Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'...


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
If Jesus were really resurrected... and if Jesus were really God... there should be no dispute that this is so. But, there's lots of dispute that he was really resurrected, and there's even more speculation as to his status of God. I don't think God plays tricks on humanity. After all, God IS humanity, so there are no tricks, no illusions, no delusions, no apparitions, and no hallucinations except for what is created in our cumulative human mind. Jews can see this is clearly a big hoax. Muslims, although doubtful, still show respect for Jesus, the Prophet. Christians, on the other hand, bow down and worship this man they believe to be God. How could this be? Seventy-five percent of the world doesn't believe in Jesus. The remaining 25%, while the numbers are falling fast, believe Jesus personally died for them and, therefore, they are now "born again." Yet, there is no proof of this. It's all in their heads!

It's 2004, and they're still wishin' and hopin,' thinkin' and prayin' that Jesus will return again, but what if Jesus never existed? How long must these people wait before they learn the truth? And, what will happen to them when they do? I suspect a mass suicide from the hopeless.

I think its time they opened their eyes and faced the truth. They live in a fantasy world. Jesus saved no one, because no human being was lost in the first place.

My question to the forum: When do you think the truth will come out? What do you think the Christians will do when they find out there is no salvation? How do you think they will react? What will all their churches do to help them understand the big lie?
TheVisitor said:
It's 2004, and they're still wishin' and hopin,' thinkin' and prayin' that Jesus will return again
I'm not still wishing, or hoping for something to happen......
Want to know why..........? Glad you asked......Here's why.

Jesus did return as promised, He's been here for over 40 years.
How did you think He was coming....?
In His physical body with the nail scared hands....?
That's what's promised to the Jews, after the tribulation period.
Jesus is promised to come to the Gentiles before the tribulation and call His elect as the "Son of Man"..............look it up for yourself.
This event began in 1963, with 7 angels forming a supernatural cloud 30 miles high above the atmosphere, photographed on the cover of Science Magizine, a prophet on the earth vidicated with signs and wonders to restore all things and forerun His coming, and a worldwide message calling the names of His elect out of "Babylonian" false church systems.
He was prophecied to come down as the "son of man revealed from heaven" in three stages - the shout.....the voice....and the trump of God, cunlimating in a salvation not only of the soul but also the physical translation of the saints.

Maybe you think because the big organized denomination churches of "Christianity" have not recognizd His being here, that He's not fulfilling His Word.
Or Maybe just because you didn't see Him, that means somehow He's not here.
He only promised to come to those who "Love His appearing" in that day.
Let me ask you, did the "organized religions" of the day accept Him the first time He came.....? No, they called Him a devil.
Same today.......man hasn't changed.
Their habit of making "Great Men" of one another hasn't changed.
Of teaching for comandments the doctrine of men, making the Word of God of none effect, hasn't changed.
And not the least of which......Jesus Christ hasn't changed.
Hebrews 13:8 says; Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

If their teachings are "of none effect", what must Jesus do when He comes then......?
Bring to His elect the "true sayings" or teachings of God which will have effect.
The true Word of God straight from Him, without any "leaven", or man's doctrines mixed into It.

Did He promise to do that first....? Yes.
Read Malichi chapter 4 verse 5 "5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD"
Or where Jesus Himself said:11 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.
Acts 3:20-21 - And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: 21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.
dude youre realy tripping :rolleyes:
jesus in jeopardy;"he was crossed" :D
It's 2004, and they're still wishin' and hopin,' thinkin' and prayin' that Jesus will return again
I'm not still wishing, or hoping for something to happen......
Want to know why..........? Glad you asked......Here's why.

Jesus did return as promised, He's been here for over 40 years.
How did you think He was coming....?
In His physical body with the nail scared hands....?
That's what's promised to the Jews, after the tribulation period.
Jesus is promised to come to the Gentiles before the tribulation and call His elect as the "Son of Man"..............look it up for yourself.
This event began in 1963, with 7 angels forming a supernatural cloud 30 miles high above the atmosphere, photographed on the cover of Science Magizine, a prophet on the earth vidicated with signs and wonders to restore all things and forerun His coming, and a worldwide message calling the names of His elect out of "Babylonian" false church systems.
He was prophecied to come down as the "son of man revealed from heaven" in three stages - the shout.....the voice....and the trump of God, culimating in a salvation not only of the soul but also the physical translation of the saints.

