Why Would God be Asking Questions?

Can you name anything to suggest the non-existence of God?
not my burden of proof, nor is it what i claim.

No evidence? What evidence would you accept for the existence of God?

If God does not exist
then how did everything come into being?
the honest answer is "i don't know." it's the answer everyone should take instead of "god did it."

but there are scientific hypothesis that explain the "creation" of the universe. one of them is hawking's no boundary proposal.

ww.newscientist.com/article/mg20026832.100-the-free-lunch-that-made-our-universe.html?DCMP=OTC-rss&nsref=cosmology attempts to explain the creation of matter.

as long as natural explanations exist and are still valid, there is no need to stray to the "supernatural."

Do you really think unravelling that is the simplest option? Assuming abiogenesis is correct.
assuming god exists does not invalidate scientific explanations. the simplest option isn't to explain through science, but doing so provides the simplest explanations, which is what occam's razor refers to.
i don't know what you're trying to say here. are you implying that god does exist? and what are these many great ideas that i apparently don't stand up for?

well of course if you want to make meaningless connections like they're both words, then sure. otherwise, i don't see how just saying "science" or "rights" implies both science and rights in the context.

i'm not lixluke :p

Once again, total


First of all it was a direct comment to your

BULLSHIT about god being the best choice for occams razor in the example presented. If you can't see that, then I'd assume you're probably lixluke.

As to your second paragraph. As you may have guessed it is also total bullshit. I said that nothing is seperate. Like they're both words? Your example is just as stupid, so don't give me any garbage please?

Thank you, [lixluke]!!
Can you name anything to suggest the non-existence of God?
Can you name anything to suggest the existence of god?

No evidence? What evidence would you accept for the existence of God?
-physical manifestation/blatant undisputable miracles-supernatural occurences
-ALL reasonable prayers answered
-sudden absence of disease/famine
Also, a preacher once told me 'it rains on the just and unjust', so good treatment for good people and INSTANT punishment for the unjust.
People tend to behave rather well when they know punishment comes swift and mercilessly if they do anything wrong/evil.

Can you prove that the concept of God started with mankinds imagination?
Can you prove it didnt?

All we have are two possible scenarios, God exists or not.
If God does not exist
then how did everything come into being? Do you really think unravelling that is the simplest option? Assuming abiogenesis is correct.
The questions can be treated as rhetorical as it would be understandable if
you could not provide answers.

Concerning the bold, here's an example that piques my curiosity.
Quite a few Xians believe that the earth is 6,000 years old. Some figuratively, some literally.
Let's pick on the ones that literally believe that it's 6,000 years old first.
Science/archaeology/anthropology has already proven that the earth is more than 6,000 years old. You don't even need carbon dating for that.
The layers in the earth pretty much tell it all. That right there tells me something fishy is going on. You can argue all you want about the 6,000 year old fallacy, but you will be wrong. <--kinda like arguing that water isn't wet.
Now for the ones who think it's a figurative statement (kinda like the earth was created in 6 days deal).
Why does god/primitive men feel the need to write in parables/codes? Why can't they just come out and say it. Not everyone understands poetic/rhetoric attempts to convey a point.
"Well, each day could mean 1000 years to god." Really, then why didn't they just fuckin state how long it took him in the literal sense.
First of all it was a direct comment to your
BULLSHIT about god being the best choice for occams razor in the example presented. If you can't see that, then I'd assume you're probably lixluke.
what? i was arguing that god ISN'T the best choice

As to your second paragraph. As you may have guessed it is also total bullshit. I said that nothing is seperate. Like they're both words? Your example is just as stupid, so don't give me any garbage please?
why don't you contribute something useful instead of just "bullshit"? i'm starting to think you have no idea what you're talking about
what? i was arguing that god ISN'T the best choice
According to your meathod. Please see what I've refered to to get a general understanding (instead of the constant


why don't you contribute something useful instead of just "bullshit"? i'm starting to think you have no idea what you're talking about

I have already contributed a great deal. It is your understanding that is failing us again lixluke. ....The only, reason, lixluke, that you do not think I am not contributing garbage is that you are stupid.
i'm not lixluke and i have no idea what you're talking about. i checked the thread and did not find any previous posts by you.
Don't lie lixluke. You can't make a language indecipherable as you're trying to do.

I'll say it again lixluke, you still haven't even referred (a speckle of reference, why not???) to my initial reason for posting in this thread.
you mean this?
Gods existence implies that it stands up to all of the many great ideas and thoughts that all of the people in this thread are standing up for (most of them anyways), and you on the other hand aren't.
i cannot respond to you until you make yourself clear

and i'm not lixluke

jan said:
you name anything to suggest the non-existence of God?

not my burden of proof, nor is it what i claim.

No but you claim God's existence is an assumption, yet make no mention of
God's non existence being an assumption also.

Define 'magic'.

... honest answer is "i don't know." it's the answer everyone should take instead of "god did it."

It is the only explanation that makes complete sense instead of the bitting and bobbing. Why shouldn't people believe this?

but there are scientific hypothesis that explain the "creation" of the universe. one of them is hawking's no boundary proposal.

And you believe this hypothesis assumes less than 'god did it', how exactly?
Not to mention it does not rule out 'god did it'.

as long as natural explanations exist and are still valid, there is no need to stray to the "supernatural."

