now that "the Sanhedrin" are back in Israel, will they reinstitute the punishment?
Probably not. Israel is a Western nation and follows Western ideas on human rights (mostly). They don't want to go looking like Saudi Arabia, now, do they?

PS) while I usually respect someone for practicing what they preach and following their claimed religion, etc...there are times when I respect someone even more for knowing that the world has changed and some parts of their religion are less relevant than other parts. This is one of those times. :D
"The Lord" is a fictitious being, is why. All three of these religions have their basis on the same ancient Sumerian superstitions. :cool:
SAM said:
I haven't heard any reasoning behind why they decided the Sabbath is not necessary,
They? Different sects, different peoples, different times and reasons - mostly piecemeal, erosion rather than rejection.
SAM said:
Is that how you see it? I see it more like not confusing the middle man for the real deal.
The entire scene is a play of middle men - including the Bible itself.

The "real deal" is not involved.
They? Different sects, different peoples, different times and reasons - mostly piecemeal, erosion rather than rejection.
The entire scene is a play of middle men - including the Bible itself.

The "real deal" is not involved.

They referring here to Peter and Paul
According to Acts 15 as I read it, apparently they decided what was and omitted the Sabbath.

Or is there another verse that I should be reading?
Originally Posted by SAM
According to Acts 15 as I read it, apparently they decided what was and omitted the Sabbath.

Originally Posted by iceaura
And yet among their followers the Sabbath remained.

Originally Posted by SAM
Like who?

iceaura, you’re right about that one. Peter and Paul were raised as Pharisees from time they were children. That viewpoint didn’t go away.
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In this day and age I think we need to kill those who work on the sabbath even more than in the past. What better way to cull the religious herd than taking out their priests and what not?

Of course it will have to be sport hunting.

earth - Matthew 28
1After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

Adstar - John 20
1 Now the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb.

Adstar - Ok now refer back to the statement i made and to which you agreed with was correct. That the sabbath day is from friday sunset to saturday sunset. Ok you still right with that?

Adstar - The first day of the week starts at sunset Saturday night. So with this you can see that Mary visited the tomb of Jesus and found the rock removed. thats why it says it was still Dark of cource it would be dark. And the referance to early in the day, that also sits well because early in the biblical day is just after sunset in the evening.

earth - Well, we can see Matthew 28:1 says, "Mary went to the tomb at dawn" and John 20:1 says "Mary went to the tomb early". The story teller would have been in good standing if he hadn‘t said anymore leaving it at (John 20:1) “went to the tomb early“. But he adds the words “while it was still dark” thereby screwing up and revealing a supernatural guide was not guiding the penman’s hand. Instead a story teller’s version repeating a story telling by writing it down in the gospel of John. I’ll show you why the gospel of John is nothing more than a repetition of story telling and not inspired by the holy spirit.

Adstar - The first day of the week starts at sunset Saturday night. So with this you can see that Mary visited the tomb of Jesus and found the rock removed. thats why it says it was still Dark of course it would be dark. And the reference to early in the day, that also sits well because early in the biblical day is just after sunset in the evening.

earth - We have a question which version is correct, Matthew or John? Did Mary go to the tomb of Jesus when it was dark as written in John or at dawn as written in Matthew?

LOL You take Dawn to mean at sunrise. But dawn of the day means start of the day. And early in the day means the start of the day. We use the term now when we refer to the dawn of the space race or the dawn of an age.

See there is absolutely no contradiction between the two because Dawn of the day means the beginning of the day. Early in the day means the beginning of the day and the beginning of the day in the bible is at sunset. They went to the tomb just after the Sabbath as soon as the sun went down and discovered the rock had been moved, while is it still dark :D

Jesus made a prediction he would rise on the third day.
Mark 8:31
And He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise
Mark 10:34
"They will mock Him and spit on Him, and scourge Him and kill Him, and three days later He will rise again."
Luke 18:33
and after they have scourged Him, they will kill Him; and the third day He will rise again."

Ok now refer back to the statement you made and to which I agreed with was correct. That the sabbath day is from friday sunset to saturday sunset.
Notice they understand a day correctly when keeping the Sabbath which is 24 hours.
Friday sunset to saturday sunset is one day.
Saturday sunset to Sunday sunset is two day.
Well, if we go with Sunday morning at dawn that isn’t three days and not keeping with Jesus prediction of him rising on the third day.

Jesus never rose on the first day of the week. The scriptures do not say He did. When Mary when to the tomb ( just after sunset Saturday night) she discovered the rock had ALREADY been rolled away. That verse is not saying when Jesus was resurrected. It only states that Mary visited the tomb and found Jesus was not there.

