Woman blinded by acid wants same fate for attacker


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This is awesome news! It's too bad the US can't take a lesson from Iran on justice.

Woman blinded by acid wants same fate for attacker

* Story Highlights
* Woman blinded, disfigured by acid wins case to have attacker also blinded by acid
* Ameneh Bahrami wants "eye for an eye" punishment to be deterrent to others
* Court-ordered blinding of Majid Movahedi may happen within weeks, lawyer says

By Reza Sayah

TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- Ameneh Bahrami is certain that one day she'll meet someone, fall in love and get married. But when her wedding day comes, her husband won't see her eyes, and she won't see her husband. Bahrami is blind, the victim of an acid attack by a spurned suitor.

If she gets her way, her attacker will suffer the same fate. The 31-year-old Iranian is demanding the ancient punishment of "an eye for an eye," and, in accordance with Islamic law, she wants to blind Majid Movahedi, the man who blinded her.

"I don't want to blind him for revenge," Bahrami said in her parents' Tehran apartment. "I'm doing this to prevent it from happening to someone else."

Bahrami says she first crossed paths with Movahedi in 2002, when they attended the same university.

She was a 24-year-old electronics student. He was 19. She never noticed him until they shared a class. He sat next to her one day and brushed up against her. Bahrami says she knew it wasn't an accident.

"I moved away from him," she said, "but he brushed up against me again." VideoWatch Bahrami return to the attack scene for the first time »

When Bahrami stood up in class and screamed for him to stop, Movahedi just looked at her in stunned silence. He wouldn't stay silent for long.

Bahrami said that over the next two years, Movahedi kept harassing her and making threats, even as he asked her to marry him. "He told me he would kill me. He said, 'You have to say yes.' "

On a November afternoon in 2004, Movahedi's threats turned to violence.

That day at 4:30 p.m., Bahrami left the medical engineering company where she worked. As she walked to the bus stop, she remembers sensing someone behind her.

She turned around and was startled to see Movahedi. A moment later came the agonizing pain. Movahedi had thrown something over her. What felt like fire on her face was acid searing through her skin.

"I was just yelling, 'I'm burning! I'm burning! For God's sake, somebody help me!' "

The acid seeped into Bahrami's eyes and streamed down her face and into her mouth. When she covered her face with her hands, streaks of acid ran down her fingers and onto her forearms. VideoWatch how the still-pungent acid destroyed Bahrami's clothes »

Two weeks after the attack, Movahedi turned himself in to police and confessed in court. He was convicted in 2005 and has been behind bars all along.

Bahrami's lawyer, Ali Sarrafi, said Movahedi had never shown any remorse. "He says he did it because he loved her," Sarrafi said.

Attack victims in Iran usually accept "blood money": a fine in lieu of harsh punishment. With no insurance and mounting medical bills, Bahrami could've used the cash, but she said no.

"I told the judge I want an eye for an eye," Bahrami said. "People like him should be made to feel my suffering." VideoWatch how the acid destroyed Bahrami's eyes (includes graphic content) »

Bahrami's demand has outraged some human rights activists. Criticizing acid-attack victims is almost unheard of, but some Internet bloggers have condemned Bahrami's decision.

"We cannot condone such cruel punishment," wrote one blogger. "To willingly inflict the same treatment on a person under court order is a violation of human rights."

Late last year, an Iranian court gave Bahrami what she asked for. It sentenced Movahedi to be blinded with drops of acid in each eye. This month, the courts rejected Movahedi's appeal.

Bahrami's lawyer, Sarrafi, said the sentencing might be carried out in a matter of weeks. He said he doesn't think Bahrami will change her mind. Neither does Bahrami.

"If I don't do this and there is another acid attack, I will never forgive myself for as long as I live," she said.

Bahrami is largely self-sufficient despite not being able to see. She can make a salad, prepare tea and walk up the five flights of stairs that lead to her parents' apartment.

She has undergone more than a dozen surgeries on her badly scarred face, but she says there are many more to come. She can't afford to pay for her medical care, so she's using the Internet to raise money.

She's lost her big brown eyes, but she likes to smile, especially when she imagines her wedding day.

"I always see myself as someone who can see and sometimes see myself in a beautiful wedding gown, and why not?"

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"I don't want to blind him for revenge," Bahrami said in her parents' Tehran apartment. "I'm doing this to prevent it from happening to someone else."

So do you think she should get her way?

most defenitely not. He should be treated just like everyone else is, of a crime commited. In accordance to the law. No I do not agree with Shariat Laws and I think this "eye for an eye" deal is EVIL. All shall be forgiven, none exist to not be.
Absolutely! We should have the same justice here in this country and have public executions. I am a firm believer in an eye-for-an-eye.
most defenitely not. He should be treated just like everyone else is, of a crime commited. In accordance to the law. No I do not agree with Shariat Laws and I think this "eye for an eye" deal is EVIL. All shall be forgiven, none exist to not be.

Its in accordance with their law. Or do you mean everyone should follow some other legal system? Waterboarding maybe?
Its in accordance with their law. Or do you mean everyone should follow some other legal system? Waterboarding maybe?

I am not an advocate of waterboarding either. Any attempt or inclination on human body is a crime itself, commited by government or civilians...does not matter...is a crime.

Yes I do mean all should follow another legal system, however only when all have agreed to follow such legal system. So far the nations of Earth are not united in their cause whatsoever, so the local laws should be followed with regards.

That said I believe that local laws in this case are wrong.
I am not an advocate of waterboarding either. Any attempt or inclination on human body is a crime itself, commited by government or civilians...does not matter...is a crime.

Yes I do mean all should follow another legal system, however only when all have agreed to follow such legal system. So far the nations of Earth are not united in their cause whatsoever, so the local laws should be followed with regards.

That said I believe that local laws in this case are wrong.

What would be the right punishment for throwing acid in someone's face and blinding them permanently?
What would be the right punishment for throwing acid in someone's face and blinding them permanently?

The only right punishment is isolation for a set period of time or work for the cause of the state the crime was commited in.

All with regards to not cause any harm on the body of the guilty.
The only right punishment is isolation for a set period of time or work for the cause of the state the crime was commited in.

All with regards to not cause any harm on the body of the guilty.

Whats with the body of teh guilty?:confused:

I can see her logic, though. She hopes it will protect other people by causing people to think twice about doing it if its going to be done to them. But unfortunately, human nature doesn't work like that.
Whats with the body of teh guilty?:confused:

I can see her logic, though. She hopes it will protect other people by causing people to think twice about doing it if its going to be done to them. But unfortunately, human nature doesn't work like that.

I am only trying to generalize that anyone who commited any crime should not be killed or harmed in any way. Because harming or killing is an act of violence and barbarism displayed by the LAW.

Her logic is one and one only: to mislead the jury/public by stating of her intent to harm her perpetrator for the cause of social comfort rather than personal.
Firstly, I doubt it would work as a deterrent. Would he be released after he is blinded for revenge? Or would he spend the rest of the time in prison?