Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.

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I seriously doubt sex maniacs for which most of you are can ever speak about what is right or truth.

Most people are off there heads sex maniacs, and cannot fathom anything more about the world. So this thread is rather a waste of time.
It's a fixation of the worst of fundamentalists. Moderate religious people are also often functionally literate, so on some shelf where they may have a Koran, Torah, Bhagavad-Gita or even a modern version of the Vulgate Bible they may also have a copy of Gloria Steinem and something about Dianic Wiccans they toyed with in high school or college, or any of a huge amount of literature which more than compensates for the long dead Victorian outlook on women.

The only hard question here is: how much longer will the people of average intellect and education have to put up with the numbskulls who have set up shop inside the most backward religious sects on earth, usurped those religions, and laid claim to ownership of all human values? We wouldn't even have a fraction of these threads if the worst idiots among them weren't actually affecting public policy. Their stances on abortion and gay (lesbian) marriage are hurting that segment of women in society. And to the extent that they condone male supremacy in the workplace they are hurting women in certain jobs. But it's probably not that productive to give too much weight to the ancient societies that are long gone which kept women like chattel. Better is to attack the ongoing remnants of those ancient cults as they exist in the modern cults that still repress women and girls, and among the wider congregations that oppose all policies that elevate women.

That being said, it's more or less just a huge number of random events that left us these misogynistic kinds of religions. If some war somewhere had gone differently, there might be a prevalence of religious belief among them that God was our mother.

Well put.

I have not seen nor, taken this kind of interpretation from the Christian mythological texts and, as far as i am concerned, we human beings are NEVER supposed to bring a god entity of any kind down to the scope of human experience, IOW god is not tangible, or better yet, he is not to be taken into trial considering the human limitations, IOW he, by right or excellence, is above any kind of misguided or mean intentioned inquiry or questionment, that solely by the holy texts you, and i, seem to disregard as holy or sacred, still, i at least, try to show some respect since, unfortunately or not, it is part of our human culture.

The bible takes care of any of our limitation in thinking like God when he himself says in Eden that A & E had become like Gods, knowing good and evil.

But go ahead and follow and grovel in your self-imposed limits without analysing God's immoral policies. Settle for following Satan instead of a good God.

Perhaps but as you say, he wrtes in an utterly confusing way and then berates those wo do not answer the questions that he hides in his garbage.

You are right, of course. Utterly confused people often read as good as they "wrtes". There are even some "wo" are utterly confused by the question marks hidden prominently at the of the questions.

He has followed me from another board where his personal attacks were not tolerated.

You are wrong, of course. *** NOTE - QUESTIONS TO FOLLOW! - NOTE ***

QUESTION > What board do you imagine that I followed you from? < QUESTION

QUESTION > Can you supply PROOF that I followed you from another board? < QUESTION


I absolutely knew he would treat your question with the same garbage as he always answers with.

You are GIA, of course. Ergo, all you do is absolute.

I seriously doubt sex maniacs for which most of you are can ever speak about what is right or truth.

Most people are off there heads sex maniacs, and cannot fathom anything more about the world. So this thread is rather a waste of time.

Grow a sense of humor.
" But go ahead and follow and grovel in your self-
imposed limits without analysing God's immoral
policies. Settle for following Satan instead of a
good God.
What the fuck man...
Are you running out of arguments or something? Anyway. You really believe that you are the only one here that is following the true path and we, are misguided sheep on the hands of a prolific killer and madman that rids himself of all responsibilities and bestows it upon ourselves and punishes us for that. That's you right there isn't it?
Let me just clarify one thing, the above "god" i described, the christian deity, your god, and any other deity so self-deemed and, by consequence, the satan you seem to believe that we are following (in contrast with your disregard of the christian faith you use that entity as an analogous antagonist to yourself and tries to juxtapose it or even swap the entities for our detriment and that of the christians), all of them, are as real as your "apotheose", and that, by logical applyance of definitions, is just what you are abhorrent to and, your "arisal" from the shaky grounds of the human understandment of the concepts so far discussed and not entirely understood, is as real as any other "occurrence of faith" from any other belief you might care to mention, be it being blessed by the lord and being miraculously cured from a disease or witnessing Shiva-Rudra incarnating in front of you, you m'boy, are not different than any of the ones you deem "inferior". You know, that honestly, deep within yourself, you consider the ones that think differently, under your capabilities of comprehension and, besides not allegedly admiting or, clearly speaking, you show such a behavior to begin with your moniker, and your unwillingness to accept, or even give credit, to thoughts different to your own, this again m'boy is NARCISISM at best and, has nothing to do with being GREAT, this is an egotistical, self-centered view of the world close to solipsism.
I wonder if down the road, when you meet with the farthest reaches of such a philosophy, you will either become a human nihilist with despondence to anomie or, a sociopath with hyperbolical senses of grandeur.
That's it for the while. if you intend on replying please do so addressing to all the inquiry i have posted so far, that which you seem reluctant to do so. Despite the fact that i have tried to not do the same.
What the fuck man...

