why we need ghosts

Bullshit. We trust our senses everyday all day long. We drive with our senses, We scan the internet with our senses. We work at our jobs with our senses. At no point do I have to consult anybody about what I am seeing right in front of me. And that goes for paranormal experiences too. People who doubt their senses belong in psych wards,
As previously said: it's not the senses, it's the interpretation and conclusion.
It's the same thing. Our senses gather data and our minds interpret the data. A delusion is, by definition, an interpretation that is not accepted by the consensus.

No it isn't the same thing. He sees his image in the mirror just fine. He just happens to identify as Napolean. It has nothing to do with his senses.
No it isn't the same thing. He sees his image in the mirror just fine. He just happens to identify as Napolean. It has nothing to do with his senses.
An excellent example of how interpretation is distinct from sensing.
Our witness just happens to conclude he's seeing a ghost.
And sometimes you get it wrong.
How often you're wrong will be directly proportional to how far from your daily reality the new experience is.

Further analysis and moving closer are usually sufficient to confirm my conclusion about what it is. I still don't need to consult anyone.
No it isn't the same thing. He sees his image in the mirror just fine. He just happens to identify as Napolean. It has nothing to do with his senses.
You're not listening. The senses by themselves are nothing. It is only the interpretation of the sensory information by the brain that has any meaning. And anything the brain does is subject to error, no matter what the sensory input was.
Further analysis and moving closer are usually sufficient to confirm my conclusion about what it is. I still don't need to consult anyone.
Of course you don't.
You are free to interpret it any way you wish - it is a subjective experience after all.
Of course, if you want anyone else to believe you, it's pretty much useless.

No I don't. People experience ghosts. It's a fact of human experience. See video.
False. People experience mysterious things, and interpret them as ghosts.

Note, by the way, that sometimes people experience mysterious things and interpret them as faeries or angels or demons.
Are you prepared to accept those as well?
That's not a sensory issue. It's a delusional issue.
Watch the Anil Seth clip and tell me where you are having problems with understanding.

What do you believe is causing the delusion?
an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder

There is a really good book named; "Operators and Things", The Inner Life of a Schizophrenic (Barbara O'Brien)
Written by a recovered schizophrenic and a very good insight of when "perception" goes wrong.
She lived with several inner ghosts who ruled her life for a long time.

pdf here; http://www.mysticmissal.org/audio/Operators and Things.pdf
There is a really good book named; "Operators and Things", The Inner Life of a Schizophrenic (Barbara O'Brien)

I'm familiar with it. I agree there's such a thing as mental illness. But I don't believe that fact alone is sufficient basis to discount our sensory experience. Accurate sensory awareness is so crucial to our lives that we wouldn't get thru a day without it. BTW I have no idea what video you keep referring to. Can you post a link?
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Nope..my reality isn't coming apart. And neither is most people's.
Agree most people's reality is not coming apart

Then again you ain't most people, you have a different reality

No...we don't have to consult people about what we are seeing either. :rolleyes:
When we (most people) are not consulting we are knowledgeable about our experience

Based on his sensory experience. Ghosts have a distinctive sensory signature.

Yes I noticed that also

Some people appear to be ghost magnets and others appear to have a built in attraction for UFOs

The exotic composite materials and unknown propulsion system used in UFOs seems to attract UFO believers

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