Will Michael Jackson jailed?


Valued Senior Member
you believe he is innocent or guilty?

i guess he will be jailed for 20 years??????? :mad:
Who care. The dude is seriously ill. He needs therapy more than incarceration.

Most people just want to see someone powerful behind bars.
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He's totally innocent. I remember taking on an entire message board about this subject in Nov 2003 when this whole thing started. Now that all the facts are being exposed, the majority of those bastards on the message board that were 100% heatedly certain that he did it are now changing their mind.

He's innocent, but his fate depends on how racist and objective his all-white jury is.
He's wierd, and I want him behind bars. Even if it is just to show that celebrities are not immune to prosectution.
He's wierd, and I want him behind bars.

Is weird really enough justification to lock somebody up?

Personally, I haven't heard all the evidence, so I have no idea which way this will go. And I have no opinion on whether he is guilty or innocent.
James R said:
Is weird really enough justification to lock somebody up?

Personally, I haven't heard all the evidence, so I have no idea which way this will go. And I have no opinion on whether he is guilty or innocent.

In this case, the unnamed family specifically befriended Michael Jackson with intentions to be supported by the wealthy celebrity. Many celebrities have had bad experiences with this family, and have furthermore provided detailed descriptions of what this family has done to them. Michael Jackson fully also trusted a reporter, and opened his home to this reporter. Michael Jackson gave the reporter everything the reporter asked for so that the reporter could do a documentary about Michael Jackson. The reporter totally betrayed Michael’s trust to air a professional documentary. Instead, he aired a completely warped documentary that intentionally depicted Michael Jackson to be a sideshow freak.

As a result of this video, a local school official prompted that Michael be investigated for negligence in child care, and sexual abuse. The local Department of Children and Families immediately conducted an investigation on Michael Jackson. The accuser family supported Jackson in this investigation. The investigation concluded that allegations of neglect and sexual abuse were completely unfounded.

Also as a result of the same video, a psychiatrist analyzing the demeanor of the child on camera prompted the local authorities to investigate Michael for child molestation. The Sensitive Case Unit if the LA Bureau had their most qualified investigators interview all participants. As a result, they ruled the allegation unfounded.

The accuser’s mother capitalized on the situation to by selling her stories to tabloids. They all depicted Michael in a positive light. She also hired an attorney to file a suit against the company that aired the warped documentary. Michael began producing a rebuttal documentary. The accuser’s mother had a boyfriend that demanded she be compensated for appearing in the rebuttal video. As if Michael had not given them enough. The family was offered a house, and a college education for the children. The boyfriend refused. He demanded a great deal of money. The demand was not met, and the footage of the family was never aired.

On top of that, certain British reporters offered the family $500 for their story. The boyfriend demanded $15,000. They were again turned down because of their greed. The accuser’s mother, desperate for more money, filed for increased alimony, and double child support from her ex-husband. At this point, the accuser’s mother decided to begin a plan to sue Michael for child molestation. Her attorney began correspondence with Michael’s attorney demanding the family’s belongings, and accusing Michael of harassing and terrorizing. If so, these complaints should have immediately been brought to the authorities. That never happened until months later.

The family had maintained all along that Michael never abused cancer boy up until they met Larry Feldman. The same attorney that lead Jordan Chandler’s litigation team, and profited off of the settlement in 1993. After meeting with this attorney, they sent the boy to Stan Katz the psychiatrist. The same corrupt psychiatrist from the Chandler case. Katz specifically told the boy that he will get money great deal of money if they go ahead with the lawsuit. From then on, a number of outer space details came up. The child spoke about alcohol, pornography, kidnapping, profanity, and an entire plethora of unfounded allegations. They switched from vehemently defending Jackson as a responsible child care counselor to vehemently accusing Jackson as some sort of drug dealing alcoholic perverted psychopath. From showing the children Disney cartoons to showing them Ron Jeremy Bangs Everybody.

Feldman brought the accuser family back to the Department of Children and Families, and tried to convince the department to overturn their unfounded ruling. The department refused.
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it's impossible for me to know if he's guilty since half of people say that he isn't... you can never know. and they usually lock up innocent people also,,
That is not a reason why it would be impossible for you to know.

When this started, it seemed like every single person I knew had solidified their opinion that he is guilty. Then there are those that try to convince me that we will never know because I was not there. That is the same thing as saying learning science and analyzing data means nothing. I have to conduct all scientific experiments myself in order to know the actual conclusion. It is no different from me stating that in order for me to know that Pluto exists as a planet, I actually have to observe it myself. Data and pictures are not convincing enough so I have to be there.

