With A Heavy Heart, I Say This to Atheists and Christians

§outh§tar said:
Excuse me to say that is a moronic interpretation. That is like saying Michael Moore thinks George Bush is incompetent, but that is not what his movie is trying to say. At least try to give a credible excuse.

You are trying to reason with me that the God of the Bible tries to get His message across by indulging in a flawed understanding of the world, which is obviously inane and quite unlike any omniscient God. I know very well that you only meant the "God is above all" thing as an example, but all I wanted to show you is that your example actually digs a deeper hole for your argument.

Uh oh. More twisting words around. If you tell me that, I can only conclude these things:

1) The earth is flat
2) The are a lot of people who can show me love if I let them.

You obviously understand that if premise 2 is wrong, the whole statement is wrong. If premise 1 is wrong, the whole statement is wrong.

It is like me telling you "God likes to punish His uncle". Now that means God likes to to punish, and God has an uncle. Since the premise that God likes to punish is wrong, the whole statement is obviously wrong. Similarly, since God doesn't have an uncle, the whole statement is wrong. You would have to be unreasonable to ignore the shortcomings of the passage and still try to make it sound like "Gospel".

Like I said before, both. If even one part of the statement is wrong then the whole statement is wrong. Imagine for a moment the sea has no depth, that would obviously mean that God cannot know what it's depth is and therefore the statement is WRONG. A statement can't be part truth and part lie, especially when it applies to matters of the Bible.

I have just shown how "healthy" your reasoning is, that you ignore the very fact that if God essentially told His prophets in a vision that the earth is flat, then it is God who is wrong. If you say that the prophets are wrong in order to save yourself from embarassment, you only dig a deeper hole by me asking why you would then believe anything the prophets say to be true.

This part has nothing to do with out discussion but now you are trying to change your argument to say the writers were just trying to "describe". The writers CLAIMED that their visions of a flat earth were given by God. You CAN'T ignore that and say they were only trying to describe God's greatness. I suggest you go up to the link I provided and read through it to know what the Bible really says about flat-earth. If the truth is in the meaning, then it is quite possible that you have misinterpreted the meaning, which also digs a deeper hold and begs even more questions. And also, just like okinrus, you resort to using the conditional "necessarily" because you know very well that your arguments amount to idle speculation. But as I told even him, I am basing my statements on what the Bible says, not what I want it to say and so he should do the same. Unless there is an indication that the writers of the Bible wanted to use the flat earth scenario as a description of God's power, you are lying to me since you have no reason to believe so.


Acts 17

22Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: "Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. 23For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription:|sc TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Now what you worship as something unknown I am going to proclaim to you.
24"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands.

The very Bible that you claim to be defending has disqualified your argument. Paul claims to be proclaiming the "unknown god" therefore it is foolish to say "God is unknown to us", since the Bible refutes that line of thinking. Also see

Romans 1
8The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

It is quite clear from this passage that the Bible says God is not "unknowable" or incapable of being verified.

Why should I believe something that is imperfect is the product of a perfect Being? Do you have any valid reasoning behind this? I'm not judging the whole Bible besides, but I'm criticizing the individual book(s) in question and the writers in the New Testament who believed that those books were perfect.

If you claimed that God gave you the answers to both equations, then YES, I would. This is another example of bringing an analogy that has nothing to do with the discussion.

If that is the case, then you are claiming that the reports of the prophets were subjective, meaning that they were outright lying for claiming "Thus sayeth the Lord", since they had bended it to their reality and not what God had said. The Bible very clearly says

Deuteronomy 18
21 You may say to yourselves, "How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD ?" 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.

Therefore we see very clearly that all your word spinning amounts to nothing by the claim of the Bible. Since the testimony of the prophet is not "true", we can be sure by the Bible's claim that the prophet is a liar.

In that case Jesus' claims about His divinity may have also been altered by the oral tradition. Again, all your speculation does is to dig a deeper hole. If the writer also wanted to give hope to the people, then we can be assured that he was a liar and that we cannot expect any of his testimony to be true. I will however excuse all your speculation to say that this is not the case, since even the disciples believed in their writings that the earth in it's present form was "passing away". You should stop speculating and admit that not only did Jesus believe it, but His disciples believed it too.

