Why should we want to know if there is a God? What good is the concept?


Who Cares
Valued Senior Member
Why should we want to know if there is a God? What good is the concept?

Surely theists have a good reason to believe? Forget the proof of God for a moment and explain why should non-believers want to know God? Everything I could ever want is either within me or around me, even if I have to move me to achieve what it is I hope or want for.

We have the power to change, and change others. We can achieve what God cannot because we are the hands, the mind, the body, and the feet of what God should be. Who feeds the hungry and tends to the sick? Who toils the land and defends the weak? Who loves? Who gives peace to the world? Everything is administered by the hand of man, so why should we want God when our faults can be administered to?

One who says it is impossible for man to achieve enlightenment without God is already doomed to fail to achieve enlightenment with or without God.
Why wouldn't you want to know?

I find it hard to believe you don't think that knowledge would be impactive at all.
Why wouldn't you want to know?

I find it hard to believe you don't think that knowledge would be impactive at all.

As impactive as it would be if we are not alone in the universe, i'm sure it would impact the world. I've got better things to do than to figure out how I am going to figure out the answer to a question.

Why should I look for something that there are only stories about? Without a shred of concrete evidence that is perceived. Perhaps when we uncover something later that we didn't know was there, but why jump the gun? Isn't it a waste of time to hope in something that may or may not be true?

With all the problems and all the things in the universe to discover, why concern ourselves over this question. Why not just live our lives and move on? Why should we unbelievers want to know God?
Why should we want to know if there is a God? What good is the concept?

Facing things like this, every day -




- one eventually needs to have a firm stance on where we all come from, where we are going and should be going.
With all the problems and all the things in the universe to discover, why concern ourselves over this question. Why not just live our lives and move on? Why should we unbelievers want to know God?

If the question of God would really be so irrelevant to you, you wouldn't be here posting about it, obviously.

But since you're here, it is you who needs to ask yourself why you are wondering about God.
As impactive as it would be if we are not alone in the universe, i'm sure it would impact the world. I've got better things to do than to figure out how I am going to figure out the answer to a question.

Why should I look for something that there are only stories about? Without a shred of concrete evidence that is perceived. Perhaps when we uncover something later that we didn't know was there, but why jump the gun? Isn't it a waste of time to hope in something that may or may not be true?

With all the problems and all the things in the universe to discover, why concern ourselves over this question. Why not just live our lives and move on? Why should we unbelievers want to know God?

It helps. It enables you, empowers you, inspires you, and answers the question "why" ultimately.
If the question of God would really be so irrelevant to you, you wouldn't be here posting about it, obviously.

But since you're here, it is you who needs to ask yourself why you are wondering about God.

I am not wondering about God, I would like to know why many others are still wondering...the same people who I've spoken with for many years are still wondering. Part of me wouldn't mind seeing this Religion forum closed, but part of me is entertained by all the folks here.
It helps. It enables you, empowers you, inspires you, and answers the question "why" ultimately.

For unbelievers who have all these things, the why also provides these things as well. Answering the "why" leads to complacency, believer or non-believer alike.

If there was no "why" we wouldn't be exploring space, and consequently, we would have less scientific advances.

If there's no need to answer the why and no need for more empowerment, peace, or inspiration, then what good is God...or what danger is God?

It just doesn't make a lot of sense to concern ourselves with it when God accomplishes so little, and mankind is dying and bleeding to accomplish what God should help with.
Facing things like this, every day -




- one eventually needs to have a firm stance on where we all come from, where we are going and should be going.

What good is God if he can't help that poor man? What good is God if he can't reach those two ladies in the back to reach out to him?
Why would we want to know? For me, it's only because of religious people. No man is an island, and this belief affects many aspects of our life and politics.
For unbelievers who have all these things, the why also provides these things as well. Answering the "why" leads to complacency, believer or non-believer alike.

If there was no "why" we wouldn't be exploring space, and consequently, we would have less scientific advances.

If there's no need to answer the why and no need for more empowerment, peace, or inspiration, then what good is God...or what danger is God?

It just doesn't make a lot of sense to concern ourselves with it when God accomplishes so little, and mankind is dying and bleeding to accomplish what God should help with.

