Why should we want to know if there is a God? What good is the concept?

If that is what you believe I'm thinking, then we are doing a piss-poor job of communicating.

I'm being vague so that we all can deduce the meaning which is bigger than what I can describe. Words like enlightenment and justice are not it, but are a big part of the things I'd like to see us all work towards. Material enjoyment is a part of enlightenment and justice, but not a very large one.
Why is material enjoyment part of justice?
I mean if part of our sinful desire (expressed as the desire to be separate from god and hence - attempt to - take up residence here) finds its expression int he pursuit of material enjoyment , why bring words like "justice" to bear on it?

Nothing is impossible.
heaps of things are impossible

For instance its impossible to cure a disease while simultaneously maintaining the cause ... or its impossible to light a fire while simultaneously pouring water on it.

Similarly its impossible to surmount the problems we commonly bring altruism to bear on (like poverty for example) when in the name of a balanced society, we are defeated by greed, wrath, envy, etc
Where there is a will there is a way. Realistically, such a change will cost many lives. I just wish we all could wake up and start changing ourselves more so it wouldn't be so expensive. I know it can be done because I, like many others, am moving towards enlightenment. My measure of this is the quality of life which goes beyond the physical.
all you have been talking about is attempting to relieve a few people from poverty (even if you die trying).

I have pointed out that this doesn't really solve the problems of life (either for you or your recipient) since the real problems of life come about from trying to enjoy this world (which automatically gives rise to wrath, envy, etc in some shape or form)

The real path of enlightenment involves dealing with these issues of being materially conditioned ... which require knowledge of god, one's relationship with him, one's relationship with this phenomenal world, etc.

IOW for as long as one thinks that this world is essentially a tool for one's enjoyment, there is no enlightenment, no justice and no happiness
I agree 100%, except for the theory that it requires god. I know it doesn't require it, because I've moved further up the path than I ever had as a Christian. This in itself is puzzling to me. If god is so real, then how can this be possible?
On the contrary, its clear that because you don't have god, you are viewing this world in a conditioned fashion.

All you have talked about in the pursuit of the path is (attempting) to relieve others of poverty ... and frankly, from what you have explained of it, it appears that your local employment agency is more advanced on the path than yourself ....
And I have examples in my life where those who do have the knowledge, fall back hard. So, what good is that?
fall back where?

Poverty is not the problem. The root cause is injustice or sin, and a poor man can be the one to blame, but isn't necessarily the one where blame truly lies.
Ignorance of god is the problem, since in the absence of an understanding on the over arching authority of the entire phenomenal world (and even beyond ...) one naturally falls back on a sense of duty which is mundane at best or a fast track to degradation in teh hot headed pursuit of one's insignificant desires at worst

This isn't true for every case. Some, provided the chance and direction, come out of sin or away from it. It isn't god who provides the direction. It is a good man, with good philosophy (regardless of the source), that aids the poor and sick in every successful case.
the reason its not true in every case is because material poverty (or prosperity) play no part in determining the degree that one is sinful (although it does happen that one with facility has more opportunity to act on sinful desire, since they have the resources to effect action in this world).

Allocation of resources has no intrinsic quality for the soul.
You are born with nothing
You die with nothing

This world is not here for you to enjoy nor renounce, since to do either of those two first requires ownership

IOW if the final last word of your spiritual acts involve benefiting the poor and sick (regardless whether you do it with or without philosophy) you haven't even really began.

For as long as a living entity doesn't receive a clue of direction from god, one is definitely amongst the waves of conditioned existence (IOW they are incapable of bestowing real benefit on them selves, much less any one else)
What makes you think theists "want you to know God"?
In which religion are the members not encouraged to spread the truth (about god).

I don't believe you are as happy, or, as content as you make out, but as least you have some temporary, illusory satisfaction.
I never said I was particularly happy. I am at peace with joy that is beyond comprehension that things are the way they are and that I should only believe what I must and do what I can do. The truth brings enlightenment. I can do nothing and achieve nothing. I can do something and still achieve nothing. So, I might as well do something and have hope that everyone else will pay it forward and thus the world would change.

Who say's it is impossible to achieve enlightenment without God?
And what is enlightenment?


Enlightenment is peace, love, joy, and courage to do good. It is the knowledge of how injustice is evil and how evil is wasteful.
Ignorance of god is the problem

But how can one learn about God?

