Will the Church ever die?

the church used to rule the world, but later science killed it. science rules the world today, but later i think it will die again.

the church died because it was wrong about things like... earth being the center of the solar system. science is wrong about big bang and evolution, so it will probably die.

science is wrong about big bang and evolution

What the hell.. ? :bugeye:
the church used to rule the world, but later science killed it. science rules the world today, but later i think it will die again.

the church died because it was wrong about things like... earth being the center of the solar system. science is wrong about big bang and evolution, so it will probably die.
Science has not killed the Church. Have you ever driven down the street and seen church after church after church? I agree that science is the most powerful opponent to the Church, but science has come nowhere close to killing the Church. As for the downfall of science, that could only happen if there were a reversion to the dark ages, which is possible but I wouldn't predict such a thing. How is evolution and the Big Bang wrong?
The church has died. It doesn't carry the authority it once did. Not to say that churches should all be burned or something. Churches do many great things for people and their communities. Church doesn't mean what it meant when i was a girl, women are free to go on there own merit and can wear pants and now people can wear whatever they want to church. In my time that would have been very disrespectful to not show up in your absolute best clothes, but now many churches have sold out. They no longer demand respect just acceptance from all of their followers. People may not want to go to church if they know that they have to be uncomfortable for an hour. Besides i believe churches are perhaps more focused on their worship instead of controlling its supporters
Not a chance. Been around for 2000 years. Seen it all. People will continue to believe regardless of you atheists.

I imagine that as 2000 years is not even a dent in the time the earth has been around that, yea one day the "church" as we know it will cease to exist.
The church has died. It doesn't carry the authority it once did. Not to say that churches should all be burned or something. Churches do many great things for people and their communities. Church doesn't mean what it meant when i was a girl, women are free to go on there own merit and can wear pants and now people can wear whatever they want to church. In my time that would have been very disrespectful to not show up in your absolute best clothes, but now many churches have sold out. They no longer demand respect just acceptance from all of their followers. People may not want to go to church if they know that they have to be uncomfortable for an hour. Besides i believe churches are perhaps more focused on their worship instead of controlling its supporters

The Church is nowhere close to dead. Fashion trends by parishioners is not fatal.
The church is disappearing.. slowly, but surely.
Atheists rule the future Christian.. :p

Highly unlikely. Atheists are mostly among the educated classes (which I am not claiming they are right just because they are educated), and unless the entire world starts going to college - atheists will not rule the world.
Science has not killed the Church. Have you ever driven down the street and seen church after church after church? I agree that science is the most powerful opponent to the Church, but science has come nowhere close to killing the Church. As for the downfall of science, that could only happen if there were a reversion to the dark ages, which is possible but I wouldn't predict such a thing. How is evolution and the Big Bang wrong?

-Has every one ever wonder why science and "church" is in any war ?
-If there is science ~ God wanted it that way ?
-And science can ever prove something that is omnipotent.
-Or science ~ satan (hey, what kind site is this, spellchecker suggest that satan needs a capital letter ;) ) If that the case, well, then, hmmmm...........
Hm, in 2050 when Asia is most of the world (in a variety of senses), Christianity will be irrelevant.
I think religion is more closely related to occults than atheism. When you put radical well known occults and religions side by side you can see that there isn't a difference. There's nothing wrong with that though. Everybody should believe in something or follow something its part of being human.
It's not just formal education, but the rise of internet connectivity and DVDs. More and more people are exposed to criticism of religion, and that's why more people are coming out as atheists.
Highly unlikely. Atheists are mostly among the educated classes (which I am not claiming they are right just because they are educated), and unless the entire world starts going to college - atheists will not rule the world.

Are you saying theists are mostly uneducated or less educated people ?
I've got news for you, more and more people get an education these days. And atheism is on the rise, theism is in decline..
Hm, in 2050 when Asia is most of the world (in a variety of senses), Christianity will be irrelevant.

What a silly comment. So, the whole Western world will become irrelevant just because the Chinese become the greatest consumer economy on earth?
It's not just formal education, but the rise of internet connectivity and DVDs. More and more people are exposed to criticism of religion, and that's why more people are coming out as atheists.

Gee, where do you get these atheist DVDs - Netflicks?