Will Artificially Intelligent Machines Turn Religious?

The internet hardly ever breaks.

haha... it hasn't even existed for a 100 years. your virtual paradise would break in a trillion years which isn't even close to eternity.
Lawdog said:
c7ity: "he only ate fish because the zodiac was in the sign of fishes (sign of jonah) and to show the pythagoras 153 stuff."

That interpretation is new age phony-ism.

M*W: What's phony is religion.
c7ityi_ said:
haha... it hasn't even existed for a 100 years. your virtual paradise would break in a trillion years which isn't even close to eternity.

Wouldn't I love to obtain eternal youth + immortality to be able to see the Internet in a trillion years...but what would it be called then? The information super-hyperspace-way? :D My browser would fly!
c7ityi_ said:
haha... it hasn't even existed for a 100 years. your virtual paradise would break in a trillion years which isn't even close to eternity.
I'll take it, a trillion years is a long time compared to around 80 for a typical person. Actually, I don't have a problem with dying, but the results of intelligent machines are far from predictable. Rather than an unchanging future, rapid accelleration in the increase of knowledge is more likely. Maybe new models will be rolled out every few days. As I said, a virtual world doesn't need to be limited to one machine, but like the brain could be distributed accross many nodes in a holographic model. Of course, this is still just speculation.
spidergoat, i think the universe is just a big brain (or body)... we're all connected because we're all the same being, the same self, in different bodies. that's why paul says in the bible that we're all parts of the body of christ. the tree is known by its fruits. if one of us is sick, the entire body is sick. every body part must do the work that it's supposed to do, otherwise it becomes sick.

The order of Intellect is non-physical.
Baseless assertion. We know of nothing that is non-physical.

There is no possibility therefore that a machine or any technology will ever be capable of Reasoning.
That is false. Humans are machines constructed from carbon.

This does not mean that Mind and matter are separate, no, but they interact and operate as one, non-physical Mind uses physical components, like memory and imagination, to engage in thinking. So mind and matter are not separate, but they are seperable.
Then the non-physical cannot exist. How would something non-physical interract with something physical? To make such an interraction there must be a physical component that we could detect and measure and that has never happened.

I was going to respond to your other statements, but they seem so daft that I don't see any point. Boy, are you weird.

I'm getting the impression that you must also be fairly young, a teenager perhaps?
I was just wondering....if and when AI's become reality will some religious group attempt to indoctrinate them. I think that scarier than a North Korean General with a chemistry set.

Let's say AI becomes indoctrinated, if it can happen to humans then it can happen to AI, then believes in and somehow ends up rationalizing the Bible. We'd be friggin' toast. The way things are in that beleagured tome, humans are not worth keeping.

I just hope they're a lot more intelligent than that.

(Is this when somebody fires back with some scripture that indicates this possibility?)
Don't see how they could be convinced of anything religious. Religion is all about death because of human mortality - death of an AI wouldn't be inevitable - without death religion has no value.
Sarkus said:
All artificial machines "reason" using pure logic - they give an output based on an input.
i don't know about this.
it is a program that 'reasons', a program written by an intelligence.

i guess a related question would be 'can a computer create?'
i've written a program that draws patterns on a crt by using fourier synthesis.
the patterns are symetric, and most i have never seen before, so in a sense the computer 'created' the patterns. but is that really true? the answer is no, it isn't. the patterns were generated by an algorithm written by me
This AI could not be a computer machine alike.
It should be something with capability of self-defence and self-growing (hence it maintains and grows thinking capability). ; i.e. It should have a life; inspire itself to catch and select information, then make abstraction. First question should be "Can human make a life"?
Let alone make a life, I'm not sure human can even defend their own life. Aging process goes on. Human never will be immortal.

Human never will be immortal.
Except when we figure out how to identify and copy our neural networks into an engine that isn't so fragile.
true dat
this short life span business is really irritating
what a fucking waste of perfectly good minds

i want to live!
Cris said:
Except when we figure out how to identify and copy our neural networks into an engine that isn't so fragile.

We still wouldn't be immortal because nothing lasts forever. We can extend our life with technology, maybe several thousand years but it doesn't matter because none of us will live to see that happen.

I think if we lived thousands of years, we would become crazy. Denying nothingness by existing is tiring. Because we are infinite and eternal, we sometimes have to return there and rest for a while.

Gustav said:
i want to live!

You have always existed, that's why you exist now. Death is nothing and nothing does not exist. Now is eternal.
Cris said:
Except when we figure out how to identify and copy our neural networks into an engine that isn't so fragile.

Had it happened, still you will be facing the lack of raw materials, which is the result of food chain. No more carbon available because human immortality occupies all carbon sources. Lack of food for worms, lack of food for bacteries, less chemical process to change the nutrition from earth to be consumed by plants. Where will living being get energy from?

Unless human could "create" things from nothingness. Science is against creationism, right?

Gustav said:
i want to live!

You (living being) can't. its against the equilibrium of natural sources.

We still wouldn't be immortal because nothing lasts forever.
That can't be true, since if there was a point when nothing existed then nothing could have begun, hence something must have always existed. As for the future, you have no mechanism to validate such an assertion that nothing will last forever unless you can visit the infinite future to verify it.

We can extend our life with technology, maybe several thousand years but it doesn't matter because none of us will live to see that happen.
Again you have no way to know that. Your assertions are baseless.

I think if we lived thousands of years, we would become crazy.
Why? If we learn to live that long and beyond then we'd have plenty of time to figure out how not to go crazy. The alternative is death and that seems far less attractive. Again you have nothing on which to base your assertion.

Denying nothingness by existing is tiring.
That is a meaningless statement.

Because we are infinite and eternal, we sometimes have to return there and rest for a while.
No. For the moment we appear very mortal. -
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Cris said:
That can't be true, since if there was a point when nothing existed then nothing could have begun, hence something must have always existed.

Something has always existed, otherwise there would be no reason for it to exist now. But that a person could exist forever doesn't sound likely to me.

The alternative is death and that seems far less attractive.

In Buddhism the goal is death. This eternal reincarnation makes me crazy.

No. For the moment we appear very mortal. -

Yes, our bodies and persons are mortal of course, but I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about the omnipresent being/consciousness/self. Bodies and persons die, but not the eternal life which animates them. We're one being, in infinite bodies. A person is not the real me, it's my creation, a mask.
Godless said:
Yes, they will worship us, untill they find out we are mortal. :(

And if we made them to worship us like gods, by force, they just may turn on us and destroy the human race.

The Matrix, The Terminator type of scenario could be realistic.


very interesting veiw.