Woman blinded by acid wants same fate for attacker

I agree with you. Like I said, the guy obviously needs help. But thats true in every society where women, children and the elderly are abused or treated badly.

But, it's far more prominent in those societies that find it easy to condone such abuse.
"I don't want to blind him for revenge," Bahrami said in her parents' Tehran apartment. "I'm doing this to prevent it from happening to someone else."


I don't know about that.....the perp did say he loved her,

YOU are asking for evidence???
I really don't think "Jail" is an effective punishment or means of transforming criminals into functional citizens, it may even be ineffective in preventing crimes in the first place. Look at the recidivism rates: we got 60-80% of thieves getting back out of prison to rob again! Yet some how only ~6% of rapist get back out to rape again, and only 3% of child molesters plug a child again after prison, and only 1% of those who committed homicide when released (why released?) commit a new murder! What we need to determine is why would it be better of to shoot thieves on sight and give more murders and rapists second chances?
Late last year, an Iranian court gave Bahrami what she asked for. It sentenced Movahedi to be blinded with drops of acid in each eye. This month, the courts rejected Movahedi's appeal.

That's it? Her face was melted and he gets eye drops? Sounds a lot like US justice to me. A person rapes, tortures, kills a person and they get put to sleep by injection.
A person rapes, tortures, kills a person and they get put to sleep by injection.
Or they escape the injection or chair through a plea bargain.

Jose Luis Rubi-Nava, 38, pleaded guilty to the first-degree murder of Luz Maria Franco Fierros, 49, to escape the death penalty, kidnapping and other charges, the Associated Press reported.

Ms Franco Fierros was alive when Rubi-Nava tied her to the car and began dragging her through suburban streets in Denver. She died of asphyxiation and massive head wounds.

During the investigation, police said the gruesome crime left a trail of blood more than a 1.5km long and that Ms Franco Fierros's face was unrecognisable, Fox News reported.


A Colorado Bureau of Investigation agent testified in 2007 that Rubi-Nava told him that he and Ms Franco Fierros had a violent argument hours before her death, and that Rubi-Nava accused her of seeing other men.

Rubi-Nava has been sentenced to life in prison without parole.


Maybe her family should have demanded the same punishment for him..
I agree with blinding him in revenge. It's fair, and other such men will feel less confident about harming women.
I agree with blinding him in revenge. It's fair, and other such men will feel less confident about harming women.

I disagree. He will be released and live the rest of his life in the comfort of his own home. If his family has any form of wealth, they will get him the best help available to help him cope with his blindness. He will have no scars like the scars he gave her. He won't have to have countless surgeries like she had to have to her face and hands. He will have acid eyedrops placed gently in his eyes and then probably sent home. He could very well marry later on.. find a job.. live life basically.. He won't be made to pay for her mounting medical costs.

How exactly is that a deterrent to other men who wish to harm women?
I disagree. He will be released and live the rest of his life in the comfort of his own home. If his family has any form of wealth, they will get him the best help available to help him cope with his blindness. He will have no scars like the scars he gave her. He won't have to have countless surgeries like she had to have to her face and hands. He will have acid eyedrops placed gently in his eyes and then probably sent home. He could very well marry later on.. find a job.. live life basically.. He won't be made to pay for her mounting medical costs.

How exactly is that a deterrent to other men who wish to harm women?

It is an improvement over jail though.
I disagree. He will be released and live the rest of his life in the comfort of his own home. If his family has any form of wealth, they will get him the best help available to help him cope with his blindness. He will have no scars like the scars he gave her. He won't have to have countless surgeries like she had to have to her face and hands. He will have acid eyedrops placed gently in his eyes and then probably sent home. He could very well marry later on.. find a job.. live life basically.. He won't be made to pay for her mounting medical costs.

How exactly is that a deterrent to other men who wish to harm women?

Who wants to be blinded with acid???

I'd say being rendered blind is a deterrent.
This is all extremely barbaric and irrational! The government needs not to harm any of its citizens or any people for that matter. Acting with act of violence against he who commited violence by law, is WRONG. The Law should not harm any one in any way.
But if they blind him how can he work to help his victim get what she needs in life as he would give her a big chunk of his paycheck.
But if they blind him how can he work to help his victim get what she needs in life as he would give her a big chunk of his paycheck.

exactly! Its an irrational and barbaric move by the government to contemplate on harming anyone! They are better suited to work for life and others if they are healthy and happy.
exactly! Its an irrational and barbaric move by the government to contemplate on harming anyone! They are better suited to work for life and others if they are healthy and happy.

Are you suggesting some kind of enslavement system where criminals are forced to work for what ever time of their sentence? I like it!
So, you kill someone in a road accident, would you submit to being killed in return?


This man intentioanlly threw acid in someone's face in an attempt to deliberately disfigure/blind them. He chose his actions based on his desired outcome.

Now say you are driving home at what you felt was a safe speed and suddenly your tire blows on ice. You lose control of the car and fishtail into the oncoming lane striking another car and cuasing a fatal accident. Did you choose to blow a tire? Was your desired outcome to hurt of maim people?

Intent has a lot to do with the law as does culpability. In the first incident the man is 100% culpable in the second there is none.
This is all extremely barbaric and irrational! The government needs not to harm any of its citizens or any people for that matter. Acting with act of violence against he who commited violence by law, is WRONG. The Law should not harm any one in any way.

You do know that some definations of violence include taking assets away or restricting the rights and privilages of an individual. Your complete nonvilent system would have people walking free after a crime.