why we need ghosts

This is what ghosts have been observed to do.
If it's all based on "this is what they've always done" then how does one determine they they were ever ghosts in the first place?

It's essentially a house of cards, necessarily built on top of a base row of cards that are just as flimsy as the every other row.
No matter how many rows you add, it doesn't get any stronger, despite your desire to think so.

This is so much a part of our culture and understanding ... just a fact of the world.
So is a black cat crossing your path, walking under a ladder, knocking on wood, heaven, hell, and unicorns, Flat Earth and Moon hoaxes.
Superstitions and myths persist throughout culture. It has no relation to fact.

I'm waiting for a mechanism by which they operate. Provide facts.
So is a black cat crossing your path, walking under a ladder, knocking on wood, heaven, hell, and unicorns, Flat Earth and Moon hoaxes.
Superstitions and myths persist throughout culture. It has no relation to fact.

So is science and history and politics and philosophy and logic and ethics. Human cultural understanding isn't limited to superstitions.

I'm waiting for a mechanism by which they operate.

We don't need to know how something operates to acknowledge it's existence. Dark energy certainly mystifies us as to it's mode of operation. But we still know it exists. Consciousness also defies our understanding. But we know it exists. Same with the paranormal.
LOL! I'm afraid it does. This is what ghosts have been observed to do. Voices from empty rooms. Poltergeist activity in old pubs. Footsteps in empty attics. Bangings in empty elevators. This is so much a part of our culture and understanding that to try and deny it now only makes you look silly. People experience paranormal phenomenon AS ghosts. That's just a solid fact of the world.
They are not all ghosts. They could easily be Ghoulies and Things that go Bump in the Night also.

p.s Dark Matter is not a paranormal phenomonon. We have evidence of mass.
Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that is thought to account for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe, and about a quarter of its total energy density. The majority of dark matter is thought to be non-baryonic in nature, possibly being composed of some as-yet undiscovered subatomic particles.
Unlike ghosties Dark Matter has mass. About 85% of the total in the Universe.

This not trivial like a candle flicker in the dark cellar of an old house...brrrrrr.....:eek:
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We don't need to know how something operates to acknowledge it's existence. Dark energy certainly mystifies us as to it's mode of operation. But we still know it exists.
Dark energy is a placeholder. We have not had the gall to suppose we have the explanation for it yet.
You seem to think you have a theory, yet you can't provide any model.

I'm OK with "unexplained phenomena" being the placeholder for these things.
I'm OK with "unexplained phenomena" being the placeholder for these things.

It's not the nature of any field of research to be satisfied with placeholders. Eventually from all our investigation and studies we hope to arrive at a phenomenon that is objective and predictable and accessible to examination. That's why we have terms like ghosts and the paranormal. We know by the body of knowledge obtained from centuries of paranormal investigation that this phenomenon is typical and responsive to experimentation. Ghosts can be provoked to react by the investigators by using trigger objects or by outright challenges. They respond in typical ways including EVPs which are voice recordings and instrument manipulation such as the activation of EMF detectors. You should do yourself a favor and find out all the things paranormal research has turned up over time. Embracing a placeholder is nothing more than an excuse to remain ignorant.
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Ghosts can be provoked to react by the investigators by using trigger objects or by outright challenges. They respond in typical ways including EVPs which are voice recordings and instrument manipulation such as the activation of EMF detectors.
You watch too much YouTube.
Go spend the night in a haunted location. That's the only way you'll ever see the reality of ghosts for yourself.
Apart from haunted locations does there exist anywhere in the world a Paranormal Museum?

Some place where you can see a captured (?) ghost?

A blob of ectoplasm?

Any place like that?

They respond in typical ways including EVPs which are voice recordings and instrument manipulation such as the activation of EMF detectors. You should do yourself a favor and find out all the things paranormal research has turned up over time
It is your job to provide evidentiary links. You claim to have evidence , but then ask us to hunt for ourselves.

Post 348 is highly suspect.
a) why film an empty yard, or bar, or room, unless you know something unusual is going to happen?
b) all of the motions can be accomplished by real persons at the scene (fish line, etc.)
c) every motion was just a single event, as if specifically performed for an observer's attention.
d) the chair was pulled out, for what? Then it was pushed back, for what?

This is just from a cursory examination. Certainly not sufficiently compelling to draw an extraordinary conclusion.
IMO, the scenes in #348 are bogus and can be easily falsified.
LOL! I'm afraid it does. This is what ghosts have been observed to do. Voices from empty rooms. Poltergeist activity in old pubs. Footsteps in empty attics. Bangings in empty elevators. This is so much a part of our culture and understanding that to try and deny it now only makes you look silly. People experience paranormal phenomenon AS ghosts. That's just a solid fact of the world.
Just because you cannot immediately explain it, that does not make it paranormal, it makes it "unexplained".