Peace and complacency are not the same thing. And its not as if the answer is "god", and that's it. God actually gives you a perspective that helps explain quite a bit, like why it is, for all of our "advancement" we're even more fucked than we ever were. You think space exploration will save us? Come on! Love is the only thing that's ever going to save us, and its not hiding in outer space. We're not going to discover love in a lab. The reason we suffer is because we don't love and the reason we don't love is because we deny god.
Peace and complacency are not the same thing. And its not as if the answer is "god", and that's it. God actually gives you a perspective that helps explain quite a bit, like why it is, for all of our "advancement" we're even more fucked than we ever were. You think space exploration will save us? Come on! Love is the only thing that's ever going to save us, and its not hiding in outer space. We're not going to discover love in a lab. The reason we suffer is because we don't love and the reason we don't love is because we deny god.

That's why I chose the word complacency. Knowing the answer kills the spirit.

We don't need God for an answer as to why for all of our advancement we've not solved the problem(s). Space exploration is a better use of time than to pray for sight for the blind. It is a fact. Love helps, but justice is the only thing that will save us. With love, inequities can be forgiven and with love the needs can be filled.

We don't love because we deny god? Altruism is of love, and God is not the sole provider. I didn't understand this as a believer, so I don't expect any believer to understand.

Love of man can be obtained just as you can love a plant, but it's more complicated. You have to accept yourself. In fact, when you pause the loathing of your own nature that God says exists (which he has a point), then you can accept yourself the way you are and inhibit your capacity to do harm. Once you do that, then you can love others more easily and quickly than if you had prayed for God to help. Eventually, you will find the good in yourself and the good in others and look past each other's faults and recognize that your brother is just as fucked up as you are. You will take responsibility and take action to prevent making so many mistakes.

In fact, you will automatically fulfill all of your religious scripture's commands except the one: Believe in god.

And that is part of the nagging question of mine on this topic. If enlightenment can be achieved by other means, what good is God because it doesn't do anything.
That's why I chose the word complacency. Knowing the answer kills the spirit.

We don't need God for an answer as to why for all of our advancement we've not solved the problem(s). Space exploration is a better use of time than to pray for sight for the blind. It is a fact. Love helps, but justice is the only thing that will save us. With love, inequities can be forgiven and with love the needs can be filled.

We don't love because we deny god? Altruism is of love, and God is not the sole provider. I didn't understand this as a believer, so I don't expect any believer to understand.

Love of man can be obtained just as you can love a plant, but it's more complicated. You have to accept yourself. In fact, when you pause the loathing of your own nature that God says exists (which he has a point), then you can accept yourself the way you are and inhibit your capacity to do harm. Once you do that, then you can love others more easily and quickly than if you had prayed for God to help. Eventually, you will find the good in yourself and the good in others and look past each other's faults and recognize that your brother is just as fucked up as you are. You will take responsibility and take action to prevent making so many mistakes.

In fact, you will automatically fulfill all of your religious scripture's commands except the one: Believe in god.

And that is part of the nagging question of mine on this topic. If enlightenment can be achieved by other means, what good is God because it doesn't do anything.

Love, the answer, does not kill the spirit, it fills the spirit. It is invincible!

I'm not suggesting we spend our time on our knees and in the pews.

I'm suggesting we stop doing the same wrong things for the same wrong reasons, and change ourselves so we can change the world.

God has done that for me.
Love, the answer, does not kill the spirit, it fills the spirit. It is invincible!

I'm not suggesting we spend our time on our knees and in the pews.

I'm suggesting we stop doing the same wrong things for the same wrong reasons, and change ourselves so we can change the world.

God has done that for me.

Love is only part of the answer. Love does only a little good without getting your hands dirty, which comes from the desire for justice for all. Complacency kills the spirit, and that comes from knowing the why.

God doesn't need to do anything for me, I have already adopted altruism. I did so with the help of others throughout my whole life.

So why should I want to know if there is a God? What is it that I don't know that I am lacking? Why should i even be concerned about it if I don't know that I am lacking whatever it is?
Love is only part of the answer. Love does only a little good without getting your hands dirty, which comes from the desire for justice for all. Complacency kills the spirit, and that comes from knowing the why.

God doesn't need to do anything for me, I have already adopted altruism. I did so with the help of others throughout my whole life.

So why should I want to know if there is a God? What is it that I don't know that I am lacking? Why should i even be concerned about it if I don't know that I am lacking whatever it is?