That is simply more speculation because we know that Jesus SPECIFICALLY said that some of the people standing before Him would not have died when He came back. That quite obviously points to the immediacy of His return, something you cannot ignore.

If the reason is above your understanding, then you wouldn't have any reason to believe it in the first place so we can safely dismiss that assertion.

If somethings have been altered then you understand that it is not your business to go on believing in erroneous texts. Do you have any reason at all for believing that the original writers themselves did not deify Jesus because of their respective understanding of Him? Do you have any reason for believing that the altered texts remain valid enough for edification?

So you are basing your ignorance of other viewpoints on your feelings towards a religion that said it's savior would come 2000 years ago. Do you now see what I mean when I say I feel sorry for Christians?

It appears from my reading of your post that you are actually being naieve to the evidence and have abandoned reason. If Jesus claimed to be God and yet He was wrong about when He was coming back, surely you understand that it is stupid to assume that any of His other claims are any more valid.

Besides, if it is the fault of the oral tradition, then it can also be the oral tradition that is responsible for conjuring the reports of His miracles, the Nativity, and the resurrection. You do understand that this is also a possibility but you choose to ignore it and go on believing. This doesn't seem like you "realise" the problem at all, rather that you shut your eyes to it.
I had written a good reply to you, but when I pressed the "Submit Reply" button it vanished.

So I'm not going to answer each statement again (cause I don't have the energy).

The Bible have errors in it, if they can be solved or not, I don't know.

But the Bible is more than that, you can still find good things in it, things worthy of reading and comprehending.

Gods word is in our heart. By listening to our heart we can find out the truth.

The errors that you have found in the Bible are just distractions. The Bible is meant to be a good guidance, I don't know why these errors are there, and I'm disappointed to see that they are there (allthough I've been aware of some of the errors before reading the site you pointed out).

But that doesn't mean that I should disregard the whole Bible, or even parts of it. Cause even if there are errors in the Bible, the part which contains the error can still hold some meaning.

And I believe that Jesus teachings are not wrong. If you want to believe that they are then that is up to you, or if you want to doubt them.

I consider myself a Christian, because I believe in Jesus and the message that He had.

I believe that we will be resurrected after we die, transformed into our new bodies. Free from sin and misery.

I believe that God created all there is, and that He is present with us inside our heart in love.

I believe in the wisdom that penetrates everything into it's smallest parts.

The small parts that are errors in the Bible won't take away the insight I've got from the other parts. I believe that in the light of truth, everything will be revealed to be in order with the truth of God.
Well thank you Cyperium,

You have just made my point by saying in effect, "I know the Bible contains errors, but I don't care. I will continue to believe what it says".

Good day to you. I will not judge or condemn you because I was in the same position a while ago and would have made a more fervent defense than you had. I hope you at least look at things a little deeper.
anonymous2 said:
Ok, I'm done with this discussion of that 1 Thess passage, Okinrus. Like I said, believe what you want, and I will believe what I want. :) Have a nice day/night. :)

Frustrating, isn't it? :D

Might as well be talking to a sack of potatoes..
You have just made my point by saying in effect, "I know the Bible contains errors, but I don't care. I will continue to believe what it says".

Good day to you. I will not judge or condemn you because I was in the same position a while ago and would have made a more fervent defense than you had. I hope you at least look at things a little deeper.

Or it could be that you are asking too much of religion. What exactly is the reason for you, or anyone for that matter, that you follow the religion you do? What do you want from it? Do you want to learn a good way of life, morals, to understand the past, to follow it merely so you don't go to Hell, or what?

If one follows their religion to live a good life and learn good morals, it doesn't matter if there are inconsistancies or if the whole thing is made up as good words are good words and good morals are good morals. One can learn those from even normal people. Just because they may be read from a holy book doesn't make it any more right or wrong as one can tell the difference on their own.

