why we need ghosts

I was a hardcore theist once. We didn't rely so much on evidence as on faith. That's the difference. Evidence for them isn't so important. So they don't go out of their way to offer much.
There's no difference. You just swapped one faith for another.

I used to be a skeptic. Subscribed to Skeptical Inquirer. Hero worshipped James Randi and Joe Nickel and Michael Shermer and the gang.
Sounds like you missed the central message of the skeptics movement and instead went in for a cult of personality.

Two documentary series called Sightings and Psychic Detectives began opening my eyes to the reality of the paranormal in the 90's. Then I got on the internet in 1998. Then all the ghosthunter TV series started hitting the airwaves about 2004, and well after that it was a cinch.
All you had to do was convenient forget anything you'd picked up from the skeptics about critical thinking and the importance of evidence, then it was a cinch. You'd found a new faith to replace your lost faith in religion.

It's not an unusual path for people who lose their religion and consequently feel lost. They search around for a different kind of faith to stand in for the faith that they became disillusioned with. Looks like you found your new faith in the woo.
There's no difference. You just swapped one faith for another.

No..I swapped a faithbased worldview for an evidence based experience of reality. Which is also why I gave up skepticism, another faithbased worldview.

Sounds like you missed the central message of the skeptics movement and instead went in for a cult of personality.

I learned how their much lauded critical thinking was actually a pretext for confirmation bias. The skeptics were merely defending their belief system much as the religious do. I needed more than that. I needed an approach to reality that acknowledged its inherent mystery while honoring the authority of direct experience.

All you had to do was convenient forget anything you'd picked up from the skeptics about critical thinking and the importance of evidence, then it was a cinch. You'd found a new faith to replace your lost faith in religion.

Skepticism is simply the other end of the belief spectrum from religion. It dismisses evidence for an unwarranted faith in scientism as the arbiter of what is real. But I was burned out on that sort of unconditional believing. Instead I looked at the evidence alone, and found myself evolving an approach to reality that is both realistic and relevant.

It's not an unusual path for people who lose their religion and consequently feel lost. They search around for a different kind of faith to stand in for the faith that they became disillusioned with. Looks like you found your new faith in the woo.

That faith substitute for me was skepticism and scientism, which is what you use as your precious religion. I dispensed with the need for faith and belief altogther. Now I just let reality be itself without having to know what it's all about. I dwell in the mystery of it, and recognize the limitations of my own mind to grasp it all.
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Magical Realist:

Oh look! You posted something moderately interesting. Watch out, or it might become a habit!

No..I swapped a faithbased worldview for an evidence based experience of reality.
That statement is belied by your puppy-like enthusiasm to believe all the kinds of woo you believe with no concern at all about the evidence.

Which is also why I gave up skepticism, another faithbased worldview.
The only faith involved in skepticism is a faith that the world is comprehensible by the application of reason. No doubt somebody like Yazata would be interested to jump in and give that assumption a good shake, but I don't really think you're equipped.

I learned how their much lauded critical thinking was actually a pretext for confirmation bias.
You must find it remarkable that the skeptics brought the idea of confirmation bias to popular attention, then. So hypocritical of them (us) to advise others to be on their guard against it, while simultaneously falling hook-line-and-sinker for it themselves. If you're right, that is.

The skeptics were merely defending their belief system much as the religious do. I needed more than that. I needed an approach to reality that acknowledged its inherent mystery while honoring the authority of direct experience.
Your assumption that mystery (read supernaturalism) is inherent is just that. It is not evidence-based. As for the authority of direct experience, the skeptics have devoted a lot of time and energy to investigating, specifically, just how far this supposed "authority" can be trusted. Turns out, not very far at all. This is, of course, all backed by the kind of evidence that you claim matters so much to you.

Skepticism is simply the other end of the belief spectrum from religion. It dismisses evidence for an unwarranted faith in scientism as the arbiter of what is real.
Ah, yes, the old "skepticism = scientism" canard, characteristically trotted out by those who understand neither skepticism nor science.

That faith substitute for me was skepticism and scientism, which is what you use as your precious religion.
As it happens, I'm not a big fan of scientism. Your claiming that it is some kind of religion of mine just shows how little you understand my approach to these matters. Maybe you ought to read some more of my posts, in the adult subforums outside Ghosts and Monsters.

I dispensed with the need for faith and belief altogther.
Like I said, your claim is belied by your posts, most of which show absolutely blind faith and credulous, unthinking belief in all kinds of myths.

Now I just let reality be itself without having to know what it's all about. I dwell in the mystery of it, and recognize the limitations of my own mind to grasp it all.
I can appreciate the attraction of the "mystery". For some people, the real world is not mysterious enough. There have to be fairies in it as well for them to be satisfied. Mostly, I find that those people underestimate the extent of our ignorance. It's one reason why they imagine that scientists and skeptics are know-it-all stuck-up smart-arses.
Thought bubble

How many in this thread post stuff about ghost?

How many dismiss stuff posted about ghost?

How many keep posting stuff about ghost?

Last question - why?

The only faith involved in skepticism is a faith that the world is comprehensible by the application of reason. No doubt somebody like Yazata would be interested to jump in and give that assumption a good shake, but I don't really think you're equipped.

