Why one should believe in god

No. I know which church or service to bring them to depending on what they need. I have brought some who remained Jewish, but that's ok. I don't force anyone to do anything. It's their decision.

As far as existabrent's "I think that god is probably a lot of Bs"--hopefully he/she "gets it" before he/she dies and has to face God. Try explaining THAT comment. :eek:

And for Kenny's "It is obvious that man created god because there is no evidence for god." There is no evidence for love either and I still believe in it. :)

There may be more evidence of God than we even realize.


Interesting. If I'm ever in the west coast sometime, would you mind taking me through this process of yours? Plenty of friends and family, Muslim and Christian alike, have tried but failed to change my atheist ways... but none of them were professional fisher of men like you sandy. I'm wondering what's different about your methods.
It's going to take a lot to convince me to be an athiest.

Why doesn't some intellectual believer come here and help me out? I'm too dumbfolded to give any of my reasons for agnosticism.

Perhaps I should just go check out some other threads, though.

Do you believe in Zeus?
Yeah, sandy is to be ignored most of the time. "As far as existabrents "I think god is probbaly a load of Bs"- I hope he/she gets it before he/she has togo to heaven and face him."

What the fuck?!
You are telling that to every athiest in the world sandy!
I am too lazy to read some BS website that probably has some interesting answers, that is why I'm posting here... I doubt she can provide ANY answers though, instead she will go over to the site and copy and paste, or form some idiotic critique :D Shit, she wouldn't even do that.
If you don't I would consider the reasons as to why you don't and formulate my opinions from there. I don't believe in zeus, but if he appeared out of no where he'd scare the shit out of me :D
If you don't I would consider the reasons as to why you don't and formulate my opinions from there. I don't believe in zeus, but if he appeared out of no where he'd scare the shit out of me :D

Then I guess it's not going to take a lot to convince you to be an atheist, you already are one in regards to Zeus. :p
It's going to take a lot to convince me to be an athiest.

Why doesn't some intellectual believer come here and help me out? I'm too dumbfolded to give any of my reasons for agnosticism.

Perhaps I should just go check out some other threads, though.

Can you explain the nature of your agnostic viewpoint? Do you not know wether there's a creator or not, or do you think it's not possible to know?
Can you explain the nature of your agnostic viewpoint? Do you not know wether there's a creator or not, or do you think it's not possible to know?

Can you explain the nature of your agnostic viewpoint?


Do you know wether thers a creater or not, or do you think it's not possible to know?

This question begs to differ... :D
I am not going to consider holding an irrational perspective... I would like to find out about my beliefs, if you don't mind doing so rationally.. if you see what I mean? I do not know if there is a creator or not, no I don't... And I think that if it isn't possible to know, then the whole thing is sort of odd don't you think?

I am simply considering things , asking questions here on this board, looking for rational reasons people believe in god, as I believe light gigantic holds some rational reasons yes? I would like to find out these reasons, these things of belief.

I want to find the "level" so to speak, of thought, ..
sigh i am losing my self as is natural. Anyway, besides that, I'm just looking for stuff. See what I mean? If not that sucks, although that is what you should think. :confused:

Anywayz, there's my 3 cents.

Long time Spidergoat.
Can you explain the nature of your agnostic viewpoint?


Do you know wether thers a creater or not, or do you think it's not possible to know?

This question begs to differ... :D
I am not going to consider holding an irrational perspective... I would like to find out about my beliefs, if you don't mind doing so rationally.. if you see what I mean? I do not know if there is a creator or not, no I don't... And I think that if it isn't possible to know, then the whole thing is sort of odd don't you think?

I am simply considering things , asking questions here on this board, looking for rational reasons people believe in god, as I believe light gigantic holds some rational reasons yes? I would like to find out these reasons, these things of belief.

I want to find the "level" so to speak, of thought, ..
sigh i am losing my self as is natural. Anyway, besides that, I'm just looking for stuff. See what I mean? If not that sucks, although that is what you should think. :confused:

Anywayz, there's my 3 cents.

Long time Spidergoat.

You'll never find what you're looking for then. A theist's point of view isn't supposed to be based on being rational, it's based on faith and feelings and your heart etc.
Well then it is irrational, correct?
If we can call their perspective irrational, that means that it isn't right, right?
"faith, feelings and heart" are non-sence. The reason is your reason behind having faith? Like I would know-let's wait for spidergoats response.
Well then it is irrational, correct?
If we can call their perspective irrational, that means that it isn't right, right?
"faith, feelings and heart" are non-sence. The reason is your reason behind having faith? Like I would know-let's wait for spidergoats response.

Not necessarily. For example, a human being born sometime in BCE who had no proof that the earth was round but still claimed it was round would be irrational. It doesn't mean he was wrong.
I see. You do feel it's possible to come to a rational conclusion. Why should one believe in God? If you wish to do so, I could help you formulate your worldview...

People who believe in God usually believe in an afterlife, which they often say gives them comfort in times of stress or illness.

People who believe in God often go to a church, which is like an instant family, they offer support that those without an association which a church lack.

Scientists don't really know how the universe came about, so there's room there to postulate the existence of a God or Gods. Believing that the universe popped up for no reason is still just as irrational as a belief in God, but that could change. Perhaps the universe at some level does not behave in a rational cause and effect manner.

Religion offers society an instant guide to moral behavior, even if it is somewhat old fashioned and cannot anticipate technological innovations and other uniquely modern situations.

I could also give you my reasons why not to believe in God...
I understand how it can help formulate my world view, I think a lot ya know.

But I would rather find a point where I would have stronger arguement aganist people who say that Lightgigantic is wrong in his reasons for belief, or, if some of the greater philosophers are entirely wrong- I want to see it sort of cut throat yeah?