Will the Church ever die?

Science has not killed the Church.

maybe not in USA, but in my country science has converted almost everyone into atheists (materialists). even i used to be.

How is evolution and the Big Bang wrong?

evolution is wrong because it doesn't take into account the designers and big bang is wrong because it didn't happen.

Occultism is close to atheism.

in the future both the church (spirit/mind) and science (matter) will be killed and melt together into a soup called occultism.

because both theists and atheists are partly right and partly wrong.
The Word of God will never die.

Organizations that claim to represent the Word of God but do not, will die.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Hey, you asked what solutions that books on atheism bring. Relief from the eternal torture fantasy, sexual freedom, and freedom from religious war are just a few among many.

Freedom from eternal torture, but loss of everlasting bliss. I am 38 and have never fought in a religious war. Not much of an incentive there. Sexual freedom is your only argument. In other words, freedom from sin. But, while more sinning may be attractive to some wretches, it's not attractive to most.
Not a chance. Been around for 2000 years. Seen it all. People will continue to believe regardless of you atheists.

Religions come and go. So if you refer to the church as just a religion, then it will go and something else will replace it. But the practice of religion will never die.

What's your point?

Just because England is older, doesn't mean it's smarter. It's not like England can claim to have wise men the age of 800. We all start out the same and end the same, in pretty much the same amount of time. In fact, America is an older democracy than England.
Religion will always be as long as man retains his emotional self. Religions have always been. How they are presented and represented has changed but the fundamenetal beliefs and functions have not changed.