That's kind of anthropomorphic isn't it? I mean to expect reality to bend it's laws and phenomena to the reasoning of humans, a reasoning it turns out it is laden with all sorts of self-serving assumptions about what is possible and what exists and what doesn't. The sort of reasoning the skeptic wishes to pass off as some absolute arbiter of what is real, based on plausibility instead of evidence, such that his worldview of a rational and predictable world is preserved and defended. Hence the dogmatic certainty of such assumptions as "no ufos" and "no ghosts" and "no esp" even in the face of compelling evidence, and the endless project of debunking every experience of these phenomena as merely mundane accidents or fakery. That's the dogmatic belief system of the skeptic, which assumes in every case what it wants to conclude. Reason over evidence, only in this case a kind of biased reasoning that upholds their faith that mysterious phenomena just don't exist and indeed never will.
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Then all the ghosthunter TV series started hitting the airwaves about 2004, and well after that it was a cinch.

This is really bad.
Ghosthunting shows on TV are pretty much at the bottom of the credibility scale.

They are not documentaries - they are "Reality TV"*, and they are as reliable as Chad's sincere season-closer marriage proposal to Stacy**.

*Reality TV is an oxymoron
**made up names
Ghosthunting shows on TV are pretty much at the bottom of the credibility scale.

They're just people spending all night at haunted locations with cameras and EMF detectors. There's really nothing non-credible about it.
That's why it's called reality TV. Nothing fake about it.
Yup, right up there with Big Brother and 90-Day Fiance.

Allow me to qualify.

If you consider Ghosthunter TV shows to be a credible source of evidence for ghosts, you are welcome to.

The rest of us are painfully aware of just how processed reality TV is. It is not merely the worst possible source of evidence - it is actually misrepresentational. It would more harm than good, were
anyone to take it as more than just fluffy entertainment.
Yup, right up there with Big Brother and 90-Day Fiance.

Allow me to qualify.

If you consider Ghosthunter TV shows to be a credible source of evidence for ghosts, you are welcome to.

The rest of us are painfully aware of just how processed reality TV is. It is not merely the worst possible source of evidence - it is actually misrepresentational. It would more harm than good, were
anyone to take it as more than just fluffy entertainment.

I've probably watched hundreds of episodes of these shows. Never in their history of running has anyone come forward in the media declaring any of them to be fake. That's just a hard fact. The evidence is thus reliable and quite extraordinary. But alas, never quite enough for the whining skeptics.
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I've probably watched hundreds of episodes of these shows. Never in their history of running has anyone come forward in the media declaring any of them to be fake. That's just a hard fact. The evidence is thus reliable and quite extraordinary.
The same can be said about Big Brother and 90-Day Fiance. And Wrestling for that matter.

Why would anyone complain about them being fake? No one thinks they're real.

Again, you are welcome to consider them reliable for your purposes. But no one seriously interested in exploring ghost activity is going to take a TV show - a second-hand - and highly-processed account - as anything other than entertainment.

So, believe in it as you want - it's just not acceptable material, here.
Why would anyone complain about them being fake? No one thinks they're real.

Right...that'd be the definition of fake.

But no one seriously interested in exploring ghost activity is going to take a TV show - a second-hand - and highly-processed account - as anything other than entertainment.

On the contrary. Millions of regular viewers take the investigations as real and unfaked. That's how they remain on the air over the years. By being authentic and undeceiving. I don't care that you don't believe in them. I've seen enough of them to know they're the real deal. Skeptics just don't want to believe in them because their evidence is so good.
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Right...that'd be the definition of fake.
Good. We agree.

If no one thinks they shows are real, that certainly explains why no one has ever complained. I doubt Wrestling and 90-day fiance get such complaints either.

On the contrary. Millions of regular viewers take the investigations as real and unfaked.
You actually do not know that.

That's how they remain on the air over the years.
So has Wrestling and 90 Day Fiance.

And National Enquirer has built quite an empire on making stuff up. It's entertainment.

All of them have millions of fans.

I've seen enough of them to know they're the real deal. Skeptics just don't want to believe in them because their evidence is so good.
OK. And that's fine.

It's only a problem when you bring this stuff here, and are surprised that we have a higher bar for credibility. It simply does not qualify.

And it sure doesn't help with your credibility...

You are forearmed, knowing what you're walking (what you have walked into) here.

One does have to wonder why you don't take this to where the bar is set much, much lower.
I doubt Wrestling and 90-day fiance get such complaints either.

Neither do sporting events, game shows, or the evening news.

It's only a problem when you bring this stuff here, and are surprised that we have a higher bar for credibility. It simply does not qualify.

Strawman since I've never posted this stuff here before.

And it sure doesn't help with your credibility...

Expecting credibility from skeptics is like expecting drug addicts to give you their drugs. I have no expectations in this area whatsoever. That's why I just post the evidence, so that my personal credibility doesn't become an issue.

One does have to wonder why you don't take this to where the bar is set much, much lower.

Why preach to the choir? I prefer informing the ignorant.
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Never in their history of running has anyone come forward in the media declaring any of them to be fake
Not seen many, but I seem to recall those I have seen, the presenters coach their words carefully to indicate words to the effect "the views expressed are for entertainment purposes and may not represent the views of the network"

declaring any of them to be fake

They also do not comment anything about "we have indepentently verified claims made in the program"
