Working on the Sabbath warrants a death sentence

What sort of death?

Death of the body, death of the soul, or by "death" you mean "eternal hell"?

Well death of the body came when sin came in the world through the knowledge of good and evil.

The lake of fire is a kind of living death. it is called the second death. Far more serious than the first death

Revelation 21
7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. 8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

So yeah i mean the second death.
Oh i did not answer the question you had earler about the point at which the followers of God where no longer called upon to put people to death. That was when Jesus came.

So if the price of sin is death, what does say that about mortality?

Not sure what point your getting at here? could you expand it a bit?

What about babies who die young?

They are innocent. i believe they are free from any judgement because they have no knowledge of good and evil.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If the price of sin is death, why does everybody die? Including the innocent?

Good question.

Well it is Gods will for us to be reconciled with Him and to exist with him in eternity. We cannot do that in the bodies we currently have. So i guess we all have to die.

But maybe the Physical death we see and experience is only a sign of the real Second death, the one in the Lake of Fire. Maybe physical death in itself is not the actual punishment. When you think about it, it is only a transition from once state of existence to another.

Yes very good question. i will have to ask about this :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Good question.

Well it is Gods will for us to be reconciled with Him and to exist with him in eternity. We cannot do that in the bodies we currently have. So i guess we all have to die.

But maybe the Physical death we see and experience is only a sign of the real Second death, the one in the Lake of Fire. Maybe physical death in itself is not the actual punishment. When you think about it, it is only a transition from once state of existence to another.

Yes very good question. i will have to ask about this :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Thanks, I see your point about the second death. But I think the description of death for breaking the Sabbath seems to indicate the first one. Whcih would of course make following the Sabbath redundant for the one who died. Which makes me wonder why it would be applied
Thanks, I see your point about the second death. But I think the description of death for breaking the Sabbath seems to indicate the first one. Whcih would of course make following the Sabbath redundant for the one who died. Which makes me wonder why it would be applied

That stuff is irrelevant, do read the first part of the 15th chapter of acts and you will see what happened to all the old rules.
If one is breaking the sabbath according to the Jewish law, then tell me which day is it?
Yeah I read it, but I don't see what authority Peter and Paul have over Jesus
19"It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. 20Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood. 21For Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath."

Thats it SAM anymore rules than that, and I would have to question by who's authority do you speak?
Thanks, I see your point about the second death. But I think the description of death for breaking the Sabbath seems to indicate the first one. Whcih would of course make following the Sabbath redundant for the one who died. Which makes me wonder why it would be applied

I guess it was the ultimate sign to the Jewish community in general and down through their generations of the seriousness of Gods will. Also it is a message to us.

The will of God is a very serious issue with very serious ramifications

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I guess it was the ultimate sign to the Jewish community in general and down through their generations of the seriousness of Gods will. Also it is a message to us.

The will of God is a very serious issue with very serious ramifications

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

How is dying a serious ramification if innocent people die?


Who invested them with this authority?

What is food polluted by idols?
If one is breaking the sabbath according to the Jewish law, then tell me which day is it?

The sabbath is from friday sunset to saturday sunset.

The Biblical day goes from sundown to sundown.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
How is dying a serious ramification if innocent people die?


Who invested them with this authority?

The second death is the serious ramification. The first death is a shadow, a sign of the second death.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
The sabbath is from friday sunset to saturday sunset.

The Biblical day goes from sundown to sundown.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Correct answer, its not sunday, the law concerning the sabbath was done away with because after christ had risen from the dead sunday became the accept day of worship in the new christian church. Chirst did rise on sunday according to the teaching.

Who invested them with this authority?

What is food polluted by idols?

Supposedly Jesus invested them with this authority.

Food polluted by idols is the offering of the animal in sacrifice to a God. Jesus death made an end to sacrifical offerings. The point was not to get into the practice again.
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Actually the word is vest authority. My mistake.

Jesus vested them with his authority.
Correct answer, its not sunday, the law concerning the sabbath was done away with because after christ had risen from the dead sunday became the accept day of worship in the new christian church. Chirst did rise on sunday according to the teaching.

No, Sunday sabbath was a creation of the cathoic church. Not Christianity. Jesus was not raised from the dead on Sunday He was raised from the dead just before the start of the Sabbath that was Saturday, just before sunset.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: i made a mistake that i have edited. I stated He was raised from the dead just before the end of the sabbath. i apologise for this, i have correct it to Just before the start of the weekly sabbath.
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No, Sunday sabbath was a creation of the cathoic church. Not Christianity. Jesus was not raised from the dead on Sunday He was raised from the dead just before the end of the Sabbath that was Saturday, just before sunset.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Book says in the morning Mary in one story and Peter in another account went to the tomb and found it open and Jesus was not in it. That would mean sunday morning. Verse please to establish your version.