Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.

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"If is not so much as women being evil, but rather the majority chose the path that helps increase evil in culture, since it uses a subjective standard."

We chose to increase evil!

How and when?


Is it your contention that evil is the hegemonic mode of behavior as far as humanity is concerned? Or are you stating that women are are the ones who chose the path of evil? Then too, what exactly is evil? whose standards are we appropriating for that judgement?
Is it your contention that evil is the hegemonic mode of behavior as far as humanity is concerned? Or are you stating that women are are the ones who chose the path of evil? Then too, what exactly is evil? whose standards are we appropriating for that judgement?

In group wars one could perhaps see a hegemonic influence, but no, I was not referring to such.

I was asking our friend to show some kind of example of when we intentionally seek to increase evil.

In group wars one could perhaps see a hegemonic influence, but no, I was not referring to such.

I was asking our friend to show some kind of example of when we intentionally seek to increase evil.

I see. still, what exactly do we mean with evil?
I see. still, what exactly do we mean with evil?

I will not try to re-write the definition but to me evil as used in religion should only be person to person and have a component where hurt or harm is intentional.

The weather or nature for instance cannot do evil as there is no intent or evil mind behind it. Secular law call it the Latin, mens rea.

What our friend meant may be shown when he replies.

I see. still, what exactly do we mean with evil?

Eve eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is symbolic of when humanity first begins to define evil. This knowledge can be useful to help avoid evil/danger, which helps with female security/insecurity. I can see that motivation. But that same knowledge of good and evil also includes the blue print for evil, since to do good and be perfect one has to know all the nuances of evil to avoid these. But not all will avoid what they learn.

Evil is not always easy to define, nor will everyone agree with one definition. This is why the tree is knowledge of good and evil was not the first choice of God. It was not considered objective knowledge and therefore subject to universal verification like is done in science. Rather it is subjective and based on feeling that will be different for others. This will create division. I can drink a beer in Boston but don't try it in Saudi Arabia since it is evil there. Who decides; and why should it be different instead of universal?

At the turn of the 19th century, marijuana was not yet defined as evil, by any subjective cultural standards. This apple had not yet grown on the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It was in the bud. It first needed to be defined as evil, than like magic, a new evil became incarnate. Once the evil was made known, those who never heard of marijuana learn about this evil. Before it was conjured it was obscure, but as the evil is made widely known it popularity grows. This is where the analogy of the tree comes. This apple had seeds, and from one of these seeds, an entire new tree of knowledge of good and evil appears, with millions of users and tens of millions of self righteous and all the laws and stories that are connected. The law puts down the hammer. The evil criminals find ways around the law. A new branch of law much appear, etc.

Finally, nearly a century later, in places like Colorado, the evil of marijuana was exorcised and demon casted into the abyss. Now the same thing is morality neural. It was just like magic when the demon vaporized. Those who persecuted fellow humans, based on what began as morally neutral and returned to neutral, why are they not called evil? Why don't the conjurers of evil define them as evil? Was that because they were all under the spell of the demon and therefore cannot be held responsible? Or do the conjurers decide? It all like magic and subject to tricks, scams and lies.

Carbon Dioxide has been defined as evil with the conjurers trying to bring new demons from the abyss. CO2 used to be part of the life cycle on earth and therefore important to life itself. It has it roles and connects animals to plants. But many prefer to eat of the tree of evil and good. They wish evil to be conjured with Satan appearing from the abyss as their lord and savior. This would be a good survey to see what percent of the females buy into the conjure and accept the evil of CO2. How many men will follow and how many remain neutral like life itself.

Jesus reduced all the law to two things love you neighbor and love God. Beyond that are the conjurers of evils.
Jesus reduced all the law to two things love you neighbor and love God. Beyond that are the conjurers of evils.

So we are to see God's genocide of mankind and his having Jesus needlessly murdered as good and love that God are we?

Most think that a good moral tenet or set of rules puts others ahead of ourselves.

The bible has God being centered on himself instead of others as his first moral tenet.

Which do you think is the best moral to follow?

So we are to see God's genocide of mankind and his having Jesus needlessly murdered as good and love that God are we?

It was not God's genocide of man, but man's genocide of man. God did not kill Jesus, man did. If you are an atheist, and you content there is no God, how can an atheist then blame god, who does not exist, for what could only be done by man? This is an example of the magic tricks of law. Since law is subjective, you can shift the objective focus of blame by defining God as evil, so religion can become taboo? The religious who believe in God live by faith not law of good and evil and therefore are neutral on the subject, It is part of a larger plan, like nature and life itself. They do not claim to know all the answers but somehow it messes and moves to the future.

