why we need ghosts

Now that we know the paranormal is real, how do we adjust to it? Just by recognizing that reality is full of mysteries, and that we don't fully comprehend it by any means. There's so much to learn. So just relax. The paranormal is quite real as the above compelling videos show. It's all around us. And life goes on as normal, albeit with a tad more trepidation.:cool:

MR, why don't you direct your enthusiasm in the direction of "entanglement". This sounds like a natural area of paranormal investigation, and if true, might be a natural explanation for "spooky action at a distance" ....:rolleyes:

In any case it would be a sound tactical shift which might garner much support among the more scientifically oriented people.

Seems to me "entanglement" is a phenomenon which does not recognize spatial dimensions. Hence the ability to act instantaneous regardless of distance, even clear across the universe.

Paranormal? Now there is a real strange phenomenon. Think of the implications.....:)
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By the way did anyone check the steel cabinet door to see if it was under tension when it was closed?

Door tension as the cause of the blanket moving on the bed and the locker door closing after it was opened? Riiiiiight...:rolleyes:
MR, why don't you direct your enthusiasm in the direction of "entanglement".

I prefer mysteries we can see and hear to the abstract mysteries of science.

MR, why don't you direct your enthusiasm in the direction of "entanglement". This sounds like a natural area of paranormal investigation, and if true, might be a natural explanation for "spooky action at a distance" ....:rolleyes:

In any case it would be a sound tactical shift which might garner much support among the more scientifically oriented people.

Seems to me "entanglement" is a phenomenon which does not recognize spatial dimensions. Hence the ability to act instantaneous regardless of distance, even clear across the universe.

Paranormal? Now there is a real strange phenomenon. Think of the implications.....:)

I'll just keep posting about whatever I feel like. Thanks..
I prefer mysteries we can see and hear to the abstract mysteries of science. At least
Sure, it's entertaining to say the least. I love a good ghost movie.
They're here!!!!.......:eek:

But the mystery of entanglement has been seen and is no longer an abstract theory and if there are any paranormal phenomena, then it must be via entanglement and then you have a scientific grounding. Just a suggestion...:wink:
I just posted 4 videos of facts that actually happened. If that's not enough for you, I'm sorry. Go spend the night in a haunted location. That's the only way you'll ever see the reality of ghosts for yourself.
#1 is just people telling stories. There are no "facts" there, other than that some people told some stories.
#2 shows some furniture moving around and a few other things that could either easily be explained as normal, everyday occurrences, or could be easily deliberately faked without even the need to mess with the video footage.
#3 has been dealt with and dismissed previously on sciforums.
#4 There is no #4.

Just how gullible are you, Magical Realist?
ItWe know by the body of knowledge obtained from centuries of paranormal investigation that this phenomenon is typical and responsive to experimentation.
There's been centuries of investigation of this, and the best evidence available is still some unreliable testimony and some suspect photos and video footage? Don't you think it's about time somebody produced something tangible?

Ghosts can be provoked to react by the investigators by using trigger objects or by outright challenges.
So the stories go.

They respond in typical ways including EVPs which are voice recordings and instrument manipulation such as the activation of EMF detectors
Both types of "detection" typically occur at the limits of detectability of the instruments being used, meaning that the instruments are essentially recording random noise and stray signals rather than anything meaningful.

You should do yourself a favor and find out all the things paranormal research has turned up over time. Embracing a placeholder is nothing more than an excuse to remain ignorant.
You've managed to keep yourself ignorant about critical thinking over many years now, despite careful tutoring.
#1 is just people telling stories. There are no "facts" there, other than that some people told some stories.

Just a person telling about first hand experiences people and he himself had with the paranormal. Those are the facts that cannot be denied.

#2 shows some furniture moving around and a few other things that could either easily be explained as normal, everyday occurrences, or could be easily deliberately faked without even the need to mess with the video footage.

LOL! Nope..no sign of "normal everyday occurrences" or of anything faked. :rolleyes:

#3 has been dealt with and dismissed previously on sciforums.

Nobody yet has refuted this classic case of paranormal contact. In fact the voice was captured on a rescue worker's body cam. This is a compelling case that stands on its own merits.

Just how gullible are you, Magical Realist?

Just how much in denial are you, James R?
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Magical Realist,
Do you have any clue as to why and how these "occurrences" happen? A theory, a conjecture, a supernatural force?

You cannot call yourself a magical realist unless you can present some sort of realistic equation, like the causes for a mirage to name a non-material phenomenon.
If you cannot claim realism, because there is no testable evidence, then all that there is left is magical and while that is interesting and entertaining, magical then becomes surrrealism
Do you have any clue as to why and how these "occurrences" happen? A theory, a conjecture, a supernatural force?

Minimally I suspect there are invisible otherworldly agents that perform these actions that we experience as paranormal phenomena. But I also feel like the activity can be residual at times, being like a looped tape of the past played over and over again. As when ghosts are observed doing the same things over and over again. Like in the fields at Gettysburg:

That's my theory at least. How it all happens and why I haven't a clue.
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As when ghosts are observed doing the same things over and over again. Like in the fields at Gettysburg:
That's my theory at least. How it all happens and why I haven't a clue.
You know something, I read this and watched the clip and was taken back to my younger days when on holiday in France. My friends and I slept in the now shallow remains of a WW1 trench. No spooks, just overworking of our imaginations whilst waiting for something spooky to happen. Big let down. Carry on, I felt like a little natter.
You know something, I read this and watched the clip and was taken back to my younger days when on holiday in France. My friends and I slept in the now shallow remains of a WW1 trench. No spooks, just overworking of our imaginations whilst waiting for something spooky to happen. Big let down. Carry on, I felt like a little natter.

