Why Would God be Asking Questions?

When Cain murdered Abel he is interrogated by God. God starts asking questions about Abel's whereabouts for one thing. Why would He do that? Some of you are going to say that God wanted Cain to fess up but that only adds to the mystery. God would know the whole sequence of events and would inticing Cain to deny or admit guilt make his actions any more a of sin than homicide?

What purpose would God have, to ask a legitimate question? Really, there shouldn't be a need for God to ask anything from anybody? Did the scribes err by including passages where God asks questions?

Anytime I hear of a God that asks questions, my guard goes up. Enquiring Gods do not promote omniscience, do they?

If your kid stole 20pence of you would you still ask them if they did?

If not and you didn't discuss it, you just got your belt out that would make you a bad parent.

It's a conversation piece meant for there benefit, to find out why they did it.
If your kid stole 20pence of you would you still ask them if they did?

If not and you didn't discuss it, you just got your belt out that would make you a bad parent.

It's a conversation piece meant for there benefit, to find out why they did it.

You begin with if they did and end with find out why. Just those two little lines of literature tells me you're not sure. So.....

Your missing the point...God knew everything before, during and after. No need to interrogate whatsoever.
You're forgetting about the kids.

I think I see what you're getting at. You're saying that I already know the kid stole money. Why ask questions, tell the kid to give it back if you have positive knowledge. Unless you want to catch the kid in a lie. Why exacerbate the situation? Two faults are better than one?

What possible good would it be for God to catch Cain in a lie just after he murdered his brother. Doesn't that sound silly for an all-knowing God? In fact Cain answers God with a question He doesn't answer, 'Am I my brother's keeper?' God should have known that was coming. It means God didn't know what Cain was going to say. So it is better for God not to ask questions because He looks stupid!!

Good nite..pick it up again tomorrow.. I'm out.
Adam and Eve were like children before and immediately after eating the fruit, God wanted to see their reactions.

Same with Cain.

Question is why?

Maybe he was testing his new robots.
that's not what you said. you said "god wants to TEST them" not "god wants to teach them." you can't change your point in the middle of the discussion.
that's not what you said. you said "god wants to TEST them" not "god wants to teach them." you can't change your point in the middle of the discussion.
You can if you know your losing the argument and you mistakenly believe your opponent is too dumb to notice.
Welcome to sciforums and the Illogical Majority.:)
in school i'm tested so others can see what i've accomplished. there is nobody who needs to see adam's "test scores" other than maybe god, who should already know them without testing him.

edit: wait, your post didn't even address mine...
It will address it in due time.

You're tested so "others" can see what you accomplished?

No. There is a standard that you have to reach, regardless of what your peers or teachers think, before you pass. Like asking "What is 2+2?".

Did you pass the test?
if you wanted to know what you're capable of, YOU would be the one testing yourself. this is not the case in school or in the garden of eden, where god was the one who tested adam and eve without their knowledge.
In eden, god told/taught and then tested. Apparently they failed. Back to Cain, he was put on detention even though he was oblivious to the rules of the school.
yes, he tested them because HE wanted to see the results even though he already knows what the results are... which is why the bible is a horrible book
Just when I thought asking questions was bad for God, He is alleged to have tested. What can God possibly gain from testing anything?
I'm not convinced that he gained anything. Unless, when it is written that we are made in his image, he would actually experience some form of satisfaction.
He couldn't have gained a thing. I think the written accounts of the god in Genesis do more to refute His omniscience than any other chapter. If His omniscience wavers then it's only a short step to either doubt the validity of His existence or at least the Book of Genesis. If Genesis is nothing but baloney then the entire Bible is lacking credibility.
I actually think the book of Genesis gives us one version of what actually transpired in the creation of us.

Summerian texts go into a bit more detail and cover the same ground funnily enough.

The difference is, the summerian tablets predate the bible by at least a thousand years, but tell the same story(with a different name for the god who tests).