Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'...

Q25 said:
Jesus suposedly said something like;
"oh God why have you forsaken me?"before being crucified.
does that sounds like He was god?
all gods were imortal. ;)
M*W: Yes, I am familiar with this statement allegedly made by Jesus. It's quite clear to me that Jesus felt abandoned by God. If Jesus was indeed an historical character, and there's no proof that he did exist, how can his resurrection be assumed? After all, Jesus allegedly said that "the kingdom of God is within."
Medicine Woman, oh Medicine Woman, won't you create some p0isoned, theology medicine? Ya, that's my crappy song. Anywho, were all those question rhetorical? None of them can be supported or buttressed with fact. What sort of response are you looking for? You are right great maam, you are right indeed?
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The point I was trying to make was that, if Jesus lived, and died on the cross, and was resurrected to bring salvation to all mankind, there should be NO DOUBT whatsoever that Christianity is the one true religion. My point is that there is a lot of DOUBT. My having DOUBT's about the authenticity of Christianity does not mean I'm unsure of myself. If I were unsure of myself, I'd most likely be a Christian. Doubt represents confusion but not emotion.
Doubt is when the mind cannot decide between at least two contradictory statements Doubt cannot be used for the reason of unbelief since doubt must come after unbelief.

DOUBT isn't used to justify rational beliefs. Rational beliefs would present NO DOUBT.
Doubt cannot justify any decision since it is merely the presence of two or more possible beliefs.
Medicine Woman said:
ConsequentAtheist said:
You wrote: "If Jesus were really resurrected... and if Jesus were really God... there should be no dispute that this is so." What possible context would render the statement less stupid?
M*W: The questions were rhetorical. You were too dumb to see that.
Actually, the sentence quoted was a declaration, not a question. Not only does it read like a declaration, but questions usually end with one of those curly things. Apparently, "you were too dumb to see that", not to mention being "too dumb" to answer the question posed.
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Although I was under the impression that your question of the declaration was rhetorical.
Yes Persol, I agree with you. I didn't know CA wanted an answer...I thought it was something he considered understood =/
Esstazq said:
Medicine Woman, oh Medicine Woman, won't you create some p0isoned, theology medicine? Ya, that's my crappy song. Anywho, were all those question rhetorical? None of them can be supported or buttressed with fact. What sort of response are you looking for? You are right great maam, you are right indeed?
M*W: Esstazq, thanks for your song. "Medicine Woman" is the title given to the oldest and wisest woman, the healer in a Native American tribe. I've technically been a "Medicine Woman" since I was a child. I knew at a very early age from my elders who were, for the most part Cherokee living in the Southeastern USA, that I had an interest in "medicine." My Cherokee grandmother used to take me up into the hills of Appalachia to pick flowers, weeds, roots, bark, etc., and we would go back down the mountain and Granny would boil, bake, steep or dry our pickings. Then she would bottle them up, unlike canning, she would store them in little bottles for any diseases that might occur. My Granny was a real Medicine Woman. My idea of being a Medicine*Woman is a bit more spiritual. Native Americans believe the Medicine Woman or Medicine Man of their tribe is not only the healer of bodies but he/she is the healer of Spirit. Actually, it's one and the same. Healing the Spirit heals the Body. I am a licensed medical professional as well as a healer. I am also a Spiritual healer. Sometimes the medicine heals. Sometimes the medicine hurts. Either way, its good for you. That's just a little synopsis of my background.

Now, to answer your question... Yes, all the introductory questions were rhetorical. I'm NOT, let me repeat, NOT a Christian. I'm a recovering Catholic. I did not intend for those questions to be declarations, and everyone else on this forum who knows me, knows I'm NOT Christian. I realized the questions could NOT be supported in fact. My purpose, if I had one, was to get back to the discussion of why Christianity cannot be proven. I think its important to continue debate on this issue. Lately, the forum has become Islamophobic, and the topic has been driven into the ground. The forum has been demonizing the wrong religion in my opinion. I am still waiting to see some evidential proof of Jesus' life, his death, his resurrection, his ministry, and his ascension. I'm still waiting for Christianity's end-days. I doubt that I'm the only researcher on this subject, and I would like to learn what others have to say regarding their anti-Christian research. Sometimes it takes a few postings back-and-forth to get to know some of the new members. We can't just sweep Christianity under the rug and hope that it will go away. We need to be proactive in its destruction. That's my intention. Hope to hear from you again soon!
okinrus said:
Doubt is when the mind cannot decide between at least two contradictory statements Doubt cannot be used for the reason of unbelief since doubt must come after unbelief.

Doubt cannot justify any decision since it is merely the presence of two or more possible beliefs.
M*W: This is my second post to okinrus. I don't know where my other post went!

okinrus, doubt does not need two contradictory statements. Doubt can exist on one only. Doubt can be used for disbelief. Doubt and disbelief are synonymous. Doubt can justify a decision because it leaves room for further evidence. Doubt can stand alone. What proof do you have that Jesus created Christianity? What proof do you have that Jesus ever lived? What proof do you have for your own salvation? Show me some REAL proof!
"Medicine Woman" is the title given to the oldest and wisest woman, the healer in a Native American tribe. I've technically been a "Medicine Woman" since I was a child.
Uh huh, she's been the oldest woman since shes been a child. I think you are technically a kook, trying to call others kooks.
Persol said:
"Medicine Woman" is the title given to the oldest and wisest woman, the healer in a Native American tribe. I've technically been a "Medicine Woman" since I was a child.
Uh huh, she's been the oldest woman since shes been a child. I think you are technically a kook, trying to call others kooks.
M*W: Strangely, yes, I seemed "old" even when I was a child! It matters not what you think of me, only what I think of me. I have no doubt as to what others think of me, even on sciforums. You'd be surprised at the positive PMs I get from all over the world. One person calling me a kook means nothing.
Lol, good for you. Be proud of your kookiness!

