Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.

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Cats have always represented the evil and have also represented female nature. While dogs have always been mans best friend, and dogs represent man.

I think there is something to that analogy, but both sexes can be very bad. But i can see why they represented females as cats, and males as dogs. Also remember dog is god backwards. Good and evil, and all that.

I always wonder why dogs are mans best friend, but then why is the word god, dog backwards. Then why are cats considered evil, and represent females.

I am sure there is meanings behind these things. But like i said males and females are mostly horrible, but i can understand why those two animals represented both genders.

I am just glad although always alone, i never once had to place any faith in any female to help me. I have also never liked cats, which i see as symbolic.

But like i said both genders can be bad, but i am glad that no female will ever get to ever interact with me, in my past or future.

I would also say that everyone by adulthood is a hater, and most people in both genders are horrible people.
“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”
― Robert A. Heinlein

“Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.”
― Joseph Conrad

“Here's all you have to know about men and women: women are crazy, men are stupid. And the main reason women are crazy is that men are stupid.”
― George Carlin, When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops?
No argument.

Have you noted that the Vatican art depicts Satan as female.

Men have feared women forever. Jealousy that they have reversed to penis envy in women so that we do not notice.

Men have 0 pride when compared to women.

Satan has to be female since s/he is evil incarnate. And what is evil other than that which we cannot and will not acknowledge to be residing in the deep recesses of our consciousness. You know, deep down there where the dragons sleep.

Let’s not forget that throughout history artistic depictions were the texts by which illiterate people learned to view the world as it was portrayed to be by those in power. And people in power always have a vested interest in presenting a specific brand of “reality” according to their core beliefs and aspirations.

A homosocial society will, by necessity project their innermost fears and doubts onto that which is diametrically opposed—in this case women. I also recall reading somewhere that men are jealous of women’s ability to create life and that this leads to the demonization of women: in that aspect we are too close to the god they created for themselves.

I think most men have not caught on to the fact that neither gender is superior to the other; we are just different in some instances and the same in others. But it is a human failing that we always want to categorize and assess value to things that need not be judged.

Cats have always represented the evil and have also represented female nature. While dogs have always been mans best friend, and dogs represent man.

I think there is something to that analogy, but both sexes can be very bad. But i can see why they represented females as cats, and males as dogs. Also remember dog is god backwards. Good and evil, and all that.

I always wonder why dogs are mans best friend, but then why is the word god, dog backwards. Then why are cats considered evil, and represent females.

I am sure there is meanings behind these things. But like i said males and females are mostly horrible, but i can understand why those two animals represented both genders.

I am just glad although always alone, i never once had to place any faith in any female to help me. I have also never liked cats, which i see as symbolic.

But like i said both genders can be bad, but i am glad that no female will ever get to ever interact with me, in my past or future.

I would also say that everyone by adulthood is a hater, and most people in both genders are horrible people.

Yeah, but that dog/god thing only works in English.
And no, cats have not been associated with evil until the Middle Ages –which we all know was a horrendously superstitious time, rife with ignorance and brutality. Cats were sacred to the Egyptians and have a long history as useful and treasured hunters who kept vermin in check.

It seems that you are afraid of people and have yet make an effort to even connect with any. In my many years of travelling I have found that there are more good people than there are bad ones. It’s just a matter of how you interact with people that decides how they treat you. Demonstrating a little less hate and fear and a bit more kindness and acceptance could help here. If you go looking for haters, that’s what you will find, because even most people, you meet might not be, you assume it and so that is your reality.
We, in the last 20 years have taken a full billion out of poverty and they forecast another billion in the next 20 years.

In moral terms, we have improved quite a bit.


I agree, though still a bit of work to do yet.
Time [and technological advancement] will see the vast amount of poverty eliminated.
“Modern paintings are like women, you'll never enjoy them if you try to understand them.”
― Freddie Mercury

And then there is King Arthur;

"Blast you, Merlin! This is all YOUR fault!
You swore that you had taught me everything from A to Z
With nary an omission in between
Well, I shall tell you what
You obviously forgot
That's how a ruler rules a....queen!
And what of teaching me by turning me to animal and bird?
From beaver to the smallest bobolink
I should have had the whirl
To change into a girl
To learn the way the creatures think!

But wasn't there a night
On a summer, long gone by
We passed a couple wrangling away
And did I not say "Merlin, what if that chap were I?"
And did he not give counsel and say...
What was it now? My mind's a wall
Oh, yes, by jove...now I recall
"How to handle a woman?
There's a way," said the wise old man,
"A way known by ev'ry woman
Since the whole rigmarole began."
"Do I flatter her?" I begged him answer.
"Do I threaten or cajole or plead?
Do I brood or play the gay romancer?"
Said he, smiling: "No indeed.
How to handle a woman?
Mark me well, I will tell you, sir:
The way to handle a woman
Is to love her...simply love her...
Merely love her...love her...love her."

"Camelot" - Alan Jay Lerner
I agree, though still a bit of work to do yet.
Time [and technological advancement] will see the vast amount of poverty eliminated.

Jesus was wrong. There will be a world without poverty and killing wants.

That world will be led by a woman. As it should be. Women take pride in that (gathering), and men, (busy hinting), do not care near as much.

Who has the greatest and most compassion in their make up?


Human beings are the sole ones responsible for their problems, that includes men and women.

Of course. We have dominion over the world. Not some supernatural entity created by men.
Immoral men from todays standards. Yet Christians do not seem to recognize that fact.

