why we need ghosts

I don't know. You're talking about all the ghost pics ever taken. The internet only has a limited number. I'd have to be psychic to know all the pics ever taken.
Okay then. Between 1 and 3. It's as good a guess as any other, right?

Seriously though, let's say you think there are 10,000 quality pics taken of ghosts in the 20th century.
That's 10,000 pics taken by people who were not so freaked out that they didn't have the presence of mind to whip out their camera and snap a pic instead of (or prior to) running away. Right?

Now, at ballpark guess, I said only 1 in 1000 people actually had cameras with them at any given time, yet they were in the right place at the right time, and we still got 10,000 pics.

Now lets suppose that - instead of merely 1 in 1000 - in fact, all 1000 of them had cameras when an event occurred? Why, we would get - not 10,000 pics - but 1,000 times 10,000 pics.

And that happens to be the case in the 21st century.

So why are we not inundated with 1000 times more (new!) pics of ghosts in the 21st century than we were in all of the 20th century?
Thought bubble

If a ghost gets rid of another ghost

Is it possible for them to be put to life?

That's 10,000 pics taken by people who were not so freaked out that they didn't have the presence of mind to whip out their camera and snap a pic instead of (or prior to) running away. Right?

Alot if not most ghost pics are photobombs by ghosts and not even seen at the time. So that sinks your whole theory right there. So why aren't there more ghost photobombs today? We don't know if there isn't more. We have no idea of the total amount of ghost pics taken since cellphones were invented.
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I never said that's the only time ghosts appear.

Seances work too. Give it a try.
Are people not doing this today with all the new optical gadgets? You keep shifting the goal posts.

Fact is, in spite of the exponential increase in observational equipment, the incidences of ghosts have not increased.
Are people not doing this today with all the new optical gadgets? You keep shifting the goal posts.

Fact is, in spite of the exponential increase in observational equipment, the incidences of ghosts have not increased.

How do you know this? Did you conduct a worldwide survey?
Where's the proof? Lots of interest in the subject, no increasing body of evidence.

There's tons of videos of paranormal investigations. There's photos and eyewitness accounts of ghosts. There's many websites detailing paranormal phenomena. And there's like 7 pieces of compelling evidence I've posted in this thread already. I'm thinking you're not looking for evidence much.
We do see things, but they are not supernatural, we just think they are. We hallucinate our reality as it is. We make "best guesses" about reality.
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How do you know this? Did you conduct a worldwide survey?
Did you?
It is your assertion that ghosts are popping up all the time. Show us a statistically-significant mountain of pics since the advent of phone cams.

So, far, you keep showing us stuff that's decades old.

You might as well be arguing for canals on Mars and showing us Lowell's* sketches:


And we're saying "but there's a mountain of recent hi-rez geo-surveys that show no evidence of canals..."

*Lowell was an expert on Mars by the way. And had no reason to lie. And yet he interpreted - incorrectly - what his senses told him.
Did you?
It is your assertion that ghosts are popping up all the time. Show us a statistically-significant mountain of pics since the advent of phone cams.

If I show any more evidence of ghosts I'll be banned by James R. He's against the posting of evidence for ghosts. How very scientific!

So, far, you keep showing us stuff that's decades old.

You might as well be arguing for canals on Mars and showing us Lowell's* sketches:


And we're saying "but there's a mountain of recent hi-rez geo-surveys that show no evidence of canals..."

*Lowell was an expert on Mars by the way. And had no reason to lie. And yet he interpreted - incorrectly - what his senses told him.


"Three in five people have said they have seen a ghost in their lifetime, according to a new poll.

With Halloween just around the corner, a new survey of 2,000 people found most believed they had had a supernatural experience, with 40 per cent saying they thought their pet had had one too.

One in three had either lived or stayed in a house they felt was haunted."
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I asked a few ghost living in my basement

I wanted to video the meeting but they are camera shy

They told me that haunting is not what it used to be

Hardly any ghost now is making a deathing in it

I understand its the new PVC plumbing. Pipes don't rattle like they used to...............:eek:
Assuming ofcourse they can pull out their cellphone and take a pic of a transient image or light or shadow.
Yes. Assuming that. You do assume that they can do that, since you regularly tout old ghost pictures. Now there are 50x as many cameras. So we should be seeing 50x more pictures - if the original pictures you touted are valid, and not hoaxes.
Most ghost sightings last only seconds. And like I said, one in a state of total terror at what you are seeing isn't thinking, "I've gotta get a picture of this." They're thinking "I've gotta get out of here."
Again, take a look at Youtube. People pull out their phones when ANYTHING happens. Even if it should terrify everyone.
And like I said, there's just not that many people hanging out in haunted bldgs with or without cellphones at 3 in the morning.
Yet you claim that years ago there were people hanging out in haunted buildings with cameras at 3 in the morning. There are 50x more of them now. Not because there are 50x people looking for ghosts - but because almost every single one of those people in the building at night have a camera now.
Yet you claim that years ago there were people hanging out in haunted buildings with cameras at 3 in the morning[/quote

No..there are many pics of people being photobombed by ghosts. This is not an issue of seeing a ghost and then taking a picture. It's an issue of noticing the ghost after you took a regular picture of someone. Happens all the time. Are there less ghost photobombs since cellphones were invented? We don't know that.