Just because someone, or a book, claims to talk about God, does not necessarily mean that they in fact talk about God. (Or does it? Is the Book of Mormon really inspired by God, or was it composed by a man?)

How can a person who seeks to learn about God, and who admits to not have definitive knowledge of God, discern which source indeed is about God and which one is not?
Which book to read and which one to put aside? Whom to listen to and whom to ignore?

On principle, I agree that it is paramount to act in line with God's desires. But given the mess that is taking place in the name of "truth about God" (ie. the countless theistic teachings), it seems impossible to make any kind of sane choice about who could be or is right.
Why is material enjoyment part of justice?
I mean if part of our sinful desire (expressed as the desire to be separate from god and hence - attempt to - take up residence here) finds its expression int he pursuit of material enjoyment , why bring words like "justice" to bear on it?

I am thinking simply that a worker is owed his wages. It is just that a worker is paid and is able to spend his wages. There must be balance in work and play to understand the meaning of life. I've lived life on each side and found that a healthy balance is what is needed to gain the wisdom about what is truly important: which is life. In this small way, material enjoyment is just.

heaps of things are impossible

For instance its impossible to cure a disease while simultaneously maintaining the cause ... or its impossible to light a fire while simultaneously pouring water on it.

Similarly its impossible to surmount the problems we commonly bring altruism to bear on (like poverty for example) when in the name of a balanced society, we are defeated by greed, wrath, envy, etc

You are right, it is all but impossible. But, change starts with one and must be paid forward. If the chain is broken, then we have to restart. These things become impossible when the chain is broken and not restarted. Achieving success is a product of perseverance. I hope for this, but realistically and unfortunately, the only way to cure some things is to cut it out or burn it down and start over. I hope it doesn't come to destruction, but I also hope that one day the impossible will be reality. If not in my lifetime, but maybe someday. It is a pleasant thought, but not enough to take the easy solution to the problem for sanity's sake and just have faith it will come to pass by the hand of god. We have to do something. Besides, what will be our response to god if we had the power to change, but neglected to do so because we were confident that our prayers would suffice?

All you have talked about in the pursuit of the path is (attempting) to relieve others of poverty ... and frankly, from what you have explained of it, it appears that your local employment agency is more advanced on the path than yourself ....

The employment agency is something good. But that doesn't solve the problem. I do credit them on helping more people than god though, because god helps no one.

The real problem is sin, which is evil deeds and attitudes which breeds evil deeds like injustice. Sin causes poverty, whether it be poor in spirit or in money, or whether it be the person's doing, or other people. Some person or people most assuredly had the choice somewhere to prevent the effect called poverty on a case by case basis. The poor are failures who have been failed. They are a both the victim and sinner.

fall back where?
I meant that no one is immune to sin, so what difference does it make believing in God? The path to enlightenment is the same. Theists and non-theists still have to make the same day-to-day decisions of good and evil. The knowledge of God does not help in any way. In fact, I propose it is a hindrance because believing in god promotes selfish thinking. Caught unawares, the theists get trapped into focusing on making it to heaven or perhaps being rewarded in heaven, which is selfish.

Ignorance of god is the problem, since in the absence of an understanding on the over arching authority of the entire phenomenal world (and even beyond ...) one naturally falls back on a sense of duty which is mundane at best or a fast track to degradation in teh hot headed pursuit of one's insignificant desires at worst
Mundane life? Life is life. It is experienced. Whether it is mundane or not is up to the individual. In fact, that is precisely why Christians have what they call "Revivals". They are not immune mediocrity or degrading desires (plenty of that mush in the papers today).

This is an interesting thought though. I was thinking just today while passing a cemetary. It said on the gate "Catholic Cemetary" carved in marble. Then I got to thinking about Catholicism and about how interesting all the fancy buildings and rituals are. It is all mystic and downright interesting. It's like playing with a Ouji board, except better because so many people play along. It almost makes me want to become catholic.

Anyhow, it is interesting what role rituals play in religion. It leaves the user with a sense of awe.

This world is not here for you to enjoy nor renounce, since to do either of those two first requires ownership
Are you not responsible for the things you do? Responsibility implies ownership. If you don't own your life, you are not responsible for it.

