Woman blinded by acid wants same fate for attacker

What would you think appropriate if that girl was your daughter? I think the victim is in the best position to judge what has been done to them. Its her face and eyes after all.
Only the individual themself is responsible for their malicious actions, no one else.

Not at all. You fuck some guy's wife, you deserve a kick in the nutsack.

It seems like you're trying to have your cake and eat it too. After all, perhaps I am partly to blame for initiating the 'messing around' events?

That wasn't the illustration I was painting, so don't twist what I was saying.

It's simple, if someone is pissed off at you, maybe you enraged them, and are partly to blame.

But if some random prank causes you harm, you are not to blame.

Being harmed is more tragic in the 2nd instance therefore.

The saying 'accidents happen' is really just a more round-about way of acknowledging that humans can't be expected to make no errors of judgement and have no lapses of concentration throughout their entire lifetime. An accident occurs when an error of judgement or lapse of concentration coincides with a stroke of bad luck.

Yeah, but it's not blamless, that's my point. If someone has a lapse of judgment and takes a cellphone call while driving, and while distracted, rear ends another car, causing injury, they are to blame. If there's blame, I'm asking does 'an eye for an eye' apply? They chose to answer the call knowing the potential outcome. I don't see why some people think the circumstances differ.

For example, consider a car accident. I'd claim that it is reasonable to assume that many adults have driven a motor vehicle for at least 7,000 hours. During that period, is it reasonable to assume that a human would not make a single error a judgement, or not have a single lapse of concentration? I would argue that *every* driver, no matter how good at driving they may be, would make at least one error during 7,000 hours of driving. Ideally you would not make a single error, but that's just not feasible.

When such an error coincides with bad luck (wrong place, wrong time, bad conditions), then that error manifests as a motor vehicle accident.

So essentially, what we have is a lapse of concentration (which every human makes) vs. malicious intent. There's a huge difference between the two.

It rather depends on the lapse. I see too many people using cellphones while driving. That sort of lapse is not excusable.