If one is following their religion to understand the past, learning about the past takes a lot of faith (even excluding religious books) as we will never know the past, we can only put pieces together and think of how everything may have turned out. If one reads a past document made by Julius Caesar, it doesn't mean what is written is true or not, we just have to believe it.

And if you're following the religion you do just so you can go to Heaven and not Hell, I think that's the absolute worst reason to be religious. Actually, second worst reason. The first would be following it just to follow it or because someone else told you to.

Religion is a tool of guidance, nothing more. The biggest problem comes from the high wants and demands of their religion. If one has no wants or desires, they will always be content.

- N
Wow, just now reading this thread...

If this is for real and not some extended sociological experiment by SouthStar, I must say I'm impressed. This may very well mark the first time anyone on the internet has ever adopted a different opinion about anything. So kudos. Somebody break out the champagne!

Assuming this post was started with honest intentions, let me offer my congratulations to SouthStar -- not merely for having expatriated to my neck of the woods, but for at least entertaining the ideas of the other side. We would all do well to attempt that feat occasionally. And while I realize my posts tend toward mean-spirited, sarcastic diatribes (usually including numerous gratuitous uses of the word "fuck"), let me say a sympathetic heart beats below the pile of needless scatalogical references. I went through a religious withdraw period myself once, and I know what it feels like to lose your foundation and feel a bit lost and hopeless.

But since then I've come to believe that it's good (even healthy) to rattle the walls of one's own fortress sometimes. Otherwise the vines just grow over and you're left with a set of assumptions that no longer require you to think. But I would also say it's important to realize that, as the Buddhists are fond of saying, "the raft is not the shore." Just because you leave something behind doesn't mean it was meaningless, nor does it mean what's to come is certain. That's kind of the beauty of the whole thing. Life is never quite as black and white as some people would paint it. Learn to enjoy the gray, I say.

Anyway, enough of my pontificating. Welcome to the fold, SouthStar. I hope you'll find we're not quite as bad as we seem.
SouthStar: Do not lose your faith. Believe what you believe. Men have fallen since the old ages. Religion has been their only hope. That is why God chose the events like he did so that Man would see it like the other religions and believe. God will speak to you. You just need to know how to listen. You may already know, i dont know what your know.

There are essentials of faith and there are those that are not. To believe in christ jesus the son of God and confess he is your savior is the ONLY thing that is required for God's kingdom. The rest whether wrong or right, wont make a diffrence when all is said and done
read is posts, you will understand why he has, he does'nt like it , but it has happened.
he is no longer brainwashed .
camphlps said:
SouthStar: Do not lose your faith. Believe what you believe. Men have fallen since the old ages. Religion has been their only hope.
Oh good grief.

He hasn't 'fallen'. He's found sense. He's no longer following in the footsteps of others and instead is trying to find his own way. And only hope for what? For life? Salvation? Being a sheep wont give him salvation. Being someone who believes because he's told it's right won't offer him anything at all. The only faith that he had lost was his faith in himself when he was the religious nut that he was (no offence south, but your religious fervour was scary at times). He's finally finding himself now. Most importantly, he's finally seeing the meaning of life.

That is why God chose the events like he did so that Man would see it like the other religions and believe.
God chose the events that he did because people are good story tellers. Natural events became God's signs. A plague of locusts became 'God is punishing us'. Give me a break! The locusts happened because the weather conditions allowed them to breed and there was enough sustinence for them to reach plague proportions.

God will speak to you. You just need to know how to listen. You may already know, i dont know what your know.
It's called intuition and imagination.

There are essentials of faith and there are those that are not. To believe in christ jesus the son of God and confess he is your savior is the ONLY thing that is required for God's kingdom. The rest whether wrong or right, wont make a diffrence when all is said and done
Oh that's good. That means that I can go out and murder someone and then proclaim God to be my savior and I'm set for a spot amongst the angels. :rolleyes: No offence but that is the silliest thing I've ever heard. If there is a God, one would imagine that proclaiming him/her to be the savior would not be the only requirement for entrance through the pearly gates. One would imagine that not living life like some a/hole would have something to do with it. The only essentials of faith that anyone should have is faith in themselves.
SouthStar said:
Well thank you Cyperium,

You have just made my point by saying in effect, "I know the Bible contains errors, but I don't care. I will continue to believe what it says".

