Why Priest Can't Marry?

Spannerotoole said:
Just on the comment on st peter not being married
I have SCRIPTURAL proof that he was. I refer you to
Matthew 8:14
When Jesus came into Peter's house, he saw Peter's mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever
How could peter not have a mother in law if he was not married
I put this question to cathecists and others who say that peter wasn't married.
Remember to contradict what's in the bible is a sin against god and tantamount to the sin of blasphemy (Unforgivable)

because the family structure and systems of relations were different in biblical times, mother in law might not necessarily mean the mother of peters wife. also it could just be a mistranslation like half of the other words in the bible. by the way there is no such thing as "scriptural proof" the scriptures are proof of nothing in and of themselves seeing as how they present no empirical evidence of anything.
Spannerotoole said:
Just on the comment on st peter not being married I have SCRIPTURAL proof that he was. I refer you to
Matthew 8:14
When Jesus came into Peter's house, he saw Peter's mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever How could peter not have a mother in law if he was not married I put this question to cathecists and others who say that peter wasn't married. Remember to contradict what's in the bible is a sin against god and tantamount to the sin of blasphemy (Unforgivable)
M*W: Taking the Bible literally, it states that Peter was married. The Popes following Peter were also married. When the Second Lateran Council met in 1139, manditory celibacy for priests was instituted for two reasons: 1) because sexual intercourse was unclean and evil; and 2) it was a way for the RCC to hold and control a priest's worldly goods instead of allowing the wife and kids to inherit.

Taken allegorically, however, Peter (the "rock") was symbolic of the Earth. Peter's wife was symbolic of Venus, and her mother was symbolic of the moon.

It is virtually impossible for anyone today to contradict what's in the Bible, because all the different interpretations are inaccurate. The Bible is written in ciphers and is not to be taken literally. Therefore, there is no unforgiveable sin, since all religions are man-made and follow man's made-up rules. It doesn't really matter if priests could marry. Priestly celibacy is a convenient facade for child rape.
In referring to celibacy, St. Paul says: "Indeed, I wish everyone to be as I am, but each has a particular gift from God . . .Now to the unmarried and to widows I say: it is a good thing for them to remain as they are, as I do" (1 Cor. 7:7-8). He goes on to say: "An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord. But a married man is anxious about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, and he is divided" (1 Cor. 7:32-34).
brianalexkim said:
In referring to celibacy, St. Paul says: "Indeed, I wish everyone to be as I am, but each has a particular gift from God . . .Now to the unmarried and to widows I say: it is a good thing for them to remain as they are, as I do" (1 Cor. 7:7-8). He goes on to say: "An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord. But a married man is anxious about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, and he is divided" (1 Cor. 7:32-34).
M*W: You're new to the forum, I know, but we've already been over this topic ad nauseum. Paul was homosexual. Therefore, it was against his very nature to be married, and history has proven him to be a misogynist of grand scale.

I recommend new members to the forum read the archives before posting for the first time. It would prevent the need for a lot of repetitive posting for those of us who have been here for a long time. After reading the interesting and controversial debates we have had on the subject of Paul, please feel free to comment.

In any event, welcome to sciforums.

~ Medicine*Woman

Hear my words:

There are two kinds of love. The first kind, is the kind of love between two humans. This love turns us away from the Lord, our father, God.

The second kind of love is the love to god. This is the love which me must all have within us!



P.S. I'm not christian ;)
Lady said:
The Bible doesn't say priest can't married so why is this a hang up for the Vatican? Sincerely, I don't undestand why the Vatican condems that which is blessed by God. No, marriage won't solve all the problems of the R.C.C, but perhaps it could have stopped alot of kids from being victimizied. So if you understand Catholicism please inform me why priest can't marry? I'm Christian but not Catholic, please explain the exact position of the Pope what he hopes to accomplish and the text used. In particular, when it comes to issues of marriage, what reason makes the Pope right and God wrong on any issue.
They don't marry because they are completely devoted to God, or at least that's what there supposed to do. I think it makes perfect sense, and I think that shows way more commitment to God.
Lady said:
The Bible doesn't say priest can't married so why is this a hang up for the Vatican? Sincerely, I don't undestand why the Vatican condems that which is blessed by God. No, marriage won't solve all the problems of the R.C.C, but perhaps it could have stopped alot of kids from being victimizied. So if you understand Catholicism please inform me why priest can't marry? I'm Christian but not Catholic, please explain the exact position of the Pope what he hopes to accomplish and the text used. In particular, when it comes to issues of marriage, what reason makes the Pope right and God wrong on any issue.
Catholics and Eastern Orthodox crutches...I-I mean 'churches', :)p) want thier priests and such to devote thier entire life to serving thier fictional god, instead of enjoying life.
Orthodox priest wannabe's are allowed to become priests if they're married, but unmarried priests are not allowed to marry... isn't that just fucked up?