Wife beating?

Well since you're convinced I'm brainwashed, just consider me delusional and we can both live happily ever after!:p

Unfortunately, that will never happen since your religion must see fit to have everyone indoctrinated, so as it is with Christians.
Unfortunately, that will never happen since your religion must see fit to have everyone indoctrinated, so as it is with Christians.

Then let me indoctrine you some more: :p

The Disbelievers

Whoever obeys the Messenger, he has indeed obeyed Allah; and as for he who turns away, We have not sent you [O Muhammad!] as a keeper over them (4.80).

Therefore do [O Muhammad!] remind [with the Message that We revealed to you], for you are only a reminder (88.21). You are not a controller over them (88.22).

But if they turn away, then We have not sent you [O Muhammad!] as a keeper over them; only deliverance [of the Message] is your duty (from 42.48).

And if you [O disbelievers!] deny [the truth], then nations before you did indeed deny [the truth]; and nothing is incumbent on the Messenger other than plain deliverance [of the Message] (29.18).
YUSUFALI: And he who brings the Truth and he who confirms (and supports) it - such are the men who do right.
PICKTHAL: And whoso bringeth the truth and believeth therein - Such are the dutiful.
SHAKIR: And he who brings the truth and (he who) accepts it as the truth-- these are they that guard (against evil).

YUSUFALI: "And follow the best of (the courses) revealed to you from your Lord, before the Penalty comes on you - of a sudden while ye perceive not!-
PICKTHAL: And follow the better (guidance) of that which is revealed unto you from your Lord, before the doom cometh on you suddenly when ye know not,
SHAKIR: And follow the best that has been revealed to you from your Lord before there comes to you the punishment all of a sudden while you do not even perceive;

YUSUFALI: Nay, but worship Allah, and be of those who give thanks.
PICKTHAL: Nay, but Allah must thou serve, and be among the thankful!
SHAKIR: Nay! but serve Allah alone and be of the thankful.

YUSUFALI: The Unbelievers will be led to Hell in crowd: until, when they arrive, there, its gates will be opened. And its keepers will say, "Did not messengers come to you from among yourselves, rehearsing to you the Signs of your Lord, and warning you of the Meeting of This Day of yours?" The answer will be: "True: but the Decree of Punishment has been proved true against the Unbelievers!"
PICKTHAL: And those who disbelieve are driven unto hell in troops till, when they reach it and the gates thereof are opened, and the warders thereof say unto them: Came there not unto you messengers of your own, reciting unto you the revelations of your Lord and warning you of the meeting of this your Day? they say: Yea, verily. But the word of doom of disbelievers is fulfilled.
SHAKIR: And those who disbelieve shall be driven to hell in companies; until, when they come to it, its doors shall be opened, and the keepers of it shall say to them: Did not there come to you messengers from among you reciting to you the communications of your Lord and warning you of the meeting of this day of yours? They shall say: Yea! But the sentence of punishment was due against the unbelievers."

YUSUFALI: And he who brings the Truth and he who confirms (and supports) it - such are the men who do right.
PICKTHAL: And whoso bringeth the truth and believeth therein - Such are the dutiful.
SHAKIR: And he who brings the truth and (he who) accepts it as the truth-- these are they that guard (against evil).

YUSUFALI: "And follow the best of (the courses) revealed to you from your Lord, before the Penalty comes on you - of a sudden while ye perceive not!-
PICKTHAL: And follow the better (guidance) of that which is revealed unto you from your Lord, before the doom cometh on you suddenly when ye know not,
SHAKIR: And follow the best that has been revealed to you from your Lord before there comes to you the punishment all of a sudden while you do not even perceive;

YUSUFALI: Nay, but worship Allah, and be of those who give thanks.
PICKTHAL: Nay, but Allah must thou serve, and be among the thankful!
SHAKIR: Nay! but serve Allah alone and be of the thankful.

YUSUFALI: The Unbelievers will be led to Hell in crowd: until, when they arrive, there, its gates will be opened. And its keepers will say, "Did not messengers come to you from among yourselves, rehearsing to you the Signs of your Lord, and warning you of the Meeting of This Day of yours?" The answer will be: "True: but the Decree of Punishment has been proved true against the Unbelievers!"
PICKTHAL: And those who disbelieve are driven unto hell in troops till, when they reach it and the gates thereof are opened, and the warders thereof say unto them: Came there not unto you messengers of your own, reciting unto you the revelations of your Lord and warning you of the meeting of this your Day? they say: Yea, verily. But the word of doom of disbelievers is fulfilled.
SHAKIR: And those who disbelieve shall be driven to hell in companies; until, when they come to it, its doors shall be opened, and the keepers of it shall say to them: Did not there come to you messengers from among you reciting to you the communications of your Lord and warning you of the meeting of this day of yours? They shall say: Yea! But the sentence of punishment was due against the unbelievers."


