why we need ghosts

I guess I'll get insulted and flamed again by James R for bringing up another photo after 5 pages of futile attempts to debunk the last one. James R get's upset that there are real photos of ghosts by the thousands. He doesn't want anyone to see them. It makes the paranormal too real for his taste. This particular one's famous. It is the ghost of the Tulip Staircase. Note the stretched and distorted effect on the figure.

"This one is even better authenticated than the Brown Lady picture. It was taken in 1966 in the Queen's House at the Maritime Museum in Greenwich by a Reverend Hardy, a retired clergyman from British Columbia. ..It is a visually confusing picture. You have to understand that it was taken from beneath a curving stairway looking up and the bulk of architecture you see to the left is the underside of the staircase. The Hardys were on vacation and Mrs. Hardy wanted a photograph that would duplicate a picture she'd seen in a magazine. When they got to the staircase (a famous architectural feature of the house) they discovered that they couldn't duplicate the picture in the magazine, which was taken from the top of the stairs, because that area was off limits and, in fact, the stairs themselves were blocked to keep everyone off them...The only shot he could get of the staircase was the awkward angle from below, with the chandelier overhead, so that is the one he took. At the time there was, of course, no one on the stairs. The Hardys didn't discover the figures (if you look closely, there are actually two figures) until they were back in Canada. They turned the original negative over the England's Ghost Club, along with the negatives for the pictures before and after it on the roll. The Ghost Club sent them to Kodak laboratories for analysis and the experts who examined them pronounced them to be not tampered with and said the only explanation for the figures had to be that there was someone or something on the stairs...To the best of my knowledge this picture has never been "debunked". You have to be careful with these classic pictures. Every now and again someone with no photographic credentials will come along and claim to debunk them by offering an explanation that experts have already dismissed. In this case, anyway, "recreating" the picture would be an exercise in futility. The structure in the picture is without doubt the Tulip Staircase and there's no way the museum would have allowed anyone to run up and down it to fake a picture. Remember it was completely cordoned off...A further note about the two figures: If you look closely you can see that both hands on the railing are left hands and both wear wedding rings."==http://www.ghost-mysteries.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=60

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Why ghosts in particular?
Have we not enough characters in mythology, folklore, religion and other superstitions, literature, comic books, computer games and movies to fill all the need for superpowers and mysteries that any species can digest in several lifetimes? (By that I mean: far too many.)
So what's the special thing about ghosts?
It's that they represent people who actually existed; a way of holding on to relationships. Wish- expression, though not fulfilment, unless you're willing to let go of sanity instead of a dead person.
The CREATION is Ofathumable in INFINITNESS WE will Forever evolve into the Eternity of the ALL-MIGHTNESS, so all Our experiences is a part of CREATION Evolution into Perfection of Perfectness, note: I had to create some words to Express my opinions
I never experience dreams "as if I was there".
The colours are significantly muted, often sepia, the sounds are muffled, the detail isn't there, scenes jump around too much and I often seem to be watching it in 3rd person, almost as if it's something on TV.
I am always aware in the back of my mind that it is a dream, but never quite enough to turn it into a lucid dream.
Which is why I enjoy dreaming: I know it is harmless escapism.

And no, I don't believe in ghosts.
Maybe there's a link. ;)
Dreams are an extension of our Consciousness, : forgive me I have to go; G- EL told me to " stop "
I see it exactly in the reverse. IMO, reality from necessity is based on simple mathematical functions and interactions of the *stuff* which makes up our universe. Granting that we do not know everything that make up this stuff and their mathematical functions and interactions, humans can and do imagine things which are not mathematically possible.

A sentient and motivated God is but one example of a mathematically impossible human imaginary construct, IMO. The fact that many people believe in such a construct is due to a human need to make sense of those things we do not yet understand.

In the past Gods were part of our everyday life, but as we learn and understand more and more of universal functions all those gods have fallen by the wayside, until there was only an Image (Tulpa) of a single God, which already has become a *God of the gaps*, due to our ever expanding knowledge of the stuff and their mathematical functions and interactions in this universe.
Wonderfully Express, TRUTH is the ONLY REALITY, so the enemy of TRUTH DISTORTED it to gain control over the mass n so delusions came into Being
If you say so. Like I said before, if even ONE of your "cases" was true, it would be a world event and a world discussion. As it is, it's just you presenting BS on the BS section of a science forum.
I can see, judging from your responses you don't know your astral body, Your SPIRIT body Your mental body and the many more mental, psychic and spiritual bodies we all possesses, but one day you will wake up Especially after this life, little child that you are.... anyway G- EL in my stomach told me to stop my post..... Love and Peace To you ALL
Wonderfully Express, TRUTH is the ONLY REALITY, so the enemy of TRUTH DISTORTED it to gain control over the mass n so delusions came into Being
I can see, judging from your responses you don't know your astral body, Your SPIRIT body Your mental body and the many more mental, psychic and spiritual bodies we all possesses, but one day you will wake up Especially after this life, little child that you are.... anyway G- EL in my stomach told me to stop my post..... Love and Peace To you ALL
Your post # 270 was so promising,
Why did you spoil it in post # 271 ?
Dreams are an extension of our Consciousness, : forgive me I have to go; G- EL told me to " stop "
Actually dreams are an extension of your subconscious. Your conscious part is "asleep".

When your internal organs act up, they send a chemical signal to your brain that "something is wrong".
This phenomenon is called "introspection", and you have no conscious control of this.

It is a function of the subconscious "regulatory system", and is the part that stays awake even if you are anesthetized.

It is not a "demon" but a bunch of tiny little friends (sensory nerves) inside your organs, which normally control the function. This is completely subconscious and only when something goes wrong do they signal your conscious brain (pain) and you can make the decision to go to the doctor.

Do watch Anil Seth (posted elsewhere), who describes this in detail
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I guess I'll get insulted and flamed again by James R for bringing up another photo after 5 pages of futile attempts to debunk the last one. James R get's upset that there are real photos of ghosts by the thousands. He doesn't want anyone to see them. It makes the paranormal too real for his taste. This particular one's famous. It is the ghost of the Tulip Staircase. Note the stretched and distorted effect on the figure.
Why is that a "distorted picture"? If I take a picture of a person or object it is never distorted unless there is atmospheric or light distortion. But if we have a distorted picture it is no longer reliable as proof of anything, it just becomes a distorted image, like the face of jesus in the cream of your coffee.

Wanna see some ghosts? Plenty of them here.
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Magical Realist said:
I've shown nothing but firsthand accounts, video evidence, and photo evidence. Denying this won't work.

Firsthand accounts are meaningless unless they are independently corroborated. That's the sciency part of Truth..:cool:


So then what Scientists are willing to put themselves in the position of the experience of ghosts , to show that the experience of a ghost is not valid ?