Maybe you think because the big organized denomination churches of "Christianity" have not recognizd His being here, that He's not fulfilling His Word.
Or Maybe just because you didn't see Him, that means somehow He's not here.
He only promised to come to those who "Love His appearing" in that day.
Let me ask you, did the "organized religions" of the day accept Him the first time He came.....? No, they called Him a devil.
Same today.......man hasn't changed.
Their habit of making "Great Men" of one another hasn't changed.
Of teaching for comandments the doctrine of men, making the Word of God of none effect, hasn't changed.
And not the least of which......Jesus Christ hasn't changed.
Hebrews 13:8 says; Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

If their teachings are "of none effect", what must Jesus do when He comes then......?
Bring to His elect the "true sayings" or teachings of God which will have effect.
The true Word of God straight from Him, without any "leaven", or man's doctrines mixed into It.

Did He promise to do that first....? Yes.
Read Malichi chapter 4 verse 5 "5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD"
To turn the hearts of the children of God back to the faith of the fathers.
In Acts 3:20-21 It says.....And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.
The bible states exactly how He was to come, but the whole world is looking the other way.
It also said " All the world shall be deceived, who's names are not on the Lamb's book of life.
That's the very book He opened when He appeared this day......that book of life is the one and only book of life...........
The Bible.
Frankly Medicine Woman, I believe you're as ignorant as you believe are the group you persecute. You make it sound as if enlightenment has knocked on your door and told you life's little secrets. I'm sorry, but judging the existence of something by the amount of people who believe in it is foolish seeing that countless things have turned out to be true that were never believed in. The answer to your question can never be answered unless something does happen. I believe no one has the date marked on their calendar. Oh, May 13, 2101 has a bit of tribulation.
Esstazq said:
Frankly Medicine Woman, I believe you're as ignorant as you believe are the group you persecute. You make it sound as if enlightenment has knocked on your door and told you life's little secrets. I'm sorry, but judging the existence of something by the amount of people who believe in it is foolish seeing that countless things have turned out to be true that were never believed in. The answer to your question can never be answered unless something does happen. I believe no one has the date marked on their calendar. Oh, May 13, 2101 has a bit of tribulation.
M*W: No, my dear child, it is you who is ignorant. You will never see salvation. You will never experience Jesus dying for you. You will never experience life beyond your own mind. There will be no tribulation but only in your mind. You must be aware that Jesus didn't die for you or for no one else. Get real. Wake up and smell the coffee. You are a lost soul.
I believe in what I wish, and apparently I know your side. It's just not right to bash any person's religion regardless of how terrible you may believe them to be. Relgion can be considered as the base for some people's life, so it isn't right to tear down the supports. Ya, so you had an angry life, big deal, keep it to yourself ;) .
ConsequentAtheist said:
That is a really stupid statement.
M*W: Not as stupid as your taking it out of context. Why don't you ever offer something original instead of telling us how stupid or babbling we are? You only REACT to what other's state. Makes me wonder why you don't have anything original to say? If you're as smart as you try to let on, why don't you offer something we could learn from? You could teach us something about Judaism and/or Atheism. Don't you have anything intellectual you could discuss on this forum? If not, quit wasting everyone's time and wasting space on the forum. All you do is continuously show your ignorance.
Medicine Woman said:
Not as stupid as your taking it out of context.
You wrote: "If Jesus were really resurrected... and if Jesus were really God... there should be no dispute that this is so." What possible context would render the statement less stupid?

Medicine Woman said:
Why don't you ever offer something original instead of telling us how stupid or babbling we are?
If you're offering this threads as an example of 'offer something original', permit me to offer this thread as an example of why some offers are worth far less than others.
Medicine Woman said:
All you do is continuously show your ignorance.
and all you do is continuously telling others are ignorant. Do you have a negative scale.?
everneo said:
and all you do is continuously telling others are ignorant. Do you have a negative scale.?
M*W: Only the ignorant ones. BTW, who taught you English grammar?
If Jesus were really resurrected... and if Jesus were really God... there should be no dispute that this is so. But, there's lots of dispute that he was really resurrected, and there's even more speculation as to his status of God.
This is a VERY flawed argument. As much proof as you have of ANYTHING, people will still disbelieve.

After all, God IS humanity, so there are no tricks, no illusions, no delusions, no apparitions, and no hallucinations except for what is created in our cumulative human mind.

