Why one should believe in god

I'm saying that people take different things from religion, just like they do from everything else. You could show the same movie to a 100,000 people and no two people might ever see it the same way. Thats to do with the people and their way of thinking, nothing to do with the movie itself.

Hence, gods are man-made.

Of course, you are, like many theists like to do, comparing the imaginative to reality. Doesn't work. You can't "show" anyone a god. Fallacy.
so I would need to believe in Santa before I could not believe in Santa?? I'm not trying to be argumentative. I trying to work my brain around this. :)

I think you need to recognise a concept before you can accept or reject it. If I were to travel back in time and ask a caveman if he believed in the internet, he would have no idea what it meant so how could he accept/reject it?
so I would need to believe in Santa before I could not believe in Santa?? I'm not trying to be argumentative. I trying to work my brain around this. :)

No, I think that all is required is to present the concept of Santa to someone, and they can then decide to believe or not believe.

Santa is the claim presented, just like a the claim of gods.
I think you need to recognise a concept before you can accept or reject it. If I were to travel back in time and ask a caveman if he believed in the internet, he would have no idea what it meant so how could he accept/reject it?

Fallacious argument. You could actually demonstrate the internet to the caveman.

How do you demonstrate Santa? Or a god?
Hence, gods are man-made.

Of course, you are, like many theists like to do, comparing the imaginative to reality. Doesn't work. You can't "show" anyone a god. Fallacy.

You can present a concept and they can accept or reject it. Thats as true for a hypothesis or a scientific argument etc as it is for anything else. I cannot "show" you the dark side of the moon or the source of gravity either, but I'm pretty sure you believe they exist.;)
You can present a concept and they can accept or reject it. Thats as true for a hypothesis or a scientific argument etc as it is for anything else. I cannot "show" you the dark side of the moon either, but I'm pretty sure you believe it exists.;)

Again, you are comparing the imaginative to reality, as a scientific argument and the dark side of the moon can be demonstrated. Fallacious.
Fallacious argument. You could actually demonstrate the internet to the caveman.

How do you demonstrate Santa? Or a god?

Really, and he would understand that information is being transmitted from one place to another? You must have met more cave men than I.:p
Really, and he would understand that information is being transmitted from one place to another? You must have met more cave men than I.:p

Nice try to divert the discussion to a more fallacious undertone. Didn't work.

The fact is that the internet can be demonstrated and the caveman can understand it.

Again, can you demonstrate Santa or your god? Not likely.
Again, you are comparing the imaginative to reality, as a scientific argument and the dark side of the moon can be demonstrated. Fallacious.

Well I could use theoretical arguments but they are uninteresting to you.

e.g. "Hubble himself made it clear that he was very uncomfortable with the ‘recession factor’ being attributed to him as ‘The Hubble Expansion’." If one just sticks to the facts, Hubble concluded, "There is no evidence of expansion and no restriction of the time scale, no trace of spatial curvature..."

This was five years after the "Einstein-DeSitter Cosmological Model" declared an Expanding Universe based on "Hubble’s Law".

e.g. 2
Heisenberg produced The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle" (HUP). He said: "...something strange happens when I try to measure position and momentum.... There is no problem in the macroscopic world...but in the Quantum Mechanical world, the idea that we can measure things accurately breaks down.... There is an uncertainty associated with each measurement...which I can never get rid of even in a perfect experiment... [Moreover] We do not know if this indeterminism is actually the way the universe actually behaves in a probabilistic manner (there are many paths a particle can follow and the observed path is chosen probabilistically) or if the universe is deterministic in the sense that I can predict the path a particle will follow with 100% certainty."

Which leads me to question. Are we measuring what we think we are measuring? When we "demonstrate" something, is that real or just what we can measure/see?
Well I could use theoretical arguments but they are uninteresting to you.

No, you are using arguments in which you don't understand the subject matter. Typical theist.

Which leads me to question. Are we measuring what we think we are measuring? When we "demonstrate" something, is that real or just what we can measure/see?

Are you asking a philosophical question?
Nice try to divert the discussion to a more fallacious undertone. Didn't work.

The fact is that the internet can be demonstrated and the caveman can understand it.

Again, can you demonstrate Santa or your god? Not likely.

I guess its just a different way of thinking. You prefer to induce and I prefer to adduce.:shrug:
Ran out of gas, again? Seems to happen every time the hard questions come out.

Me run out of gas? :D

Nah, I see no more reason to have pointless arguments with you. Now that I know the signs.;)
Me run out of gas? :D

Nah, I see no more reason to have pointless arguments with you. Now that I know the signs.;)

Of course, you're finally realizing that your god fantasies can't stand up to hard questions.
Let me get this straight:

Gods are man-made hence gods do not exist? Q?>>> I would have to ask this to someone like lightgiantic or lebinez, or spinoza, or Kant, Nietzsche, any of the truely great minds or even to the contribution of the philosophic minds... Most likely they would reply with some sort of "no"....
Pretty much. People have been inventing explanations for phenomenon like the stars, lightning, floods, ect., for a long time. It's only with rise of science that we are able to see these things for what they are- well meaning but ultimately wrong.
It's going to take a lot to convince me to be an athiest.

Why doesn't some intellectual believer come here and help me out? I'm too dumbfolded to give any of my reasons for agnosticism.

Perhaps I should just go check out some other threads, though.