We also have UFOs (unidentified flying objects), which is the correct provisional classification, not paranormal, which would suggest thinking and acting paranormal living entities as causalities.

We should have UMOs, unidentified moving objects, that would be acceptable by all as a provisional classification...:)
How many compelling's does that make for 2018?

I just had a Christmas Day compelling thought bubble

Numerous ghost, UFO and all sorts of other paranormal activity has proven to be faked

How come nobody tries to fake reality?

I can think of two events which might be considered to be attempts to fake reality

Anyone else have any ideas?

MR any thoughts?

We cannot escape from reality, hard as we may try to enter a fake reality
Apart from haunted locations does there exist anywhere in the world a Paranormal Museum?

Some place where you can see a captured (?) ghost?

A blob of ectoplasm?

Any place like that?

I believe there is an archival copy of "Ghostbusters", complete with evidence.

Rumor has it that when you stand to close to the ghost capturing device, you begin to look green as if you were slimed. This from a "reliable source".......:D
Wow..someone's having a nervous breakdown over a little old video. Why all the hostility Write4U? It's just compelling evidence for the paranormal.
Background info on the pub video:

"Collins put together the video using clips from a two-month period from August 4."

It proves nothing! I worked for a film distributing company in Canada and used to cut and splice film and that was the old type. Today, digitally one can do almost anything.

Did you see the movie Titanic? There's a scene of the ship sinking and all the people shown on deck were digitally created ghosts. It's impossible to tell the difference.

Surprising facts and incredible behind-the-scene images of Titanic movie

Poltergeist activity accidentally caught by a soldier in his room while stationed in Iraq. The credibility of this witness and video is hard to deny. Here's what he says about it:

Published on May 22, 2010

"Sounds off by like 3 seconds...sorry. But anyways, the video wasn't made for youtubes scariest ghost, it was being made for my family back home, I was sending home a blog of myself being in Iraq and telling them I loved and missed them, and when I started talking about how much I missed my girlfriend there was a voice behind me that was hard to make out, but when I turned to see where the voice had come from, my damn locker doors opened with heavy force. It scared the shit out of me, and I have put in a request for a room swap, maybe when my Sergeants see this they will understand..."

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Now that we know the paranormal is real, how do we adjust to it? Just by recognizing that reality is full of mysteries, and that we don't fully comprehend it by any means. There's so much to learn. So just relax. The paranormal is quite real as the above compelling videos show. It's all around us. And life goes on as normal, albeit with a tad more trepidation.:cool:
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Now that we know the paranormal is real, how do we adjust to it? Just by recognizing that reality is full of mysteries, and that we don't fully comprehend it by any means. There's so much to learn. So just relax. The paranormal is quite real as the above compelling videos show. It's all around us. And life goes on as normal, albeit with a tad more trepidation.:cool:

A dent in a blanket is proof of the paranormal? Wow!

I heard an old paint can fall in my basement and found several strange footprints in the dust of my basement floor. Your proof has been confirmed. Paranormal is real!

Cat did bring me the head of a dead mouse later. Spooky.....:eek:
Now that we know the paranormal is real
Do we?
how do we adjust to it?
Do we have to?
Surely the paranormal has adjusted to reality, as per àbove
It finally come out of the cupboard
Just by recognizing that reality is full of mysteries, and that we don't fully comprehend it by any means.
Already been doing that for years so for this Minion again no adjustment needed
There's so much to learn
Hence we spend millions of dollars on projects like this:-
On Jan. 1, 2019, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft will make history with the first close flyby of a Kuiper Belt object: Ultima Thule
instead of millions of dollars on wondering why a steel cabinet door sprung open
Funny that
So just relax
Well that's a relief
Thanks for giving us permission to relax
The paranormal is quite real
So its no longer paranormal right?
as the above compelling videos show.
Is that the first compelling for 2019?
It's all around us
It is????
And life goes on as normal, albeit with a tad more trepidation.:cool:
You just told us we can relax
Now your your telling us we should be trepidated

By the way did anyone check the steel cabinet door to see if it was under tension when it was closed?

Personally I find
On Jan. 1, 2019, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft will make history with the first close flyby of a Kuiper Belt object: Ultima Thule
much more deserving of attention than a steel cabinet door springing open