I suppose you're speaking from your own experience which I am not relating to at all. The answer does not lead to complacency for me. Quite the opposite...
Empowerment, capability, strength, bravery, honesty, humility, and a perspective that quite obviously differs from most.
Why should we want to know if there is a God? What good is the concept?
I would have thought its obvious - if we can think any one of a million good reasons to know if there is a person in charge or control of a corporation or country, it shouldn't be so difficult to understand what the supreme person can bring to the inquisitive.

If a person doesn't think so, its simply because they are short sighted or possessed of insignificant desire bordering on ignorance (for instance a person may simply be satisfied with knowledge of who the local constable is as opposed to the wider political framework that empowers persons as constables etc merely due to a provincial outlook)
Surely theists have a good reason to believe? Forget the proof of God for a moment and explain why should non-believers want to know God? Everything I could ever want is either within me or around me, even if I have to move me to achieve what it is I hope or want for.
for a start, everything around you (and even your bodily concept of self hood) is temporary and can be undone in a moment and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. IOW all that you are attached to (and indeed your very vehicle of attachment) are invested with despair
We have the power to change, and change others.
on the contrary, we are caught in the power of change
We can achieve what God cannot because we are the hands, the mind, the body, and the feet of what God should be.
You are completely wrong
Nothing substantial is a consequence of our hands, mind or body (what to speak of our feet)
Who feeds the hungry and tends to the sick?
regardless whether you feed/cure them or not, they all die regardless (and even if you do, its the nature of desire to have ambitions, at least in the human form of life, way above mere health and a lined stomach - there are practically whole countries of healthy, well fed and dissatisfied persons .... and besides, the task of curing and feeding others draws heavily upon resources that humans are at the mercy of

Who toils the land and defends the weak?
who provides fruit to one's toils and strength to the strong?
Who loves?
not many

Who gives peace to the world?
even less than the above ... if however the question was who manipulates economies to reinforce their position as authoritative we might be able to agree on quite a few different contenders from the bast several hundred years
Everything is administered by the hand of man, so why should we want God when our faults can be administered to?
probably because we are doing such a dreadful task at such administration - I mean its difficult to look at the advent of the industrial revolution over the past 200 years as a consequence of forward thinking ...

One who says it is impossible for man to achieve enlightenment without God is already doomed to fail to achieve enlightenment with or without God.
Actually its more accurate to say that one who says its possible to achieve happiness in the material world is doomed with or without god
Why do you say that god is not helping them?
Why do you say those two are out of his reach?

Because he isn't. It might be a Christian, it might be an atheist, it might be no one that is helping the poor. But, the point is, God isn't doing anything. Most people do not give the time of day to the poor. God has had his chance to correct the world's problems. It's time that we step in and start doing instead of praying.
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probably because we are doing such a dreadful task at such administration - I mean its difficult to look at the advent of the industrial revolution over the past 200 years as a consequence of forward thinking ...

But, we're supposed to be on God's watch. At least we've not sat on our hands and saved at least one person. In that case it is mankind 1, God 0.

I don't agree that it's difficult to think of the ingenuity of mankind. Complacency is the enemy of ingenuity and forward thinking. We lack that as a whole today because too many are complacent and half are Christian. The problem is there's nothing to remove those particular Christians from complacency because they have faith. They are more concerned with building "treasure in heaven" rather than treasures on Earth. And I'm not talking about material possessions.

Actually its more accurate to say that one who says its possible to achieve happiness in the material world is doomed with or without god

This doesn't make sense because I exist. If I exist, then it must be possible.
Why should we want to know if there is a God? What good is the concept?

I'm not sure that there is a single concept of 'God'. It's more like a family of concepts.

In its broad and general sense, 'God' refers to the result of kind of collapsing together (syncretizing) the personalized divinities from a variety of traditional monotheistic mythologies, then identifying the result with a whole set of abstract functions like first-cause, designer, ontological basis of being, unchanging source of universals, ultimate goal of change and so on, taken from the philosophical tradition.

In its narrower and more specific sense, 'God' refers to whatever deity the speaker happens to believe in.

And it seems that there's a common English-usage tradition of capitalizing references to a/the monotheistic deity ('God') while leaving references to polytheistic deities uncapitalized ('god'). But that's arbitrary and tendentious in my opinion. Monotheistic traditions don't really deserve more respect or credence than polytheistic traditions. So the 'God' concept would probably have to include all the polytheistic conceptions as well, if only for completeness, and that in turn broadens the concept's scope consideraly and takes us all the way to ideas like nature spirits.