For as long as a living entity doesn't receive a clue of direction from god, one is definitely amongst the waves of conditioned existence (IOW they are incapable of bestowing real benefit on them selves, much less any one else)
This is true. Take god out and put "every living thing", and we still are left with a true statement. Conditioned existence is exactly what religion promotes, which I agree is not beneficial and is why I started this thread to begin with. What good is the concept if it can be achieved with other means?
The concept of a God provides emotional support for whose wishing to be looked after and cared about.

I agree.

The concept is a way, but I say there are better ways.

There was a time I was thinking about becoming a Christian (and even swear fealty to God) again so that my son would receive the help he needed. After therapy and medication it just wasn't working out well, so we were considering Christianity. I chose not to go with the brainwashing and took another avenue suggested by a sciforums member, and now he is doing so well we're talking about him returning to regular classrooms now!
That's great, jayleew, plus there is downside to the concept of being taken care of, for then one has puppet strings attached, rather than being and feeling free.

In which religion are the members not encouraged to spread the truth (about god).

You specifically said "theist".

I never said I was particularly happy. I am at peace with joy that is beyond comprehension that things are the way they are and that I should only believe what I must and do what I can do. The truth brings enlightenment. I can do nothing and achieve nothing. I can do something and still achieve nothing. So, I might as well do something and have hope that everyone else will pay it forward and thus the world would change.

Enlightenment is peace, love, joy, and courage to do good. It is the knowledge of how injustice is evil and how evil is wasteful.

All the best. :)

I am thinking simply that a worker is owed his wages. It is just that a worker is paid and is able to spend his wages. There must be balance in work and play to understand the meaning of life. I've lived life on each side and found that a healthy balance is what is needed to gain the wisdom about what is truly important: which is life. In this small way, material enjoyment is just.
So in societies that don't operate out of a notion of delayed rewards for obscure activity, there is no justice?

You are right, it is all but impossible. But, change starts with one and must be paid forward. If the chain is broken, then we have to restart. These things become impossible when the chain is broken and not restarted. Achieving success is a product of perseverance. I hope for this, but realistically and unfortunately, the only way to cure some things is to cut it out or burn it down and start over. I hope it doesn't come to destruction, but I also hope that one day the impossible will be reality. If not in my lifetime, but maybe someday. It is a pleasant thought, but not enough to take the easy solution to the problem for sanity's sake and just have faith it will come to pass by the hand of god. We have to do something. Besides, what will be our response to god if we had the power to change, but neglected to do so because we were confident that our prayers would suffice?
if society is guided by nothing more than an egoistic sense of ownership of this world (even a benevolent sense of egoistic ownership) it won't happen.

The reason is because the position is already taken.

Namely, the world belongs to god, and there's a set function for the resources and what not.

Thats why an absence of knowledge god automatically lands one in vice to a greater or lesser extent, regardless whether one is apparently affiliated with a religious institution or not.

The employment agency is something good. But that doesn't solve the problem. I do credit them on helping more people than god though, because god helps no one.
The reason it doesn't solve the problem is because money can't buy happiness (granted that money can provide base facility for existence in today's society).

This is why any sort of mission for relieving people from poverty as some sort of perfectional path is flawed.
The real problem is sin, which is evil deeds and attitudes which breeds evil deeds like injustice.
and the root of sin is ignorance of god, since thats the state that empowers all sinfula acts
Sin causes poverty, whether it be poor in spirit or in money, or whether it be the person's doing, or other people.
you are wrong.
Poverty has nothing to do with sin.

How is living without a tv and a hot water system a consequence of sin?
Some person or people most assuredly had the choice somewhere to prevent the effect called poverty on a case by case basis. The poor are failures who have been failed. They are a both the victim and sinner.
There is no failure simply because one is poor.

Attributing spiritual value to material facility is nonsense

I meant that no one is immune to sin, so what difference does it make believing in God?
Merely believing god may be slightly helpful in surmounting sin, but immunity from sin requires that one be fully god conscious.
The path to enlightenment is the same. Theists and non-theists still have to make the same day-to-day decisions of good and evil.
I have to digress.

and that's precisely it.

If awareness of god doesn't come in to play in one's day to day decisions, there isn't any difference.