Friday evening from the 6th hour until Sunday at dawn is not dead for three days. Jesus needs to be dead for three days to be in keeping with his prediction of rising on the third day. Notice they can understand a day correctly when keeping the Sabbath. The way peddlers of religion explain it is, Friday is one day, Saturday is two days and Sunday is the third day thereby we can calculate Sunday would make the third day.

The Bible does not state it that way. You have bought into the traditions of men ( catholic ones at that) Jesus was not executed on Friday He was executed on Wednesday and his body was placed in the earth before sunset because the next day was a high Sabbath. No not a weekly Sabbath but a special Sabbath.

John 19
31 Therefore, because it was the Preparation Day, that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.

They celebrated the feast of unleavened bread during the week Jesus was executed. That was called a High Sabbath. Read about the Sabbaths in Lev 23

leviticus 23
1 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘The feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts.

((( Next verse here is the normal weekly Sabbath)))

3 ‘Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work on it; it is the Sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings.

((( Now it goes on to describe the other special Sabbaths that the Jews where also to observe)))

4 ‘These are the feasts of the LORD, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times. 5 On the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight is the LORD’s Passover. 6 And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the LORD; seven days you must eat unleavened bread. 7 On the first day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do no customary work on it.

((( that means the day after the Passover was a Sabbath a holy convocation where no customary work was to be done Just like the weekly Sabbath)))

They wanted Jesus dead and buried before the start of the Sabbath, Not the Weekly Sabbath but the Sabbath of the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread that’s why that guard stabbed Jesus in his side.

If you want to read on in Leviticus 9 you will find more non weekly Sabbaths detailed they are:

The Feast of Firstfruits
The Feast of Weeks
The Feast of Trumpets
The Day of Atonement
The Feast of Tabernacles

non of these Sabbaths are linked to days of the week they are all linked to dates in the Jewish Calender.

Here we find the gospel of John account saying, "Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark" as incorrect, and doesn't square with the peddlers of religion explanation or the account in the gospel of Matthew and your mistake.

No mistake here. :D

The problem with the peddlers explanation is Jesus should have been “dead” three days to be in keeping with his prediction. Using the peddlers explanation we have him “alive” part of those three days an not "dead". From Friday dawn including the time while he was on the cross until the 6th hour and then Sunday from dawn to the 6th hour Jesus wasn't dead.

Jesus was in the earth 3 days and 3 nights. Just as the scriptures state.

I have not bothered with the next few points you made because they where all based on your firm but faulty belief that Jesus was executed on Friday.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Does anyone think post #115 has made an end to resurrection city in Christendom? "IT" seems to be at least suspect. :cool:

:D You have only used a strawman built for you by the traditions of men. Set up to be knocked down.

But you can never destroy the real Body of Christ.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
SAM said:
According to Acts 15 as I read it, apparently they decided what was and omitted the Sabbath.
I doubt you are thinking of Acts 15, btw.

But there's little real point in discussing Biblical (or Quranic) stories or declarations as events in history. When and among whom and how was the Sabbath actually observed, when and among whom and how did it radically change or cease being observed - you can't get reliable answers to such questions from the Bible.
So now that "the Sanhedrin" are back in Israel, will they reinstitute the punishment?

Of course!

I was stabbed the other day just for blinking after the Sabbath. A handful of lawyers watched in horror, then scattered in all directions, their liberal inclinations dashed by the force of religious predestination.
Of course!

I was stabbed the other day just for blinking after the Sabbath. A handful of lawyers watched in horror, then scattered in all directions, their liberal inclinations dashed by the force of religious predestination.

Like this?

or this?

Axe-wielding ultra-Orthodox Jews went on a rampage in a Jerusalem neighbourhood, wounding a Palestinian taxi driver, destroying his vehicle and setting dumpsters on fire, police and witnesses said on Wednesday.

The violence took place overnight in Mea Sharim, a bastion of ultra-Orthodox Jews, known as Haredis.

Police "pulled out from the neighbourhood following violent riots in recent days," said spokesman Shmulik Ben Rubi.

Israeli media said several dozen young Haredis attacked a Palestinian driver and destroyed his vehicle with axes. Police said the man was lightly wounded.

"It was a lynching attempt," a witness who identified himself as a Haredi told radio, expressing outrage over the violence which he said he saw from his Mea Sharim apartment.

"The taxi driver could have been killed if he hadn't fled as an ambulance arrived."

Rubi said police opened an investigation even though the driver had not filed a claim so far.

He said police could not intervene in time as access roads to Mea Sharim were barricaded by Haredis following earlier rioting.

On Sunday night, eight police officers were injured during a Haredi riot in which hundreds of people took part.

Protests first erupted 10 weeks ago after a decision by secular Mayor Nir Barkat to open a car park on the Jewish sabbath, the Jew's holy day of rest that runs from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset.
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