Dazz, search "Greatest I am" on the Internet. I did after he made the following false accusation about me :
He has followed me from another board where his personal attacks were not tolerated.

I took about 2 minutes to discover that he Posts the same...stuff?!... on at least a half a dozen different Forums :


It appears that he Posts the exact same content in multiple Forums.

Needless to say, I am not an acolyte of GIA - so I would not "follow GIA" anywhere!

In my estimation, he had no valid arguments prior to his First Posting on ANY Forum - but...that is just my estimation.
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The bible takes care of any of our limitation in thinking like God when he himself says in Eden that A & E had become like Gods, knowing good and evil.

But go ahead and follow and grovel in your self-imposed limits without analysing God's immoral policies. Settle for following Satan instead of a good God.

Knowledge of good and evil and therefore law, can creates it own reality, which is how one becomes like a God. For example, if we made a law that said that black shoes on wednesday is now evil and blue shoes on wednesday is the highest good, the dynamics induced by the law will create a new social reality. It is a subjective based reality, not one based on objective reality.

There will be those who will follow this important cutting edge law, thinking this will make them acceptable and righteous. Others will think this is stupid and will rebel since there is no objective argument that can justify this. These are the sinners. Sinners, or those who break the law deserve harsh treatment for their own good, so we will have the police round them up for prison and retraining. This is not a good reality since it comes from a second tier ego-centric God. Those in charge of this new realm, can still sit at the big table and pretend wisdom and concern, while having a different set of laws for themselves, since they are the Gods who make laws and lord over the peons.

The bible has God command that the tree of life be taken away, less they eat of that and live forever. This tells us something of the tree of life. Its law are eternal such as the laws of nature. Gravity does not change and is the same for all, rich or poor, young or old; objective law. This quotes hints at the situation if Adam and Eve had then eaten of the tree of life, blue shoe wednesday would become an eternal law of nature. It would be useless and not quite fit into the big picture of natural laws. It may actually mess things up by forcing a stupid pillar of knowledge of right and wrong. Second tier gods can't extrapolate very well due to subjectivity and personal agenda. such that the shell life of their subjective laws is finite. It may take war and death get rid of it so objectify can return.
In my estimation, he no valid arguments prior to his First Posting on ANY Forum - but...that is just my estimation.

