Will the Church ever die?

Are you saying theists are mostly uneducated or less educated people ?
I've got news for you, more and more people get an education these days. And atheism is on the rise, theism is in decline..

I am only saying atheist are generally more educated. But, the college level of education will not be spreading worldwide anytime soon.
That is quite a statement :eek:
Care to explain yourself ? :mad:

Racism is simply appealing to a person's sense of pride in their skin color. No God necessarily involved. The lack of need to involve God in racism makes it more akin to atheism, which also has no need of God.
Racism is simply appealing to a person's sense of pride in their skin color. No God necessarily involved. The lack of need to involve God in racism makes it more akin to atheism, which also has no need of God.

But racism can also be included/ written into a theistic view, as can sexism. Whats your point here?
Racism is simply appealing to a person's sense of pride in their skin color. No God necessarily involved. The lack of need to involve God in racism makes it more akin to atheism, which also has no need of God.

The logic is astounding.. :rolleyes:
Occultism is close to atheism. Still, we have Communist Russia - no?

-Why should science and "church" to be opponents ?
-If there is science ~ God wanted it that way ?
-And science can ever prove something that is omnipotent.
-Or science ~ satan ?

-Communist Russia ? :bugeye: How about Orthodox Christian (biggest) ? -check facts
-Occultism close to atheism ? :bugeye: -explain.

-You really are trolling or just slamming words after words if cant answer.
Gee, where do you get these atheist DVDs - Netflicks?
There's Dawins' and Hitchen's new books, available on Amazon. More people are being exposed to the lie that is religion. It doesn't take a college education to understand it.

Nazism involved nationalism or racism, which is closer to atheism.

I was talking about your reference to "occultism". You are changing the subject. However, Nazism was all about Christianity defeating the Bolshiviks. Every German soldier had "God is with us" on his belt buckle.
There's Dawins' and Hitchen's new books, available on Amazon. More people are being exposed to the lie that is religion. It doesn't take a college education to understand it.

I was talking about your reference to "occultism". You are changing the subject. However, Nazism was all about Christianity defeating the Bolshiviks. Every German soldier had "God is with us" on his belt buckle.

But the uneducated won't even pick those books up.
They are written with the layperson in mind. They are no more difficult reading than the bible.
They are written with the layperson in mind. They are no more difficult reading than the bible.

Why would they pick it up? What solutions to life's problems do these books offer? They're esoteric academia, and will not be read by the masses.
Religions and similar irrational superstitions will persist for as along as there are people who cannot, will not, or are unable to think for themselves, and who prefer to believe what they want rather than check for what is real.

The church once dominated the world - that was known as the dark ages. We now have a more enlightened world. In most parts of Europe, especially the UK, the Church is rapidly loosing its relevance and non-belief is very steadily on the increase. In the UK the archbishop of a few years ago was reported in a daily newspaper that he now considers the UK an atheist country. In some parts of Europe politicians would NOT be elected if they openly stated they were religious. The USA seems to be a special case where Christianity is still rampant, perhaps because the country is still young and has yet to gain the maturity that most of Europe is now experiencing.

I suspect as science and technology continue their geometrically increasing pace that we will see some key developments that will likely have a bearing on religious beliefs, such as –

1. Ever increasing longevity and quality of health in old age and probable breakthroughs in anti-aging research. Religions tend to thrive on suffering and death and if these things are less frequent or become “not inevitable” then religions will lose much of their message and basis.

2. The arrival of artificial intelligence, artificial self-awareness, and AI more advanced than humans. The church portrays man as the ultimate product of a beneficial creator. If we create something more advanced then where does that leave religion? If such developments do result in characteristics that religions associate with a soul but clearly we would not have created souls then the whole question of the soul concept would be in serious doubt.

At a social level if religious inspired terrorism continues its momentum and especially if a nuclear device is detonated as part of that then surely people will become frustrated with the irrational nature and destructive nature of religious indoctrination.

An increase in independent high quality public education around the world will also likely see the biggest impact on the demise of religions. As people become better informed and better educated then religions surely cannot survive in that light, as all the statistics over the past century have indicated. Note that the USA does not have a good record on such education standards.
Fear of eternal damnation? Religious prohibitions on birth control? Jihad?

How to be liked (love thy neighbor). How to survive death (eternal life). How to gain support from your neighbors (be a Christian just like them).
Religions and similar irrational superstitions will persist for as along as there are people who cannot, will not, or are unable to think for themselves, and who prefer to believe what they want rather than check for what is real.

The church once dominated the world - that was known as the dark ages. We now have a more enlightened world. In most parts of Europe, especially the UK, the Church is rapidly loosing its relevance and non-belief is very steadily on the increase. In the UK the archbishop of a few years ago was reported in a daily newspaper that he now considers the UK an atheist country. In some parts of Europe politicians would NOT be elected if they openly stated they were religious. The USA seems to be a special case where Christianity is still rampant, perhaps because the country is still young and has yet to gain the maturity that most of Europe is now experiencing.

I suspect as science and technology continue their geometrically increasing pace that we will see some key developments that will likely have a bearing on religious beliefs, such as –

1. Ever increasing longevity and quality of health in old age and probable breakthroughs in anti-aging research. Religions tend to thrive on suffering and death and if these things are less frequent or become “not inevitable” then religions will lose much of their message and basis.

2. The arrival of artificial intelligence, artificial self-awareness, and AI more advanced than humans. The church portrays man as the ultimate product of a beneficial creator. If we create something more advanced then where does that leave religion? If such developments do result in characteristics that religions associate with a soul but clearly we would not have created souls then the whole question of the soul concept would be in serious doubt.

At a social level if religious inspired terrorism continues its momentum and especially if a nuclear device is detonated as part of that then surely people will become frustrated with the irrational nature and destructive nature of religious indoctrination.

An increase in independent high quality public education around the world will also likely see the biggest impact on the demise of religions. As people become better informed and better educated then religions surely cannot survive in that light, as all the statistics over the past century have indicated. Note that the USA does not have a good record on such education standards.

America may be relatively young, but people in England still die in their 80's don't they?
Hey, you asked what solutions that books on atheism bring. Relief from the eternal torture fantasy, sexual freedom, and freedom from religious war are just a few among many.
How to be liked (love thy neighbor). How to survive death (eternal life). How to gain support from your neighbors (be a Christian just like them).

With the exception of eternal life, all these things can be taught without any theological base. As for the eternal life thing, everyone dies and its just a clever way of helping people cope with the fear of death.
Hey, you asked what solutions that books on atheism bring. Relief from the eternal torture fantasy, sexual freedom, and freedom from religious war are just a few among many.

Agreed. Less terrified teenagers posting on internet forums asking if they will go to hell for masturbating/being other than heterosexual/insert perfectly normal human tendencies here.
I think once death is eliminated most people will probably stop believing. Heck, in some places in the World most people accept there are no Gods anyway (Netherlands, Japan, China, Russia, etc...)
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