However, what you are saying defies anything. If half or even all of the people tell you that humans 6 legs, it does not mean that you will never know how may legs a human really has.
He's a black against a white jury.
Every aspect of the allegations are so obviously fabricated. I would not be in my right mind to have any doubt that every one of these allegations are completely unfounded.
Settling out of court is far less expensive than a trial. Unless you know for a fact that you have an ironclad case, you stand the risk of spending large amounts of money and getting nothing in return. No satisfaction, no restitution, nothing. Even if you do have an ironclad case, you need to weigh the costs of litigation with the potential award you might (or might not) get after a trial. If your case is against somebody you care for such as a family member or close friend, you might be far more inclined to give them what they want or negotiate with them personally out of court.

Attorneys are not trained to pursue your iron clad case. If an attorney believes that settling is in your best interest, the attorney will convince you to settle. Guilt or innocence does not matter to the attorney. How your case will hold up in court does. Although that is not direct corruption, I consider it corruption. Another form of corruption is that our courts are teeming with corrupt attorneys that want to convince you to settle because of their own best interest. Almost all of them are convinced they are not corrupt. Then there is the last form of corruption. The attorney that knowingly does whatever it takes in pursuit of his own best interest. The attorney knows he is corrupt.

In 1993 in the case of Jordan Chandler, Michael Jackson paid 15 million dollars in a settlement case. Both of his parents and his attorney got a cut of it. Two attorneys that were involved with the Chandler litigation did not get a cut of the money. They filed their own suits against Michael. The facts that surfaced during that settlement were that Michael denied any wrongdoing. In accordance with the settlement, the Chandlers dismissed all charges against Michael. Michael Jackson settled according to claims of negligence that was in now way related to sexual negligence.

Here is the exact quote of the settlement document:
"This Confidential Settlement shall not be construed as an admission by Jackson that he has acted wrongfully with respect to the Minor, Evan Chandler or June Chandler, or any other person or at all, or that the Minor, Evan Chandler and June Chandler have any rights whatsoever against Jackson. Jackson specifically disclaims any liability to, and denies any wrongful acts against the Minor, Evan Chandler or June Chandler or any other persons. The Parties acknowledge that Jackson is a public figure and that his name, image and likeness have commercial value and are an important element of his earning capacity. The Parties acknowledge that Jackson claims that he has elected to settle the claims in the Action in view of the impact the Action has had and could have in the future on his earnings and potential income."

The Chandlers could no longer testify against Michael Jackson in any civil court matter, but they were absolutely free to testify against him in any criminal court. This settlement was not a pay off. It was not hush money. It did not silence anybody. The family was free to testify against Michael in any criminal court. Any victim might want to do whatever it takes to support any action that would put their alleged child molester behind bars. Instead, they dropped all claims, signed a document that basically called them liars, took the money, and refused to talk to support the police. An important note was that Michael Jackson requested that the civil trial take place after the criminal trial. This request was denied. Such a request would make it impossible to say that he was paying anybody off to silence them in a criminal trial.

I would assume that upon any indication of child molestation, the first thing the victim would do is contact the authorities right that second. Not after brunch, not after finishing their work. ASAP. Certainly not after doing any negotiating. The initial strategy of the Chandler family was to negotiate a settlement before contacting authorities. Even chandler, Jordan’s father, initially told Michael Jackson to pay him 20 million dollars or else he would pursue allegations that would ruin Michaels career. Michael refused. But in the end, he had no choice. Michael had to settle. Attorneys were threatening to ruin Mr. Jackson's music deals just like Evan Chandler’s initial threat for 20 million dollars that Michael dismissed. The media was relentless, the system was not in his favor, and he was backed into a corner. If he went through with a civil trial, he risked a weaker defense in a criminal trial. By settling, his reputation would be affected. He chose to risk his reputation over a weaker defense in a criminal trial.
cool skill said:
He's totally innocent. I remember taking on an entire message board about this subject in Nov 2003 when this whole thing started. Now that all the facts are being exposed, the majority of those bastards on the message board that were 100% heatedly certain that he did it are now changing their mind.

He's innocent, but his fate depends on how racist and objective his all-white jury is.

Yeah for all intensive purposes micheal jackson has been white for some time now...
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i guess yr right but i still can't make up my mind... i can't be for or against... it's not logical, until i know for certain... i think it's just a matter of belief. michael says he's innocent, a lot of others do too, some are certain he's guilty, wtf, who has the right to decide, i think god, so we just let him be until they know for certain!!!!!!!!!
he's a multi-millionaire & there are bastards who just want to make some money outta his expense! and they get publicity too!
The whole thing reeked of fabrication from the beginning.
The more it unfolds, the more it reeks.
Michael Jackson is innocent.

I thought he was innocent from the beginning. Around the middle of it, I started to doubt it, but recently I've begun consolidating back on my former position.

I agree with cool skill. You have to read all of the facts. I have decided against the side of greed.