When Jesus was murdered that was allowed by God for the forgivingness of sins. Sin is not imputed when there is no law. This meant God also did away with the law, since to forgive sins one also forgives the law. As an example to show how this works, it is no longer a sin (man made) to smoke marijuana in Colorado, because there is no longer a law of good and evil that defines it is as evil. The conjurer's demon of sin was exorcised and the sin was thrown into the pit. I use the symbolism of the demon and pit to show how law of good and evil is a form of religion, because like magic, attitudes can sour or shine based on conjuring definitions.

Each time we make a new law, we add more burden of sin to our fellow humans. More sin can now be imputed due to more law. This is not God's doing since eating of this tree was always frowned upon, since it is subject to human manipulation. This path is for the benefit of Satan, while those who conjure the most will tend to follow what is traditional defined as Satan; liberalism. The conjurers of law, conjure sin and Satan, bringing suffering to the world. But since it is subjective, you can define objective good and evil and evil as good. The ball is in man's court.

The concern is, if we removed law, so we can do away with sin, all the knowledge of evil that law has previously taught to humans, will still be out there, and there would be no defense that law enforcement provides. This is why Jesus said love your enemy and neighbor in preparation for the removal of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Within a generation or two, that learned knowledge will atrophy, since there will be no law to continue to teach evil. But in the short term transgression will increase. In Colorado the smoking of marijuana will go up, due to the previous knowledge of good and evil that was taught by the law, but without the restriction of law enforcement. This will peak and then decline as the polarization and knowledge of the old law recedes. The repeal of prohibition, a law with helped to conjure the evil of the mafia, eventually caused evil to decline, since sin was thrown into the pit. But in the short term previous knowledge, taught by the law, caused a short term spike.

Jesus also said if one person thinks something is unclean to them it is unclean. This meant since law is subjective and subjectivity is personal and not universal, one can still follow some law within your own mind, but beyond you, it may not apply to others. This allows for choice and circumvented the human tendency to bully others and cause division. If you think religion is evil, to you it is evil, since law is subjective. But it may not be evil to those whose subjectivity does not conjure this law. It is not up to anyone to force a universal subjectivity or that will promote evil due to the void polarization.
Eve eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is symbolic of when humanity first begins to define evil. This knowledge can be useful to help avoid evil/danger, which helps with female security/insecurity.….But not all will avoid what they learn.
In short, according to biblical tradition, knowledge is evil. But what has that to do with female security/insecurity? And it still explains nothing as far as what “evil/good” means in concrete terms. It appears that staying ignorant is good, while exploring and gaining knowledge of the world around you is evil. THAT certainly explains the creationist insistence of scientific ignorance.

Evil is not always easy to define, nor will everyone agree with one definition. … Who decides; and why should it be different instead of universal?
Evil has yet to be objectively defined in other words. It is a purely subjective concept that varies over time, space, and power structure that enforces its particular brand thereof. Universal anything will never happen, so we are safe in the assumption that evil is a localized phenomenon.

At the turn of the 19th century, marijuana was not yet defined as evil, by any subjective cultural standards. …. Or do the conjurers decide? It all like magic and subject to tricks, scams and lies
I don’t quite get that one. You seem to say that anything can be declared “evil” if enough opposition to it exists. How this qualifies along with genocide and torture, to name just two instances of perceived evil as examples, is questionable.

Carbon Dioxide has been defined as evil with the conjurers trying to bring new demons from the abyss….. How many men will follow and how many remain neutral like life itself.

Here we move on from things people do to each other wilfully, to the mess we created more or less from ignorance, greed and apathy. Then you go on about Satan and end up with surveying females about CO2. Is there a purpose behind this non sequitur? Or are you simply implying that women are guilty of all evil because a fictional character wanted knowledge that her god had forbidden? Funny thing that given the characterization of women as weak and ignorant, men are assumed to follow women into evil. Aren’t men supposed to be smarter, stronger, and more capable part of humanity? Why then can they not be held accountable for their transgressions? Why blame women for everything?

Jesus reduced all the law to two things love you neighbor and love God. Beyond that are the conjurers of evils.
If everything is evil outside those two things, why bother defining evil at all? If everything is, then nothing is evil. And what if I love my neighbor and his wife takes issue with that? Or what if the neighbor is a child and I insist on loving that child. The term child molester comes to mind here? Given that the term neighbor is rather limiting, especially where I live, how many miles constitutes a neighborhood in that case?
So we are to see God's genocide of mankind and his having Jesus needlessly murdered as good and love that God are we?

If "God" had committed "genocide" on "mankind" :

1.) - Then "God's genocide of mankind" would have made it hard for "mankind" to then produce a "Jesus" to be then "needlessly murdered"!

2.) - Then "God's genocide of mankind" would have made it hard for "mankind" to then produce a fictional/mythological/theological account of any such "genocide" or of a "needlessly murdered Jesus"!

