Will Michael Jackson jailed?

cool skill said:
Are you kidding?
He's saner than 99% of the American population.
Don't you mean less sane than even 99% of the institutionalised in America? You really see a man who dangles his baby over a balcony to the unwashed masses underneath to 'share the love with the people' as being sane? We are talking about the same person here aren't we?

Therefore, they seem him as strange.
That's because, for 99% of the world population who actually are sane, he is strange.

It's not his fault that he is extremely mentally well developed and high functioning.
Don't you mean it's not his fault that he's NOT mentally well developed and high functioning. This is a man who has never grown up. And I don't just mean in the sense that his voice has yet to crack.

He has a well developed mind, and more control of his faculties than most people will ever develop in a life time.
You mean most 5 year olds? A person in control of their faculties does not:

  • Dangle a baby over a balcony (how the hell he was not prosecuted for that alone is beyond me).
  • Invite small boys to sleep in his bed because he thinks it's a way of showing love.
  • Record the 'Bad' album and think he was tough when it just made him look (not to mention sound) like a punce.

There is more but I can't be stuffed typing anymore. The man is not sane, nor is he mentally well developed. Quite the contrary. The only reason he has not been placed behind bars or in a padded cell is because of this fame status. The man has the mental capacity and understanding of a 5 year old. At least when it's a 5 year old playing 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours', it can be considered cute. When it's a 40+ male playing the game with small children, that just makes him a pervert.
cool skill said:
Ad hom. Completely irrelevant.
You're right, of course, and I apologize. I regretted that post after I wrote it. But then I read it again the next day, and it was still funny, so I'm feeling better about my lapse of judgement. I actually don't care about your motivating philosophy. I just like to make fun of the conclusions to which it brings you. Because, man, they're funny. To me anyway.
BHS said:
You're right, of course, and I apologize. I regretted that post after I wrote it. But then I read it again the next day, and it was still funny, so I'm feeling better about my lapse of judgement. I actually don't care about your motivating philosophy. I just like to make fun of the conclusions to which it brings you. Because, man, they're funny. To me anyway.

It's that sort of thing that brings me back to this forum, time and time again.

You can never get humor of this caliber from someone who's actually trying :D
“Don't you mean less sane than even 99% of the institutionalised in America? You really see a man who dangles his baby over a balcony to the unwashed masses underneath to 'share the love with the people' as being sane? We are talking about the same person here aren't we?”
First of all, get off of the dangling his baby cheap nonsense. You just make yourself sound like a moron. Every parent has done far stupider things to their baby. When Michael Jackson does it morons jump all over it. Your putting a magnifying glass on somebody waiting for him to trip over a sidewalk so you can blow it up out of proportion. Loose it because it has zero relevance to any argument.

“That's because, for 99% of the world population who actually are sane, he is strange.”
Wrong. Subjective. Objectively the vast majority of the population do not have well developed intellectual/emotional capacity. Michael Jackson is one of the rare people that does. Therefore, they see him as strange. He does not behave in the stupid way most people do, and most people consider his ways as wrong. These same people are cattle that will never see the financial abundance Michael has accumulated for himself or be a well developed person that brings goodness to the world like Michael. Anybody that thinks that their loser life and mass stupidity is not strange, that seeing beauty and living in kindness is strange, they are cattle with no brain.

“This is a man who has never grown up.”
Anybody that thinks that their loser life filled with contempt and extreme stupidity is grown is typical human garbage. Any trash that thinks their ways that are completely idiotic are mature and intelligent has no sense. Americans a re sheep with no brains. Anything that does not partake in the stupid mornocism that they partake in is considered strange. Get real.

“A person in control of their faculties does not:

Dangle a baby over a balcony (how the hell he was not prosecuted for that alone is beyond me).
Invite small boys to sleep in his bed because he thinks it's a way of showing love.
Record the 'Bad' album and think he was tough when it just made him look (not to mention sound) like a punce.”
All three of these statements are completely idiotic. Michael might spill a drink, and you jump all over him for it. The second statement goes to show how absolutely moronic Americans are. The third statement is nothing but stupidity. Your definition of sane is partaking in stupid garbage like acting tough and not looking like a punce. Only a complete idiot would think that they are sane with their loser life, and that Michael is not sane for behaving differently. You seem to think your moron behavior is sane, and Michael's positive behavior is insane. You are a backwards individual.

You have a mental capacity of a worm. Because that is what you are. You are a worm. Putting down a good man. Using cheap attacks. You consider your stupid worthless activities as sane. You consider positive activities as insane. Worms like you belong underground.
cool skill said:
You have a mental capacity of a worm. Because that is what you are. You are a worm. Putting down a good man. Using cheap attacks. You consider your stupid worthless activities as sane. You consider positive activities as insane. Worms like you belong underground.

...LOL! Isn't it interesting that you're using virtually the tactics, personal attacks, that you've only just angrily accused others of using?

And even more interesting is that you used the two tactics in the very same post! ...LOL!

Baron Max