Stray to?
Can you give a valid natural explanation for how everything came to be?

assuming god exists does not invalidate scientific explanations. the simplest option isn't to explain through science, but doing so provides the simplest explanations, which is what occam's razor refers to.

"All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best"

There is no explanatation of the existence of everything, let alone one which could be labelled the simplest, other than 'god did it'.
And there are books with accounts of how and why.
To dismiss it as invalid is
purely a question of belief.

Stray to?
Can you give a valid natural explanation for how everything came to be?

There is no explanatation of the existence of everything, let alone one which could be labelled the simplest, other than 'god did it'.
And there are books with accounts of how and why.
To dismiss it as invalid is
purely a question of belief.

Jan, I would like to point out that your question, which is a question often asked, I might add, is not one that is valid for your argument. The reason why is that the amount of information required to provide such an explanation has not been compiled and analyzed as yet, for two reasons; we have only recent begun observing the universe, relatively speaking, and we are limited by our current technology to observe the vastness and complexity of the universe. But, these hurdles are what we are trying to overcome, so time and progress may yet reveal the answer to your question.

So, if we simply sit back on our heels secure with supernatural explanations, we may be shutting our eyes to the answers we seek. Of course, I'm not trying to shut you down and state that you're wrong, but if the explanation of the supernatural is to be given credibility, it must stand up to the ongoing observations and the future results to our queries that may indeed demonstrate quite natural beginnings.
J The reason why is that the amount of information required to provide such an explanation has not been compiled and analyzed as yet, for two reasons; we have only recent begun observing the universe, relatively speaking, and we are limited by our current technology to observe the vastness and complexity of the universe. But, these hurdles are what we are trying to overcome, so time and progress may yet reveal the answer to your question.

Impressive. Hey Q, why do magnets work?
No but you claim God's existence is an assumption, yet make no mention of God's non existence being an assumption also.
because the problem hasn't come up yet. claiming god doesn't exist is also faith-based

Define 'magic'.
it was meant to mean something unbelievable has to happen. like if god came down and told me he existed

It is the only explanation that makes complete sense instead of the bitting and bobbing. Why shouldn't people believe this?
replace "god" with "random occurrences" and that makes just as much sense (especially since how much something makes sense is subjective). except that no observation can distinguish god's existence with her nonexistence.

And you believe this hypothesis assumes less than 'god did it', how exactly? Not to mention it does not rule out 'god did it'.
because having an omnipotent and omniscient thingy in the sky that created us, gave us free will, and loves and protects us assumes much more than hawking's idea that time is curved asymptotically, especially since the former is contradictory.

and if you reject the christian god and still believe there's "something" of a higher being, that is just a completely useless claim as it does nothing to explain anything.

Stray to? Can you give a valid natural explanation for how everything came to be?
i just gave you one: hawking's no boundary principal.

"All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best"

There is no explanatation of the existence of everything, let alone one which could be labelled the simplest, other than 'god did it'.
And there are books with accounts of how and why.
To dismiss it as invalid is
purely a question of belief.
the simplest solution that is consistent with our observations. anyways, "god didit" isn't the simplest because it assumes nature works as it does AND there's a deity as opposed to just "nature works as it does". and unless you reject all explanations found through science, you have to agree with that. not to mention "god didit" doesn't even explain anything. if we all just "left things up to god," our technology would be nonexistent.

and it is perfectly acceptable to dismiss the existence of god in any scientific hypothesis because the whole idea is completely unscientific.
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When Cain murdered Abel he is interrogated by God. God starts asking questions about Abel's whereabouts for one thing. Why would He do that? Some of you are going to say that God wanted Cain to fess up but that only adds to the mystery. God would know the whole sequence of events and would inticing Cain to deny or admit guilt make his actions any more a of sin than homicide?

What purpose would God have, to ask a legitimate question? Really, there shouldn't be a need for God to ask anything from anybody? Did the scribes err by including passages where God asks questions?

Anytime I hear of a God that asks questions, my guard goes up. Enquiring Gods do not promote omniscience, do they?

Even a person of moderate social experience can understand that questions can be used to elicit a wide range of things (other than the beholders absence of knowledge)
LG, its been a while brother. I just finished a religions of asia course in college which covered Hinduism (even though not asian), Buddhism, Taoism, and Confusionism (spelling?). Anyway, I'm sold on a lot of their basic premises (impermanence, no-self or anatman, etc.).

I think the eastern relgions are more accurate in terms of how to better prepare ourselves for the afterlife. I do believe in an afterlife and a realm/world/whatever which exists beyond this fake world we live in, and I want to best prepare myself for when I die and enter this other realm.

On the topic of this thread, I think the Old Testament is virtually useless in terms of enlightening us to the true nature of self or for preparing us for the afterlife. I urge everyone on this thread who doesn't believe in the Christian or Muslim God to look into some of these eastern religions. Look at the teachings of the Bhagavad gita, of the Buddah, of the Tao in the I-Ching.

Mediatation, enlightment, and balancing our internal alchemy is the way to go. When you die your spirit will leave your body into a different non-material realm. That is my opinion. Look at all the near-death experiences. Look at the testimonies of people who have used the heaviest psychedelics like DMT. There is another world beyond this fake piece of shit world we all find ourselves in. Just because Christianity and Islam has been extremely corrupted by man, doesn't mean there aren't "religions" or ways of thinking which can help us prepare for this other world when we die (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism).
He knows, but because the Flintstone's TV works on the same principle as his Lord & Master, he may be reluctant to say it.:D