Wonderful Heaven


Valued Senior Member
The wonderful thing about heaven is that even if your wife, parents, children and friends ALL end up in hell – because heaven is so wonderful and without any sorrow – you really won’t give a shit about them or at least not feel any sorrow at their demise. As heaven is perfect you’ll be perfectly at ease with their suffering.

You'd have to be perfectly at ease with their suffering right?

Peachy Place ;)
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Michael said:
You'd have to be perfectly at ease with your loved ones suffering . Right?

You wouldn't remember your "loved ones".

To do so would mean your mind is on someone other than God, which is the entire purpose of Heaven in the first place. You would have no rememberance of the "old things".

Remember, you won't even have the same body to begin with.
§outh§tar said:
Still in denial? Follow Christ!
M*W: Trust me, mother-fucker, I am NOT IN DENIAL. I will NEVER follow Christ again! He doesn't exist like you see him. You are the loser. Jesus would have NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Trust me, mother-fucker, I am NOT IN DENIAL. I will NEVER follow Christ again! He doesn't exist like you see him. You are the loser. Jesus would have NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!

He doesn't exist "like I see him"? :rolleyes:

This is coming from someone who has a prejudice against Christianity?

Ok. Sure. :rolleyes:
§outh§tar said:
You wouldn't remember your "loved ones".
Rather bleak place aye?!

§outh§tar said:
To do so would mean your mind is on someone other than God
Yea, an eternity on some mega split o-heroin .... no thanks

§outh§tar said:
You would have no rememberance of the "old things".
So in essence you’re no longer you but an automaton with the “soul” purpose to exist blathering along behind God like a star-stuck idiot.

(now I see why Satan and company left in the first place!)
Michael said:
Rather bleak place aye?!

Yea, an eternity on some mega split o-heroin .... no thanks

So in essence you’re no longer you but an automaton with the “soul” purpose to exist blathering along behind God like a star-stuck idiot.

(now I see why Satan and company left in the first place!)

Actually, Satan loved it so much He wanted to rule the place. But God kicked him out.

§outh§tar said:
Actually, Satan loved it so much He wanted to rule the place.
Kind of an oxymoron isn’t it? Satan loved it soooooo much he wanted to change it to something else?

The truth is Satan didn’t get kicked out. Satan said F*ck this Sh*t I’m out of here!! And along went 1/3 of the other discontented bored out of their God-drug induced mind Angles :D

I say give me oblivion any day over that non sense!
To do so would mean your mind is on someone other than God, which is the entire purpose of Heaven in the first place.
god is one sick bastard, he creates humans to worship him. This is probably the biggest ego trip in eternity. Why worship such a sick bastard? Aye? I wonder if he gets off on this kind of shit, he must seeing he made people for this purpose. Eww.
atheroy said:
To do so would mean your mind is on someone other than God, which is the entire purpose of Heaven in the first place.
god is one sick bastard, he creates humans to worship him. This is probably the biggest ego trip in eternity. Why worship such a sick bastard? Aye? I wonder if he gets off on this kind of shit, he must seeing he made people for this purpose. Eww.

Since he created us, sustains us, provides for us in every way, doesn't He deserve out undivided devotion?
Michael said:
Kind of an oxymoron isn’t it? Satan loved it soooooo much he wanted to change it to something else?

The truth is Satan didn’t get kicked out. Satan said F*ck this Sh*t I’m out of here!! And along went 1/3 of the other discontented bored out of their God-drug induced mind Angles :D

I say give me oblivion any day over that non sense!

Careful what you wish for. ;)
Obvioulsy NO

§outh§tar said:
Since he created us
So? Just creating something doesn’t mean “it” has to adore the creator. If that were the case all children created should worship their parents regardless. I doubt you belief that is the case?

§outh§tar said:
sustains us
What do you mean? Sustain has many differing meaning depending on the context it’s used in. And just throwing it in a sentence really provided no context and as such not much meaning. If you mean like food wise then I’d say the sun sustains life on this rock.

§outh§tar said:
provides for us in every way
Every way? I think we can agree that is hardly the case.

So in summary there is no valid reason that God should be worshipped and/or adored.

I think abhorred may be more appropriate.

Since he created us, sustains us, provides for us in every way, doesn't He deserve out undivided devotion?
Exactly the same can be said of prisoners in jail. They have no choice in the matter either.

§outh§tar said:
Careful what you wish for. ;)
§outh§tar said:
Careful what you wish for. ;)
Apparently we both wish for the same thing. Although in truth I personally wouldn’t mind just living as is for as long as I would like (one of those “every things” that certainly hasn’t granted by God. We’ll see how Human ingenuity handles it though :)

I originally said: “give me oblivion any day over that non sense!

You §outh§tar had already stated: “You would have no remembrance of the "old things".

If you have no memory of 'self' then you are oblivious.

So we agree!

Let it never be said I didn’t sort of agree with a Xian :p
The premises is 'No one is closer to you than God' and 'Nothing gives more pleasure / peace than the close porximity of God'. The rest of the relations / pleasures were realised to be mere illusions temporarily seperated you from God while you were on the earth. I don't have an idea of what 'hell' would look like. It would not be any better / worse than now. :D
§outh§tar said:
Since he created us, sustains us, provides for us in every way, doesn't He deserve out undivided devotion?
Oh SouthStar...

He created us? I don't know about anyone else here but my parents created me.

He sustains us? Well lets see now.. My parents sustained me as a child and now I support and sustain myself with the money I earn from working.

Provides for is in every way?... LOL.. well if that is the case, why is it that my car has broken down yet again and I have found out that my mechanic did not in fact fix it and now I'm looking into taking the jerk to court? If he provided for me in every way, I'd have a car that runs at the moment and not a repair bill that is going to run in the thousands, right? I'd be sustained and kept alive and happy without my having to work my arse off for it, right? There would be no famine and no genocide and no war because he'd be there to make sure it didn't happen, right? South, don't be that delusional.

My parents, partner, family and friends get my undivided attention, because they are there daily for me and help me when I need help. They made me who I am today, they have sustained my (what you may call 'soul') and they have provided me with what I need whenever I've needed it.
Michael said:
The wonderful thing about heaven is that even if your wife, parents, children and friends ALL end up in hell – because heaven is so wonderful and without any sorrow – you really won’t give a shit about them or at least not feel any sorrow at their demise. As heaven is perfect you’ll be perfectly at ease with their suffering.

You'd have to be perfectly at ease with their suffering right?

Peachy Place ;)
A story is told in the Bible, where a guy got to hell, and he begged that he could come to heaven, but the angels, said that he couldn't because there are a cliff between them so that none of the ones in heaven could get to hell and none of the ones in hell could get to heaven, then he said "then please send someone to tell my brothers that they stop their evil deeds so that they don't come here too".

You will see that it works out, you will come to those that are like you, and understand why things have to be.

Also, it's written that Jesus said something like this: "the person next to me, is my mother, brother or sister."

I guess that your family on earth, really are just people that understand you more than anyone else. From the grounds. No one else could understand you like your parents and family, but in heaven you understand that everything came from the same source. In Gods view, we are all equal.

If you come to heaven, then I think you will feel a great sorrow for those that got to hell, be it your family or a stranger.
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