No guarantees with paranormal research. Some nights you get something. Other nights nothing at all.
Where are the museum's which store these something's?

Actually, mental perception is the only way to perceive ghosts. The mind always produces a disembodied holograph of what you are looking at. Can't get a physical rock inside your head, only it's ghost......:)
Magical Realist:

Just a person telling about first hand experiences people and he himself had with the paranormal. Those are the facts that cannot be denied.
Correct. I can't deny that a person told a story about an experience he thought he had.

LOL! Nope..no sign of "normal everyday occurrences" or of anything faked. :rolleyes:
I disagree.

Nobody yet has refuted this classic case of paranormal contact.
What paranormal contact? Nobody has yet produced any evidence of paranormal contact, so there's nothing to refute.

In fact the voice was captured on a rescue worker's body cam.
Really? How do you know?

This is a compelling case that stands on its own merits.
It's as unconvincing as all the other cases you've ever presented here. In other words, it has very few merits to recommend it.

Just how much in denial are you, James R?
There's no way to tell. You haven't ever presented any evidence that would show I'm in denial. I've never needed to deny anything you've presented here, because none of it ever holds up to the barest scrutiny.
Magical Realist:

Correct. I can't deny that a person told a story about an experience he thought he had.

It all comes down to who is more credible--these people who all say they had a paranormal experience in that office and have no reason to lie or you who says they didn't have a paranormal experience and has every reason to lie because you just don't want to believe in ghosts. The choice is obvious.

What paranormal contact? Nobody has yet produced any evidence of paranormal contact, so there's nothing to refute.

4 rescue workers said they heard a voice calling for help from an upside down car with a dead mother in it and her unconscious baby. I take that as paranormal contact.

Really? How do you know?

It's on the video:

It's as unconvincing as all the other cases you've ever presented here. In other words, it has very few merits to recommend it.

For someone who doesn't want to believe in ghosts and who does everything he can to deny their existence, that's not saying very much.

There's no way to tell. You haven't ever presented any evidence that would show I'm in denial. I've never needed to deny anything you've presented here, because none of it ever holds up to the barest scrutiny.

Yep...that deep in denial.
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It all comes down to who is more credible--these people who all say they had a paranormal experience in that office and have no reason to lie or you who says they didn't have a paranormal experience and has every reason to lie because you just don't want to believe in ghosts. The choice is obvious.
You regularly introduce the idea that these people are lying, before I ever make any such claim. Why is that? Do you secretly doubt them?

Has it ever occurred to you that people might be wrong, without needing to tell deliberate lies?

Your binary thinking impedes your ability to think clearly about these matters, among other problems you have with critical thinking and the ability to take in information that doesn't suit your biases.

4 rescue workers said they heard a voice calling for help from an upside down car with a dead mother in it and her unconscious baby. I take that as paranormal contact.
I take that as 4 rescue workers telling stories.

It's on the video:

Where's the mysterious voice in that video?

Tell me how the body cams record sound, exactly. What media do they use? Where are the mics? What kind of mics are used? Is there any software involved? I assume you're well informed about the relevant facts.

For someone who doesn't want to believe in ghosts and who does everything he can to deny their existence, that's not saying very much.
Why do you think that what I want or do not want is at all relevant? I've merely commented on how appalling bad your standards of evidence are.

You're constantly telling me that your "compelling" evidence speaks for itself, but it never does. It always seems to require your loud-hailer cheerleading behind it. Why is that?
You regularly introduce the idea that these people are lying, before I ever make any such claim. Why is that? Do you secretly doubt them?

Has it ever occurred to you that people might be wrong, without needing to tell deliberate lies?

No..saying they are all wrong about what they experienced is more ludicrous than saying they are lying about it. You weren't there so you don't know. They were so they do know. The amount of events and their nature makes them being wrong about them highly unlikely.

I take that as 4 rescue workers telling stories.

They're talking about what they all heard while they were rescuing that baby. Why do you call it just a "story"? Right..because you don't want to believe in ghosts. How objective of you!

Where's the mysterious voice in that video?

It's on the video starting at 038..

Tell me how the body cams record sound, exactly. What media do they use? Where are the mics? What kind of mics are used? Is there any software involved? I assume you're well informed about the relevant facts.

Who cares? It recorded the voice as they were rescuing the baby. This is undeniable.

Why do you think that what I want or do not want is at all relevant? I've merely commented on how appalling bad your standards of evidence are.

Video evidence and eyewitness testimony are compelling evidence. You have to make light of it because you don't want to believe in ghosts. I get it. That's your go to defense mechanism. But its so transparent as to be laughable..

You're constantly telling me that your "compelling" evidence speaks for itself, but it never does. It always seems to require your loud-hailer cheerleading behind it. Why is that?

I simply post what I find to be compelling evidence of the paranormal. If that bothers you then get rid of the ghost section. You're the one who set it up this way.
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It recorded the voice as they were rescuing the baby. This is undeniable.
When my dad saw a puppet on TV, he used to try to figure out which one of the humans on the screen was the ventriloquist. Even as a kid, I tried to explain to him that there doesn't have to be a ventriloquist but he could never quite grasp the fact that ALL of the sound was coming from a microphone "somewhere" - i.e. the puppet's voice could be coming from somebody offstage or even on another continent.