Wonderful Heaven

Neildo said:
I'd hate to see people use that as an excuse to do whatever they want with their fully developed sperm or eggs. :\

- N

The parental right is not ownership of the child. That right belongs to God so no such problem need arise.
§outh§tar said:
The parental right is not ownership of the child. That right belongs to God so no such problem need arise.

what the hell, are you talking about man.
god has no rights, over anybody " you dork".
he dont exist.

several times you have called people this and yet you give no proof of your statements of their being no god, and you refuse to listen to another persons view point. Now I must ask, Whose the dork?
Ohh I cant wait till Michael gets back from the reef. , I gotta see how this plays out, I gotta wirte the name of this topic down,,, Im always lost when I get here every evening...... never know what I replied and where...... but not this one! :D
the preacher said:
what the hell, are you talking about man.
god has no rights, over anybody " you dork".
he dont exist.

What does "you dork" mean? God doesn't need your agreement. ;)
Enigma'07 said:
several times you have called people this and yet you give no proof of your statements of their being no god, and you refuse to listen to another persons view point. Now I must ask, Whose the dork?

It is the atheist way of ending the argument before they make a fool out of themselves. Curse God and die.

firstly stupid.

it was in reply, to you stating a nonexistant thing had ownership of a child.(you being, the dork for such a statement.)

and as for you, enigma'07 can you prove it exist.
dont be such a twat, I dont need to prove it does'nt exist.
but you welcome, to try and enlighten me,and the rest of the world .
Hi – The Reef was quite nice, I hadn’t dived there in such a long time I forgot how truly beautiful it is. Very nice, to bad my photos always suck or I’d post a couple underwater pics. Oh well.

So where were we? Oh, yeah, the topic turned into one of a whimsical illogical irrational evil sinning (and I’d say imaginary) God thingy.

I think we were agreed on the whimsical and irrational part (funny enough when I posed these questions to a Muslim friend he ended with a resounding “Whimsical and Irrational are Best!" and when confronted with the illogical aspects of God he refused to discus the topic any further). Maybe this is the perfect series of Questions to deter preachy friends? Leave them with the questions of logic and end it there?

Likewise, it is really no surprise to see the illogical description of God coalesce similarly here as well.

So there isn’t a God – oh well. At least you and I agree - and isn't that better :p

It’s funny, when one stops - even for a moment - and ponders the reality of an All Mighty creator, the absurdity stands straight out. Alas, although some find it quite refreshing and perhaps even freeing to come to the realization there just isn’t God(s) – others, I think, prefer to bury their heads in the sand / ignore the questions on God reality and just go on - which is fine, you know whatever floats your boat.

Anyway, to reiterate, I think I asked something like: Can God make a universe not made by God? And: Can God make a riddle so complex even God can’t figure it out? (I like the: Can God make a rock so big even God can’t lift it up? one :) Can God make a three sided square with five sides?. . hehe... Bla bla bla. . . .

If God had the ability/power to do the above then God isn’t a logical being. And let’s face it, God couldn’t. These are impossibilities. But of course the usual answer is – God is just such a super-duper-smarty-pants that our mere mortal-smarty-pants minds just can not understand how it actually IS possible for God to make a round square! Which is why it’s nice to include #1: Can God make a Universe not made by God? As God can do “anything” the answer must be a resounding YES – and you know what – we’re in it ;)
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and as for you, enigma'07 can you prove it exist.
dont be such a twat, I dont need to prove it does'nt exist.
but you welcome, to try and enlighten me,and the rest of the world .

I can prove God exists just fine using my presuppositions, just as you can prove He does not exist using yours. If life is the product of random happenings, then what we are saying right now is in theory random, so then we have no way to sepperate true from false, which forces us to make the assumption that everything is false. But, If I say that life was created with a purpose, that is the same as stating "I know what absolute truth is." Therefore I can distinguish what is true and what is false.
the preacher said:

firstly stupid.

it was in reply, to you stating a nonexistant thing had ownership of a child.(you being, the dork for such a statement.)

and as for you, enigma'07 can you prove it exist.
dont be such a twat, I dont need to prove it does'nt exist.
but you welcome, to try and enlighten me,and the rest of the world .