So let me get this straight. You want to knock down what appear to be unfounded beliefs by Christians, and replace them with your own unfounded beliefs?

If humanity was really God... there should be no dispute that this is so. Dut there's lots of dispute as to humanities status.

Poor argument, isn't it?

Jews can see this is clearly a big hoax. Muslims, although doubtful, still show respect for Jesus, the Prophet. Christians, on the other hand, bow down and worship this man they believe to be God.

Well, duh? It is religious belief. They are for the most part unfounded and unsupported. The Jewish and Muslim beliefs have no more or less of a foundation as does Chrisitanity.

How could this be? Seventy-five percent of the world doesn't believe in Jesus. The remaining 25%, while the numbers are falling fast, believe Jesus personally died for them and, therefore, they are now "born again."

99% of the world doesn't believe humanity is God. There is no proof of this. It's all in their heads!

Majority doesn't really make a good argument either.

I think its time they opened their eyes and faced the truth. They live in a fantasy world. Jesus saved no one, because no human being was lost in the first place.

And you know this how? Did you have any reason for this thread except to say 'christians suck'?
ConsequentAtheist said:
You wrote: "If Jesus were really resurrected... and if Jesus were really God... there should be no dispute that this is so." What possible context would render the statement less stupid?
M*W: The questions were rhetorical. You were too dumb to see that. Let me make it clear for you. If Jesus really died and was resurrected, there would be NO DOUBT. If Jesus were really God, there would be NO DOUBT. If these things truly did happen, there should be NO DOUBT that they occurred. Therefore, there should be NO DOUBT that Christianity is the only true religion. However, I DOUBT these things are true; therefore, I DOUBT the existence of a religion based on Jesus, and I DOUBT Christianity.
If you're offering this threads as an example of 'offer something original', permit me to offer this thread as an example of why some offers are worth far less than others.
M*W: For the alleged scholar you pretend to be, where did you learn to write English? You still don't have anything new to say. This thread was offered to the forum. You, however, came out of the woodwork to slam it--just like you slam everyone else, yet fail to offer anything novel or interesting or even nice. I can deal with your ignorance, but unless you have something to say that will inspire the rest of us or motivate us to think on a higher plane, why don't you just slither back up into your old, rotten wormhole and stay there. That's where you belong, not on a religion forum.
I really don't see where M*W is going with this. Many of the ancients knew that the earth was round, yet they were proved wrong. Doubt implies nothing more than you being unsure of yourself. Since it's an emotion, not a fact, it should not be used to justify any rational beliefs.
Medicine Woman said:
If Jesus were really resurrected... and if Jesus were really God... there should be no dispute that this is so. But, there's lots of dispute that he was really resurrected, and there's even more speculation as to his status of God.
Jesus suposedly said something like;
"oh God why have you forsaken me?"before being crucified.
does that sounds like He was god?
all gods were imortal. ;)
In response to q25, ya that's the Unitarian view. An argument in Trinitarian dogma is that Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit are all seperate yet the same. Contradictory, I know. Yet think about the quote you offered, this was before his ressurection. Perhaps after the death of his human flesh he was able to sit beside his Father, gaining something unattainable with human flesh. If I knew more information on the subject, I suppose I could say more. Alas, I do not. Also in regards to your immortality statement, yes, Jesus died. He was ressurected though, and also the bible says that He lives in heaven. Note the word lives.
okinrus said:
I really don't see where M*W is going with this. Many of the ancients knew that the earth was round, yet they were proved wrong. Doubt implies nothing more than you being unsure of yourself. Since it's an emotion, not a fact, it should not be used to justify any rational beliefs.
M*W: Of course you don't. You and I don't see eye-to-eye on many things. The point I was trying to make was that, if Jesus lived, and died on the cross, and was resurrected to bring salvation to all mankind, there should be NO DOUBT whatsoever that Christianity is the one true religion. My point is that there is a lot of DOUBT. My having DOUBT's about the authenticity of Christianity does not mean I'm unsure of myself. If I were unsure of myself, I'd most likely be a Christian. Doubt represents confusion but not emotion. DOUBT isn't used to justify rational beliefs. Rational beliefs would present NO DOUBT.

I'm getting concerned about you, okinrus. Just stay as far away from the horizon as you can, and you won't fall off the Earth.