Will Michael Jackson jailed?

I figured they'd at least get him on the givin' booze to minors thingy.

Now let's sue the little fuckers and their plotting parents for false accusation and date rape!
Mystech said:
I figured they'd at least get him on the givin' booze to minors thingy.

I had booze as a minor all the time... I have no complaints over that.

thats the problem with people, the atitude that "i did it when i was a kid so what?"

its a CRIME thats what, its a crime to give achole so if he did it HE should go down, it doesnt matter if drinking never hurt you its against the law
sushupti: can i just point out that a few years ago a kid DIED from achole poisioning because he drank vanilla essence. Achole CAN kill which is why its restricted to people old enough to make legal choices. Also it can effect developing brains and of corse can be used in date rape. All good reasons why GIVING it to a minor should be illegal (unless they are your parents)
You can get away with anything in California. At least if you are famous.

Saddam should try to get himself tried there.
Sushupti said:
I would say the point is, whatever happened or didn't; was exactly what those little sluts wanted.
Hmmm so if it did happen, they wanted it? Interesting theory... I never realised that children who are sexually abused are little sluts and they really wanted it... Silly me! Hey, lets open the doors to all the jails and let the child abuses out! After all, the kids wanted it right? Interestingly, that is sometimes what child molestors will say in their own defense.

Sushupti said:
I had booze as a minor all the time... I have no complaints over that.
Well that seems to explain quite a bit...

Saint said:
i am gratefull to the jury for not indicting an innocent man.
But is he though? Or is it that the jury may have been starstruck and the public pressure in this trial harks back to the days of OJ. It could also be that they may have thought that if they sent him to jail, he would not be able to maintain the extensive plastic surgery he apparently "didn't have" and said lack of surgery could result in all or part of his face sliding off his skull. ;)
California is the only state where you can get caught on video randomly beating up a white man while rioting, because some cops who were caught on video beating a black man got off free, and get away with it.
Aguard: just because some kids are morons, the rest sohuld've be punished for it. especially when the law is too dumb to differentiate between different stages of "kid."

Silent Serenity: Just because you're weren't, ...

Yes, I realize the law is there to protect the majority; it just annoys me when the minorities get fucked over it.

Bells: I didn't say "children" who are sexually abused, just these children specifically, and their parents. And what makes it so impossible that one of the 'molestors' that used this defense wasn't telling the truth? a single one? Rape is bad. Statutory rape is retarded.

All said and done, even if michael WAS guilty, which of course he isn't; He's obviously not a real person, and should at most be locked in a mental institution, not a fricken jail.
Sushupti said:
He's obviously not a real person, and should at most be locked in a mental institution, not a fricken jail.
Are you kidding?
He's saner than 99% of the American population. Therefore, they seem him as strange. It's not his fault that he is extremely mentally well developed and high functioning.
He has a well developed mind, and more control of his faculties than most people will ever develop in a life time.

Please note, this post makes no judgement on the valitity of the acusations or the corectness of the verdict, if he was found not guilty and the prosicution makes no sucessful apeal then that is what we should ALL accept and not judge him or discrimintate against him, that goes for any case not just this one. My post only relates to the idiocy of what some of the people here have been proposing


you are an idiot. How OLD are you?????? If a 10 year old hits on you do you think its hot???????????

Stat rape is there for a REASON, Ie so that the people ingaging in sex have at least the same maturity as eachother. If 2 kids want to experiment fine if a 50 year old presures a 13 year old to sleep with them (and that doesnt nessarally mean forcing them, someone more mature can easierly hoodwink someone less experianced) then sociaty should look down on them and protect the less experianced.

As for pedifilia which is what he was ACTUALLY charged with (after all we arnt talking about a 25 year old sleeping with a 14 year old we are talking about a guy who is god knows how old sleeping with prepubesant children) how in the name of SANITY can he possably have been raped?????? what did the 10 year old jump into his bed while he was asleep and suck him off????? there is NO situation (bar the one above) that could possably acount for an adult being the one who was forced into it. I mean if worse came to worse couldnt he punch the kid?????? i dont care if a kid was lying there naked, jacking off and BEGGING him to do him, there is NO exscuse for not acting the adult and puting a stop to the situation.
cool skill said:
Are you kidding?
He's saner than 99% of the American population. Therefore, they seem him as strange. It's not his fault that he is extremely mentally well developed and high functioning.
He has a well developed mind, and more control of his faculties than most people will ever develop in a life time.
I've figured it out. You're a scientologist. The wackiness of this post gives it away. Only a scientologist would equate success in the entertainment industry with some sort of higher enlightenment. That's how you guys get all the movie stars, by playing up to their vanity. Jackson was a Jehova's witness earlier in life, and then dropped that, so maybe you guys have a shot at converting him. Good luck to you. He'll be a credit to your institution.