I think there is something to that analogy, but both sexes can be very bad. But i can see why they represented females as cats, and males as dogs. Also remember dog is god backwards. Good and evil, and all that.
Women worship TAC, they haven't told us dogs about it yet.
Of course. We have dominion over the world. Not some supernatural entity created by men.


Of course we have dominion over the Earth! Being its highest form of Intellect assures that.
The problem exists in the fact that although its highest form of Intellect, it still isn't at the standard for humanity in general to realise we need to look after this fart arse little blue orb. But we are improving slowly, and as we advance in our technological superiority and venture further into space, I believe that realisation will grow.
Our greatest danger as a species is to reach a standard of technological advancement, where we are able to change the course of any potential catastrophic cosmological event well before it happens...like a rogue Asteroid or comet for example.
But given time...............
I always wonder why dogs are mans best friend, but then why is the word god, dog backwards. Then why are cats considered evil, and represent females.

I am sure there is meanings behind these things. But like i said males and females are mostly horrible, but i can understand why those two animals represented both genders.

The cat and dog analogy of male and female is not one of good and evil, but rather of temperaments. A cat, if you ever had one is more independent and often distant, but will suck up to you like a pro and be very affectionate, when they want something. The dog is always there to be a friend and is not just nice when he wants to get something. If a guy is courting a gal he is always there, during the ups and downs, while the female plays cool unless she wants something in particular. Then she will work her charms.

Cats are very clean animals and constantly pretty themselves, with no fur out of place. The dog is more utility and does not mind getting in the mud or water and smelling rough. You can nag, yell and even beat on a dog and he forgives and forgets since he loves his master. Cats are not so forgiven and will hold a grudge or be afraid, until you built the trust back.

Dogs will have sex with anything that moves, include the human leg, but cats are more selective and ritualistic. A dog will protect and warn you of danger, often putting its life on the line, while a cat will protect itself and maybe its litter. Dogs will eat anything while cat's have refined tastes and are very particular and finicky with more exacting tastes. A cat is a pet that does not work , while the dog will often do jobs such as protection.
I have had both cats and dogs. Cats are easier, because of their self sufficiency, you can neglect them as long as they have food and place to discharge waste. A dog is more work and often needs more attention and exercise, or else he becomes more destructive in ways that get attention. A cat is happiest being the object of affection. While a dog is happiest playing.
Of course we have dominion over the Earth! Being its highest form of Intellect assures that.
The problem exists in the fact that although its highest form of Intellect, it still isn't at the standard for humanity in general to realise we need to look after this fart arse little blue orb. But we are improving slowly, and as we advance in our technological superiority and venture further into space, I believe that realisation will grow.
Our greatest danger as a species is to reach a standard of technological advancement, where we are able to change the course of any potential catastrophic cosmological event well before it happens...like a rogue Asteroid or comet for example.
But given time...............

In a universe where every possibility is a probability, chance is what will decide if man lives and for how long, --- or if we will go extinct or not.

I, like you, am optimistic though and think we have the time required to protect ourselves as a species.

I have had both cats and dogs. Cats are easier, because of their self sufficiency, you can neglect them as long as they have food and place to discharge waste. A dog is more work and often needs more attention and exercise, or else he becomes more destructive in ways that get attention. A cat is happiest being the object of affection. While a dog is happiest playing.

That is why in midievil days, governments started wars just to get rid of the excess male who were causing trouble. They also likely wanted their lands and women.

In Genesis of the bible, Adam and Eve and are both doing fine in the Garden of Eden, until Eve eats of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This tree is not a real tree but is a symbol of a type of belief system based on knowledge of good and evil. This is law in general, and moral law, in particular., since both of these define what is good and evil for each and every action. Once you eat of that tree of orientate oneself with this system, it impacts how you see and judge each others. If two cultures disagree of an object or action in terms of right and wrong, they have a problem. I can drink a beer in Boston but go to jail in Saudi Arabia for this. Which is correct or is this arbitrary and thereby a good basis for a scam?

The other tree in the garden or the tree of life, was another perception of reality, that was morally neutral, like life itself. If the lion kills a gazelle to eat, this the way of life. The tree of good and evil, will try to assign a moral judgement to this action, thereby detaching it from the integration of evolution. Now it become more of a bite size piece that may, for some, require killing lions since they broke the law; death appears. Before the law of good and evil, what is just is another data point. But after the law of good and evil, data takes on a different subjunctive standard and lead to irrationality.

The question becomes, in modern times, do females prefer more laws of good and evil or fewer laws of good and evil. Would females prefer to reduce law or add the the total that Eve began? If you look at the two political parties, democrat party likes to create the most laws, rules, regulations and dual standards. Which party is more feminine. The ancient had the same problem. If is not so much as women being evil, but rather the majority chose the path that helps increas evil in culture, since it uses a subjective standard.

The dual standard of quotas to use an example, has males of today, who did nothing, paying for the males of the past who did something. The females of today who had nothing done to them get to benefit for those who had something done to them. The real criminal and victim are detached. The transposition of past and present creates an injustice. The law of good and evil can define anything it wants as good or evil. If there was a objective standard this would not be allowed.
"If is not so much as women being evil, but rather the majority chose the path that helps increase evil in culture, since it uses a subjective standard."

We chose to increase evil!

How and when?

If the lion kills a gazelle to eat, this the way of life. The tree of good and evil, will try to assign a moral judgement to this action, thereby detaching it from the integration of evolution. Now it become more of a bite size piece that may, for some, require killing lions since they broke the law; death appears.

The gazelle would disagree that death appeared only when laws arrived.
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