Good day to you. I will not judge or condemn you because I was in the same position a while ago and would have made a more fervent defense than you had. I hope you at least look at things a little deeper.

SouthStar, don't be stiff.
§outh§tar said:
Well thank you Cyperium,

You have just made my point by saying in effect, "I know the Bible contains errors, but I don't care. I will continue to believe what it says".

Good day to you. I will not judge or condemn you because I was in the same position a while ago and would have made a more fervent defense than you had. I hope you at least look at things a little deeper.
Again, I do care, but I can't do anything about it, and I can't let that effect my faith on the whole. I don't just ignore it like you suggest, but I don't let it take all my time either, one has to know what can be changed and what cannot, if I can't change something then I shouldn't worry about it, but find the reasonable way to look at it then move on. There's more to life than the Bible, you should live your faith not just read about it.

I don't think that the errors in the Bible are the deep-down reason as to why you doubt though. Maybe you overestimated your ability? It isn't easy being a defender of faith, I've been glad that someone took the initiative of being one, but that just might have been your fall. Of course it's good to trust your faith, but is your faith strong enough? Jesus said that if your faith is stronger than (something small) then you could move a mountain. I agree that you should defend faith, but first and foremost, your own faith. Maybe you have ignored your own faith in a attempt to help others with theirs?

There may be alot of reasons, and all are not bad ones. I suggest that you find your reason, (or find the solution).

No one can change another person directly, the change allways come within. By being a good example or a good leader you might change someone though, but it is really he who has changed himself, even if being inspired by you.

I make many mistakes, daily even, but I still have faith in what I'm able to do. I don't want to let my mistakes drag the rest of me down.

The reasons may be external, but in some effect it has to have happened something to you inside as well. Maybe you've had a seed of doubt inside for a longer time than you realise?

Or are the reasons purely external? If you don't want to tell me what the reasons are, then you don't have to, I understand that there are things that we are more comfortable having for ourselves, or sharing with someone that you really trust (and not over the internet). But you could at least tell me if it was the external reasons or the internal reasons that made the difference.

I don't know how you will interpret this post, but I want to tell you that I don't see you as less worthy or anything like that, remember, I've been in similar situations that you are in now too. Life isn't just a straight line for any of us.
Bells: i think i know what you mean. But as people soon realize that if you truly belief christ to be Gods son and your savior, wouldnt you obey him too, if you truely believe?

And im well aware hes not fallen. I encourage to not let go to his faith no matter where he goes. That he believes because he believes and not for someone else. Whether he joins religion or goes on his own path as I did. That part is clearly stated in what i said
Cyperium said:
...find the reasonable way to look at it then move on. There's more to life than the Bible, you should live your faith not just read about it....
Your religion and everything you know about it are based on The Bible (unless you've seen Jesus recenently). Now, you have to admit that The Bible has errors... the source (translation/original error) doesn't matter... the ultimate source for your religion is wrong.

That said, how can you use it as the ultimate source for you to base your morality? That seems irresposible at best. You need to accept the fact that your religion is not always right... and therefore isn't a very good source to base important decisions on. If you have faith that is one thing, but faith in something you know is wrong is quite another.
I don't think that the errors in the Bible are the deep-down reason as to why you doubt though.
That not a very good cop-out. It comes down to 'nothing is wrong with the faith, but you'. Perhaps, just perhaps, it is because the main reference of the religion is flimsy. You don't build a house on quick sand. You should build a life on ignorant and incorrect beliefs.
Neildo said:
And if you're following the religion you do just so you can go to Heaven and not Hell, I think that's the absolute worst reason to be religious. Actually, second worst reason. The first would be following it just to follow it or because someone else told you to.


ALL humans that follow a religion (without exception), do so "because someone else told them to".

Following any religion is a learned behavior.