And if one is trying to play the game of good and evil purely within the material realm in ignorance of god, then its merely a pursuit that offers relative rewards
The knowledge of God does not help in any way. In fact, I propose it is a hindrance because believing in god promotes selfish thinking.

Ignorance of god promotes elfish behaviour, since the default position is to view this world solely in terms of "I" and "mine" (which in turn, promotes wrath, envy the whole kaboodle)
Caught unawares, the theists get trapped into focusing on making it to heaven or perhaps being rewarded in heaven, which is selfish.
On a neophyte level, perhaps the candidate wants to go heaven because he hears that god and everyone there has it pretty good. To be a serious candidate for the spiritual world however, one has to abandon that, since the spiritual world is all about god and service to god, whereas the material world is all about me and service to me (or my family, or my nation, or my people, or my species, and so on)

IOW there are two very clear paths for the pursuit of happiness - the materialist has one idea and the spiritualist has a different one. Actually the example you cite bears more in common with your path, since the notion of pursuing facility as the key to happiness is exactly what the material world provides (along with many key lessons that this is not the actual path of happiness ....)

Mundane life? Life is life.
and its the values that one lives by that shapes it
It is experienced. Whether it is mundane or not is up to the individual.
actually its up to the experience that one's values provide

In fact, that is precisely why Christians have what they call "Revivals". They are not immune mediocrity or degrading desires (plenty of that mush in the papers today).
if one pursues the values of pursuing material facility (or glorifying the pursuit as the topmost of values, and hence spreading the word to the masses), its a mundane revival
This is an interesting thought though. I was thinking just today while passing a cemetary. It said on the gate "Catholic Cemetary" carved in marble. Then I got to thinking about Catholicism and about how interesting all the fancy buildings and rituals are. It is all mystic and downright interesting. It's like playing with a Ouji board, except better because so many people play along. It almost makes me want to become catholic.
any sort of decoration on a dead body is simply done to satisfy the foolish.
After a person has left there body, the consequences of their acts are already well in motion
Anyhow, it is interesting what role rituals play in religion. It leaves the user with a sense of awe.
For as long as there is a society of any sort, there is ritual. I guess our greatest and most common indicator is the language of semiotics within advertising

Are you not responsible for the things you do?
sure, but that doesn't give me ownership over the objects I do things with or the people I do things with

Responsibility implies ownership.
and since the only thing you are really responsible for is yourself, thats all you really own (although conditioned life does a fine job of stuffing even that up through the agencies of envy, wrath etc)
If you don't own your life, you are not responsible for it.
sure but I am not sure how this relates to .....

This world is not here for you to enjoy nor renounce, since to do either of those two first requires ownership

This is true. Take god out and put "every living thing", and we still are left with a true statement.
the problem is that you are not in a position to serve evry living entity.

Even if you want to somehow draw up a plan for personal satisfaction by relieving a handful of people from poverty, they will still be dissatisfied.
Conditioned existence is exactly what religion promotes, which I agree is not beneficial and is why I started this thread to begin with.
the problem is that you have tried to establish how the path of material prosperity is the path of being free from conditioned existence.

This is simply not the case.

There are even studies done that after one has enough money to get food to eat and a place to stay, further acquisition of funds and resources doesn't really do much for a person

What good is the concept if it can be achieved with other means?
the problem is that you haven't achieved it.

All you have done is dressed up altruism with vague platitudes,coupled with a deluded sense of freedom that sees one bound to the material body and
all its inherent weaknesses, shortcomings, vices and sufferings
I am not wondering about God, I would like to know why many others are still wondering...the same people who I've spoken with for many years are still wondering. Part of me wouldn't mind seeing this Religion forum closed, but part of me is entertained by all the folks here.

If you have never wondered about god then it means you have no opinion about what god even is.

To think or to know something is admitting to previous thoughts about it otherwise you would have never thought about god and come to a conclusion.

I think you mean why are people being obsessed with God, or in other words once you "Decide" god does not exist then why would you continue to debate it with people.

you are wrong.
Poverty has nothing to do with sin.

How is living without a tv and a hot water system a consequence of sin?
There are many influences on the situation a person is in. If I were to pin down just a few: drug addiction, theft, laziness, and perhaps murder if you were caused to spiral into depression due to the death of a loved one and society failed to pick you up. There are many sins that cause poverty of emotion and material wealth.