Hahahaha, I'm stupid?

You are the one squirming your way out by saying "I dont need to prove it does'nt exist." At least I make an effort.. :rolleyes:
You are the one squirming your way out by saying "I dont need to prove it does'nt exist

southstar, from now on we should make the same statement saying it is so clear to us that you would have to have to be blind to miss it. :D
Will you guys stop picking on §outh§tar?
God is real.I know this personally-I too was of a "worldly nature"....I have done everything in the occult you can think of from starting with sex and drugs/music/raves to craft....ouija,tarot,then spells....casting circles...(and I was raised into a christian home)...Now im free from all that crap,and i can tell you that Jesus is REAL..........!!!

p.s..if you were to meet me and you were to forget me,then you have lost nothing...but if you were to meet Jesus and were to forget him,you have lost EVERYTHING.
Point is,God gave man freedom to choose/do as he pleases.
Divinity X said:
sex and drugs/music/raves to craft....ouija,tarot,then spells....casting circles...(and I was raised into a christian home)...Now im free from all that crap,and i can tell you that Jesus is REAL..........!!!

Jesus might be real, but what good does that do you?

Christ told us that His True Followers would have the powers He had or even greater. But soon after Paul hijacked the Church, the miraculous quickly fizzled out. Yes, there have been twenty or so first magnitude Christ-like Saints of the Catholic Church, with several hundred Disciple-Grade Saints. But this out of millions of Catholics. The Protestant Churches have not even done well enough to exceed that low point, despite their arrogant self-righteousness -- in five hundred years, not one Saint.

Anyway, my point is that those can call themselves Christians who can display the Grace of Christ. And, today, this means nobody. Not one single person on Earth today can walk on water or multiply loaves and fishes.

So, your believing in Jesus doesn't seem to matter in the least, does it, while you still either do not know The Way or still refuse to tread it.
Not one single person on Earth today can walk on water or multiply loaves and fishes.

They could if it would bring glory to God. That is, He could give them the power to do so, but he doesn't very often.

Anyway, my point is that those can call themselves Christians who can display the Grace of Christ

I think your defintion of a Christian is wrong. A Christian is simply a person that believes Jesus, the son of God, died for their sins, and was risen up from the dead on the 3rd day.
Enigma'07 said:
They could if it would bring glory to God. That is, He could give them the power to do so, but he doesn't very often.

I think your defintion of a Christian is wrong. A Christian is simply a person that believes Jesus, the son of God, died for their sins, and was risen up from the dead on the 3rd day.

Nobody today can do any miracles. Yes, if God wanted them to, they could. But my point is that nobody today has made himself worthy of the promises of Christ.

And your definition of a 'Christian' as a mere believer in Christ, who believes that Christ was murdered as a Sacrifice and that we should benefit by this Divine Murder -- that is Paulism. Jesus never taught such things. We have Divine Revelation from the Saint and Our Lady the Blessed Virgin, and from these Authentic Revelations we are NOT reassured that our Salvation comes from mere Faith or that our murdering the Messiah would give us supreme benefits. To the contrary we are told that because we made Christ Suffer, that we would be made to suffer ourselves. It would be more in keeping with the Teachings of Christ if we were to believe in the Future Glory of Christ then to believe in His past Suffering which we intentionally inflicted on him. I wonder that people do not know it is evil to Kill a Messiah, and still more evil to hope to gain by it -- the essense of paul's doctrines.
Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me." Christ choose to die, and he offers it to us as a gift, therefore, it is not evil, it is what most sane people would do.

Nobody today can do any miracles. Yes, if God wanted them to, they could. But my point is that nobody today has made himself worthy of the promises of Christ.

Can you explain this a bit, I'm a little confused.