On morality:
Morality is not dependent on religion. It can be distilled down to this:
"Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other 'sins' are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful -- just stupid.)"
~Lazarus Long

...or, put another way:

Do NOT do unto others as you would NOT have them do unto you.

I don't know why this common sense eludes most people. :bugeye:
If these ideas were universally adopted, the species would survive, prosper, be at peace, and the world would be an infinitely better place.

(Yes, it truly is just that simple.)
Persol said:
Your religion and everything you know about it are based on The Bible (unless you've seen Jesus recenently). Now, you have to admit that The Bible has errors... the source (translation/original error) doesn't matter... the ultimate source for your religion is wrong.
God isn't made by the Bible. The Bible isn't Gods only way of talking to people.

That said, how can you use it as the ultimate source for you to base your morality? That seems irresposible at best. You need to accept the fact that your religion is not always right... and therefore isn't a very good source to base important decisions on. If you have faith that is one thing, but faith in something you know is wrong is quite another.
That not a very good cop-out. It comes down to 'nothing is wrong with the faith, but you'.
Your words not mine.

Perhaps, just perhaps, it is because the main reference of the religion is flimsy. You don't build a house on quick sand. You should build a life on ignorant and incorrect beliefs.
My beliefs are not ignorant, and to my knowledge aren't incorrect.
Cyperium said:
I don't think that the errors in the Bible are the deep-down reason as to why you doubt though.

Persol said:
That not a very good cop-out. It comes down to 'nothing is wrong with the faith, but you'. Perhaps, just perhaps, it is because the main reference of the religion is flimsy.

I think Cyperium is right.
It does not necessarily come down to 'nothing is wrong with the faith, but you' (although this is often the answer one hears). This is the answer one often gets from those who think that Bible = religion = faith. Needless to say that this is a dreadfully misleading equation.

Theistic faith is about having a living relationship with God -- and it is this living relationship that SoutStar seems to have lost, and maybe it wasn't strong in the beginning anyway.

Just repeating what the Bible says and cogitating about the scriptures does not amount to faith.
Theistic faith is about having a living relationship with God -- and it is this living relationship that SoutStar seems to have lost, and maybe it wasn't strong in the beginning anyway.

Yup, it's my fault entirely; either I lost faith or I didn't have it to begin with. Cop out..

Just repeating what the Bible says and cogitating about the scriptures does not amount to faith.

Of course not. Since it's "God's Word" and entirely true, why should there be any reason to think about it?
camphlps said:
Bells: i think i know what you mean. But as people soon realize that if you truly belief christ to be Gods son and your savior, wouldnt you obey him too, if you truely believe?

And im well aware hes not fallen. I encourage to not let go to his faith no matter where he goes. That he believes because he believes and not for someone else. Whether he joins religion or goes on his own path as I did. That part is clearly stated in what i said

"If you ask God anything and truly believe, He will give it to you"

I ask God for something selfless and don't get it. The answer I get: You didn't "truely believe". :rolleyes:
Of course not. Since it's "God's Word" and entirely true, why should there be any reason to think about it?
Because it doesn't replace having a living relationship with God...
"If you ask God anything and truly believe, He will give it to you"

I ask God for something selfless and don't get it. The answer I get: You didn't "truely believe".
If it was selfless, why does it matter whether you "got it"? Chances are, you already had it!

Those words above, do you sincerely think it's a blank checque? Is God saying he's a slot machine?
SouthStar, are you being sarcastic or is that what God really said. Well, once I had a voice say "trust me" but who I did not know who. And I can assure you that you will have to struggle, that even when given signs of God's presence, unless if one is willing to draw them to mind those signs of God's presence will fade away.

Persol, I've never met a Christian who was able to accept everything only by the Bible, nor will any Christian tell you that the Bible is the *ultimate* source of their belief. With sufficient questioning, you should be able to delegate that responsibility to Jesus. But you are correct about building a house. The builder wants to build something solid, but it also very much up to taste and refinement. A bomb-shelter is well-constructed; it is not wear I want to live.