I sure practitioners of Judiasm and Christianity also get positive PMs. That doesn't been they aren't kooks, and is very poor evidence that they aren't.
Me thinks Medicine Woman has an ego complex. Ya, so my Grandma says she can see spirits and talk to them because my heritage has a Cherokee medicine woman and I can supposedly see them too (she says), a lot of value in that part of the family tree. Perhaps I should change mine to Shaman..man..ya, anywho the big deal is that nothing can be proven. I can't prove that the color that I'm seeing as red is the same color that you see as red. Maybe everyone's view of color and what they call red (if I looked through their eyes) I would call green, but since they were raised on calling it red, the same thing they perceive as being red is red to me as well. Lol, ya idiotic, but it's just showing there is probably absolutely nothing one man can absolutely prove to another. For all I know this forum isn't real and I'm just in a dream-like...whew just woke up from a nap. You get what I'm saying. About you being a Medicine Woman, you're not healin' too much are ya? More like a haughty lady. Yet I still love ya, regardless if you don't want it :p.
Persol said:
Lol, good for you. Be proud of your kookiness!

I sure practitioners of Judiasm and Christianity also get positive PMs. That doesn't been they aren't kooks, and is very poor evidence that they aren't.
M*W: Well, thanks, Persol. I take pride in my individuality. I don't run with the pack, you know.
Ya MW, that's a good reason why you see people going against religion and things such as that. They cannot stand the fact that, in essence, they have no control of their life. "I have to be individual!" a person may say in order to feel a sense of purpose and meaning. I think it's kind of sad...but you know what I say? I love chicken, thus I shall go eat it.
Esstazq said:
Me thinks Medicine Woman has an ego complex. Ya, so my Grandma says she can see spirits and talk to them because my heritage has a Cherokee medicine woman and I can supposedly see them too (she says), a lot of value in that part of the family tree. Perhaps I should change mine to Shaman..man..ya, anywho the big deal is that nothing can be proven. I can't prove that the color that I'm seeing as red is the same color that you see as red. Maybe everyone's view of color and what they call red (if I looked through their eyes) I would call green, but since they were raised on calling it red, the same thing they perceive as being red is red to me as well. Lol, ya idiotic, but it's just showing there is probably absolutely nothing one man can absolutely prove to another. For all I know this forum isn't real and I'm just in a dream-like...whew just woke up from a nap. You get what I'm saying. About you being a Medicine Woman, you're not healin' too much are ya? More like a haughty lady. Yet I still love ya, regardless if you don't want it :p.
M*W: I don't think my ego is a problem. I agree with what you say about one's "perception" of colors, and that we may live in a "dream-like" state. About my healing ability, you would need to talk to my patients about that. Thus far, everyone has done well, and I've never been sued. The Internet doesn't always do justice to one's true personality. On the Internet, we can assume any personality we want to be. I am definitely not haughty in real life, actually, I'm quite humble and reserved. (Now I know you don't believe that, but its true!). I never said I didn't want to be loved! Whatever made you think that? Love is what it's all about! Without love, we live in a vacuum. I'm quite happy to be living in the real world.
"Medicine Woman" is the title given to the oldest and wisest woman, the healer in a Native American tribe. I've technically been a "Medicine Woman" since I was a child.
Witch doctor would be another name that comes to mind.
I too have studied Native American history, and personally knew the late Blackbear Bosin, traveled to the southwest with my brother-n-law who was an athopologist, and have some knowledge of thier religion and medicine.
Unfortunatly for Medicine women, her once being a Catholic has little more to do with being a Christian than Native American religion.
They are both pagan, and believe in multiple gods who are not gods but evil spirits.
These spirits pose as 'Saints" in Catholic paganism and spirits of Nature in Native American.
The Bible says Satan can appear as an angel of light, so some of these spirits seem good in nature.
The use of halucinogenic plants to achive enlightenment at manhood, while awakinging them to the existance of other diminsions, also exposes them to evil spirits in disguise after they have opened up the "channel".
True enlightenment is not aided with help of drugs, but is sober, and solemn developing of the soul by having one's sense's exerecised in the descernment of good and evil.
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okinrus, doubt does not need two contradictory statements. Doubt can exist on one only.
Every statement has a negation.

Doubt can be used for disbelief. Doubt and disbelief are synonymous.
Doubt is a species of disbelief that is milder than opposition.

Doubt can justify a decision because it leaves room for further evidence.
Again, doubt is merely the presence of two or more statements that the mind cannot choose from.

What proof do you have that Jesus created Christianity? What proof do you have that Jesus ever lived?
I can only give you secondary proof, since true faith is when God reveals himself within us.

What proof do you have for your own salvation? Show me some REAL proof!
I do not presupose my salvation, but when someone is in a state of grace they have knowledge of what salvation is. If you do not believe that we must be saved, then you cannot even know what salvation means. Yet since you speak as if you know what salvation is, it follows that you know that salvation is possible.
They are both pagan, and believe in multiple gods who are not gods but evil spirits.
Catholics don't believe in the existence of any other God but Yahweh. In fact, the doctrine of the Trinity comes from the Catholic church.

These spirits pose as 'Saints" in Catholic paganism and spirits of Nature in Native American.
Saints are never worshiped.