If you don't believe in the message there is nothing to worry about.

Its not anyone's job here on earth to convince you otherwise either.
YUSUFALI: Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian and Disposer of all affairs.
PICKTHAL: Allah is Creator of all things, and He is Guardian over all things.
SHAKIR: Allah is the Creator of every thing and He has charge over every thing.

YUSUFALI: Know they not that Allah enlarges the provision or restricts it, for any He pleases? Verily, in this are Signs for those who believe!
PICKTHAL: Know they not that Allah enlargeth providence for whom He will, and straiteneth it (for whom He will). Lo! herein verily are portents for people who believe.
SHAKIR: Do they not know that Allah makes ample the means of subsistence to whom He pleases, and He straitens; most surely there are signs in this for a people who believe."

Every year 15 million children die of hunger

The Indian subcontinent has nearly half the world's hungry people. Africa and the rest of Asia together have approximately 40%, and the remaining hungry people are found in Latin America and other parts of the world. Hunger in Global Economy

Half of all children under five years of age in South Asia and one third of those in sub-Saharan Africa are malnourished.


Praise Allah!
YUSUFALI: Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian and Disposer of all affairs.
PICKTHAL: Allah is Creator of all things, and He is Guardian over all things.
SHAKIR: Allah is the Creator of every thing and He has charge over every thing.

YUSUFALI: Know they not that Allah enlarges the provision or restricts it, for any He pleases? Verily, in this are Signs for those who believe!
PICKTHAL: Know they not that Allah enlargeth providence for whom He will, and straiteneth it (for whom He will). Lo! herein verily are portents for people who believe.
SHAKIR: Do they not know that Allah makes ample the means of subsistence to whom He pleases, and He straitens; most surely there are signs in this for a people who believe."

Praise Allah!

You can't have it both ways you know.

And we've so been over this before. :bugeye:
Yes, we have, with the inevitable conclusion that Muhammedism contradicts itself, over and over and over...

Interesting how you copy paste a couple of verses from here and there and expect them to represent the ideology and philosophy of a whole religion. In translation.

But then, people get out of religion only what they want. So you get exactly what you want. A confirmation of your beliefs. Which is all what anyone really gets out of scriptures.
Interesting how you copy paste a couple of verses from here and there and expect them to represent the ideology and philosophy of a whole religion. In translation.

Pot. Kettle. Black. Do not the parts make up the whole? Can not any one aspect of Islam stand in the face of reality?

But then, people get out of religion only what they want. So you get exactly what you want. A confirmation of your beliefs. Which is all what anyone really gets out of scriptures.

How convenient. And utter bullocks.
Pot. Kettle. Black. Do not the parts make up the whole? Can not any one aspect of Islam stand in the face of reality?

Well if it doesn't it will eventually diminish, so again there is no cause for concern

How convenient. And utter bullocks.
You did not find confirmation of your beliefs? Then I was mistaken.
Well if it doesn't it will eventually diminish, so again there is no cause for concern

Thank you for your vote of confidence, but since you are a pseudo-Muslim yourself, I have serious doubts as to there not being concerns.

Then I was mistaken.

Yes, you are, were and will continue to be.
Thank you for your vote of confidence, but since you are a pseudo-Muslim yourself, I have serious doubts as to there not being concerns.

So if I have a positive view of the religion, I must be a pseudo-Muslim. And to be a "good" Muslim, I must be an extremist. All this is based on your idea of what Islam and religion MUST be. It could not possibly be otherwise because you don't believe in it.
Yes, you are, were and will continue to be.

With convoluted reasoning like that, I'm not surprised.:rolleyes:
So if I have a positive view of the religion, I must be a pseudo-Muslim. And to be a "good" Muslim, I must be an extremist. All this is based on your idea of what Islam and religion MUST be. It could not possibly be otherwise because you don't believe in it.

It's wonderful how you twist what you read, does that help you when you try and translate Islamic scriptures, too? Or, is it just a side-effect of reading the Quran?

With convoluted reasoning like that, I'm not surprised.

You said it, not me, but I completely agree.
It's wonderful how you twist what you read, does that help you when you try and translate Islamic scriptures, too? Or, is it just a side-effect of reading the Quran?

You said it, not me, but I completely agree.

*yawn* was there a point in there somewhere?