There is no failure simply because one is poor.
Everyone who is poor is for an unjust reason, regardless of if it was self-inflicted or not.

It looks to me that we're on the same page except one crucial thing concerning elightenment: that god is required. That is obvious I suppose, but it is the point of why I bring up this topic. Is there anything else that god provides? Any real specific need that is met that the non-theist and theist can agree would be desirable to achieve? Because the theist has called the source of enlightenment, god, it really hampers the ability to work together to change the world. The reason is because the atheist just can't understand. We can't understand why we need god when we have no lacking. No need cannot be met by our brothers and sisters. It doesn't make any sense to even want to know god, just like it doesn't make any sense for the theist to want to remove god.

Ignorance of god promotes selfish behaviour, since the default position is to view this world solely in terms of "I" and "mine" (which in turn, promotes wrath, envy the whole kaboodle)
There is no proof that ignorance of god promotes selfish behavior. But, I can give examples of theists who are selfish. Just like I can give examples of atheists who are selfish. It's probably about 50/50 chance if you believe in god or not. No one is immune to the problem.

Everyone deep down has the primal instinct to survive and live relatively painless. To go against this, we need a reason. Some use god's philosophy and some use other philosophy.

This teaching comes out of scripture and it is bad rhetoric, it is in fact injustice manifested. To judge another person based on their religious beliefs or lack therof is unjust.

On a neophyte level, perhaps the candidate wants to go heaven because he hears that god and everyone there has it pretty good. To be a serious candidate for the spiritual world however, one has to abandon that, since the spiritual world is all about god and service to god, whereas the material world is all about me and service to me (or my family, or my nation, or my people, or my species, and so on)

Service to others is not service unto oneself. That doesn't make an ounce of sense. Besides, if I applied that logic, then serving god is about me as well because it is my god that I serve.

Try selling that crap to organ donors and bone marrow donors.

This is more lies, but this time it isn't scriptural like the previous example.

any sort of decoration on a dead body is simply done to satisfy the foolish.
After a person has left there body, the consequences of their acts are already well in motion

This will be interesting to find out if it is true. I don't believe it, but I make it a point to avoid evil just because it is the right thing to do, not for any reward in the afterlife. And when I screw up, I pay my debt, and I beg for forgiveness, and I learn to change my thinking to fix the problem and make good thing come from the bad.

and since the only thing you are really responsible for is yourself, thats all you really own (although conditioned life does a fine job of stuffing even that up through the agencies of envy, wrath etc)

the problem is that you are not in a position to serve evry living entity.

Even if you want to somehow draw up a plan for personal satisfaction by relieving a handful of people from poverty, they will still be dissatisfied.

Happiness is not the point of enlightenment. The point is to evolve, to grow to be more productive, and better "soul" that shadows perfection. Happiness is a byproduct of the blood and sweat it takes to follow the path. Theists and non-theists on the path both shed it. Theists and non-theists who persue enlightenment alike are here to grow. Some other people don't understand that.

The whole point of this topic is why be a theist when the path is the same, but it is the end that is different, when the end is honestly unknown without belief.

What do you think God would say to a person like me who walks like a follower, but does everything for no glory, but just to improve and do no harm, and improve other lives. According to the Christian bible, I'm a dead man. But, what would you say?

What I'm getting to is what other motivation do I have to believe other than the threat of death of my soul? This is a terrible motivator to want to know god because I (take it or leave you don't know me) I have no reason to want god, which doesn't make sense to me if god exists.

Some may ask, why do I care? Well, no offense, I just have no other explanation than I have an open mind. I am interested in why so many people are apparently brainwashed. What is it about the human condition that feels the need for religion? It makes me wonder is it true, or is religion part of the problem. We need to help people like my son without using god. Why? Because if god exists or not, it would have been a mistake to use the notion of god to heal my son. So if he got better without god, what are we doing wasting our time with religion? It seems like we're plugging up the pipes of helping the world heal. Theists are a stopgap because they believe god is required to heal the soul. I'm concerned, that's why.

How many churches split every day? Aren't they supposed to be helping us all to god, and ultimately to a better quality of soul and spirit? It's not working, let's try something else.
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To know God was real would effectively change the meaning of our lives just as science changes our uniform understanding of how things work.