3.) - Then "God's genocide of mankind" would have made it hard for "mankind" to then produce a technology that would then make it possible for you to Post your "views?!" on this forum!
It was not God's genocide of man, but man's genocide of man. God did not kill Jesus, man did. .

Ok. Man made it rain for 40 days.

God did not kill Jesus even if it was planned before God created the earth. Ok.


Man killed Jesus by setting the ransom price. Oops, mit was God who set the ransom but it was still man's fault.

Take you mental blinders off and look at the myth for the first time.

If "God" had committed "genocide" on "mankind" :

1.) - Then "God's genocide of mankind" would have made it hard for "mankind" to then produce a "Jesus" to be then "needlessly murdered"!

2.) - Then "God's genocide of mankind" would have made it hard for "mankind" to then produce a fictional/mythological/theological account of any such "genocide" or of a "needlessly murdered Jesus"!

3.) - Then "God's genocide of mankind" would have made it hard for "mankind" to then produce a technology that would then make it possible for you to Post your "views?!" on this forum!
a. What genocide are you referring to? The Noah’s Ark story?
It’s just one of those old flood myths that exist in ancient cultures across the globe. There are therefore multiple gods involved trying to destroy their creations by washing them with too much water. It explains the use of water in purification rituals. Still, it does make each one of those gods into an angry figure head with no impulse control. If the stories are true, then there is no “if god…”

b. accepting the fact that gods are vengeful critters who create stuff and then don’t like how their creation turned out, we then see same gods get violent and kill off the beings made in their image. As usual, a few people manage to survive and keep on reproducing. Hence, we have the figurehead called Jesus. That means there is no difficulty involved in the making of a Jesus and the killing of same.

c. see b. and add that this poses no problem. As obviously some survived and genocide by definition is not a complete eradication of ALL human life, merely the annihilation of a particular group, there will be some who can write and tell stories.

d. see above.

Now, how does that relate to the topic of women being held accountable for men’s and god’s problems? Are you stipulating all of MAN’s problems and the fact that your god has not done such a great job in the creation of said man is to be blamed on women who were apparently just an afterthought in that whole creation myth?
What a bizarre discussion. The OP question itself is incomprehensible and of course unanswerable.

But I'll add my two cents worth.

In Islam women are required to cover themselves not because woman is evil, but because man is evil and it is woman's responsibility to prevent man from lusting after them. This is why the woman is usually blamed for being raped, much as they are here. How often have we heard the defense claim, "she asked for it"

Metaphoricallt, God was right in one thing. He confounded man's language, both linguistically and spiritually. Sadly, that is one one the truths of the scripture.
What a bizarre discussion. The OP question itself is incomprehensible and of course unanswerable.

But I'll add my two cents worth.

In Islam women are required to cover themselves not because woman is evil, but because man is evil and it is woman's responsibility to prevent man from lusting after them. This is why the woman is usually blamed for being raped, much as they are here. How often have we heard the defense claim, "she asked for it"

God was right in one thing. He confounded man's language, both linguistically and spiritually. Sadly, that is one one the truths of the scripture.

What it comes down to is this. Women are blamed for men's inability to control their behavior. To make it sound more legitimate, we invent some god to make sure that women accept that blame. it's just the usual BS that allows men to avoid responsibility when dealing with their lack of self control and their willingness to attribute all their problems to women.
+ 1

Just as Adam did in Eden.

Nothing has changed thanks to Christianity rewarding men for passing on their blame.

Note that Christians all do the same with their scapegoat Jesus Christ savior.

Nothing like profit from the punishment of the innocent. Christian morality is below par.

What it comes down to is this. Women are blamed for men's inability to control their behavior. To make it sound more legitimate, we invent some god to make sure that women accept that blame. it's just the usual BS that allows men to avoid responsibility when dealing with their lack of self control and their willingness to attribute all their problems to women.

Lest we forget that Lilith was made at the same time as Adam, but refused to obey him, because she was Adam's equal. That's why she had to be relegated to become an evil demon and Eve was then created from Adam's rib (side) and therefore of lesser stature and required to serve man.
Then of course, women have this evil habit of "the curse" at which time they are unclean and must be avoided at all costs.

I have to admit, man has an uncanny ability to find justification for almost every crime they commit. Kinda like the Devil. Oops, I forgot the Devil is female.
thing is that Lilith originates in much earlier mythology and is just used as a symbol for all that which is not of hebrew traditions and therefore considered evil. yeah, she was not a doormat and that made her suspect. and that adam and his rib story is only one of the two accounts that are supposed to explain creation.
oh that curse thing, menstruation is not a curse, it's a biological function. may be something of an inconvenience, but that's about it.

in the end it's just religious belief anyhow. while it is used to diminish women in the eyes of men, it's just fiction.
oops alright. don't you forget it.
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