If you took less time with trying to pick up irrelevant pedant on other people's posts that take a view more reasonable than your own, you would then be able to avoid your own silly little errors.
" But go ahead and follow and grovel in your self-
imposed limits without analysing God's immoral
policies. Settle for following Satan instead of a
good God.
What the fuck man...
Are you running out of arguments or something? Anyway. You really believe that you are the only one here that is following the true path and we, are misguided sheep on the hands of a prolific killer and madman that rids himself of all responsibilities and bestows it upon ourselves and punishes us for that. That's you right there isn't it?
Let me just clarify one thing, the above "god" i described, the christian deity, your god, and any other deity so self-deemed and, by consequence, the satan you seem to believe that we are following (in contrast with your disregard of the christian faith you use that entity as an analogous antagonist to yourself and tries to juxtapose it or even swap the entities for our detriment and that of the christians), all of them, are as real as your "apotheose", and that, by logical applyance of definitions, is just what you are abhorrent to and, your "arisal" from the shaky grounds of the human understandment of the concepts so far discussed and not entirely understood, is as real as any other "occurrence of faith" from any other belief you might care to mention, be it being blessed by the lord and being miraculously cured from a disease or witnessing Shiva-Rudra incarnating in front of you, you m'boy, are not different than any of the ones you deem "inferior". You know, that honestly, deep within yourself, you consider the ones that think differently, under your capabilities of comprehension and, besides not allegedly admiting or, clearly speaking, you show such a behavior to begin with your moniker, and your unwillingness to accept, or even give credit, to thoughts different to your own, this again m'boy is NARCISISM at best and, has nothing to do with being GREAT, this is an egotistical, self-centered view of the world close to solipsism.
I wonder if down the road, when you meet with the farthest reaches of such a philosophy, you will either become a human nihilist with despondence to anomie or, a sociopath with hyperbolical senses of grandeur.
That's it for the while. if you intend on replying please do so addressing to all the inquiry i have posted so far, that which you seem reluctant to do so. Despite the fact that i have tried to not do the same.

I read GIAs posts through a different lens. I see a person who wants to show the fallacy of most religions, in a way analogous to the logic expressed in the Gnostic versions of Jesus, God, Heaven & Hell, crime and punishment and all of the standard fare of JudeoChristian/Islamic cults that splintered over time and gave us all of these endless permutations on nonsense that each believer holds as "best evidence" for things now almost completely described by science. (Including a helluva lot of things not even known to the founding cultists as essential information.) The Gnostics took a "thinking out of the box" approach, flipping the traditional beliefs of their day upside down, producing a logic that says "God can't claim Supreme Creator status and at the same time deny creating . . . " (then fill in any evil you want - the Devil, materialism, or any of the snares that - if they are to be blamed on anything other than biological evolution - (by conventional wisdom) were all set up to trap his minions, so he could torture them perpetually after death for some completely arbitrary justification that is purely taking place in God's invisible head, which he need reconcile with no one but himself. Etc.

I read this as a commentary on the absurdity of just about all religion, certainly the cosmology, all of the magic and superstition, and what often manifests as deliberate ignorance, and in many cases something that expresses the ideation of the pathological personality.

In the past I haven't paid attention to GIAs own religious ideas in terms of anything being asserted. With just a few exceptions he tends to be enumerating things which must be rejected for logical inconsistency. (I admit I've just glanced at a few posts here so cut me some slack.) I wasn't in a mind to question the pursuit of Gnosticism which is a long dead cult that could never return to the issues of the day that created it. I took it that GIAs expressions of following Gnosticism are something different than advocating for a particular religion, but more as something like a parody. But I'm not exactly sure; that's just a gut feel. I never sensed him preaching in favor of anything, usually just against universal fallacies that are hard to defend.

GIA starts a lot of these threads and I rarely participate. They tend to draw some of the worst members who like to stay in really shallow waters, where the preachy folks feel the most comfortable.

I have barely read what you've written (just this last post I think) but anyway I hope you find my feedback useful.
If you took less time with trying to pick up irrelevant PEDANT on other people's posts that take a view more reasonable than your own, you would then be able to avoid your own silly little errors.

You are right, of course.

: a person who annoys other people by correcting small errors and giving too much attention to minor details
Full Definition of PEDANT
1 - obsolete : a male schoolteacher
2a : one who makes a show of knowledge
2b : one who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge

And you are right, of course, that there could be a no more reasonable view than that :

Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.
And you are right, of course, that there could be a no more reasonable view than that :

Originally Posted by Greatest I am:

Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.

