Woman blinded by acid wants same fate for attacker

I am only trying to generalize that anyone who commited any crime should not be killed or harmed in any way

What if you saw your own son being blinded by someone right in front of you, what would be your reaction then. Call the police?:shrug:
He'd be released, I believe.

Which would kind of defeat the purpose of being jailed for a crime. So he could conceivably be released and adapt quite well to being blinded and live a very happy, comfortable and fulfilling life. He would have no scars, while her face, hands and arms will remain scarred for life. So he could even marry some day.

I just find the whole thing to be reactionary. I'd prefer he rot in jail for the rest of his miserable life, with an enlarged image of my scarred face plastered on his wall so that it was the first and last thing he saw every day, to remind him of what he did until the day he died basically. I doubt Iranian jails are pleasant places to spend one's time.. Yet she wants to blind him and then have him released to live in the comfort of his own home. He will suffer much less than she has suffered when he is blinded. He won't feel the pain of the acid streaming down his face, into his mouth or onto his hands and arms. He won't have to deal with the surgeries she had to endure after her attack.

He should be left in prison and reminded daily of the pain and horror he caused another human being.
I don't think blindness is something you can happily get past, but I agree with the rest of it. I doubt staying in prison will make a difference though. Will it change his mind? He has no remorse/
Which would kind of defeat the purpose of being jailed for a crime. So he could conceivably be released and adapt quite well to being blinded and live a very happy, comfortable and fulfilling life.

You seem to under-mind the idea of blindness. Let me remind you, it is lack of vision for eternity until death. Try living a happy, comfortable, and a very fulfilling life, bells.
He should be jailed and put to work for the cause of the nation, that way at least the nation gets something good out of all this rubbish.
He should be jailed and put to work for the cause of the nation, that way at least the nation gets something good out of all this rubbish.

I would let him take care of the woman he blinded by paying for anything she ever needs.
What would be the right punishment for throwing acid in someone's face and blinding them permanently?

Whatever the punishment deserved is rather irrelevant to the rationale of throwing acid in someones face. The crux of the problem needs to be addressed so that similar incidents never occur again. And, it is that problem you are defending.
Whatever the punishment deserved is rather irrelevant to the rationale of throwing acid in someones face. The crux of the problem needs to be addressed so that similar incidents never occur again.

I agree with you. Like I said, the guy obviously needs help. But thats true in every society where women, children and the elderly are abused or treated badly.
I rather prefer simple execution for most federal level crimes. Then we can harvest their organs to put in law abiding people that need it, its a win-win! For example this guys corneas could have been riped out and put in someone else's eyes so they could see!
I rather prefer simple execution for most federal level crimes. Then we can harvest their organs to put in law abiding people that need it, its a win-win! For example this guys corneas could have been riped out and put in someone else's eyes so they could see!

Have you ever considered becoming a writer?:p

Robin Cook wannabe?
I think she has every right to want him blinded with acid

Here in the US we kill people who kill people. We hope that pedophiles get raped in prison.
What wrong with her wanting this for her attacker?
I think his family offered that and she refused.

She refused because he was going to be set free for helping her. That was the "deal". If she dropped charges, they would help. They should be made to assist and put him in jail as well.
How long in jail?

I'd say at least 5 years up to 10 years. Depends if he is remorseful or not during trial. Also the earlier release would help the victim by making him help pay the victims expenses as well. The helping of the victim with money would be until he died or she succumbed to death.