Will Artificially Intelligent Machines Turn Religious?

Artificially intelligent machines are still machines. They will therefore regard religion as illogical and a waste of resources.
Would an AI consider a creator entity? Sure. That'd be us :)
Would an AI consider a God? Without empirical evidence, probably not.

Side note: "the order of intellect is non-physical"? Would anyone care to tell me why this premise sounds like a shaky starting point? Maybe because fuel for both the human brain and computer CPUs are electrical impulses...or does electricity count as physical?
Sarkus said:
That truly made me smile. Thank you. :D
I do not know why you laugh at this, rejector of truth. The greatest philosophers the world has known are in full agreement.

You will have to come up with something FAR better - and without all the logical fallacies and baseless assumptions that you are prone to use. ;)[/
It will not really be me that comes up with it, but I will refer to giants such as Aristotle and Aquinas.
In this context, "simulation of reason", giving the results of problem solving...is still the ability to reason. Is it not? (I bet I attract all sorts of parallel attempts at logic such as "is simulated sex still sex")

Expounding: an expert system will provide results based on its existing database and datamining - simulating reasoning. Isn't comparing and contrasting or learning from stored knowledge to provide a result is a subset of the ability to reason? AI is getting there...don't worry.

I think Lawdog is separating the mind from the brain simply because one can perceive a voice when one thinks, as opposed to viewing it as the logical output of the brain (processor). :D (jk)

I must know...how is "imagination" physical?
spidergoat said:
In a robot body, we would be immortal.

I thought you believed the self is immortal. We wouldn't be more immortal in a robot body than in a human body because nothing lasts forever.

Then why the phenomenon of brain damage?

the brain is not the source of consciousness, it's a tool for consciousness to express itself in a greater variety.

just like a magnet is not the source of it's magnetism, the etheric forces just go through the magnet. that's why we get two poles forever if we divide a magnet.

why does a river flow? because it wants to return to its mother, the ocean.

Lawdog said:
This is because the physical body is holy, not just a skin to be shed, so Jesus ressurrected bodily, not just spiritually, and he ate fish with the Apostles.

he only ate fish because the zodiac was in the sign of fishes (sign of jonah) and to show the pythagoras 153 stuff.

Enterprise-D said:
I must know...how is "imagination" physical?

imagination is thoughts. thoughts are mental waves of energy.
c7ity: "he only ate fish because the zodiac was in the sign of fishes (sign of jonah) and to show the pythagoras 153 stuff."

That interpretation is new age phony-ism.
Information is also non-physical and invisible. Could it be that what we call consciousness is the same thing as the soul? Consciousness isn't precisely a fixed physical form, but the complex collective action or flow of energy through many parts. If these parts can be replicated in a physical medium like silicon or light beams, does that mean that humans will someday be able to manipulate the soul?

Computers are not limited to the boundries of themselves, but can be networked. When we can copy ourselves into a shared medium, is this not the same thing as heaven? Could it be that heaven and hell are concepts that will be manifested in the future? We could live in a virtual paradise, saving the planet for the lower life forms. World peace could be acheived if we could live in each other's minds.

This leads to another possibility, the scanning of dead brains, and the resurrection of the deceased.

Kutzweil suggest some interesting scenereos. What if you scan yourself and make a replica, does that mean there are now two identical souls? What if you make a destructive scan, did you die? The transporters of Star Trek do a similar thing. Do the crew members of Star Trek die every time they are deconstructed and moved (he says yes)? Is is necessary to move the actual particles, or only the pattern, using material from wherever to do the rematerialization?
Enterprise-D said:
I must know...how is "imagination" physical?
"Imagination" is an abstract term to describe certain thought processes within the brain. The aim (or part thereof) of the "imagination" process is to arrive at a mental picture of something that we can not physically observe at that time.
E.g. - imagine your bedroom, imagine a cup of coffee.

Likewise we use the term for those thought processes that try to provide a mental picture of things that we have never observed: e.g. imagine a fire-breathing dragon - or a twelve-foot tall person.
Here we draw from memory and extrapolate.

"Imagination" covers a whole spectrum of thought processes - and I'm sure you can think of others.

The point is, though, that they all involve thought - and thought is nothing more than the subconscious and conscious flow of information, via neurons, electricity etc (all physical), through the network (again physical) within our brain that incorporates storage (physical), feedback loops, sensors etc.
But the flow is of material things - electrons, neurons, whatever (I'm not a biologist so could not say with certain what is actually involved).

Imagination just happens to be a word that covers a range of those conscious and subconscious thought processes.

That's my take on it, anyhoo.
c7ityi: Defining imagination/thoughts as "mental waves of energy" is non-sequitur to at best. Really now...mental wave?

Once again...how is imagination physical? How is it a tangible tool for a separate "mind" to use? How is it that Lawdog has removed imagination from the mind and turned it into a nothing more than a stapler or a pitchfork?
Sarkus said:
"Imagination" is an abstract term to describe certain thought processes within the brain. The aim (or part thereof) of the "imagination" process is to arrive at a mental picture of something that we can not physically observe at that time. ...

The point is, though, that they all involve thought - and thought is nothing more than the subconscious and conscious flow of information, via neurons, electricity etc (all physical), through the network (again physical) within our brain that incorporates storage (physical), feedback loops, sensors etc.
But the flow is of material things - electrons, neurons, whatever (I'm not a biologist so could not say with certain what is actually involved).

Imagination just happens to be a word that covers a range of those conscious and subconscious thought processes.
That's my take on it, anyhoo.
Sarkus: i did not say that imagination was non-physical, but that faculty, as well as memory, seems to be physical. It is reasoning and logic, such as the understanding of mathematic axioms, that are non-physical.
Sarkus: Isn't imagination the information facilitated by these physical reactions and entities? How then is information physical?

At any rate, what I'm getting at is Lawdog is trying to create a metaphysical realm that an AI device will not engage - hence strenghtening his argument through placing an impossible task. AI will (highly likely) never deal in the metaphysical or the religious. Regarding these topics as illogical does not negate intelligence and for that matter it provides more evidence of the ability to reason.
LOL what better than an AI computer to understand anything mathematical Lawdog??? Axiom is not a scary word in mathematics, it just describes the smallest division of mathematical fundamentals...an assumption if you will. Current Pentium machines can wield those!
Lawdog said:
That interpretation is new age phony-ism.

maybe, but that doesn't mean it isn't right.

spidergoat said:
We could live in a virtual paradise, saving the planet for the lower life forms.

where would that virtual paradise be physically located?

Enterprise-D said:
Really now...mental wave?

citi... said:
where would that virtual paradise be physically located?
Virtual means non-physical, but there would be some computer or something which could be anywhere or everywhere, like deep underground or as dust specks floating around space.
spidergoat said:
Virtual means non-physical, but there would be some computer or something which could be anywhere or everywhere, like deep underground or as dust specks floating around space.

that computer thing would just break, sooner or later.
If there are thousands or millions of them, then there would be some redundancy. Such advanced technology could also have self-repair mechanisms like nano-bots or something. The internet hardly ever breaks.
Will Artificially Intelligent Machines Turn Religious?

Yes, they will worship us, untill they find out we are mortal. :(

And if we made them to worship us like gods, by force, they just may turn on us and destroy the human race.

The Matrix, The Terminator type of scenario could be realistic.