Also your efforts at trying to mislead is only fooling yourself.
I'm have not as yet commented on the title of this thread.
I comment on your own silly little error, in the light of preaching attention to detail.
It seems among your other questionable attributes, we can also stick hypocrite.
" But go ahead and follow and grovel in your self-
imposed limits without analysing God's immoral
policies. Settle for following Satan instead of a
good God.
What the fuck man...
Are you running out of arguments or something? Anyway. You really believe that you are the only one here that is following the true path and we, are misguided sheep on the hands of a prolific killer and madman that rids himself of all responsibilities and bestows it upon ourselves and punishes us for that. That's you right there isn't it?
Let me just clarify one thing, the above "god" i described, the christian deity, your god, and any other deity so self-deemed and, by consequence, the satan you seem to believe that we are following (in contrast with your disregard of the christian faith you use that entity as an analogous antagonist to yourself and tries to juxtapose it or even swap the entities for our detriment and that of the christians), all of them, are as real as your "apotheose", and that, by logical applyance of definitions, is just what you are abhorrent to and, your "arisal" from the shaky grounds of the human understandment of the concepts so far discussed and not entirely understood, is as real as any other "occurrence of faith" from any other belief you might care to mention, be it being blessed by the lord and being miraculously cured from a disease or witnessing Shiva-Rudra incarnating in front of you, you m'boy, are not different than any of the ones you deem "inferior". You know, that honestly, deep within yourself, you consider the ones that think differently, under your capabilities of comprehension and, besides not allegedly admiting or, clearly speaking, you show such a behavior to begin with your moniker, and your unwillingness to accept, or even give credit, to thoughts different to your own, this again m'boy is NARCISISM at best and, has nothing to do with being GREAT, this is an egotistical, self-centered view of the world close to solipsism.
I wonder if down the road, when you meet with the farthest reaches of such a philosophy, you will either become a human nihilist with despondence to anomie or, a sociopath with hyperbolical senses of grandeur.
That's it for the while. if you intend on replying please do so addressing to all the inquiry i have posted so far, that which you seem reluctant to do so. Despite the fact that i have tried to not do the same.


Did you get dumbest to help you with that?

I have many arguments. What would you like to argue?

Knowledge of good and evil and therefore law, can creates it own reality, which is how one becomes like a God. For example, if we made a law that said that black shoes on wednesday is now evil and blue shoes on wednesday is the highest good, the dynamics induced by the law will create a new social reality. It is a subjective based reality, not one based on objective reality.

There will be those who will follow this important cutting edge law, thinking this will make them acceptable and righteous. Others will think this is stupid and will rebel since there is no objective argument that can justify this. These are the sinners. Sinners, or those who break the law deserve harsh treatment for their own good, so we will have the police round them up for prison and retraining. This is not a good reality since it comes from a second tier ego-centric God. Those in charge of this new realm, can still sit at the big table and pretend wisdom and concern, while having a different set of laws for themselves, since they are the Gods who make laws and lord over the peons.

The bible has God command that the tree of life be taken away, less they eat of that and live forever. This tells us something of the tree of life. Its law are eternal such as the laws of nature. Gravity does not change and is the same for all, rich or poor, young or old; objective law. This quotes hints at the situation if Adam and Eve had then eaten of the tree of life, blue shoe wednesday would become an eternal law of nature. It would be useless and not quite fit into the big picture of natural laws. It may actually mess things up by forcing a stupid pillar of knowledge of right and wrong. Second tier gods can't extrapolate very well due to subjectivity and personal agenda. such that the shell life of their subjective laws is finite. It may take war and death get rid of it so objectify can return.

You add to scriptures as the laws that would have come from the tree of knowledge are mostly natural laws and are universal and timeless already.

Originally Posted by Greatest I am:

Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.

Also your efforts at trying to mislead is only fooling yourself.
I'm have not as yet commented on the title of this thread.
I comment on your own silly little error, in the light of preaching attention to detail.
It seems among your other questionable attributes, we can also stick hypocrite.

You are right, of course.

You are engaging in an ad hominem attack (i.e. attacking me , and not the argument).

Be aware that your posts may remain on sciforums for years to come.
Any one can read all of them.
So no misleading of what has already been Posted can be accomplished by anyone.

But, once again, you are right, of course.

I am wrong on occasion, as anyone is, but with you, it's easy to be right.

And again, you are right, of course.
If you took less time with trying to pick up irrelevant pedant on other people's posts that take a view more reasonable than your own, you would then be able to avoid your own silly little errors.

Wise words.


You are both right, of course.

Not sure what it has to do with :
Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.

But, still...you are both right, of course.
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